![]() |
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
The reason why I'm asking is that I would like use google.se instead of google.com. |
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
What are the dimentions that the icons should have in order to be displayed correctly? Is there a chance that you would give us the chance to get the original icons so we can use them with a custom search engine?
(I have no idea on how to extract/copy them from console...) |
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
e.g. for google.se the Url is: http://www.google.se/#hl=sv&source=h...ef8f3a8f393d79 and the search query is: n900 But don't make the mistake to name the custom engine google! It will really mess up badly with the original google engine. |
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
I just updated and now I cannot remove the images like before.
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
hey man, first off: thanks for this, I use it on a daily basis.
question: is it possible to add an option to choose either colour or black&white for the widget? previous versions made it black&white when opacity was lowered to zero, the current one doesnt, which is a little regrettable since it works so well with my desktop when b&w. pretty please with sugar on top? |
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
In TouchSearch 3, search engine addons are now supported, meaning you can go right to http://www.touchsearch.org/addons/ and browse and install additional search engines from there. I plan on making many more addons to provide more utility to TouchSearch. However, this came at a cost: no longer can the user manually create search engines (this was always complicated, and could seriously break TouchSearch if a mistake was made), and I also removed the "Ghosted" option. I did this because each Ghosted icon needed to be made separately in e.g. Photoshop, and was quite time consuming. Since I planned on making a lot of addons, I needed to lighten up the options a bit. Sorry if this messes up the look of your desktop! |
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
@ all:
I have only uploaded TouchSearch 3 to extras-devel but will be promoting it to -testing soon. I'll make a new thread and blogpost explaining more about it when I do. |
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Love the new enchanced search-option in the latest version. Thanks for your work on this great widget!
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
thanks for a timely answer. can I get the "old" version somewhere? cause all I personally use it for is Google, Youtube and IMDB, so the new functions (cept the little pretty useful "choose your searchengine" stuff upon entering text) arent a big concern for me, Id rather just have the good ol' ghosted one =P |
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Sure. The old version can be reinstalled like this:
Additionally, the last version can be found here: http://repository.maemo.org/extras/p...t/touchsearch/ |
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Man - you gotta add the Ghosted back, I understand your reasoning - but 99% of people don't need all those extra features and most like it ghosted. KISS.
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
A bit of coding to do to make that happen, though. I'll see. |
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
that would be awesome if you had the time and will to do it =)
Im currently back to extras version, with ghosted, but now that ive had a glimt at the nice "choose engine for your input" addition, I kinda miss it =P |
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Man, the latest update destroyed all my carefully handicrafted additional search engines. I had spent some time setting them up. It wasn't good. Please add in a backup script in your preinst script, please.
EDIT: it seems you did it already. Thanks, sorry for the above :) EDIT 2: I think your requirements for adding a search engine, i.e. Quote:
Would you please fork the old version so that it can be kept separated from version 3, without being forced to partial updates in app manager? |
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Hi debernardis!
From a code point of view, TouchSearch 3 is vastly superior to v2. The file format that search engines are stored in is self-contained and well defined. This means that from this point on, search engines should never be "lost" and a search engine will almost never crash TouchSearch. The format also supports multiple languages so that you can, for example, select what language Wikipedia you would like to use. Overall, TouchSearch 3 is a vast improvement over previous versions. Additionally, it is not technically impossible to add the ability for the user to make custom search engines -- it would just be a lot of work to simplify the process. In fact, if you look at the search engines in /opt/touchsearch/search_engines/ you could probably figure out how to make your own without any instruction, because the format is really easy to understand. I just wonder what level of help people would need to do this? Just some simple instructions? A simple helper app with just the fields that the file format supports? A guided wizard? Obviously, instructions are pretty easy to write up while a guided wizard would be a major job. |
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
I can understand where are you coming from with your approach to TS v3 - we developers all love our stuff to be nice, neat and clean, don't we? Nonetheless, removing ability to add custom engines straight from UI renders your widget virtually useless to me, as I would never make my little microb.php engine script to your library of shared search engines. Secondly, it doesn't seem to be possible to add multiple instances of single search engine, like separate wikipedia searches for en and pl locales. As you pointed, users can hack your app and make own search engines fairly easily, but that's not what users would rather expect. I hope you could reconsider keeping at least the most basic UI for adding own engines. I need to tell that wizard present in v2 was slightly confusing, personally I'd expect only one field, like "Search engine URL" with example value of "http://www.google.com?q={query}" and that's it. Btw, you say you need to spend 10-15 minutes to create an engine? So you add them manually? Or you have some sort of webservice that TS is using to download engines? |
