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thecreep 2010-02-22 13:55

Re: what was your phone before n900??
HTC Diamond
BlackBerry Storm
iPhone 3G
Nokia N97 and others but.. as soon as I put my hands on the N900 I knew that it was the one I will stay with.

Dr. Drips 2010-02-22 14:11

Re: what was your phone before n900??
LG Viewty:o

ZackMorris 2010-02-22 14:19

Re: what was your phone before n900??
First phone I had was the Nokia 7210, then I got the 6820, and my god I loved that phone so much. I disappeared from society for a while, and then when I returned I got the 6102 which I didn't like too much. Kept that for a while, and I got the N82 and my world changed, during that time I also got the N810. I upgraded this past fall to the N86, but didn't feel that phone was that much of a jump over the N82, and the camera sure didn't feel like it. I wasn't disappointed, just a little jaded, then I saw this after I saw that I knew I had to have it, I already was using the hell out of my N810 and wasn't super happy with my N86, so I sold that went back to the N82 in the meantime, and bought the N900. When it arrived my life changed once again. I still use the N82 if I'm going out and hitting the sauce, its a durable phone with a ridiculous camera for night shots, and on trips I still bring my N810 along and load a few movies. However the jewel of my mobile family is the N900 for sure.

jer006 2010-02-22 14:27

Re: what was your phone before n900??
I had a Nokia 5800 previously, had a very frustrating time with the older firmware as it could barely load webpages in the default browser without running out of memory... While these issues now seem to be fixed with the latest firmware released I do not miss the device at all!!! Symbian has a long way to go in my opinion to be a user friendly touch UI and Nok need to learn to start putting more memory in their devices - N900 included, 256MB's really is the bare minimum...

I miss OVI Maps 3.0 the most, it was an amazing application and I hope Nokia do a lot more to support this product on the N900! Free turn by turn right about now would be awesome... I dont even mind paying for it with the sygic application but seems the Ovi store is still not ready for paid applications - come on Nokia please get this fixed ASAP!!!!!

StOoZ 2010-02-22 14:39

Re: what was your phone before n900??
N95 since the day it came out

fareastcoast 2010-02-22 14:40

Re: what was your phone before n900??
E71. Lost it. Wish I had that phone guardian ish installed, I could have set off sirens and all kinds of things. Aaanyways. that phone was sexy, sleek, really nicely built. Looked good in white. N900 is a sweet little computer though. Like a tool. I know it's going to be a cult machine in a few years when the world is DRMed up and you are searching for some liberty. Maybe I don;t know what I'm talking about lol.

megaexer 2010-02-22 14:42

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Nokia N82... modded N hacked to bits.

captskipton 2010-02-22 14:53

Re: what was your phone before n900??
i had the E65. greatest thing on it was that i read out your text messages with a drunk stephan hawkins kind of voice.

heahmad 2010-02-22 14:55

Re: what was your phone before n900??
6120 -> n79 -> n900

navsin 2010-02-22 14:57

Re: what was your phone before n900??
I had a Blackberry 8820 prior to this. The three things I miss are:
1) Almost perfect email.
2) App Store
3) Full keyboard, which was so easy to use. N900 keyboard will take some time to get used to.

edQ 2010-02-22 15:23

Re: what was your phone before n900??
E71. I must say I love the N900 but do miss some symbian apps. Getting Joikusport for n900 helped. Still waiting for audible support. Tried garnet but crashes whenever I try to play file.

gviterbo 2010-02-22 15:32

Re: what was your phone before n900??
I owned an iPhone prior to getting my N900.

Ali_rshojakhani 2010-02-22 17:28

Re: what was your phone before n900??

Originally Posted by ZackMorris (Post 541105)
First phone I had was the Nokia 7210, then I got the 6820, and my god I loved that phone so much. I disappeared from society for a while, and then when I returned I got the 6102 which I didn't like too much. Kept that for a while, and I got the N82 and my world changed, during that time I also got the N810. I upgraded this past fall to the N86, but didn't feel that phone was that much of a jump over the N82, and the camera sure didn't feel like it. I wasn't disappointed, just a little jaded, then I saw this after I saw that I knew I had to have it, I already was using the hell out of my N810 and wasn't super happy with my N86, so I sold that went back to the N82 in the meantime, and bought the N900. When it arrived my life changed once again. I still use the N82 if I'm going out and hitting the sauce, its a durable phone with a ridiculous camera for night shots, and on trips I still bring my N810 along and load a few movies. However the jewel of my mobile family is the N900 for sure.

cool story:D

ashyk36 2010-02-22 19:09

Re: what was your phone before n900??

