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mfortner 2009-01-28 13:10

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
You need to enable swap using the pb menu. You can check the swap in the terminal by typing 'free' with no ' marks of course.

Rassilon7 2009-01-29 03:08

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
I've just tried to do a backup and I got

You have selected to backup all data on /dev/mtdblock4 to Error:
--Radiolist, have 4. Use --help to
List options

Is this correct

I was trying to back up the internal flash to an external 2 GB card, I tried it as a fat partitioned card and as an ext3 partition.

Any ideas?


penguinbait 2009-01-29 15:44

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

Originally Posted by Rassilon7 (Post 260687)
I've just tried to do a backup and I got

You have selected to backup all data on /dev/mtdblock4 to Error:
--Radiolist, have 4. Use --help to
List options

Is this correct

I was trying to back up the internal flash to an external 2 GB card, I tried it as a fat partitioned card and as an ext3 partition.

Any ideas?


This is the first version and Backups can only be taken to ext2 or ext3 partitions. You cannot backup to FAT. The main problem I kept having is it would truncate my names on some FAT partitions to 8.3 naming convention. My logic in Full and Inc backups require longer names to make them more useful to me. The next version will have a simple full backup to FAT partitions, with no extended functionality.

The main reason I released proior to adding this is because the new SSU had come out and I did not want to update all my old packages.

If you create a ext2 partition on the card you can then backup to it.

You can also access ext2 and ext3 partitions from Windows using

Note ext3 is readonly

Edit I just re-read your post.

So can you walk me through the exact steps to failure?

You were backing up FLASH to ext3 and it fails?

Rassilon7 2009-01-30 00:03

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
I partitioned the card using partition on PBeasy (created 3 partitions), it rebooted, I ran PB and went to Backup, I selected the flash memory (256mb) I got the above error message.

penguinbait 2009-01-30 00:32

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

Originally Posted by Rassilon7 (Post 260901)
I partitioned the card using partition on PBeasy (created 3 partitions), it rebooted, I ran PB and went to Backup, I selected the flash memory (256mb) I got the above error message.

OK, did you clone after pbeasy?

pbeasy is designed to clone. If you don't clone, the ext3 partition will not be formatted. It get formatted during the cloning process. Since it was not formatted pb could not see it so it could not backup to it. If you intend to just use it as backup space then just run pb and run MKFS menu to format it.

nrune 2009-01-30 00:53

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Got a problem with running PBeasy.

So I select the partition and then enter the size, and get to enter fat partition 64-0 and when I enter any number I get a message "Only intergers between 64 and 0 may be entered." No mater what I do or how I enter it.

I tried to get it to work via SSH, but I can never get initial blue selection screen.

Any ideas?

Rassilon7 2009-01-30 01:40

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Worked a treat, thank you very much.

Snoshrk 2009-01-30 01:50

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

Originally Posted by nrune (Post 260913)
Got a problem with running PBeasy.

So I select the partition and then enter the size, and get to enter fat partition 64-0 and when I enter any number I get a message "Only intergers between 64 and 0 may be entered." No mater what I do or how I enter it.

I tried to get it to work via SSH, but I can never get initial blue selection screen.

Any ideas?

N800 or N810?
I had a hard time getting past that point using the virtual kbd on my N800. It worked much better with the BT Kbd.

penguinbait 2009-01-30 03:27

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

Originally Posted by nrune (Post 260913)
Got a problem with running PBeasy.

So I select the partition and then enter the size, and get to enter fat partition 64-0 and when I enter any number I get a message "Only intergers between 64 and 0 may be entered." No mater what I do or how I enter it.

I tried to get it to work via SSH, but I can never get initial blue selection screen.

Any ideas?

If you run it over ssh be sure to run it as user "user"

After ssh login as root run "su - user"

Then run pbeasy

Are you running on n800?

