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Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
this just happened to me. at a random time while sending an SMS, it failed with a yellow banner saying "No SIM Card Inserted"
a reboot fixed the problem though. i would like to know what caused that to occur. |
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
as far as I can tell from looking at logs on my N900 it is somehow related to the modem hardware resetting. No clue about the cause behind this behaviour.
In my case I found that the reset was more frequent if connected to some specific celltowers. |
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
so there is a possibility that the cause is from my service provider? |
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
it's just a conjecture, but I'd say that the bug is being triggered (more frequently) under certain circumstances (e.g. a specific celltower). I wouldn't say the bug is caused by your service provider. |
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
I used a clothing tag instead of magazine paper (for its thickness is as big as the sim card itself), and cut out a similar rectangular shape small enough to fit into the outter groove of the sim card slot, in order to seperate physical contact between the battery and the sim. I am unsure if the true cause resides between this contact between sim and battery theory, but 6 hours from this post has passed since after more than 8 hours of downtime from the Sim Card error. I will continue observing whether this temp. solution will suffice in the meanwhile and post updates soon. |
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
Up until the last I posted, the temporary method of cutting out some sort of paper shaped sim has been working. I haven't had that unrecognized sim icon whatsoever since my last post. I have however received no internet connection a few times probably due to the local area I happened to be in.
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
FYI, I was having this issue the past couple days. It worked fine for months. Then, the sim card detection started flaking on me, then went out completely. No amount of cleaning the SIM, bending the pins, or compressing the sim card with slips of paper helped.
I went to my carrier store (T-Mobile US), and got a fresh SIM card in order to troubleshoot this issue. The new SIM worked just fine. No clue why the old one stopped working, but too lazy to diagnose further. |
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
really, it's working with paper :) |
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
i had the same problem.when i flashed my phone with a globle ver..i tried all of them but not a single one worked for at last i had to go with indian ver..(from i bought the phone) and it works( i did it for slype)can anyone tell me how to get globle ver..with working sim card ?
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
Flashing to USA version solved my problem, try different country version if nothing is working.
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
yeah.. the paper... back of a matchbook in thickness.... did the trick... very annoying to be forced to resort to such a scotch tape and popsicle stick solution.... but better then having a very expensive wifi tablet that doesn't make phone calls....
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
hi guys, 2 days ago I reflashed rootfs and emmc. No one problem on my n900 since that operation and I was able to do calls too.
today during clean system (eg. purging hildon-theme-beta, etc..) for sure I deleted some file that manages telephone-module because now I've "SIM card not recognized". I don't want to reflash system one more time, just I'd like to know wich file/s reinstall to solve this problem. I read at page 10 in this thread the Santiago solution: Quote:
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
I've tried another Simcard and that one works, mine in another telephone and mine works... the problem seems to be between the N900 and my simcard... same to you? (stesso problema per me, dalle 16.30 circa di oggi, che operatore hai? io uso 3, sono a Milano, in un centro 3 mi hanno detto che poco prima di me una signora con il mio stesso terminale sempre con la 3 lamentava lo stesso problema...ho provato la mia sim in un altro telefono, e funge, un'altra sim nel mio telefono, e funge..la mia sim nel mio tel no!) |
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
maybe it's a 3 company problem! in this case I suppose I've to wait... keep'n touch SamuTnT ;) |
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
The N900 otherwise works flawlessly with Vodafone and TIM sim cards. |
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
for 3 company italian users:
http://forum.telefonino.net/showthread.php?t=760571 http://www.maemomeego.net/sim-3-vf42...4-vp18924.html |
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
...just a question... how many of you are using NiTDroid?? i'm using it, in dual boot... maybe the problem is with the android os? probably once the imei is associated with and android os it's banned from 3 network... don't know.. just an idea...
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
Just plain Maemo 1.3 running here.