Originally Posted by Ali_rshojakhani (Post 540313)
wow doesnt using se for 6 years make u a hardbound se user??
i like how u've suddenly shifted to n900... :) i know a guy that used to say okia phones are crap and stuff like that... but he is now drooling to own an n900!

hahahhaa.wel i was the sameee, but if nokia were stil on symbian only i wouldt have got 1, would have went with android instead :p

Venomrush 2010-02-22 19:13

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Sadly mine was the N97..hence the N900 upgrade..

etuoyo 2010-02-22 19:14

Re: what was your phone before n900??
N95 for me. Had N97 for three days but was just too terrible and I returned it and was going to get something else before I stumbled on the upcoming N900 so decided to wait for it. This was way back in August so I had to wait a real real long time to get it (November).

NotTheMessiah 2010-02-22 19:23

Re: what was your phone before n900??

Originally Posted by ZackMorris (Post 541105)
First phone I had was the Nokia 7210, then I got the 6820, and my god I loved that phone so much. I disappeared from society for a while, and then when I returned I got the 6102 which I didn't like too much. Kept that for a while, and I got the N82 and my world changed, during that time I also got the N810. I upgraded this past fall to the N86, but didn't feel that phone was that much of a jump over the N82, and the camera sure didn't feel like it. I wasn't disappointed, just a little jaded, then I saw this after I saw that I knew I had to have it, I already was using the hell out of my N810 and wasn't super happy with my N86, so I sold that went back to the N82 in the meantime, and bought the N900. When it arrived my life changed once again. I still use the N82 if I'm going out and hitting the sauce, its a durable phone with a ridiculous camera for night shots, and on trips I still bring my N810 along and load a few movies. However the jewel of my mobile family is the N900 for sure.

i had a 7210 about 5 years back. that thing was basically indestructable! when it did finally start going wrong it recieved no end of physical punishment, including being thrown across the room at the wall and bursting into peices and being stamped on when the display would go blank blue. funnily stamping on it fixed the display issue. the case got pretty mangled but some super glue fixed that. it was one tough phone alright! i'll never treat my N900 that way of course.its far too special.

jcm6084 2010-02-22 19:26

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Samsung G600 :(

darkheroz 2010-02-22 19:30

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Htc hd, i am little disappointed from maemo vs win mobile. GPS ON N900 SUCKS, BUT INTERNET BROWSER ROCKS :)

stefanmohl 2010-02-22 20:30

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Ericsson all my life, first a few simple ones like the GH-688, and 868, but mainly the P-series smart phones (I had the Sony-Ericsson P800, Sony-Ericsson P900i, Sony-Ericsson P990i, Sony-Ericsson P1i). I loved the P-series: The p800 and p900 really blew my mind when they came out. But SE started dropping the ball with the P990i and the P1i. Finally, when they went WinMo with Xperia, I started looking elsewhere.

I had been thinking of the OpenMoko, but it never got stable enough to be even a little usable. I was about to get an Android when I got to know about the N900. When I found out that Nokia were making an open-source phone with full Nokia-level support for OS and basic apps, full keyboard and flagship level hardware (i.e. camera, GPS, WLAN, 3G, 600MHz Arm-8, etc) I was sold in an instant!

It wasn't until I had had the N900 a few weeks that the full meaning of the N900 sunk in. Why have only a phone in your pocket, when you can have a full scale computer? That makes the N900 a new generation beyond the Android and iPhone. It makes the step from a smart-phone like the SE-P1i to the N900 as big as the step from an old mobile phone to a smart-phone.

Kajko 2010-02-22 20:47

Re: what was your phone before n900??
E90 Communicator.

Mazi 2010-02-22 20:49

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Iphone 3GS

tonymark 2010-02-22 20:52

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Nokia 5110
Nokia 3210
Nokia 8210
Samsung V200 (Why!!!!)
Sony T68i (lovely battery life)
Nokia 6630
Nokia 6680
Nokia N80
Nokia N95-1
Nokia 6300 (only for the free wii)
Nokia N96
Nokia N900 (lush)

direx 2010-02-22 20:56

Re: what was your phone before n900??
I was using the Nokia 3310 before I got my N900 :)

Last year I had a Nokia 5800XM, but I returned this phone after a few months (worst phone I had ever seen).

arnoldthebat 2010-02-22 20:59

Re: what was your phone before n900??
E71 and it still rocks.. Love my N900 more tho ;-)

pisthpeeps 2010-02-22 21:01

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Nokia 6230i

donsaibot 2010-02-22 21:24

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Some various Nokia Phones -> Nokia 5310 XM -> Nokia 5800XM(very great Device IMO) -> N900 :D

tonymark 2010-02-22 21:26

Re: what was your phone before n900??

