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mrt 2010-06-24 08:05

Re: how to download maps for mappero n900?

Originally Posted by gm_w (Post 726730)
The manage map dialog download whats on your screen basically. And it is really slow. If I want to download the entire US, I zoom all the way out until I can see the entire US 50 states, If I hit download everything for zoom level 6 there, it will simply crash my n900 because there will be 123,456,789 maps to be downloaded.

So basically, there is no way to predownload the maps for mappero. You must have an internet connection on the road, or you take very short trips and pre-browse the path you want to take and let mappero download it for you then.

I agree, I'm also not happy with the performance and required storage for downloading maps. It takes a lot of time to load maps and also takes a lot of storage. This is one issue, when you are using mappero.

But I like the idea of this app very much and handling and using of this app is great and there are some very nice options and opportunities that you wont get by other map-applications. For riding with my motorcycle it's one of my favorites although it's not perfect. Do you really need the entire US in level 6? I loaded the area around my hometown (about 200 km in each direction) in levels 10, 8 and 6. When I'm planning a route, I'm loading the maps around the route in 6. That works.

zimon 2010-06-24 08:34

Re: how to download maps for mappero n900?
I was going to make an official feature request of this also, but here goes:
When loading maps, Mappero should make an educated guess how much space and how much data transfer is needed after a user selects what area and zoom levels he is going to get transfered. Then also guess how long it will take if Mappero has some sense about the speed of the connectivity. The user should have some way of cancelling the ongoing map transfer and see how much (megabytes) has already been transfered that far and how much to go.

And, something really has to be done to a fact, that Mappero can currecntly still (with PR1.2 also) bring whole Maemo Linux N900 down so it won't respond to any buttons or touch screen; one has to reboot by removing the battery in a worst case - as I was forced to do 3 - 4 times during last week. Of course, with decent OS this should not happen, but it does. It wasn't necessary downloading maps then, because I used Mappero in offline mode always when not in the WLAN-zone. Just using Mappero, MicroB and 5MP camera at the same time occasianally made the whole system dead to an any user input (waited several minutes to get a control back with no luck)

(Oh well, I wrote so many other notes during the week how Mappero could be more userfriendly and found some clear bugs also.)

mrt 2010-06-24 09:52

Re: how to download maps for mappero n900?
Yes, this feature request may help to handle this problem, but it will not really solve it.

After using Maemomapper on my N810 and now using mappero on my N900 I got the impression that it takes more time and more storage in your device on the N900. I'm a novice, so I do not really understand this, but maybe there is another way or technologie to load maps?

Can someone confirm this?

dchky 2010-06-24 10:16

Re: how to download maps for mappero n900?
@mrt - currently there is no way to do what you are asking. : (

You can only download the maps through the application itself.

mrt 2010-06-24 10:31

Re: how to download maps for mappero n900?
When you connect the N900 to a windows computer in massstorage mode you can see the problem. Look at the properties of one of your subfolders in ".map". In my case the size of the folder "Virtualearth" is 410MB but it really takes 5.30GB on the disk. That's because of there are a lot of small image-files (with the maps) and each file needs one cluster on the disk (that is bigger than the file). So it blocks a lot of storage space on the N900. Am I wrong?

Pigro 2010-06-25 08:46

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
did another local test route yesterday. same thing - went fine until I diverged & mappero didn't update guidance. Then cleared/reset and entered a new route. got "generic error" no matter what origin/destination I entered thereafter. changing map provider, routing engine and toggling GPS state all made no difference. I closed and restarted Mappero, it didn't help. I ran Ovi maps and closed it after it got a fix - then ran Mappero again - it then allowed me to enter a new route.

I repeated the above (diverge from route; reset; enter new route; get generic error; close Mappero; run Ovi maps; run Mappero). On two out of 4 attempts it got me past the "generic error".

Are others getting this error at all or is it just me?

fixfox 2010-06-25 09:02

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by Pigro (Post 728642)
did another local test route yesterday. same thing - went fine until I diverged & mappero didn't update guidance. Then cleared/reset and entered a new route. got "generic error" no matter what origin/destination I entered thereafter. changing map provider, routing engine and toggling GPS state all made no difference. I closed and restarted Mappero, it didn't help. I ran Ovi maps and closed it after it got a fix - then ran Mappero again - it then allowed me to enter a new route.

