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dan 2008-08-19 19:40

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
How do I reclone?
wait. I have dual boot working. Maemo works. I can see the user directory in File manager briefly and then it dsappears. Help. HAHAHAHA!!!!! Gotta laugh.
My Easy Debian apps all work and are back in Extra menu. I got a frigging mouse pointer on my screens (pretty cool) I want to keep mouse pointer!

fatalsaint 2008-08-19 19:44

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
You would reclone by booting into flash, uninstalling the clone deb if it's installed, and reinstalling it.. (or using the advanced cloner)... but it will reformat your internal MMC.

File Manager shows it briefly because it's been coded to check for those specific files.. but once it updates they aren't there and it dissapears (I actually manually removed mine a while ago and got the same behavior)..

Debian still works because all of it's apps are just re-creating it's home directory entries.. Maemo's apps should run but will also recreate their own directories and all your settings will be lost. But the File Manager does NOT recreate the default Maemo .videos, .sounds, .images, .documents and whatever else is in there by default.

I've never seen that mouse pointer... that's kinda cool but I have no idea what setting directory that stuff would be under..

dan 2008-08-19 19:46

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
help me keep the mouse pointer. PLEASE. HAHAHAHA! QTStalker still loads but does not work.

dan 2008-08-19 19:51

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
I just realized I made a duplicate copy of my user/ directory and I still have it in my mmc1. Any way to copy it from mmc1 to mmc2 and put it in file manager??

fatalsaint 2008-08-19 19:51

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Dont reflash then.. just re-setup all your apps and your settings... and recreate the following as a user:


mkdir ~/MyDocs
mkdir ~/MyDocs/.documents
mkdir ~/MyDocs/.images
mkdir ~/MyDocs/.sounds
mkdir ~/MyDocs/.videos

There is probably others.. but like I said.. I toasted my defaults a while ago :).

For the copy.. is that in the debian side?? You would run:


cp -rp /media/mmc1/path/to/home/user /home/user
Just make sure that the current maemo /home/user isn't mounted over the top of the source (IE: If the source is Debian's Home.. umount debians home first.. umount /debian/home/user)

dan 2008-08-19 19:53

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
I like this!! I'm learning a lot. I don't understand what I'm learning but I'm learning no less. It's so cool having a mouse pointer being lead by my finger or stylus.

fatalsaint 2008-08-19 19:54

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Im used to it.. Bootable Debian has it all the time :). Never seen it in maemo though.. thats pretty nifty. I imagine those that install the USB mouse hack/trick have to have it though...

Which reminds me.. I need to go search how they did that so I can get a USB mouse to work in debian..

BrentDC 2008-08-19 19:56

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Do you have Backups via the nokia backup software? Restoring Documents and maybe settings might may need to create some of the default folders first, though.

dan 2008-08-19 20:01

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
OK do I do this in xterm or chroot??
I have never done any of this so bear with me.


Originally Posted by fatalsaint (Post 215439)
Dont reflash then.. just re-setup all your apps and your settings... and recreate the following as a user:


mkdir ~/MyDocs
mkdir ~/MyDocs/.documents
mkdir ~/MyDocs/.images
mkdir ~/MyDocs/.sounds
mkdir ~/MyDocs/.videos

There is probably others.. but like I said.. I toasted my defaults a while ago :).

For the copy.. is that in the debian side?? You would run:


cp -rp /media/mmc1/path/to/home/user /home/user
Just make sure that the current maemo /home/user isn't mounted over the top of the source (IE: If the source is Debian's Home.. umount debians home first.. umount /debian/home/user)

Lost me after 'For the copy'. Debian resides somewhere in mmc1 as a large .ext file. The copy file I called Digiworld Folder and I copied and pasted a few days ago all the files in user directory from file manager.
I hope this helps explain. I'm keeping the mouse.

dan 2008-08-19 20:03

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
The order of the user files are as follows Audio clips, Documents, Games, Images, instal-tools, QTODO, Video clips.

fatalsaint 2008-08-19 20:13

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
You would do those commands from xterm.. not from Chroot - although it wouldn't really matter as long as you were the user "user" and not root in the debian chroot (because he mounts the home drive over /home). But yeah.. simple: use xterm.