Originally Posted by pisthpeeps (Post 541736)
Nokia 6230i

How did I forget that off my list. Before my N80. Still have it now just in case!

Grant 2010-02-22 21:37

Re: what was your phone before n900??

davidh101 2010-02-22 23:52

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Nokia 2110, 3110, 5110, 6110, 6210, 6230, 6230i, 6250, 6280, 6310, 7110, 7210, 7250, 8210, 8210i, 8250, 8310, 9110, 9210, E60, E65, 5800, N900

And had a couple of HTC's in the middle

Hmm, think I'm a bit of a Nokia fan!!!

nilchak 2010-02-23 00:13

Re: what was your phone before n900??
N95-1 and a Samsung Blackjack before that.

N(9)00bie 2010-02-23 00:32

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Ericsson GA628 (1996)
my first cell ... and woooo ... I can write SMS!

Sony CMD-Z1 (1997)
loved the very good 4-line display, jog-dial, WAP ability (but rare use because of the pricing ... hehe), integrated answeringmachine and the robustness

Samsung SGH600 (1999)
so stylish, small and lightweight - 95 grams (that's 3.05 oz - thx 2 gonvert ^^)

Siemens SL45 (2001)
used this phone for 5 years - would have used it longer, wouldn't the MMC-reader suddenly broken.
this phone had everything I wanted at that time:
- java ability for midlets (after firmwareupdate to SL45i)
- 7-line display
- MP3 player with excellent sound (found no other phone till now that sounds better - and no: I've never tested the IPhone)
- MMC Slot
- IrDA and integrated Modem
- and of course its great design in galvanized Aluminium (really miss this touch in my hands)

Sony Ericsson W850i (2006)
my trusty companion for more than three years. loved the MP3-player, the great display, UMTS (when available), Opera Mini, RSS Reader, Mail client and JIMM (ICQ client).
but hated the Memory Stick and the missing of EDGE .. however I survived that ;-)

Nokia N900 (2010)
well .. my first Nokia device ... and what shall I say? come to daddy! :-D

radiowc 2010-02-23 00:40

Re: what was your phone before n900??

Originally Posted by davidh101 (Post 541901)
Nokia 2110, 3110, 5110, 6110, 6210, 6230, 6230i, 6250, 6280, 6310, 7110, 7210, 7250, 8210, 8210i, 8250, 8310, 9110, 9210, E60, E65, 5800, N900

And had a couple of HTC's in the middle

Hmm, think I'm a bit of a Nokia fan!!!

Ha! Im sure nokia will love you a lots and getting lots of $$$ from you. LOL

ear0wax 2010-02-23 00:49

Re: what was your phone before n900??
HTC Dream aka G1; Not missing it. Got tired of Force Close's and the sad excuse for multitasking.

maluka 2010-02-23 00:52

Re: what was your phone before n900??
N82 and iPhone 3G

chenliangchen 2010-02-23 00:58

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Mine was beautiful black N93i:D

fhofer 2010-02-23 10:24

Re: what was your phone before n900??
I had Nokia 5110, 3310, 6610, 6300 an now the N900. So this is my first smartphone :) I have looked into the smartphone area every now and then, but got disappointed with the features eventually. N900's full web support persuaded me :) I must say I am very happy with the phone. The way SMSs and IMs work was a nice surprise. Also, the management of connectivity is so much easier than in the 6300. I actually also like the fact that there are just two profiles - general and silent. I really do not need meeting / loud / loudest ... timed profiles would be nice though. On the the other hand, whennever I grasp the old 6300, I am amazed how thin and light the phone is ... and it was easier to use on the go for calls and SMSs.

skzo 2010-02-23 10:28

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Mine was Nokia 1100, great phone !

MERVERNATOR 2010-02-23 19:26

Re: what was your phone before n900??
I actually got my N900 to use as a linux tablet until certain features or options make it possible for me to use for a phone too. Ive been having tons of fun messing around with, and hacking away at it. I have, and still use a Nokia 6086 for my phone. the UMA is a must for me because I have no service in half the places I go without it. its a shame theres no good devices like and including the 900 that have UMA.

sharkybg 2010-02-23 19:36

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Nokia E70 (great phone)
E71 (One of the best phones for me)
E72 (great disappointment)

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