I repeated the above (diverge from route; reset; enter new route; get generic error; close Mappero; run Ovi maps; run Mappero). On two out of 4 attempts it got me past the "generic error".

Are others getting this error at all or is it just me?

I get the very same errors as you. Unfortunately, the current maintainer Alberto Mardegan once posted on his blog that he does not use the routing engine much.. so I guess it's relatively low on his priority list.

Pigro 2010-06-25 09:22

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
thanks for the feedback. A shame - hopefully Mappero's performance & stability will improve over time to match it's clearly superior functionality. Until then. Ovi maps will get me there, in it's own clunky way :-)

Cobra 2010-06-26 13:32

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
every time I try to calculate route mappero closes back to desktop. I new to mappero am I missing something or does everybody have this problem. version 3.o+beta9

cfh11 2010-06-29 14:41

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
+1 to that ^^^

Makes the program kind of useless IMO

colchaodemola 2010-06-30 11:22

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
I have just installed mapper but there are a lot of missing icons. have i forgot something ?

tredlie 2010-07-05 11:59

mappero - how to start gpx routing??
Dear All

I need routing based on GPX files but cannot persuade mappero to actually start the routing process. This is the actual situation:
  • I have a gpx file on the N900
  • in mappero I chose the routing icon (third from top on the left): a tab with ROUTE comes up:
  • I choose Open. and import the gpx file - mappero says 'route opened' and the route can be seen in nice green on the map.In the upper right corner is a red ">" and "6.2km 003:45" and under it a green flag with "797.0km". The trail is obviously 797 km long (bike trail along the river Elbe), but what does this red thingy with the 6.2 km mean?

what now? I would expect, that I could somehow define the 'trail head' and the say: "start routing". But that I cannot find anywhere.

Any ideas?


e0x 2010-07-05 13:43

Re: mappero - how to start gpx routing??
i think the red thing is a track ( green route , red track ) try reset/clear track and then open the route

Laughing Man 2010-07-05 13:59

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
I think the latest one has a bug somewhere in it. Seems to randomly crash on me. Trying to figure out how to run it from xterm to see what the error message is.

tredlie 2010-07-05 18:12

Re: mappero - how to start gpx routing??

Originally Posted by e0x (Post 741259)
i think the red thing is a track ( green route , red track ) try reset/clear track and then open the route

Thanks, that settles the red mark: it was indeed a track, once cleared it was gone.

still the question remains: once a route has been imported how do you START on it?


e0x 2010-07-05 19:45

Re: mappero - how to start gpx routing??

Originally Posted by tredlie (Post 741473)
Thanks, that settles the red mark: it was indeed a track, once cleared it was gone.

still the question remains: once a route has been imported how do you START on it?


enable the GPS ( is enable by default i thing ) and just follow the route.
( this will enable again a red line which is you track )

gm_w 2010-07-06 13:19

Re: Mappero - Where are the map-files located
I see a major problem with the map files... I pre-downloaded a few maps (along route) for a trip. The size of the map is less than 1GB, but size on disk, is 13GB. This will soon eat up all the memory in n900.

gm_w 2010-07-06 15:31

Re: how to download maps for mappero n900?
i also noticed the rather large storage area needed for maps. I downloaded about 900MB of maps, but it took 15GB of storage on n900... And i only downloaded the maps for the NE of USA. This means that the n900 can't even handle the entire USA -- it will run out of space really quick.

This is completely unacceptable to waste so much space.

fionbio 2010-07-06 15:37

Re: how to download maps for mappero n900?
As far as I understand, maemo-mapper was using sqlite db for tiles some time ago. Then this was replaced with filesystem-based solution for some reason...

bull81 2010-07-08 12:22

Mappero improvemnts
1 Attachment(s)
Hi All

I didn't know where to put my comments regarding this application so I hope you don't mind creating another thread.

In general I think it's very useful and has a lot potential. With recent voice navigation feature it's even more useful then ovi maps.
I still have one major thing I would like to improve and I was wandering what do you think.

