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javispedro 2009-10-17 15:15

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Did you select the new ROM?

Addison 2009-10-17 15:20

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series

The launcher works great, it's just that there's something else going on here.

When I hit play on the new rom, nothing happens but then again, all of the Options in Drnoksnes are greyed out so I can no longer select or close the launcher. That's when I end up using Xterm to kill it.

javispedro 2009-10-17 15:24

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Because the emu is crashing far down the boot process.

Can you try cmd line version? Type "drnoksnes /path/to/rom/file.smc".

Addison 2009-10-17 15:31

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series

Originally Posted by javispedro (Post 349608)
Because the emu is crashing far down the boot process.

Can you try cmd line version? Type "drnoksnes /path/to/rom/file.smc".

Okay. Works great!

It comes in wondowed mode with no touch screen support but runs just fine.

Next theory? :)

javispedro 2009-10-17 15:32

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Yeah, can you come to IRC? else we're gonna fill this thread quickly :)

Addison 2009-10-18 23:33

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Could someone try Illusion of Gaia?

There's a really big chance that this will crash your tablet.

Just wondering if there is a way to fully recover from this without needing to power off the tablet.


gerbick 2009-10-19 00:13

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Just putting this out there... anybody feel free to suggest some good games to me via PM. I was a Genesis fan mostly during this era of gaming.

Addison 2009-10-19 16:53

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 350743)
Just putting this out there... anybody feel free to suggest some good games to me via PM. I was a Genesis fan mostly during this era of gaming.

Try Illusion of Gaia. *lol*

ArnimS 2009-10-20 01:16

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
dq6 is good too-- very nice music and fx

Pushwall 2009-10-20 14:11

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series

Originally Posted by Addison (Post 350725)
Could someone try Illusion of Gaia?

There's a really big chance that this will crash your tablet.

Just wondering if there is a way to fully recover from this without needing to power off the tablet.


Yes I finally got Illusion of Gaia to run. The trick was to not enable sound and only one specific ROM version seems to work. I'll PM you with all the wondrous details.

javispedro 2009-10-20 14:31

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
It seems there's a bug in the SPC700 emulator than thrashes even the SDL Parachute, thus hanging. Fortunately, I've reproduced it; unfortunately, wasn't able to fix it with only a quick glance and thus you will have to wait until I get to produce a proper trace (or use above workaround).

Addison 2009-10-20 18:09

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series

Originally Posted by javispedro (Post 352639)
It seems there's a bug in the SPC700 emulator than thrashes even the SDL Parachute, thus hanging. Fortunately, I've reproduced it; unfortunately, wasn't able to fix it with only a quick glance and thus you will have to wait until I get to produce a proper trace (or use above workaround).


The only real reason I mentioned that game previously was to expose this bug.

Good to know that you caught it as well. :)

Please post a way to recover from this when you find a reasonable solution.


javispedro 2009-10-20 19:26

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series

Originally Posted by Addison (Post 352935)
Please post a way to recover from this

killall -KILL drnoksnes

(note: not exactly the same as killall drnoksnes)


Addison 2009-10-20 19:41

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy! :D

Thanks javis for the quick response!

MrWeasel 2009-10-21 19:05

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
This is awesome. I tried Super Mario World 2 and Super Street Fighter II and both work flawlessly.

Did anybody try Worms? This one is a classic, but unfortunately the sound (which is kind of why you play it in the first place..) does not work and it crashes on exit (had to recover via ssh from my desktop pc and kill -9)-

javispedro 2009-10-21 19:43

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series

Originally Posted by MrWeasel (Post 354399)
This one is a classic, but unfortunately the sound (which is kind of why you play it in the first place..) does not work and it crashes on exit (had to recover via ssh from my desktop pc and kill -9)-

Sound and hang at exit on same sentence? Probably same SPC700 bug I'm currently looking at. :D I could ship a build with the C spc700 interpreter, but my plan is to fix the assembly one ( I wish myself good luck ).

MrWeasel 2009-10-21 20:34

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
The game has no sound at all (never) and the game freezes completely when I try to exit it (pressing the esc key), otherwise it runs fine.

Addison 2009-10-22 18:00

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Hey javis!

By no means is this a request, okay, but searching through Google I wasn't able to find anything on if this emulator (not your port) supports online multiplayer.

I'm not seeing that it does but just wanted to clarify.

Thanks ahead!

javispedro 2009-10-22 21:45

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Well, the original DrPocketSnes does not. The current DrNokSnes has the multiplayer code from snes9x (which I've been told sucks, but didn't try myself). There's also code from osnes9x for adhoc multiplayer (requiring high bandwidth and low latency).

I don't have high hopes for online multiplayer.

Addison 2009-10-23 08:47

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series

Originally Posted by javispedro (Post 355940)
Well, the original DrPocketSnes does not. The current DrNokSnes has the multiplayer code from snes9x (which I've been told sucks, but didn't try myself). There's also code from osnes9x for adhoc multiplayer (requiring high bandwidth and low latency).

I don't have high hopes for online multiplayer.

Okay, great!