Make those directories by hand.

When I said "for the copy" it was a bit out of place.. sorry.. I had submitted my original and then saw your post about how to copy the backups over.. so INSTEAD of manually recreating the directories in the first half.. if you know the FULL PATH to the backup directory in /media/mmc1 .. you would run that copy command from xterm, as user. If you don't know the full path.. try:


find /media/mmc1 -iname Digiworld*
If that outputs a path for you then copy/paste that path into the cp -pr command.

dan 2008-08-19 20:31

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Good news. As soon as I followed your 'mkdir' instructions I got back my original folders. Do I now delete the duplicate ones I made.They don't have the icons the original ones have. Guys thanks for all your help.

fatalsaint 2008-08-19 20:33

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Im confused? What duplicates? Running the mkdir commands should only create one folder.. and File Manager should use it as it's own folder.. you shouldn't have duplicates unless the name isn't quite right.

Also now that you have them bakc and showing in the File Manager.. you could probably go copy your backup files over to their right directories in file manager.

dan 2008-08-19 20:43

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Now should I try this again?? :)
I really want to get QTSTalker running.


Originally Posted by qole (Post 215398)

I noticed you ran qtstalker as root. That's almost always a bad idea. I still suspect that your permissions are causing you grief.

From the [root@Debian] prompt, do this:


rm -r /home/user/.qtstalker
hilda qtstalker

This should delete your qtstalker settings and force the program to re-create them. And since you're running qtstalker as user now (notice the "hilda" in there? Don't forget it!) your permissions should be correct.

If it doesn't run still, post your terminal output...

fatalsaint 2008-08-19 20:48

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
lol I like your spirit dan.

You may want to check if it even exists.. you did just clean out your entire home directory lol.


ls -la /home/user | grep qtstalker
If it exists see if it says root root or user user next to it.

If it exists and is root.. delete it.. if it exists and is user.. its fine.. if it doesn't exists.. it's fine.

dan 2008-08-19 20:56

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
I copied all the backup file into my file manager user folders thanks for all your help. I really don't want to start the Deblet with KDE v4 until I find a way to make a mirror backup of mmc2 including Diablo, dual boot, maemo, kde. I want to help you guys test out Debian apps and such.

qole 2008-08-19 20:57

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Whew, that was quite the exciting saga! Just make sure NOT to run qtstalker WITHOUT the hilda in front...

fatalsaint 2008-08-19 20:59

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
I loaded KDE4 again last night for giggles (and because I ported more debs)..

It really does run like crap :lol:.

KDE4 should be in the non-existent thread entitled "Debian apps that run like trash on the Tablets". I went through the settings.. i couldn't find a single thing to turn off to make it speedier. I mean.. it's "usable"; in a rather loose and patient use of the word; definitely not recommended when there are speedier alternatives.

dan 2008-08-19 21:05

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Is this good or bad??

BusyBox v1.6.1 (2008-05-22 10:32:35 EEST) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

/home/user # ls -la /home/user | grep qtstalker
drwxr-xr-x 3 user users 4096 Aug 19 15:01 .qtstalker
/home/user #

fatalsaint 2008-08-19 21:06

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
looks fine to me.


ls -la /home/user/.qtstalker
Should produce a bunch of files that have the same beginning.. the important part being the "user users" section in the middle.

dan 2008-08-19 21:12

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
How does this look to you??

/home/user # ls -la /home/user/.qtstalker
drwxr-xr-x 3 user users 4096 Aug 19 15:01 .
drwxr-x--- 22 user users 4096 Aug 19 16:23 ..
drwxr-xr-x 11 user users 4096 Aug 19 15:46 data0
/home/user #

fatalsaint 2008-08-19 21:16

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
It looks like it's not a permissions problem.
Unfortunately I know nothing about the program and so I can't really troubleshoot.. if it runs and you can configure it then I find it strange it won't open what you need..

run it as user from the terminal.. (using hilda or debbie).. and then try and open one of your files.. see if the terminal outputs any errors or failures..