FRZ 2009-01-30 05:14

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

Originally Posted by penguinbait (Post 258452)
you must run "sudo /etc/init.d/ start" or become root and then run it.

also please run this

cat /etc/fstab

Sorry for getting back to you late. I've been distrated for a bit. I did it as root and the error message was the same.

here is the result for cat /etc/fstab
rootfs / rootfs defaults,errors=remount-ro,noatime 0 0
/dev/mmcblk0p1 /media/mmc1 vfat rw,noauto,nodev,noexec,nosuid,utf8,uid=29999 0 0

chrisvnh 2009-01-30 05:14

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
kudos to Penguinbait!

i am a middle-aged, barely technical computer user. i was miserable with DOS......taught myself to be proficient with diff versions of windows over the years and most comfortable using GUIs.

never interested in apple and always wanted to get away from windows but linux seemed daunting and i figured that n800 was the place to get my feet wet. i have played around with my n800 for a coupla weeks runnin maemo apps etc. and used up the native 256MB memory pretty quick.....decided to dive in.

i am now running OS08 43.7 clone on partitioned 8GB internal card. 3.5GB for the clone and using 500MB for the swap partition.......remaining partitioned 4GB for holding data? i also have a 16GB card in the external slot to hold backups as well as media and game files.

how did i do it? i followed the directions from the first page and other penguinbait postings.

i backed up my original install and settings. did a fresh flash of OS08. i downloaded ROXTURN...i kept reading about using XTURN to "check" things or probs....couldnt find xturn so got roxturn.

downloaded "console tools" and installed it. used roxturn to run "pb" first and then "pbeasy"......for ME...i found parts of both worked better to do all the steps to get me partitioned and cloned and bootmenued

being VERY used to windows GUIs and progress took me awhile to get used to blindly waiting. maybe i was hung up or just impatient but i went through the install process and rebooting a coupla times. each time i got more used to the PB and PBEASY interface i got it all partitioned and formated in 2 tries and my 3rd reboot got me a "boot menu with a choice of, internal flash ....internal mmc card p2 ext3......and power off (when not on charger)

i go to choice two...and presto....i go to my clone on my internal card where i then did a restore backup. now i have all the functions i had last week but with a ton more memory and am hoping that this will all make my n800 experience richer.

i HIGHLY recommend this UPGRADE to any other newbie who has a little interest and a good sized SDHC card (8GB-$19 at STAPLES)

i only have two wishes.

(1.) now that i have done this and have an x terminal there someplace i can go to LEARN about how to do more a Linux for Dummies? and i would REALLY like to fig out how to make what is now zoom level 120% my default level because of my older eyes? i would prefer to zoom out if things got too crowded in an app instead of having to zoom in on all of them.

(2.) i saw a link to make a donation to penguinbait on one of these many pages but my tired eyes wont let me find it again. if someone could please point me in the right direction please?

thanks - chrisvnh

ps - since i reflashed and cloned...everytime i boot up....i get a weird audio bite of a guy speaking with an accent(i think).....i think he says something like "Hello...........(and i think maybe something about Phoenix?)" only like 8 words long. can anyone tell me what this is? and where i can find it? and how the heck do i disable it?

FRZ 2009-01-30 05:18

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
just so you know, I do enjoy your program. As far as i am concern, my device runs good cloned. The swap issue is not a big deal really. Lots of appreciation here.

FRZ 2009-01-30 05:24

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

Originally Posted by chrisvnh (Post 260944)

ps - since i reflashed and cloned...everytime i boot up....i get a weird audio bite of a guy speaking with an accent(i think).....i think he says something like "Hello...........(and i think maybe something about Phoenix?)" only like 8 words long. can anyone tell me what this is? and where i can find it? and how the heck do i disable it?

LOL, funny. That's Linus Torval saying how he pronounce linux. Sorry if my spelling is bad.

nrune 2009-01-30 11:26

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

If you run it over ssh be sure to run it as user "user"

After ssh login as root run "su - user"

Then run pbeasy

Are you running on n800?
Yes running on n800

able to get menu under ssh now but with the same integer error under ssh.

Thanks for your help.

chrisvnh 2009-01-30 13:33

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
FRZ - you wrote " LOL, funny. That's Linus Torval saying how he pronounce linux. Sorry if my spelling is bad. "

wow! thanks for that...really...i went and googled him to learn more about him.

i said "wow"....because i am always amazed at where and when i can learn something new.

based on learning more about Mr. Linus Torvalds, i believe that i WILL keep his message playing at boot as an homage to this creator.

however.....can someone tell me if this is (a.) something native to the n800? (b.)something that is built into the software that let me clone my OS to MMC? (c.) something that must have come aboard from another program?

even though i plan on keeping THIS message,can someone please tell me how to find other, future .wav or midi. files?

i went looking for it by using "file manager" and couldnt find ANY of the sounds attached to any program and would like to know it i have options for disabling sounds i dont like.