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
And if you read my links you can see other people with 3 and n900 set as new having same problem, so I don't think your problem come from your dual boot! ;) I asked to 3 store point about it: other customers having same problem with n900 and galaxy models but 3 says this problem doesn't depend from the company. 3 sim cards working on other smartphones and others sims by mobile companies (vodafone, tim,..) working on n900. incredible strange situation. I don't know where is problem. at this point I just have to wait for! if I found solution I'll post here. good luck friends! :) |
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
waiting for solution do that:
settings -> phone scroll down to network: network selection: automatic network mode: gsm save reboot your n900 will go in roaming and you'll be able to do/receive calls. [soluzione provvisoria: vi consente di fare e ricevere chiamate nel mentre che risolvano sto problema. impostazioni -> telefono scendi fino a trovare rete selezione rete: automatica modalità di rete: gsm riavvia ] ;) |
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
I'm having the same problem
N900 + 3 ITA sim card. With other companies allthing work... |
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
i've called twice the call center, the second answer was that "I can only open a ticket, maybe in the night the problem will solve itself......" let's see what happens tomorrow... |
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
@italian 3 mobile company users:
problem solved! 3 now working... ;) |
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
status of the phone upon arrival....no icon in menu
tested file for how many times..so i have flashed the phone using this one...same error..but will full signal RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1.003_PR_COMBINED_003_ARM.bin -f -R but when i used this, all icons in the menu appeared but no signal, it just like insert sim RX-51_2009SE_3.2010.02-8.003_PR_COMBINED_003_ARM.bin -f -R try to update the latest version...same thing no icon but with signal RX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2.003_PR_COMBINED_003_ARM.bin -f -R it is a weird problem...how do i fix this one |
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
the firmware u have used is only for "Middle East and North Africa " so this would work in n900 properly only if u have bought from Middle East and North Africa try a globle firmware version i think it will solve the problem!!! |
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
Since doing an OTA to pr 1.3 my sim card over the next 3 days went from frequent disconnection to not recognizing the sim card at all.
I'm in the US, Northwest of Los Angeles on tmobile I'm really disappointed that I paid almost 600 for this phone and it doesn't even last a year. I just tried putting a shim in there to increase contact between sim card using paper and that did not work. I have never installed from extras devel or testing or overclocked my n900 or done anything unusual with it and all apps except disk storage were uninstalled before doing an OTA update to 1.3 I gave my tmobile sim card to a friend at work who is also on tmobile and he made several calls and text messages with it so it's not the sim card. I tried his card in my n900 and it would not work. The instructions this community gives for windows 7 users to connect their N900 via usb so they can use the flasher DOES NOT WORK There is no option as you say when pressing f8 while loading. F8 gives options to boot from several drives The other option you gave did not work. That is very disappointing this community can't give correct instructions that work for windows 7 to use the flasher when probably at least half of you are using windows 7 right now I had to pull out my old hp mini windows xp from the closet to use the flasher. I tried reflashing to 1.2 and that did not work. I then tried to ota again to 1.3 and that did not work. Installed 3g/2g app and swtiched to gsm and that did not work. Why does it not show my imei number when I go to setting>about product? Where is the input unlock code to unlock sim option? If I put my imei in there will it now see my sim card? I'm kind of mad right now so I'm going to vent. The other things I noticed during the 3 days I had limited sim card function before It died that are still not fixed with 1.3 that are just basic functionality: Sms window was still closing on me 40% of the time (no that is not an exageration) making me lose all my text I just typed Trying to piss me off? on a scale of 1 to 10 that would be up there maybe 8 Worldofwarcraft.com websites still did not load first time, they require a reload on every page even with tweak flash plugin Trying to piss me off? on a scale of 1 to 10 that's a 5 Typing text into forum threads like this or others (e.g. wow forums) the N900 on pr1.3 would find a reason to erase all of my text minimum 30% of the time either I'd open the keyboard and vkbrd would disappear and erase all my text or something on the page would trigger the vkbrd to disappear erasing all my text with it or the page would just freeze my typing and the page would reload without my permission, there goes my text. Trying to piss me off? Scale of 1 to 10 that's a 10 it happens way too much wasting my