Your position on the screen:
By default you're located on the center of the screen[position A] . Once you start moving with auto rotation enabled screen will center you again once you get to 25% distance to the edge of the screen [position B].(see attachment)
As a result most of the time you see form 50% to 25% of the map in front of you. That forces me to zoom out to be able to see the track more in advance.

First request: Is there any chances to make possible to set my default position on the screen and if possible put it 20% from the bottom constantly. This way 80% of the screen would show the track in front of me, which is what I am most of the time interest in.

Second request: I know it's maybe a small thing but very annoying. Is it possible to keep my location in the same place on the map ALL THE TIME (fixed) and only move map in the background. Don't move this blue dot. Similar like you have in ovi maps or any other gps system. I don't mind if it would be have for CPU as most of the time when I use GPS i plug the charger.

I played with all possible settings for Auto-center and didn't see to much difference so please correct me if I am wrong and this functionality already exist.

Beside this I have no other comments. Application is perfect and I use it on regular basis.


dchky 2010-07-08 13:24

Re: Mappero improvemnts
Indeed it is a potentially good application, but still rough around the edges.

Did you have a play with the 'lead' option? This should fix the problem you have with seeing where you are going better and keeping your 'dot' closer to the lower side of the screen.

Settings -> Auto-Center -> Lead Amount

What I'd love to see is the ability to calculate routing on the N900 itself, unfortunately Google doesn't work for me. I keep getting "Invalid source or destination" - Never once has this feature actually worked.

lardman 2010-07-08 13:50

Re: Mappero improvemnts

Originally Posted by dchky (Post 744895)
What I'd love to see is the ability to calculate routing on the N900 itself, unfortunately Google doesn't work for me. I keep getting "Invalid source or destination" - Never once has this feature actually worked.

It would be possible to implement this without altering Mappero itself and instead just use a local webserver that accepts the destination, etc., and returns the same set of waypoints as expected to come from Google.

In terms of the backend, locally hosted OSM data might be a goer, and there are iirc projects that already use this (does Navit...?) to do offline route calcs.

bull81 2010-07-08 14:17

Re: Mappero improvemnts

Originally Posted by dchky (Post 744895)
Indeed it is a potentially good application, but still rough around the edges.

Did you have a play with the 'lead' option? This should fix the problem you have with seeing where you are going better and keeping your 'dot' closer to the lower side of the screen.

Settings -> Auto-Center -> Lead Amount

Doesn't work for me on n900 I tried all possible combination of Lead Amount (Fixed, Speed base) with all possible sensitivity. Can Move my dot to the bottom of the screen no matter what.
Could others verify it?

Flandry 2010-07-08 14:24

Re: Mappero improvemnts

Originally Posted by lardman (Post 744920)
It would be possible to implement this without altering Mappero itself and instead just use a local webserver that accepts the destination, etc., and returns the same set of waypoints as expected to come from Google.

In terms of the backend, locally hosted OSM data might be a goer, and there are iirc projects that already use this (does Navit...?) to do offline route calcs.

Navit uses the vector data to begin with, so it's an easy feature to support. The problem with tile-based nav apps like Mappero is that they don't "know" anything about the map. It seems to me that one might as well just switch to an app that uses vector data rather than tack on a whole new nav app-within-an-app and require both types of data to be stored.

Edit: My recent take on this:

lardman 2010-07-08 14:30

Re: Mappero improvemnts

Originally Posted by Flandry (Post 744961)
Navit uses the vector data to begin with, so it's an easy feature to support. The problem with tile-based nav apps like Mappero is that they don't "know" anything about the map. It seems to me that one might as well just switch to an app that uses vector data rather than tack on a whole new nav app-within-an-app.

Edit: My recent take on this:

That's the thing though, the routing app has nothing to do with Mappero, it can be completely stand-alone and only accessed as a local webservice.

I agree though that a vector map method is probably better for a fair few reasons, but the features and map data that Mappero provides are hard to argue with, and the stand-alone webserver is then a way for a shared routing service backend to be developed without worrying about what the frontends might look like and what type of map data they choose to use.

Eagle777 2010-07-12 03:27

Re: mappero - how to start gpx routing??