TIA - chrisvnh

penguinbait 2009-01-30 16:15

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

Originally Posted by chrisvnh (Post 261002)
FRZ - you wrote " LOL, funny. That's Linus Torval saying how he pronounce linux. Sorry if my spelling is bad. "

wow! thanks for that...really...i went and googled him to learn more about him.

i said "wow"....because i am always amazed at where and when i can learn something new.

based on learning more about Mr. Linus Torvalds, i believe that i WILL keep his message playing at boot as an homage to this creator.

however.....can someone tell me if this is (a.) something native to the n800? (b.)something that is built into the software that let me clone my OS to MMC? (c.) something that must have come aboard from another program?

even though i plan on keeping THIS message,can someone please tell me how to find other, future .wav or midi. files?

i went looking for it by using "file manager" and couldnt find ANY of the sounds attached to any program and would like to know it i have options for disabling sounds i dont like.

TIA - chrisvnh

The Linus Torvalds message is to let you know that fsck is done running. Also, this should only be running IF you boot to the flash partition. If you are booted to SD it should not be there as you cannot fsck filesystems that are mounted.

If this is running from SD and playing this something is not right. If it is on FLASH then you can disable it by running
pb > bootmenu > FSCK-OFF

Note this is only needed for ext2 partitions, if you are running ext3 you do not need this. If you are running ext2 then you should boot to flash after ANY crash and when Linus speaks, you know you are good to reboot back to SD partitions. Additionally you can see the output of the fsck by running "cat /tmp/fsck.txt"

penguinbait 2009-01-30 16:21

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

Originally Posted by FRZ (Post 260943)
Sorry for getting back to you late. I've been distrated for a bit. I did it as root and the error message was the same.

here is the result for cat /etc/fstab
rootfs / rootfs defaults,errors=remount-ro,noatime 0 0
/dev/mmcblk0p1 /media/mmc1 vfat rw,noauto,nodev,noexec,nosuid,utf8,uid=29999 0 0

Its not setup, run pb

pb > Swap > Select the partition you want to enable swap for > It should then ask you to choose a swap partition from available swap partitions. > It will then show the contents of /etc/fstab, click OK and it should say swap assignment successful.

Then if you reboot you should have swap mounted on boot.

You can verify this by running "free" from xterm

You should see some numbers where in the line that says Swap:

chrisvnh 2009-01-30 18:35

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Linus Torvalds clip should only be on flash boot?

after reading what you wrote......i re-booted to flash....did not hear clip for FSCK

booted clone from mmc ext3 on my 8GB internal card and heard the clip to signal end of FSCK

rebooted to flash....ran did the scan....i went to boot menu....and enabled FSCK

rebooted to flash....heard the clip to know fsck is running on flash boot.

re-booted to clone noticed i did NOT hear the FSCK clip but a few weird things stylus not making everything work....blank menu screens etc.

opened roxterm....ran did the scan "oddly" finally got the menu.....and when i selected boot menu so i could DISABLE fsck there..............i got an error that it couldnt access it.

then all menus and functions acted weird.

shut down...booted to flash....then went back into PB....turned off FSCK

everything in flash OS seemed to operate i shut down...booted to clone and verything seems to be back running "NORMALLY" including hearing Linus pronounce Linux.

should i leave well enough alone? please advise.

- chrisvnh

GeraldKo 2009-01-31 21:01

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

Originally Posted by chrisvnh (Post 260944)
(2.) i saw a link to make a donation to penguinbait on one of these many pages but my tired eyes wont let me find it again. if someone could please point me in the right direction please?

