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urishamay 2010-01-19 10:11

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Not seen anybody with n900 in israel .
btw ,my previous phone was nokia e90. (2 Years, great phone)

i only saw him once ....

Strutten 2010-01-19 10:39

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
So far, the only one I've seen here in Stockholm, Sweden is my own.

Alan_Peery 2010-01-19 10:48

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
There are three that I know of where I work in London, just spread across two floors. All purchases made independently.

I would be surprised if there aren't more.

mrmg 2010-01-19 11:07

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
@Cartoon_Head, I catch the bakerloo line and am often playing with my N900. Not installed Open Arena yet but I might have to now. ;-)

Arif 2010-01-19 12:46

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
I'm still waiting for my own N900! :p should be getting it next week if everything goes right :D

giannoug 2010-01-19 12:55

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
So far, the only N900 I've seen in Greece, is mine :d

Naughty 2010-01-19 20:45

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Sounds like someone should organize N900 get-togethers ;)

smarsh 2010-01-19 21:01

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by SR90 (Post 481352)
I'm a Canadian university student and I do own a N900 ;) lol !

Yeah , everyone in university is using an iphone and I have seen 1 n900 as of now in my uni.

I'm not a student, but I am in Canada (Ottawa) and I've yet to see another other than mine. Anyone else nearby? ;)

cardiff-blues 2010-01-19 21:04

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Perhaps one of you guys should program an application to locate other n900s so we can be social.

Texrat 2010-01-19 21:05

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
I saw 299 other guys with them in Amsterdam.


jenius 2010-01-19 21:11

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by IWantToMarryTheN900 (Post 480146)
Do I own the only N900 in Philadelphia? Or Pennsylvania for that matter?

Pittsburgh here.

Texrat 2010-01-19 21:11

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by Naughty (Post 482750)
Sounds like someone should organize N900 get-togethers ;)

I'm planning on coming to Helsinki sometime around Spring or summer, so make sure there's a meetup! :)

Laughingstok 2010-01-19 21:12

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by Naughty (Post 482750)
Sounds like someone should organize N900 get-togethers ;)

I'm way too awesome to be seen hanging out with a bunch of geeky phone users. :D

Texrat 2010-01-19 21:14

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by Laughingstok (Post 482819)
I'm way too awesome to be seen hanging out with a bunch of geeky phone users. :D

I can't believe you just said that to a beautiful woman who suggested a get-together. :p

Laughingstok 2010-01-19 21:17

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 482824)
I can't believe you just said that to a beautiful woman who suggested a get-together. :p

Hah, well I'm married to one. She calls this place my "N900 porn." :D

tpaixao 2010-01-19 21:19

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
I know I'm not the only N900 owner in Texas (Hey Texrat and maemo-freak-guy-whose nick-I-can't-recall-right-now) but am I the only one in Houston?
Because it certainly feels that way. and I am freaking tired of explaining the difference between this and an iPhone to the unwashed masses...

Texrat 2010-01-19 21:22

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by tpaixao (Post 482833)
I know I'm not the only N900 owner in Texas (Hey Texrat and maemo-freak-guy-whose nick-I-can't-recall-right-now) but am I the only one in Houston?
Because it certainly feels that way. and I am freaking tired of explaining the difference between this and an iPhone to the unwashed masses...

You might be! I'm trying to build a Maemo user/developer network in Texas and having a helluva time.

But if I can afford it, I'll vacation in Galveston this Summer and we'll do a meetup at Fisherman's Wharf or Gaido's. :D

amarjyoti 2010-01-19 21:23

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
I haven't seen anybody else in Phoenix with the N900. But I do see my friends drool when I compare my N900 to their iphone or Android phones :-D

Modell900 2010-01-19 21:25

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Not seen anyone else in Stockholm with the N900 except the people I know from Nokia, but there´s been more then enough people walking up to me and asking about the phone in the subway or during lunches :)

Think it will hit the stores here around week 5-6 in Sweden from what I heard, the people I talked to prefer to buy it from a proper shop rather then Nokia Online store.

Lots of pre-orders so I guess it´s just a matter of time before they become more visible.

arbiter elegantiarium 2010-01-19 21:30

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Here in St.Leonards-on-Sea we keep quiet if we have anything of value. To display a N900 openly, would only create a certain discord amongst the lumpen proletariat.

keff 2010-01-19 21:31

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
first post! hello all!

I saw another owner on a shopping mall in Turku, Finland. Looked like he was waiting a bus. It was pretty weird!

rulsky 2010-01-19 21:31

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
No N900's in Mexico either.....Am I the only one here?....heeelllllooooo...I feel so lonely :rolleyes:

Mara 2010-01-19 23:24

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Haven't spotted any other than the one co-worker having one in Finland last week (which I already mentioned in this thread).