dan 2008-08-19 21:20

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Now to redo my custom menus.
Has anyone figured out where the ooo-gulls.png file resides?? I need it so that I can place the icons on Debian apps in my custom menu. They all have the same dumb icon as open office. :(
That was fun!! Thanks for all your help Fatalsaint, Qole and BrentDC.
And remember when you see a . after a / DOOONNNNN""""TTTTTT leave a space. I don't know why but if you do you will end up with a beautiful mouse pointer on all your hildon screens BBUUTTT and I mean BBBUUUTTTT you won't have a working home directory, dual boot, etc.. Hehehehehe. LOL, Dn

qole 2008-08-19 21:31

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
So I tried qtstalker, and when I try downloading quotes from Yahoo, I'm getting a whole bunch of "Bad Date" errors, with goofy years. There's something wacky going on there. This might be something to ask the qtstalker people about... I really don't know my way around qtstalker at all. But I don't get any of the errors you posted, so I think those were related to permissions.

dan 2008-08-19 21:45

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
I got those bad dates too. So I just deleted the the first numeber on the dates. It says it downloads the data alright. I'm wondering if we are missing a lib or another app that helps. It looks like a great app. Online they rave about how you can customise the searches for data in realtime. This is a dream come true for me if I could get realtime quotes with a set of data I setup on an N800 no less!! Trades spend tens of thousands of dollars for equipment and software to do what this amazing little app can do. This is what Trolltech is bring to the table. They also did the KDE stuff!! This why I want to learn Debian, QT and linux so I can fully use the great video/audio player but a full blown computer with aircrack capabilities, transmission, rss reader, gps, etc... and hopefully soon a 3g phone with hdmi port, projector, worm hole creator, laser munition, camera with thermal infared night vision and a microwave for cooking on my hikes, least I forget run by hydrogen/soler array nano batteries. hehehehe.

qole 2008-08-19 21:47

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Screenshot of my QTStalker errors:

EDIT: I'm betting that there's a problem in the date format between the Yahoo service and the QTStalker Yahoo downloader. The frustrating thing is there seems to be no way to modify that.

EDIT2: Looks like we're not the only ones having this problem...

Looks like Yahoo have changed the data web address. I think the only way to fix this is download from CVS and compile the latest version.

dan 2008-08-19 22:10

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
When you go into Yahoo menu just select quote that will give you correct dates. Then you will see it downloads the files correctly. Athough the left side of the screen the files look blank. This is a really powerful financial tool. Need to get it working. TIA

edit: I see.

dan 2008-08-19 22:34

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
I see. Well this guy just recomplied in June of this year. Can you look and see if it could be used in our Easy Debian repository??

fatalsaint 2008-08-19 22:35

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
I could prolly try a recompile for ARMEL when I get home.. go throw the link in my request for apps thread so it doesn't get lost.

dan 2008-08-19 23:25

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Thanks Fatalsaint. I put on your recompile thread.

qole 2008-08-19 23:43

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Another update!

QTParted seems to do what GParted cannot: It can resize fat32 partitions!

I'm trying it out on my 160GB USB HDD right now; I'm shrinking the fat32 partition to 133 GB and adding a 16 GB ext3 partition.

QTParted is great. It seems much more polished than GParted; it doesn't need a list of devices (it detects them all) and it has better info.

Here's a screenshot post-successful-repartition!

EDIT2: It doesn't seem to handle the SD cards very well, however. It shows every partition as a separate device. I wonder if that's an artifact of the chroot mounting process? Hmm.

BrentDC 2008-08-20 00:57

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets

Originally Posted by dan (Post 215502)
Now to redo my custom menus.
Has anyone figured out where the ooo-gulls.png file resides?? I need it so that I can place the icons on Debian apps in my custom menu. They all have the same dumb icon as open office. :(

This is actually more complicated than you'd think.

ooo-gulls.png is located in "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/"

You want to place your icons there, too, with a size of 64x64. Once you do that, you'll want to link to it in your .desktop, but you don't need to use the entire patth, just it's name (I think?). Then you want to run this command in the terminal as root:


gtk-update-icon-cache -f /usr/share/icons/hicolor/
It should now work, tell me how it goes.