Here's the link for making a donation to penguinbait:

GeraldKo 2009-01-31 21:08

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

Originally Posted by chrisvnh (Post 261002)

wow! thanks for that...really...i went and googled him to learn more about him.

i said "wow"....because i am always amazed at where and when i can learn something new.

based on learning more about Mr. Linus Torvalds, i believe that i WILL keep his message playing at boot as an homage to this creator.

chrisvnh, you may like Linus's autobiography/history-of-Linux. It's called Just for Fun: The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary. It's definitely written for the layperson, and it's an easy, fun read.

petrous 2009-02-01 12:20

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
I have also had swap problems with pbeasy and swap files. I cloned to my n810's internal card and put a swap file on the same card. I can enable swap with swapon /dev/mmcblk0p3. On running the Swap function in pb this partition doesn't even come up.
Can I just add the swapon to some init script or is it more complicated than that?

poeg 2009-02-02 13:57

N800 won't boot anymore. Bricked?
I just used the tools on my N800 to partition the internal MMC. That worked ok. Then i used clone from pbeasy to make a clone to the MMC.
It formatted the partitions fine and then copied the system. Then it installed the bootmenu and rebooted.
Since then it doesn't boot anymore. The Nokia text comes up but the blue bar at the bottom of the screen doesn't show up. After a while it shut off.
It looks like something with flashing went wrong?

Is my N800 bricked now or will flashing using the Windows tool still work (haven't tried yet)?

Rassilon7 2009-02-02 15:52

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
I used this excellent tool to do a full backup of my system before I reflashed my console to the latest version of the OS. I have re-installed console tools and bootmenu but I have been unable to "Restore". When I try I can select the volume that the backup is on (the external 2 gig card) but it only gives me the option to restore it to the internal 2 gig card rather than the flash.

Any ideas?

Rassilon7 2009-02-02 15:57

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Because you can't restore to the volume you have booted from!

Sorry to waste your time.

Rassilon7 2009-02-02 16:37

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
May I just say once more that I love this program, I have just managed to reflash, update my OS, and return to normal operation in the space of 1 hour. Thank you so much!

Peet 2009-02-02 23:59

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
After running cloned system from internal SD for some time I decided to retry the process and see if I could get swap to work automatically with the latest (?) version. (Is there a reason why console-tools still isn't available directly from

First I went to "pbeasy" and ran "partition", getting the "Type in the size in MB for the FAT partition: This is the amount of Disk to be assigned to the windows filesystem on the tablet." message twice. I gave it first 128 (what is this for and how much is really needed for this "windows" FAT partition?) and second time 256 (supposedly for swap). This process only lasted only maybe 10 seconds!

After reboot I re-ran "pbeasy" and ran "cloning" and was only asked about the bootmenu timeout (6 secs). As earlier at this stage the process churned a couple of minutes, mostly at 99%, before again finishing with "can't open /rval/tmp" error.

Upon second reboot I selected the internal SD from bootmenu and system booted a bit quicker than from built-in flash... but I still got senor Torvalds' vocalizing.

So I'm back to where I started from...

Excitedly I try "free" but it still gives blank for swap...

cat /proc/partitions shows that at least the partition is there:

1997312 mmcblk0
131071 mmcblk0p1
1603584 mmcblk0p2
262144 mmcblk0p3 <-----

Running "swapon /dev/mmcblk0p3" as root does enable it, until next shutdown/reboot I suppose.

gamalon67 2009-02-09 19:55

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
Heya when trying to enable my swap partition I get this error.

rootfs / rootfs default,errors=remount-ro,noatime 0 0
/dev/mmcblk0p1 /media/mmc1 vfat rw,noauto,nodev,noexec,nosuid,utf8,uid=29999 0 0
/dev/mmcblk0p3 none swap sw 0 0

I am very new to linux and do not know what this means.

After I get this message it says swap successful. When booting from the original image on my internal flash(256mb) the swap is actually successful. I run free and some of the memory is assigned. When I boot from my cloned image on my internal flash (1.5gb) and do the same thing I get the same error but when I check if swap is assigned with free total, used, and free are all 0.

Thanks for any help you can provide

vladm 2009-02-12 18:01

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
I just got N810 after 2 years of using N770 and couldn't be happier. Yesterday got 8GB SD card and decided to set up dual boot using 2GB internal SD as a second bootable partition. I used instructions in the KDE thread but did a slight variation of these as I did not want to partition internal SD and instead made it one ext2 partition. I had to make a slight change in so it is loading from the right partition, and it now boots from 2Gb SD, but my 8GB external card is not mounted at all.
When I boot from flash I get:
/dev/mmcblk0p1 on /media/mmc2 type ext2
/dev/mmcblk1p1 on /media/mmc1 type vfat
When I boot from SD I get:
/dev/mmcblk0p1 on /media/mmc2 type ext2
/dev/mmcblk1p1 on / type ext2
All attempts to mount external SD manually were unsuccessful. I realize that most likely I need to make some changes in and re-flash, but for the life of me cannot figure out what - shell scripting is not my forte...

