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mobiledivide 2008-10-27 21:19

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
I just bought a PS3 and this would kick butt as a media keyboard/remote control for the PS3. Have it working with my XP tablet, great little app.

qole 2008-10-27 22:06

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
I wish there was something like this app that ran over TCP, instead of BT. You would probably have to install some sort of daemon on the computer to be controlled, but after that, you could send any keystrokes / mouse events you liked to that computer from the tablet, as long as the two had a "clear route" between them on the network.

lcuk 2008-10-27 22:10

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
I agree with qole totally, remove the blue part and allow it to be tied to a specific machine (or set of) and you remove lots of hurdles.

this is how my extremely simplistic tv remote control works (python on device, vb on desktop), and from the day I have had it to today its worked flawlessly.
as long as I have a network connection I can control the volume from anywhere in the world.

*btw, i didnt literally mean strip out the bluetooth connection, merely add a new connection path

HeadbangerX 2008-10-28 00:26

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
I also I agree with the previous 2 posters. If that were added this would be even more amazing.

Thesandlord 2008-10-28 01:17

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Yes, this would be great over WiFi. I'm converting a old *** computer in the garage into a HTPC, and it does not have bluetooth. While I could do a daisy chain via my computer, a native WiFi mode will be cool.

Maybe daemons for Linux and XP and Mac are necessary, but I think there could be preexisting programs. Duh, there already is! Its synergy! If BlueMaemo could include synergy support (or something like that), that would be SO COOL.

Snoshrk 2008-10-28 01:56

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Please excuse me while my head explodes thinking of the possibilities :eek:

Having this work over wifi would be the icing on the cake:D

Hey VDVsx....If you didn't get an extremely high grade for your work on this...I think there are enough of us that we could start an email campaign to the Prof.....;)

Great Job!

Bundyo 2008-10-28 06:08

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by qole (Post 237107)
I wish there was something like this app that ran over TCP, instead of BT. You would probably have to install some sort of daemon on the computer to be controlled, but after that, you could send any keystrokes / mouse events you liked to that computer from the tablet, as long as the two had a "clear route" between them on the network.

Cough, cough, Synergy2, cough... :D With some hacking though...

Laughing Man 2008-10-28 07:30

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
I kinda like it having bluetooth support more then tcp over over the net. You don't always have an internet connection when u do presentations.

allnameswereout 2008-10-28 09:02

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by Thesandlord (Post 237151)
Yes, this would be great over WiFi. I'm converting a old *** computer in the garage into a HTPC, and it does not have bluetooth. While I could do a daisy chain via my computer, a native WiFi mode will be cool.

For now, a solution might be a BlueTooth USB stick. This costs only a few USD/EUR/whatever.

lcuk 2008-10-28 10:08

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
that isnt a solution if you have to keep getting up everytime you want to use it to reconnect it.

I never have to worry about such things with my normal remote control, why should I with this?

fredoll 2008-10-28 10:30

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
I suppose the lirc daemon could be used for the server part ...

VDVsx 2008-10-28 10:34

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 237196)
I kinda like it having bluetooth support more then tcp over over the net. You don't always have an internet connection when u do presentations.

You are totally right, with tcp support you gain some features but loss others.

VDVsx 2008-10-28 10:38

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by lcuk (Post 237220)
that isnt a solution if you have to keep getting up everytime you want to use it to reconnect it.

I never have to worry about such things with my normal remote control, why should I with this?

I will implement the reconnection feature in the next BlueMaemo version, after that you only have to pair the device once, and you can reconnect the device only in the n8x0 side.

tso 2008-10-28 11:18

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
hmm, i get "invalid pnp service record length" from hcid when i try to pair it here...

VDVsx 2008-10-28 11:22

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by tso (Post 237230)
hmm, i get "invalid pnp service record length" from hcid when i try to pair it here...

Linux distro and BlueZ-utils version ?

tso 2008-10-28 11:43

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by VDVsx (Post 237231)
Linux distro and BlueZ-utils version ?

gobolinux, bluez-utils 3.34

hmm, upgraded to 3.36, cleared out the settings file (it was a mess) still same error...

AsiQue 2008-10-28 14:32

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
i'm running os2008 on a 770 and when i try to run bluemamemo i get (in terminal) illigle instruction....
nayone have an idea?

VDVsx 2008-10-28 15:00

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by tso (Post 237236)
gobolinux, bluez-utils 3.34

hmm, upgraded to 3.36, cleared out the settings file (it was a mess) still same error...