That means less sniffling, whiny, bellicose, brusque, cantankerous, churlish, contentious, contrary, cross, difficult, disobliging, disputatious, eristic, grouchy, ill-natured, nasty, obnoxious, offensive, out of sorts, peevish, pettish, petulant, querulous, rude, snappy, surly, ugly, unfriendly, ungracious, unlikable, unpleasant, uptight, waspish requests from me to you on getting that implemented and, even better, you not having to worry about how I would throw you down in a game of Kirby's Dream Course! :D

workingman 2009-10-27 19:20

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Hey guys,

Been having a bit of trouble getting my wiimote to talk drnok.

I have followed the wiicontrol setup stuff and can use the wiimote to navigate around the drnok start screen, pick my rom and start up the game. Unfortunately, once in the game window no buttons work.

Anyone else seen this problem or better yet know a solution?


javispedro 2009-10-27 19:23

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
One suggestion is to enter DrNokSnes controls dialog and try to remap any button there (using the Wiimote of course).

workingman 2009-10-27 19:23

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Sorry.. should have mentioned. N800 latest diablo (I think anyway) and 1.2.4 drnok installed using from maemo garage.

workingman 2009-10-27 19:25

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Wow Javis that was fast...

You beat my own quick reply.

I am able to map the buttons using drnok controls dialog. Needed to change d-pad so up was left, down is right, etc.

It all appeared to work just fine but as I said once in the game window I get no input from the wiimote and have to use the dpad on the tablet itself.

javispedro 2009-10-27 21:38

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Hum. Weird. Do you press the actual Wiimote buttons when mapping the keys?

workingman 2009-10-27 22:07

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Yup I did use the wiimote buttons to bind the keys in drnok.

I did just do some remapping of the wiimote keys in the file to test things out. Figured out how the B button works too, like shift! Now I have twice as many buttons :)

After I reset them in the .py script I went back to drnok -> controls and set them again and they all worked as expected there but just not in the game itself.

Currently using the option "Use physical keys"... did you use that or a drnok config file when you tried wiicontrol?

Thanks again for the sweet emulator btw!

javispedro 2009-10-27 22:09

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Nope. I tested it same as you. Well, I used "SNES" profile in Wiimote.

workingman 2009-10-27 22:32

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
hmmm looks like I had used the old version of wiicontrol since I just found this:

Will try it out and let you know if it's still giving me grief.

workingman 2009-10-27 22:59

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Still no love.. works in Quake though! Will frag a few bots and try drnok again later.


workingman 2009-10-28 20:38

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Hey again,

Since I was having weird problems and having a fight with Canola not updating properly I reflashed my tablet today.

Everything appears to work just fine now. Had to remap the buttons in DK Country but I'm running around grabbing bananas right now.

Thanks very much again Javis.. not to mention those wiicontrol folks!

javispedro 2009-10-28 21:09

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Ah, glad to hear that. :) As for Wiicontrol, thank Konttori.

Addison 2009-11-02 03:23

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
I was able to get Wiicontrol working correctly.

Very cool! :D

Could someone verify all of the buttons on the controller this supports?

I really would appreciate it!

OID 2009-11-03 17:09

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
I try Star Ocean (J) [T+Eng1.0_DeJap] on drnoksnes 1.2.4 but game unplayable. Grafics lacks, no sound and game freeze emulator. Drnoksnes console output:

Video: 256x239 (800x480 output), 16 bits per pixel, fullscreen, XSP pixel doubling
Audio: 22050 Hz, 2 channels, 16 bits, 512 samples in buffer
Input: 1 joypad
ROM: /media/mmc2/Games/Star Ocean (J) [T+Eng1.0_DeJap].smc
No ROM file header found.
trace: platform/sdl.cpp:S9xLoadSDD1Data
"Star Ocean" [bad checksum] LoROM, 64Mbits, Type: ROM+RAM+BAT+S-DD1, Mode: 22, TV: NTSC, S-RAM: 8Kb, ROMId: ARFJ Company: B4
SRAM: /media/mmc2/Games/Star Ocean (J) [T+Eng1.0_DeJap].srm
Hacks: disabled

On ArminS snes9x its work, but slow and without sound.

Maybe drnoksnes compiled without support S-DD1 graphics packs?

javispedro 2009-11-03 17:24

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Yep, totally unimplemented.

OID 2009-11-03 18:44

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
This sound is bad. :(

eliagp 2009-11-06 13:55

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I ve been playing chrono trigger since I got this on my N800. Yo gave new life to my device.
So, again, thanks! :)

jself 2009-12-29 21:47

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
I've been playing the latest Dr NokSNES and its great. Just wish it had small graphics for where the buttons are on screen, but eventually I'd like to hook up my gamepad.

Addison 2010-01-18 03:04

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Hi javis.

I'm looking for a way to disable the Home button, on a N800, from bringing up the task switcher thingie.

I can remap it just fine but the problem is that it still sends out a secondary signal to bring up the task manager.

I've tried experimenting with Xmodmap. Again, I can change the key's function but that secondary signal is a mess for me.

Anyway to kill this from happening?

Super thanks goes out to anyone who knows this.

shrizzle 2010-01-22 13:12

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
I have SNes on my N900, but recently the sound stopped working. I have tried to re install and everything.
Is that a common thing. Do you know a workaround?

shrizzle 2010-01-22 19:22

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
well : actually uninstalling, restarting, re installing, re -uninstalling. and reinstalling did the trick....
back with sound and on super mario :)

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