Please help!


RavMan 2009-02-14 05:22

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
I have just used this wonderful tool to boot from mmc1 (external). I have formatted it and divided up my space to my liking. I am cautious about 1 BIG thing. Enabling the swap file. When I enabled it on my first go around I had to reflash and start over. I had the same problem of getting to the boot menu and then choosing my mmcblk1p2 and then it just froze. I had to take the battery out, there was no other way. Is there a problem with where or how I am doing my swap file? I don't want to risk another pseudo 'bricking' and starting from scratch. Any help would be much appreciated!

penguinbait 2009-02-14 19:02

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

Originally Posted by RavMan (Post 264416)
I have just used this wonderful tool to boot from mmc1 (external). I have formatted it and divided up my space to my liking. I am cautious about 1 BIG thing. Enabling the swap file. When I enabled it on my first go around I had to reflash and start over. I had the same problem of getting to the boot menu and then choosing my mmcblk1p2 and then it just froze. I had to take the battery out, there was no other way. Is there a problem with where or how I am doing my swap file? I don't want to risk another pseudo 'bricking' and starting from scratch. Any help would be much appreciated!

Several people have reported problems with swap routines. I have just not had time to really look into it. I suggest using the Virtual Memory in the Control Panel if you are experiencing these issues. I also recommend putting the virtual memory on another card, one your not booting from if possible.

I have just been really busy. I work at EMC/IBM Reseller as a systems engineer. I do however get paid somewhat on what is sold. It appears at the moment we need to work twice as hard to make half as much. Much of my time lately, is being spent doing actual work so I can eat and feed the kids :(

I had my crawlspace flood, and that's where my furnace is. I finally got it pumped out, 1000$ to the furnace guy and I can finally turn off the oven.

So real life in general has been keeping me busy. I will try to get an update out at some point. Use virtual memory for now.

Anyone looking to purchase any EMC or IBM SAN/UNIX/INTEL let me know :D:D

Or if your looking for a remote unix admin, or have a position in a warm climate.:D:D:D

RavMan 2009-02-15 02:21

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
I am so sorry to hear about your situation. I didn't mean to imply anything by mentioning the swap issue. You have really given the community so much. These tools are awesome just like they are. I know I can speak for myself and so many others here when I say....THANK YOU :)

penguinbait 2009-02-15 15:47

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

Originally Posted by RavMan (Post 264589)
I am so sorry to hear about your situation. I didn't mean to imply anything by mentioning the swap issue. You have really given the community so much. These tools are awesome just like they are. I know I can speak for myself and so many others here when I say....THANK YOU :)

I am sorry, I was also not meaning to imply anything. I've just been busy, thats all. I always appreciate hearing about problems, thats how they get fixed. I just want to let everyone know I am not AWOL, just been busy.



FRZ 2009-02-15 19:09

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
I have been wondering what is the point of the fat partition (256mb) since I have an external fat 1gb microsd card. In any case I decided to remove it for more space on my clone system. So now I just have mmcblk0p2 etx3 and mmcblk0p3 swap. I rebooted and all still work from what I can see.

FRZ 2009-02-15 20:06

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

Originally Posted by penguinbait (Post 261031)
Its not setup, run pb

pb > Swap > Select the partition you want to enable swap for > It should then ask you to choose a swap partition from available swap partitions. > It will then show the contents of /etc/fstab, click OK and it should say swap assignment successful.

Then if you reboot you should have swap mounted on boot.

