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ududud 2010-01-30 18:39

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
TY mate, now i can see the picture "STRATAGUS" after "launch" the game, but after click to him or "enter" the aplication CRASH...

in the stratagus-run file i have now :


/usr/bin/stratagus -v 2 -d /home/opt/games/stratagus

and i can join in this folder via-x-terminal and all folder are ok.. dont know why this dont run :(

any idea? :(

Rob1n 2010-01-30 18:56

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
The only thing I can think of is that it requires the files to be on a VFAT file system (for case insensitivity), so you could try moving them to /home/user/MyDocs.

ududud 2010-01-30 19:17

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
Now i was move the directory to /home/user/MyDocs/games/stratagus
and i was edit the stratagus-run to :


/usr/bin/stratagus -v 2 -d /home/user/MyDocs/games/stratagus

BUT IS =, only see the STRATAGUS picture but after click crash...

and after stratagun-run from x-terminal i see the aplication try open and load every archive but always cant open and cant load, and after this... say : home directoy /home/user not ours.
cant open file : no such file or directory
cant load the graphic 'ui/orc/800x480/filler-right.png'

any idea more? :(

ududud 2010-02-03 16:15

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
LoL guys! i dont know How, but i dont have Memory Card, and i was try "move the files from stratagus" to the directory media/mmc1/games/stratagus (with SSH from my pc) and edit the stratagus-run to the "original road" and the GAME RUN!!!!!

but i dont know how i can use this directory :D, if this directory if only for memory card, no?

Rob1n 2010-02-03 16:37

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by ududud (Post 508885)
LoL guys! i dont know How, but i dont have Memory Card, and i was try "move the files from stratagus" to the directory media/mmc1/games/stratagus (with SSH from my pc) and edit the stratagus-run to the "original road" and the GAME RUN!!!!!

but i dont know how i can use this directory :D, if this directory if only for memory card, no?

Are you sure that's what you've done? There's nothing stopping you using the /media/mmc1 directory anyway, but it's on the rootfs and I find it hard to believe you've fitted 100M of Warcraft files onto there.

ududud 2010-02-03 16:50

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
Yes im sure of this, i can go now via x-terminal and i can go to /media/mmc1/games/stratagus and here i have all the folders... and the game run OK

The unique problem of the game is i CANT SAVE in the game...

but after this problem i was try run in x-terminal : sudo gainroot and after stratagus-run and NOW i can save lol,

you know how can save? (but no run the game via x-terminal)

Rob1n 2010-02-03 16:58

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by ududud (Post 508935)
Yes im sure of this, i can go now via x-terminal and i can go to /media/mmc1/games/stratagus and here i have all the folders... and the game run OK

The unique problem of the game is i CANT SAVE in the game...

but after this problem i was try run in x-terminal : sudo gainroot and after stratagus-run and NOW i can save lol,

you know how can save? (but no run the game via x-terminal)

If you go to X Terminal and run:

sudo gainroot
cd /media/mmc1
chown -R user: *

That should allow saving the game. How much rootfs do you have free now then?

ududud 2010-02-03 17:49

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
i was try use the aplication "diskusage" and this say from rootfs :

224.1 mb / 226.9mb

and i have other problem now :(, if try download any aplication this say i dont have memory for download

why now i have this "disk" for all ? how can go to the other "disk"? :S because in home i have 1,6 gb free and 17.8 gb free in mydocs

edit : other question, is "ASSURANCE" if i try "edit" any file with the SSH CLIENTE FROM MY PC? because if i need "edit" any file i try from that :S because i dont know all commands from linux

Rob1n 2010-02-03 18:37

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by ududud (Post 509013)
i was try use the aplication "diskusage" and this say from rootfs :

224.1 mb / 226.9mb

and i have other problem now :(, if try download any aplication this say i dont have memory for download

why now i have this "disk" for all ? how can go to the other "disk"? :S because in home i have 1,6 gb free and 17.8 gb free in mydocs

edit : other question, is "ASSURANCE" if i try "edit" any file with the SSH CLIENTE FROM MY PC? because if i need "edit" any file i try from that :S because i dont know all commands from linux

You need to free the space on rootfs. I've just tested on my N900 and stratagus runs fine with the data in /home/user/MyDocs/games/stratagus instead of /media/mmc1/games/stratagus, so I'd suggest moving the data back there. I don't know why this was failing for you before - it gives me a few errors about missing files (sound files from the looks of it) but that doesn't stop it running (I get the same errors with the data on the memory card).

As for editing the files, doing so with a Windows editor can cause problems as that uses different line endings that Linux does. You'll need to make sure that whatever editor you use is capable of recognising and saving UNIX format files.

ududud 2010-02-03 18:45

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
i was try use the WINSCP for edit you know if this is capable of recognising and saving UNIX format files. ?

Rob1n 2010-02-03 18:57

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by ududud (Post 509084)
i was try use the WINSCP for edit you know if this is capable of recognising and saving UNIX format files. ?