But after using it this week at my workplace I have heard few people asking "Is that the N900?". I'm a bit surpriced that so many people actually know about this...

nokiabuff 2010-01-19 23:42

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
I purchased 2 one for myself and for shipping to India. So far so good. I am on ATT so lack of 3G support band sucks big time other than that love the phone. I am in iphone/nexus valley. I have not see any one with N900 but I have heard couple of them owning in my company.



Originally Posted by Mara (Post 483139)
Haven't spotted any other than the one co-worker having one in Finland last week (which I already mentioned in this thread).

But after using it this week at my workplace I have heard few people asking "Is that the N900?". I'm a bit surpriced that so many people actually know about this...

hoher11 2010-01-19 23:44

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Heya all,

first post here from Hungary. Not seen one just yet, but the guy at the store I got mine told me they have sold quite a few already. And I saw a few users having one at our Hungarian N900 forum lol.

SR90 2010-01-20 06:45

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by smarsh (Post 482791)
I'm not a student, but I am in Canada (Ottawa) and I've yet to see another other than mine. Anyone else nearby? ;)

I guess we have to do a get-together for N900 owners in Canada ! lol

Nice to have you on the board ;)


djjaku 2010-01-20 08:29

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Apart from mine I saw 1 in Grays, Essex. Anyone from this forum maybe ? :)

Aranel 2010-01-20 10:51

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
I didnt(and dont expect to) see anyone using N900 :/ Not in Corum, neither Ankara. (Turkey) I think its because Nokia officially does not sell their Nxxx devices here. Even Care Point staff does not know anything about Nokia N900, when I went to them first time with my device, they was really excited, asked lots of questions, but could not help me anyway.

People always asking me if its a "Made in China" fake device, lol.

cpscotti 2010-01-20 11:28

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Ancona, Italy here! I got the phone from a nokia store the day it arrived (Dec 6 or smth)... they even got some adv there! (it's a small nokia store.. but anyway)

About the get-togethers, that reminds me of the "irc parties" back in the early nineties! totally awesome!

Also, a Finnish friend of mine got it while in Christmas vacation but his phone is one of the reboot cursed ones; 17 reboots and he turned it over to repair.. (when I told him that there was a workaround he wasn't really happy but it was too late..)

So.. when/where is the first n900-party around europe (Ryanair solves the rest)? And please make it in a pub!

grumps312 2010-01-20 11:41

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
i seen a best buy worker in Canada that owned a N900 LOL.

dieg 2010-01-20 12:27

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Anybody from Spain? and in Spain from León? :)

jlpils 2010-01-20 12:41

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
I have seen a big road side advertising board for the n900 next to A40, west london.

Cartoon_Head 2010-01-20 12:51

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
they have a big wall poster up at oxford circus now, it's the multimulti tasking one, think this is the best advert ever though


jc7ven 2010-01-20 13:21

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by rulsky (Post 482881)
No N900's in Mexico either.....Am I the only one here?....heeelllllooooo...I feel so lonely :rolleyes:

I was in Mexico City last month visiting family, I was afraid to carry it with me and get it stolen :p

zehjotkah 2010-01-20 13:27

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Berlin - Germany.
I know, that here are many many N900s. but not yet seen one in the wild (except of mine).

Arif 2010-01-20 14:33

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by Aranel (Post 483926)
I didnt(and dont expect to) see anyone using N900 :/ Not in Corum, neither Ankara. (Turkey) I think its because Nokia officially does not sell their Nxxx devices here. Even Care Point staff does not know anything about Nokia N900, when I went to them first time with my device, they was really excited, asked lots of questions, but could not help me anyway.

People always asking me if its a "Made in China" fake device, lol.

I'll be there this summer! :p

jerden69 2010-01-20 14:34

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by SR90 (Post 483655)
I guess we have to do a get-together for N900 owners in Canada ! lol

Nice to have you on the board ;)


I'm in Toronto! haven't seen a single soul with one yet, but I am getting gawks from iPhone users on the subway at how they thought it was an iPhone but then realised hey he's doing more than one thing at the same time!

So I grin and laugh silently :D

tanekray 2010-01-20 15:48

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....

Originally Posted by tonymark (Post 480280)
I haven't seen any yet and I work at NTU and see close to 3000 students every day. Seen plenty of them iphone's for some reason. Got a couple of work friends with N97 and 97mini's but no n900's

Wow. I thought I was the only one in Nottingham to have one.
I've not seen anyone anywhere with a N900. Sometimes I need to check that I do have one, and it's not all been one lovely dream :)

smarsh 2010-01-20 18:52

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
This might be a brainstorm idea, but how about an N900 proximity finder...? I dunno, bluetooth perhaps, that listens out for an N900 in the vicinity and pipes up if there is one... Might be an interesting way to meet, well, geeks, really.


urishamay 2010-01-20 18:54

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
nice , but i think in israel it will be like finding people on the moon

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