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
The new version just sucks big time and my old custom engines just disappeared!!! I want to go back! :mad: Thx for the downgrade advice.. Really happy with the old version again!! :) |
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
By the time I figure out the specific websites URL scheme, create an icon for the website (usually, at the very least, involves resizing and sometimes color changes or removal of those pesky white backgrounds), create the metadata for the search engine, build the .deb package, upload it to my server, and create a download page, I'm usually in 20 minutes at least. I've already been inundated with addon requests. Maybe this system is bad by design? :) I'll be glad to the add-your-own-search-engine days. Let everyone fend for themselves... ;) One last point for everyone: TouchSearch v3 has been uploaded to, and only to, extras-devel. Meaning that, this is a pre-pre-release at best. I only released it there so I could get a general feeling of how it is doing and find out what needs to be changed. I now know that people want the ability to add search engines and ghosted icons back. Thanks for the feedback. However, keep in mind that version 2.2-2 is the current stable and end-user ready release. Any versions of TouchSearch that you install from -devel or -testing are just that. In active development or being tested! When you see new versions of TouchSearch hitting your local Extras repository, that is when it is a recommended install. :) |
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Name: (example input from user) "Google UK" Search URL: "http://www.google.co.uk/q={query}" Icon: [file chooser dialog] QuickBar prefix: "guk" Somewhere below Search URL field you could only add short sentence like: "Use {query} placeholder for your query". What do you think? Quote:
Now, on admin side of the service, you would need to have some sort of web based (?) interface/panel to define new search engines. These definitions would then be stored on your server and be offered to TS via webservice I mentioned paragraph earlier. This is quite obvious approach to me, as I work as web developer, hence I'd do it that way, but it's up to you how you want to solve it ultimately. :) |
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Plus: I won't try out any new versions before I am sure that I can add my own stuff to TouchSearch (which, just btw, is an immensely useful app. :D ) |
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Hi J. M. Hanson,
In the next few days I will be uploading a new version of TouchSearch which will have the option to create your own engines. Unfortunetly, you will need to re-add your engines to TouchSearch 3 because the format used is not compatable with the version 2.2 format. I already wrote the instructions for it, which you can see here for a little preview :) |
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
BrentDC, thanks very much for this app, I use it many times a day.
I too have had to downgrade to 2.2 because I rely on my own search engines. I think they'd fall foul of your criteria because a couple of them are not very family-friendly ;-) Looking forward to your next version! |
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
i really like this widget, thanks for your great work! but i have a question: is it possible to modify this widget? i don't want to tab to search, i just want the search widget right on my desktop, like this: http://img3.imagebanana.com/img/2cs6...0817184945.png tough the 'Search'-text on the right and on the top should NOT be there, just the search-logos and the text-field. all i have to do is right something in there and press 'enter' to search. that would be much easier to use and no extra tab is needed. is this possible or is that app not customizable like that?! thanks in advance. :) |
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Really love the widget. One request though, is it possible to have the widget appear on more than one desktop?
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
i still have the old version installed and use it loads...BUT i would love to be able to add 2 more search buttons next to the google one,prob wiki and amazon....is this possible?? i hope so!
here is what i have- http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c2...126-192503.png |
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Touchsearch 3.2-1 no longer appears on my desktop. It was working before the lastes update. No amount of rebooting, killing hildon or any other tricks work. It is listed, I can add it, but that's it. Not on desktop, gone from the list. Ideas?
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
reporting in with another "not appearing after update" post!
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Hi everone,
I am currently investigting the issue. This is an early test version, so if you want to go back to the previous one, you can download it here. As soon as this issue is resolved, I will make sure to let you all know and upload a new version. I apologize for the inconvenience. |
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
I think I may have found the problem. I have uploaded a test version here: http://www.touchsearch.org/downloads..._3.2-2_all.deb
If someone who is currently having the above reported issue try this version and report back, it would be very much appreciated. Make sure to reboot after installation. :) Thanks. |
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Anyone test the above-posted version yet? Results?
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Hi all. Long time lurker, first time poster.
I tried the new fix, but the end result was the same as the first update,still not on the screen, and no way to get it back (at least as far as I can tell). downgraded back to 3.1 and everything is good again. Funny thing though, in the about section, it is saying it's version 3.2 not 3.1. Anyway back to usable now. BTW - Killer app. Was the first one I installed when I got my N900. |
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
I think I found the problem. I was thinking there was an issue with the code I changed but now it appears to be a permissions problem.
I'll try to find a fix it tonight. Thanks for the feedback. |
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