According to it defaults to UNIX format, so if you've not changed the setting then you should be okay.

ududud 2010-02-04 15:36

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
Man, i try delete all from my mmc1 but now i have in rootfs 25,8mb free... how can "go free" more memory?

other question, now i try other more :D run the stratagus... first i was move the "data" to /home/user/MyDocs/games/stratagus and edit the stratagus-run and change the road to /home/user/MyDocs/games/stratagus

but i have the = problem of before....

after "stratagus-run" this say that:

Stratagus default config file loading...

"cant open file "blablbla.wav" (yes, i cant open more sounds = of you but np)
all cant open load *wav.. (spam this xd)

and after say

... ready!

stratagus v2.2.4 (c) blablbla...

this sowfware if provided as.. blablabla

and finnaly say

home directory /home/user not ours
home directory /home/user not ours
can't open file: no such file or directory
can't load the graphic 'ui/orc/800x480/filler-right.png'

and ofc the game Crash

I think the next :

The default config is in mmc1, but if i have changed the stratagus-run.... why this "try" running in mmc1?

the question is this :/

try helpme :P

ty mate ;)

Rob1n 2010-02-04 15:45

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by ududud (Post 510504)
Man, i try delete all from my mmc1 but now i have in rootfs 25,8mb free... how can "go free" more memory?

Have a look at


Originally Posted by ududud (Post 510504)
other question, now i try other more :D run the stratagus... first i was move the "data" to /home/user/MyDocs/games/stratagus and edit the stratagus-run and change the road to /home/user/MyDocs/games/stratagus

but i have the = problem of before....

Are you running this as the normal user or as root? The missing .png file should be in /home/user/.stratagus/graphics/ui/orc/800x480 - does it exist in there?


Originally Posted by ududud (Post 510504)
The default config is in mmc1, but if i have changed the stratagus-run.... why this "try" running in mmc1?

Why do you think it's trying to run in mmc1? There's no mention of mmc1 in the error messages you've posted.

ududud 2010-02-04 17:02

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
Yes i was running in root with the WinSCP (client of SSH)

i can go in this folder, and i can see the all this files, yes this EXIST

i think this "try run in mmc" because after launch the application, this make me some folders in mmc1/games/stratagus/graphics/ui/orc etc.. and after this i try "delete" all this from mmc1 because i dont need this here

Rob1n 2010-02-04 17:07

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by ududud (Post 510647)
Yes i was running in root with the WinSCP (client of SSH)

i can go in this folder, and i can see the all this files, yes this EXIST

i think this "try run in mmc" because after launch the application, this make me some folders in mmc1/games/stratagus/graphics/ui/orc etc.. and after this i try "delete" all this from mmc1 because i dont need this here

You need to run it as the normal user. I don't know why it's creating files/folders on mmc1 though - if it still does this when run under the user's account, you can try adding a symlink:

sudo gainroot
ln -s /home/user/MyDocs/games /media/mmc1

ududud 2010-02-05 15:19

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
i was try run this with normal user with this code :
stratagun-run and no work...

and after this try with root with this code
sudo gainroot
stratagus-run and no work...

after this i closed and open..

and try write

sudo gainroot
ln -s /home/user/MyDocs/games /media/mmc1

and this say : ln: /media/mmc1/games : file exists


Rob1n 2010-02-05 15:44

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
FFS, don't run it as root! There's absolutely no need, and running unnecessary applications as root is just asking for trouble. You've already established that the /media/mmc1/games directory gets created when you run it as root, so obviously the linking will fail.

Exactly what error(s) are you getting running it under the normal user's account?

ududud 2010-02-05 15:57

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
The problem are = that the other post

Stratagus default config file loading...

"cant open file "blablbla.wav" (yes, i cant open more sounds = of you but np)
all cant open load *wav.. (spam this xd)

and after say

... ready!

stratagus v2.2.4 (c) blablbla...

this sowfware if provided as.. blablabla

and finnaly say

can't open file: no such file or directory
can't load the graphic 'ui/orc/800x480/filler-right.png'

and ofc the game Crash

Only this Dont say in mode : user:

home directory /home/user not ours
home directory /home/user not ours

Rob1n 2010-02-05 16:58

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
Looks like the game is copying the 800x480 graphics over if they're not found. Try running (as the normal user in X Terminal):

cp -r /home/user/.stratagus/graphics/ui/human/* /home/user/MyDocs/games/stratagus/graphics/ui/human
cp -r /home/user/.stratagus/graphics/ui/orc/* /home/user/MyDocs/games/stratagus/graphics/ui/orc

Then see whether it'll run.

ududud 2010-02-08 16:35

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
Ty Rob1n, really!, now this game run OK :).... only this dont save. but you was say me in the other post this :

sudo gainroot
cd /media/mmc1
chown -R user: *

You think if i change the "cd /media/mmc1" to "cd /home/user/MyDocs/" i can go save now?

im w8ing your comment because i think that cant write this if dont know what is :)

Rob1n 2010-02-08 16:57

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by ududud (Post 516449)
Ty Rob1n, really!, now this game run OK :).... only this dont save. but you was say me in the other post this :

sudo gainroot
cd /media/mmc1
chown -R user: *

You think if i change the "cd /media/mmc1" to "cd /home/user/MyDocs/" i can go save now?

im w8ing your comment because i think that cant write this if dont know what is :)

That won't make any difference I'm afraid, as MyDocs is FAT32 so permissions cannot be used. The games are saved into /home/user/.stratagus-2.2/wc2/save, so try running:

sudo gainroot
cd /home/user
chown -R user: .stratagus-2.2

ududud 2010-02-08 17:10

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
Ty m8, now this run ok and can save ;)...

rolan900d 2010-03-01 23:58

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
I can't get it to run and the most instructions in here are conflicting and make my head spin!

