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ossipena 2010-05-19 03:50

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by fieryriver (Post 660944)
hi i would just like to say this is a great app. i had to disable virtual keyboard but since i dont use it that much anyway its no big deal.
anyway i was just wondering if with vertsms we can send blank sms

I quess you can send one space char as a message, but if the textfield is fully blank, the app will nag and refuse to send anything.

aspidites 2010-05-19 05:22

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
@ossipena: you could change
string != ""
if not string
if string is not None

question is would that break octify and semi octify?

ossipena 2010-05-19 06:34

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
I'll probably just add another confirmation dialog, something like

"you haven't typed message, send anyway?"

if someone feels the app should be able to send blank messages.

ossipena 2010-05-20 09:32

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
some progress: adding multiple recipients and API way to put sent messages to conversations database is working. so next released version should be able to handle those.

and while I try to fix the not being able to send to 07xxx -numbers -bug, I discovered data location for flash message so if I get things working, it should become as an option to VertSMS too.

e: and same with delivery report...

mornage 2010-05-21 09:07

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
Thanks for the update Ossi It's getting better all the time!! I have just realised though, that I still cant really use this app as there is no way to type + when entering a contact so cannot even manually enter numbers :(. Gonna open a bugzilla for this now.

ossipena 2010-05-21 09:12

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
very good point about the + -character!

and bugreport is good way to make sure I am not forgetting to fix something: I can see the buglist whenever I want and check what is still wrong.

I am doing some text input improvements, and will add ability to input plus sign (but please create the bugreport just in case my memory betrays me!)

mornage 2010-05-21 09:26

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
Just created it now. This issue is a shame because I was going to try your suggestion in the devel about getting the the latest push from gitorious, but as I am not going to be able to add + there is not a lot of point. :(

aspidites 2010-05-21 09:38

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by mornage (Post 668963)
Just created it now. This issue is a shame because I was going to try your suggestion in the devel about getting the the latest push from gitorious, but as I am not going to be able to add + there is not a lot of point. :(

If you edit line 264 in you can use + or - signs...

One of these days I'll started hacking on vertsms again...just been so busy/tired as of late.

ossipena 2010-05-21 09:42

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by mornage (Post 668963)
Just created it now. This issue is a shame because I was going to try your suggestion in the devel about getting the the latest push from gitorious, but as I am not going to be able to add + there is not a lot of point. :(

I can give you a quick fix if you know how to edit the py -file.

so you need to edit

change row 264

  '*': ';',

  '*': '+',

sygys 2010-05-21 09:49

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
2 tips: make the send button half as big and make another button that acts as a arrow right. wich will be used to fast forward when you wanna type 2 of the same characters fast after eachother (now you have to wait a sec)

and second, it would be awsome if the vertsms was executed when in conversations > new sms the n900 is flipped vertically.

And offcourse T9 would be very awsome

ossipena 2010-05-21 09:53

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by sygys (Post 668994)
2 tips: make the send button half as big and make another button that acts as a arrow right. wich will be used to fast forward when you wanna type 2 of the same characters fast after eachother (now you have to wait a sec)

and second, it would be awsome if the vertsms was executed when in conversations > new sms the n900 is flipped vertically.

And offcourse T9 would be very awsome

some kind of arrow control is coming at some point.

no way integrating to closed conversations unless nokia does it

and offcourse T9 has been asked for million times now. It is under development and it should at least about work but it might take time and there atleast were problems with load times etc...

mornage 2010-05-21 09:58

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
hmmm, I edited it in Xterm using vi but that didn't change anything!!! I guess I dont know what I'm doing :s

aspidites 2010-05-21 10:06

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by mornage (Post 669008)
hmmm, I edited it in Xterm using vi but that didn't change anything!!! I guess I dont know what I'm doing :s

Just a hunch but you probably edited a local copy of but ran the installed version.

You would need to run:

python ./
To see your changes. Likewise, launching from the menu runs the unaltered version as well.

mornage 2010-05-21 10:18

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
yeah, I edited the copy in home/opt/vertsms.

tried running the command above (python ./home/opt/vertsms/ and get no such file or directory. Then tried python ./home/opt/vertsm/ but same problem. Tried python ./home/opt/, same problem.