I already tested BlueMaemo successfully with BlueZ 3.36, are you using the 'hidd' command ?

tso 2008-10-28 15:08

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
incoming "duh" moment...

seems im missing hidd for whatever reason...

no, i was using kinputwizard. the error message was showing up in the system log...

hmm, found this in the output of kinputwizard:
kinputwizard: libkbluetooth: getString(CreateDevice): Not supported

VDVsx 2008-10-28 15:37

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by tso (Post 237309)
incoming "duh" moment...

seems im missing hidd for whatever reason...

no, i was using kinputwizard. the error message was showing up in the system log...

hmm, found this in the output of kinputwizard:
kinputwizard: libkbluetooth: getString(CreateDevice): Not supported

BlueZ suffered big changes starting in the 3.33 version, a lot of bugs appear due this changes, the hidd daemon is removed in some versions and now appear again in the newer version, in my opinion the more stable versions are the 3.26 (shipped in ubuntu 8.04) - 3.32.
The error that you described about kinputwizard should occur due a incompatible BlueZ version with kinputwizard.
The other error should be a BlueZ bug, because the service record on BlueMaemo describe a mouse and keyboard combo, this version probably doesn't accept combo devices.

VDVsx 2008-10-28 15:40

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by AsiQue (Post 237297)
i'm running os2008 on a 770 and when i try to run bluemamemo i get (in terminal) illigle instruction....
nayone have an idea?

No idea:(
Some guys said in previous posts that 770 use a different set of instructions. Canola run in your device ?

qole 2008-10-28 16:46

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
I would be very interested in lirc compatibility.

fpp 2008-10-28 19:48

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by VDVsx (Post 237322)
No idea:(
Some guys said in previous posts that 770 use a different set of instructions. Canola run in your device ?

Probably not. Canola installs but does not run under OS2008HE, and fails with the same message as BlueMaemo (Illegal instruction).

I suspect it is a problem with the 16-bit EFL on the 770.

fpp 2008-10-28 19:51

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by VDVsx (Post 237225)
I will implement the reconnection feature in the next BlueMaemo version, after that you only have to pair the device once, and you can reconnect the device only in the n8x0 side.

Great, that is the main missing part right now, and will make BM really usable. I prefer it to stay BT rather than go Wifi, it's better for pranks :-)

speculatrix 2008-10-28 20:49

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
I'd be very interested to know if this could be ported to the Zaurus, as that has keyboard and touch screen.. the combination is not much more expensive than a logitech dinovo mini and of course offers far more options!

Bundyo 2008-10-28 21:16

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
There are versions of Canola that work on 770, the standard from the chinook repo doesn't work... understandably. BlueMaemo can be compiled for 770 with some minor make system modifications (look for 770 in NumptyPhysics thread).

Bundyo 2008-10-28 21:34

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

fpp 2008-10-28 21:40

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
OK, so there's hope still, even if OS2008HE is never updated again :-)

VDVsx 2008-10-28 21:54

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 237425)

Thanks for this information :D

nilchak 2008-10-29 00:42

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Thanks for BlueMaemo - its a great tool for using with my media computer connected to the TV - light keyboard use and mouse control to start stop the media player.

One thing which I really liked is the onscreen keyboard used in BM ? What is this keyboard software ? I like the intuitive KeyTapmagnification (like the iPhone keyboard ?)

Can this onscreen keyboard be integrated anyway into the regular Maemo interface in any way ? There seems to be some threads about OSK's but I am too much of a novice in this - hence my questions ...

But thanks again for this great software.

Laughing Man 2008-10-29 03:12

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
I think it's done through python edge? Though I'm not sure how the magnification helps since the iPhone uses it to predict which keys you will help while this just seems to be making it bigger.

nilchak 2008-10-29 05:21

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Thanks for the clarification.
I never used the iPhone, just saw some videos - so was wrong about the iPhone soft keyboard comparison I guess.

But neverthless I like this keyboard and would love to see this interface as a standard on Maemo.

AsiQue 2008-10-29 09:33

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
I'm ready to test it the moment someone compile it to the 770....
just let me know...

VDVsx 2008-10-29 10:39

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 237483)
I think it's done through python edge? Though I'm not sure how the magnification helps since the iPhone uses it to predict which keys you will help while this just seems to be making it bigger.

Yes the keyboard is done with python edge, is available in the python-efl demos (the layout and design is made by the INdT-Brazil).

AsiQue 2008-10-29 14:14

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
are you going to try to compile it for the 770?

HeadbangerX 2008-10-29 16:20

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
I can't wait until it has reconnect implemented. I love this thing so far. It is perfect for media center and it keeps my n800 from collecting dust.

VDVsx 2008-10-29 17:44

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by AsiQue (Post 237572)
are you going to try to compile it for the 770?

I will try it, but right now is impossible, lots of work at the university :(

allnameswereout 2008-10-29 23:17

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
I had to install bluez-compat on Intrepid (for the /usr/bin/hidd binary). Now it works.

frethop 2008-10-30 01:53

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
It would be VERY COOL if this worked with my N95 8GB phone. Right now, I try to hook up the "keyboard" and the phone just rejects the N810 with an error message.

Kytrix 2008-11-01 22:02

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
hi, i can't connect from Gnome to my n810.
the n810 is added as trusted device but when I click on connect, nothing append :/

on Hardy the bluetooth applet bug before pairing, on intrepid its pair but do nothing on connect !

I try on another PC under Kubuntu intrepid and its work great !

and the hidd -connet sait my device is down ! but it"s up (hcitool scan confirm)

help will be great !

I'm so frustred to see it work on another computer lool

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