You can verify this by running "free" from xterm

You should see some numbers where in the line that says Swap:

pb enable swap does not work on cloned boot, work on flash though. So I am assuming that enabling swap should have been done before cloning. I think when I cloned to sd I forgot to enable swap then I've been trying to figure it out on the cloned partition which doesn't work. At this point I am not really feeling a recloned, I kinda like what I have, and besides I don't have a big enough microsd yet to try a backup. If someone else don't mind doing it and see if it works would be good.

penguinbait 2009-02-16 00:18

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

Originally Posted by FRZ (Post 264699)
pb enable swap does not work on cloned boot, work on flash though. So I am assuming that enabling swap should have been done before cloning. I think when I cloned to sd I forgot to enable swap then I've been trying to figure it out on the cloned partition which doesn't work. At this point I am not really feeling a recloned, I kinda like what I have, and besides I don't have a big enough microsd yet to try a backup. If someone else don't mind doing it and see if it works would be good.

So if you boot to Flash and set the swap for the external SD Boot it does not work? Its probably best to run all operations against boot from SD partition while booted to flash.

As far as the FAT partition. Maemo expects a FAT partition to be there, so I always put one. If you connect to an USB it could cause you problems. I always keep it. Also application manager uses it and other things. For compatibility sake and to save from troubleshooting, I would keep a small partition, 16-32MB minimum. Its your choice though.

FRZ 2009-02-16 20:47

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

Originally Posted by penguinbait (Post 264736)
So if you boot to Flash and set the swap for the external SD Boot it does not work? Its probably best to run all operations against boot from SD partition while booted to flash.

As far as the FAT partition. Maemo expects a FAT partition to be there, so I always put one. If you connect to an USB it could cause you problems. I always keep it. Also application manager uses it and other things. For compatibility sake and to save from troubleshooting, I would keep a small partition, 16-32MB minimum. Its your choice though.

Yes, I use pb to enable swap on flash boot and it works fine. I use pb to enable swap on SD boot but, doesn't work. On SD boot pb report to have enabling swap successfully when initiated but, in fact did not. I instead used mkswap and swapon on SD boot at start up to enable swap.

As far as the FAT partition goes, I can see my external card when connected to usb to PC. I can view, copy and transfer files to it so I think I am good with that.

Snoshrk 2009-02-22 04:38

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
How would I go about cloning a current SD Boot to a new SD Card? :confused:

jimbarnes 2009-02-22 15:22

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)
I am using 2008 - 47 on an 800 and ran pb it scans for partitions and esc's out I then run pbeasy and it gives me the menu for parted. I have an internal 4Gb and an external 4 Gb I chose to part the internal with a 1Gb fat32 , a 256 swap and the remainder for ext3. It says it has created the partitions and reboots, just before this it comes up with something about invalid 256mb (swap I presume, too fast to see) when my pad reboots it says the internal card is corrupted or invalid. Is this the normal state of affairs should I move on to clone will this format all three parts as it doesn't seem to happen with parted?

Looking forward to getting this working as i want to put a webserver on the pad and the actual system 256mb memory doesnt seem to be big enough with other apps installed. (68mb left)

cheers and thanks for what has made a confusing job easy (I tried the boot from flash tute on the maemo wiki and got lost just getting su to work)


penguinbait 2009-02-23 20:08

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

Originally Posted by Snoshrk (Post 266210)
How would I go about cloning a current SD Boot to a new SD Card? :confused:

Install console tools and run pb, you can clone between SD cards

penguinbait 2009-02-23 20:10

Re: Introducing console-tools v1 (install-tools replacemement)

Originally Posted by jimbarnes (Post 266258)
I am using 2008 - 47 on an 800 and ran pb it scans for partitions and esc's out I then run pbeasy and it gives me the menu for parted. I have an internal 4Gb and an external 4 Gb I chose to part the internal with a 1Gb fat32 , a 256 swap and the remainder for ext3. It says it has created the partitions and reboots, just before this it comes up with something about invalid 256mb (swap I presume, too fast to see) when my pad reboots it says the internal card is corrupted or invalid. Is this the normal state of affairs should I move on to clone will this format all three parts as it doesn't seem to happen with parted?

Looking forward to getting this working as i want to put a webserver on the pad and the actual system 256mb memory doesnt seem to be big enough with other apps installed. (68mb left)

cheers and thanks for what has made a confusing job easy (I tried the boot from flash tute on the maemo wiki and got lost just getting su to work)


Yes when you run pbeasy and partition, it will wipe the card and reboot. The card is partitioned but not formatted. When you run the cloning process it will format the FAT/SWAP/EXT partitions, thus making them usable.


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