Here is what I did last:

sudo gainroot
ln -s /home/user/MyDocs/games /media/mmc1

and this say : ln: /media/mmc1/games : file exists
After that error I did this:
As normal user:
cp -r /home/user/.stratagus/graphics/ui/human/* /home/user/MyDocs/games/stratagus/graphics/ui/human
cp -r /home/user/.stratagus/graphics/ui/orc/* /home/user/MyDocs/games/stratagus/graphics/ui/orc

Error: No such file or directory

================================================== =
I grabbed a warcraft 2 CD from a torrent, which seemed all ready extracted and threw the content of data in media/mmc1/games/stratagus

These are the files:


+================================================= ==]
I hope for some help!


zehjotkah 2010-03-02 07:02

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
you need to extract the data from the cd via stratagus first.

rolan900d 2010-03-02 08:58

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
Your help was great...
Thanks for pointing that out...

It was hard to do it because of all the posts in here and the first one deleted...

Thanks again...

raily 2010-03-09 19:47

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
do i need a mmc to run stratagus? all instructions i could find mention /media/mmc1.

Rob1n 2010-03-09 19:51

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by raily (Post 561644)
do i need a mmc to run stratagus? all instructions i could find mention /media/mmc1.

You don't need to, no, but parts of the code assume you are, so you'll need to symlink from /media/mmc1/games/stratagus to wherever you install the data (that should work - I've not tested it myself though).

xFinal 2010-03-10 23:05

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
dont know if anyone else is experiencing this but, plays fine except that so far i found that at the start of episode 2 for orcs slows down extremely, almost freezing then boots you out. also i tried saving at this point, restarting and loading, but then it messes the save file up, on the expansion campaign same thing about 3rd level in, get attack by a enemy orge, and quits. Trying human campaign seeing if still happens.

SavageD 2010-03-21 17:21

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
what ever happened to this game D: ???!!!

haberc 2010-03-23 07:33

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
is there a full guide link of how to run warcraft 2 cant find it :(

Rob1n 2010-03-23 09:27

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by haberc (Post 578253)
is there a full guide link of how to run warcraft 2 cant find it :(

See my instructions on page 12 of this thread.

crazy_jorgito 2010-03-23 17:15

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
but do we need the actual Warcraft II CD in order to install the game?

zehjotkah 2010-03-23 17:23

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by crazy_jorgito (Post 579045)
but do we need the actual Warcraft II CD in order to install the game?

yes, because you have to extract the warcraft files from the warcraft cd using wargus.

crazy_jorgito 2010-03-23 20:34

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
last question, do we need a memory card?

Sorry i just saw this:
"You don't need to, no, but parts of the code assume you are, so you'll need to symlink from /media/mmc1/games/stratagus to wherever you install the data (that should work - I've not tested it myself though)."

what do you mean by symlink?

raily 2010-03-23 21:58

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

ln -s /your/path/to/stratagus /media/mmc1/games/stratagus

crazy_jorgito 2010-03-23 22:27

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
i need help i saw in another forum (the game worked) that i should write this in the x terminal to install the game:
dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/stratagus-0.1-4_armel.deb

but i got a question, i got the deb file in the root of n900
therefore i should write:

xFinal 2010-03-24 08:03

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by crazy_jorgito (Post 579446)
i need help i saw in another forum (the game worked) that i should write this in the x terminal to install the game:
dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/stratagus-0.1-4_armel.deb

but i got a question, i got the deb file in the root of n900
therefore i should write:

well if its in the root, just move it to MyDocs, dont really want unnecessary files in root, limited space as it is, once its back in my docs that first command line should work.

Rob1n 2010-03-24 09:01

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by crazy_jorgito (Post 579446)
i need help i saw in another forum (the game worked) that i should write this in the x terminal to install the game:
dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/stratagus-0.1-4_armel.deb

but i got a question, i got the deb file in the root of n900
therefore i should write:

Depends what you mean by root - if that's the lowest level you see in File Manager then that's /home/user/MyDocs.

crazy_jorgito 2010-03-24 12:50

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
root is the lowest level that i see when i connect the n900 to the computer

raily 2010-03-24 13:19

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by crazy_jorgito (Post 580192)
root is the lowest level that i see when i connect the n900 to the computer

I am quite sure this is not true. type "pwd" in terminal to get the current directory displayed you are in. Maybe you want to learn more about linux before you accidently harm your N900.

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