BrentDC 2008-08-20 03:15

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets

Originally Posted by qole (Post 215405)
Thanks BrentDC for fielding the questions; people seem to listen to you more than to me, for some reason. I guess I'm not spelling things out clearly enough...

Hey, no problem.

You know as Debian becomes more and more popular, it will become a support nightmare; there seems to ba a lot of little tricks to know.

You should probably create a PDF doc of all about what exactly debian is, what your chroot scripts do, where deban is mounted, how the [root@debian] prompt works, how to create application menu items, how to use Synaptic to manage installed programs, different commands to launch apps (hilda, etc.), warnings to be careful not to run out of room, not run apps as root, advanced user section on how to create and install debian on an ext partition, where the chroot scripts are stored, tips & tricks, great applications, etc. You know, just something to start with :rolleyes: And what would be cool, would be if during installation of Easy-Debian, copying this file to the users ~/.documents/ directory.

qole 2008-08-20 04:37

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
yeaahh... I'll be glad to proof-read your attempt :D

I would be glad to help build a Debian wiki entry over at, but it really is an immense amount of work to do that sort of stuff. It seems to me that this whole thing is advanced enough that someone can do some searching to find the info they need, or ask their questions in this forum.

My opening post on Easy Debian is right at the edge of the size limit as it is...

dan 2008-08-20 05:13

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Guys I don't know if this is a first or what but my crash earlier produced an unbelievable event that I think is laying dormant in the Nxx's. Remember how I mentioned earlier that I had a mouse pointer. Well I connected a bluetooth mouse and it not only worked(it didn't before only wireless mouses, but I have right click in Hildon, KDE, and all of the apps in Easy Debian!!!! I'm finding menus in Debian I did not see before. QTStalker lite up with menus everywhere. I'm trying to do screenshots but I can't find where loadapplet is now sending my screenshot same for IceWM. Anyone care to tell me how I can fix this.
Hey I want to help with debian. As you can see I'm great at testing destructively wrong ways to go about doing commands and I never panic when hell breaks lose. Hehehehe. Seriously I want to help. Don't know anything about apps or code but I like doing crazy stuff. I work insane hours but in my freetime I can contribute. Thanks for all your help today. let's find this hidden mouse feature that Nokia has buried in its darkest code chamber.

qole 2008-08-20 05:46

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Dan, did you have any of the mouse-related packages installed on your tablet?
What you're suggesting is that something in the /home/user directory (which you nuked) is suppressing mouse-related behaviors. That's weird!

dan 2008-08-20 06:25

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
I had no mouse related stuff. I reflashed about a week ago and reformatted my sdhc cards. I nuked everything not just the directory. Web, hildon, etc... only thing that was not hit was Easy Debian and that's because I had it on mmc1. Everything on mmc2 was nuked even dual boot. That's why I'm thinking Nokia has full mouse functions surpressed. Mouse is fantastic especially now on hildon main screen and in Debian screen and all apps.

dan 2008-08-20 06:50

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
BrentDc the actual size was 48x48 but it still doesn't work. :( Now I have even uglier small square boxes. Any ideas? It is the right path. I'm also getting in xterm when I type emelfm2 I get the following message, ' /home/user/.osso/current-gtk-key-theme:1: Unable to find include file: "keybindings.rc" ' Any ideas. I might just uninstall emelfm2 and reinstall but I don't know if that will create more problems. TIA

BrentDC 2008-08-20 15:28

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets

Originally Posted by dan (Post 215651)
BrentDc the actual size was 48x48 but it still doesn't work. :( Now I have even uglier small square boxes. Any ideas? It is the right path. I'm also getting in xterm when I type emelfm2 I get the following message, ' /home/user/.osso/current-gtk-key-theme:1: Unable to find include file: "keybindings.rc" ' Any ideas. I might just uninstall emelfm2 and reinstall but I don't know if that will create more problems. TIA

I think that has something to do with you blowing up /home/user/...Maybe that's why the icons aren't working?

dan 2008-08-20 17:12

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
BrentDc If I go and put ooo-gulls.png on any app in that folder it changes icon to ooo-gulls.png and if I change it back it to its original .png it goes back. Any ideas?

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