Originally Posted by e0x (Post 741560)
enable the GPS ( is enable by default i thing ) and just follow the route.
( this will enable again a red line which is you track )

Can Anyone tell me how to start voice navigation.. i enabled all things in anouncement but still nothings come up.. am in india

efeinblatt 2010-07-12 12:54

Crashing Mappero
Hey, I've had no luck whatsoever in getting Mappero to work. I can get started with navigation, but a few minutes into it.....CRASH. This happens repeatedly for me, even after a device restart and with no other apps running. Anyone else experiencing the same problem?

Pigro 2010-07-12 13:19

Re: Crashing Mappero
hasn't crashed often (couple of times only over a couple of days of testing) but does become temporarily unresponsive at times, is very resource hungry, and is very flaky when trying to calculate new routes. This is defiitely an app that's in -devel for a reason, so adjust your expectations accordingly. The developer seems to be busy with his own life at present so I guess we wait until he (hopefully) gets time/inclination to resume work, and we then hope that he'll work on stability/performance as well a new features. Fingers crossed! Until then, if you are using it, try to avoid having other stuff (eg. media player, intrnet radio or whatever) running at the same time, that will probably help?

BruceL 2010-07-12 13:31

Re: Crashing Mappero
For me it crashes reliably if I try to 'look around' while it is trying to center on GPS.

mele 2010-07-12 14:26

Re: Crashing Mappero
Mine started to crash when i upgraded to the newest version

efeinblatt 2010-07-12 14:40

Re: Crashing Mappero
Thanks for the confirmations - was beginning to think there were problems on my end.

Flandry 2010-07-12 15:51

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
The following threads have been merged here:
Mappero improvemnts
Crashing Mappero
mappero - how to start gpx routing??
how to download maps for mappero n900?
Mappero - Where are the map-files located

cwarner2010 2010-07-18 09:23

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
I've got Mapper on my N900 I've tried the voice in settings, but I can't get it to recognise the internal gps chip, any ideas?

latewindows 2010-07-25 19:28

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
This is a great app - really impressed with it, despite it being a little rough around the edges.

How can you find out what zoom level you are currently in - just so i know what level zoom map i should download?

is there a guide to how to get voice instructions working - i cant figure it out myself.

Thanks for any help :)

ZedThou 2010-07-26 02:30

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper

Originally Posted by latewindows (Post 764425)
This is a great app - really impressed with it, despite it being a little rough around the edges.

How can you find out what zoom level you are currently in - just so i know what level zoom map i should download?

is there a guide to how to get voice instructions working - i cant figure it out myself.

Thanks for any help :)

To see the zoom level, from the main Mappero menu, Show -> enable the Zoom Level option and it will show up on the bottom of the map display. I'm using version 3.0+beta9.

latewindows 2010-07-26 13:43

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
How big is a tile?

If I was downloading the map data for a given route, and set the map Manage Maps setting to Along Route - Radius - I need to know how much area a given tile would cover at a specific zoom level.

How do you guys normally download your maps - which settings would you use?

mrt 2010-07-28 10:31

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
As I wrote before, I think that this is really a great app. It got nearly all features that I like to have, but I really got a problem with the storage space, that is needed for the maps. It takes far more storage space on the disk, than the size of the map files really is.

Is there any improvement planned for the future? Maybe to store the maps in a database like maemo mapper did in OS2008?

Since I would like to use for navigation on car or motorcycle I need maps for a bigger area. So I can't use mappero at the moment.

latewindows 2010-07-28 19:12

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
I'm having trouble with routing at the moment.

With internet connected & gps working, with my position showing on the screen, I try to route to a given location.

Using google as router, nothing happens for some minutes and then it times out.

Does anyone know why this would be? I tried a reinstall but the same thing - it's been like this for a couple of days.

mardy 2010-07-31 06:23

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper

Originally Posted by latewindows (Post 768195)
Using google as router, nothing happens for some minutes and then it times out.

It's a problem with the routing server, Lately it seems not to be up, so all queries are failing. I'm about to release mappero 3.0+beta10 which will implement routing by directly talking to the Google Maps server, which is always up and running. :-)

mele 2010-07-31 07:53

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
After the latest update about month ago i couldnt been calculated routes. Mapper just crashes everytime.

But easy access to finnish topographic maps is fantastic, thanks for that :)

Sweet after new update routing works great.

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