I should point out that I know absolutely nothing about python!

aspidites 2010-05-21 10:22

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by mornage (Post 669031)
yeah, I edited the copy in home/opt/vertsms.

tried running the command above (python ./home/opt/vertsms/ and get no such file or directory. Then tried python ./home/opt/vertsm/ but same problem. Tried python ./home/opt/, same problem.

I should point out that I know absolutely nothing about python!

Sorry, remove the first dot.

"." = current location, so your commmand above is technically looking for "/home/user/home/opt/vertsms/

mornage 2010-05-21 10:38

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
Ahhhh, so thats why I sometimes see . in front of paths. I'm new to linux so still learning all this!

Still failing though even though I know the correct path now. I ran


python /home/opt/vertsms/
It seemed to think for a moment but then gave me a D-bus errors. gonna log into here with the phone so I can paste it.

mornage 2010-05-21 10:39

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
process 1553: arguments to dbus_connection_get_data() were incorrect, assertion "connection != NULL" failed in file dbus-connection.c line 5757.
This is normally a bug in some application using the D-Bus library.
process 1553: arguments to dbus_connection_set_data() were incorrect, assertion "connection != NULL" failed in file dbus-connection.c line 5721.
This is normally a bug in some application using the D-Bus library.

qwerty12 2010-05-21 10:39

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by mornage (Post 669056)
It seemed to think for a moment but then gave me a D-bus errors. gonna log into here with the phone so I can paste it.

Don't run it as root.

aspidites 2010-05-21 10:43

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev python

instead of just python?

mornage 2010-05-21 10:46

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Guys, I love you all! I can now type + in the contact field. :D

...Now, I just need to work out what to do with the gitorious version so I can edit the beginning of my number and I'll have the functionality I need.

mornage 2010-05-21 10:47

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by aspidites (Post 669068) python

instead of just python?

It was the root issue!

mornage 2010-05-21 11:01

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by mornage (Post 669076)
...Now, I just need to work out what to do with the gitorious version so I can edit the beginning of my number and I'll have the functionality I need.

hmmmm, post 196 of the devel thread says backspace always deletes the last number no matter where the cursor is, but when I just tried I can move the cursor anywhere in the contact field and delete the number before. However, new digits entered always appear at the end :(

e: Bug report created to address issue with characters always appearing at end of message no matter where cursor is.

Jack6428 2010-05-21 15:39

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
Hm, downloaded, but it doesn't start. i'm using PR1.1.1

aspidites 2010-05-21 18:56

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by Jack6428 (Post 669475)
Hm, downloaded, but it doesn't start. i'm using PR1.1.1

"Doesn't start" isn't helpful. Backtrace please.

Actually, looking at the other posts I'm guessing it's a dependency issue. If so, wait for the next package release or me to update this post with instructions on how to install missing dependencies.

das_schlumpfie 2010-05-21 19:08

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
is anyone having the same problem as me?

everytime i open vertsms, it started to be vertical, then it immediatly turned into landscape mode.

any solutions please?


mornage 2010-05-21 19:11

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
sorry to harrass you all the time, but is there anyway to either create a desktop shortcut to my modified or to change the installed version to use the modfied one? at the moment I have to use x-term to run it which kinda defeats the object of 1 handed texting!

aspidites 2010-05-21 19:19

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

sudo gainroot
vi /usr/share/applications/hildon/vertsms.desktop

Change the Exec line appropriately

@das_schlumpfie: version info and traceback please


python /opt/vertsms/

mornage 2010-05-21 19:44

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

thanks again for your help. worked like a charm. i'll make a note of that as it's bound to come in useful some other time.


it is the whole app in landscape and not just the virtual keyboard appearing???

das_schlumpfie 2010-05-21 20:24

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
hi, the whole app is landscape. My virtual keyboard is disabled because i installed a chinese input app.

ossipena 2010-05-22 23:13

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
phew. I hope I just got the unable to send to certain numbers- bug fixed. and delivery reports should be working too.

and the backspace deletes the char left from the cursor, and new char appears right from the cursor.

this all is at latest git push so new version to be put to extras-devil should include those plus hopefully working implementation for holding backspace down.

e: so no new version until I get backspace working unless it takes a lot of time

sygys 2010-05-23 09:57

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
yet another idea: maybe it wpuld be nice to get numbers by holding the corresponding keys for a second.

slender 2010-05-23 13:00

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by sygys (Post 671387)
yet another idea: maybe it wpuld be nice to get numbers by holding the corresponding keys for a second.