time and that would be completely unacceptable behavior for a PC computer OS Despite being mad and very disappointed with pr 1.3 and Nokia I still went to look for the next Nokia meego tablet since my n900 is fracked up. And guess what I found? Asia is reporting a high level of defective Nokia N8's a warm climate . Look here at Eldars report http://mobile-review.com/articles/2010/n8-brak-en.shtml He says Nokia is not properly soldering their boards, that they are susceptible to disconnections/failure under heat. He put 3 n8's in a heat chamber and one failed to see sim card after that presumably because sim card reader disconnected from board! The same problem I'm having with my N900. So here is what I think Nokia does not test their phones for metal fatigue due to changing temperatures and connections inside the phone are breaking. I bet you when i did the pr1.3 ota update in the warehouse at work where it is warm it heated the board enough that when I went home later that night (outside it's 45 degrees) it fatigued the metal connection one last time to the sim card reader just enough that it failed and now connection is broken. |
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
Dear All,
Here is the solution to fix this problem, i just fixed my N900 today. From a windows PC 1.Download the flashing software. The first software you need is called “Maemo Flasher”, and this is the program that needs to be installed on your PC and can be found here: http://tablets-dev.nokia.com/maemo-d...-downloads.php Download the latest version of Maemo Flasher (which is currently 3.5 at time of posting this), and make sure you download the .exe file. Install that file. 2.Download image files for the N900 itself These files can be found here: http://tablets-dev.nokia.com/nokia_N900.php 2A.This page will ask you to enter your IMEI, with very clear instructions on where to find it. Insert emei N900 hard reset Follow the on screen prompts until you reach the download section. There are two pieces of software you need to download from there. 1. eMMC content – This is the package to erase all data held on your 32GB storage.(For PR1.3 choose the one marked Latest) 2. OS – This is your operating system. 2B.There are two eMMC packages available, so download the Latest. For PR1.3 It’s called: RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin 2C.The OS is a little more difficult to figure out which one you need. The notes alongside the software lets you find the right package easier. I found the best way to check is to do the following: (On the N900) 1. Menu 2. Settings 3. About Product This will show you this image(or similar) After that, you might seen Sim Disable Symbol Again, dont be sad. Connect you N900 to any WiFi, and update your phone by going in Application and press update. Maemo 5, 18 MB application will downloaded and installed, you N900 restart agian, now go to application manager again and update for Maemo add on 132 MB. Once every thing finished, N900 restarts and you will find a new N900 with every thing working. |
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
hi im from dominican republic so excuse my english i had the sim problem and now i only can use my n900 for internet, the phone doesnt work and always is the sim with the red slash, if someone can help please...i re flash like 8 times and search the net...is there a chance is a hardware problem..help..in dominican theres not nokia support and the dealers i send the phone dont even now how works...:
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
Since a few days i encounter the same problem.
I cleaned the simcard and the slot. I've put a piece of paper between simcard and battery I lifted the pins of the simcard slot a bit to make better contact. I reflashed both firmware and EMMC. I removed SD card (read somewhere that this could be an issue as well) I tried a different battery. Even without a simcard i get this message telling me that there is a communication error. I expected a simcard icon with a red dash through it, but not the error message. Right after I got the message I don't have an IMEI anymore. I used to get the message after a while when I restarted my N900. Now I get the message even before the welcome animatiion starts. Is there anything left to try out before I ship it to a nokia care center? |
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
I've had exactly the same problem, mine was repaired (new mainboard)...
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
no one has solve this problem help please here in dominican nobody knows how fix this....and i dont have a phone working
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
is this what you guys seeing?
http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=66870 if yes, send it back to nokia to be fixed under the 2 year warranty, should be back within 10 days approximately. i beleive you can arrange this also via web site and someone collects it, but intructions are on the site, nokia shop process mine instead. |
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
Re-flash Using The Latest Fiasco and eMMC files
This Will Fix this error ... |
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
gold recivers it should work try it worked for me!! |
Re: N900 Problem: SIM Card Not Recognized
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