oxpo 2010-05-23 13:11

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
I also have problem with a not starting vertsms (I see it some action but it never starts up)


  $ python /opt/vertsms/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/vertsms/", line 19, in <module>
    from vertsms import config, sms, pygobject
  File "/home/opt/vertsms/vertsms/", line 5, in <module>
    import ctypes, uuid, glib, gobject
ImportError: No module named glib
~ $


CYPHERC 2010-05-24 17:46

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
this will be awesome w the option of full qwerty Keyboard

Radicalz38 2010-05-25 11:41

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
1 question with this application. Does this have a built in inbox? Frankly speaking only the lack of portrait t9 integration of n900 make me don't wanna buy it. Would really love getting in development with this phone as debian development is my expertise. Also I would not get the next meego phone if it wouldn't have any physical keyboard as it is important also to me. Lacking of support for t9 keypad by nokia with this device makes me stay away from helping the linux mobile community >.>

*Admits am an SMS freak* lol

ossipena 2010-05-25 12:19

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by oxpo (Post 671596)
I also have problem with a not starting vertsms (I see it some action but it never starts up)


  $ python /opt/vertsms/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/vertsms/", line 19, in <module>
    from vertsms import config, sms, pygobject
  File "/home/opt/vertsms/vertsms/", line 5, in <module>
    import ctypes, uuid, glib, gobject
ImportError: No module named glib
~ $


do you have python-gobject installed? probably broken dependency.

the saving of sent sms is now broken because of PR1.2, but just pushed a version that works so next version should work again (with other improvements mentioned). on an other hand vkb shouldn't pop up anymore

mornage 2010-05-25 12:41

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by Radicalz38 (Post 675556)
1 question with this application. Does this have a built in inbox? Frankly speaking only the lack of portrait t9 integration of n900 make me don't wanna buy it. Would really love getting in development with this phone as debian development is my expertise. Also I would not get the next meego phone if it wouldn't have any physical keyboard as it is important also to me. Lacking of support for t9 keypad by nokia with this device makes me stay away from helping the linux mobile community >.>

*Admits am an SMS freak* lol

The latest version integrates sent messages with the conversation normal SMS uses. Any messages sent or received appear as if sent with the built in SMS app. you currently cannot reply to a message via Vertsms (i.e, if you receive a message and click reply, the normal SMS app opens.)

I believe there are plans to integrate this but Ossipena, Aspidites, and Qwerty are working on getting the core functionality working properly first, as well as a predictive text input and qwerty keyboard.

E: so keep an eye on this app and you (hopefully) will very soon have the portrait SMS app you want :)

frals 2010-05-25 12:58

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 675671)
do you have python-gobject installed? probably broken dependency.

the saving of sent sms is now broken because of PR1.2, but just pushed a version that works so next version should work again (with other improvements mentioned). on an other hand vkb shouldn't pop up anymore

more elegant solution which should work for both pr1.1 and pr1.2 users, not pushed it as a merge requests as gitorious wants to include the other 2 merge requests already active first... :)

Radicalz38 2010-05-25 13:10

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by mornage (Post 675718)
The latest version integrates sent messages with the conversation normal SMS uses. Any messages sent or received appear as if sent with the built in SMS app. you currently cannot reply to a message via Vertsms (i.e, if you receive a message and click reply, the normal SMS app opens.)

I believe there are plans to integrate this but Ossipena, Aspidites, and Qwerty are working on getting the core functionality working properly first, as well as a predictive text input and qwerty keyboard.

E: so keep an eye on this app and you (hopefully) will very soon have the portrait SMS app you want :)

Good news then! I'll keep an eye on this app for a while. Once this gets fully developed i'll sell my n97 and buy this device ASAP! Once I get hold of this device might as well port my games and applications here. Thanks!

n900-dk 2010-05-28 18:28

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by oxpo (Post 671596)
I also have problem with a not starting vertsms (I see it some action but it never starts up)


  $ python /opt/vertsms/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/vertsms/", line 19, in <module>
    from vertsms import config, sms, pygobject
  File "/home/opt/vertsms/vertsms/", line 5, in <module>
    import ctypes, uuid, glib, gobject
ImportError: No module named glib
~ $


You can fix this with:
apt-get install python-gobject

Mine was updated like this:"Preparing to replace python-gobject 2.14.2-1maemo5 (using .../python-gobject_2.16.1-1maemo1_armel.deb) ..."

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