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Netweaver 2010-09-15 19:12

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)
problem fixed, wrong access code for the country/number I was dialing.

I would like to second scifi.guy, in asking for more clever number matching. I'm dialing to multiple countries, not all in Europe and to different numbers, landlines and mobile. For mobile numbers I need to dial a different access number. So I need at least an extra 'umbrella' profile to use.

Preference of course would be a full flexible, comma separated list AND an extra catch-all 'umbrella' profile.

Then an ultimate request, if I'm really asking too much, just tell me.
I'm traveling every week in at least 3 countries, in each country I have a 'cheapest' way of making international calls.

So if you could link the rule base (aka current set of profiles) to the SIM used, a higher level above profiles, would suit that very well.

Maybe a better wording would then be (refer to firewall setups):
- new 'profile' linked to SIM/country (if wanted, extra level configurable by the user if needed, possibility to import profile from other SIMs)
- new 'rule' replacing the current 'profile'

Just my 5 cents from someone who travels a lot.

Thanks a lot for the current version already.

magick777 2010-09-16 03:40

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)
To those asking for more clever number matching: according to Scifi's post on page 10 of this thread, profiles are now matched in "first match wins" order (new in v0.5). If you'd like to avoid having to delete and recreate all your profiles, do something like this:

1) echo ".dump profiles" | sqlite3 /home/user/vicar.db.sqlite > profiles
2) edit this with your favourite text editor, update row numbering to suit
3) echo "DROP TABLE profiles;" | sqlite3 /home/user/vicar.db.sqlite
4) cat profiles | sqlite3 /home/user/vicar.db.sqlite

Once you have your profiles in order, you can match mobiles before country codes, or 0870 before 08xx.

With a bit of imagination, one can probably also use the above to load a number of different routing tables into ViCaR according to the network that your phone registers to (which you can detect via DbusScripts) - this is for the poster who wanted different routing tables per SIM card.

Kudos to Scifi for the good work, +1 on wanting SIP support, happy to help test the app & am already playing with DBUS recipes to launch SIP calls.

magick777 2010-09-16 04:21

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)

Originally Posted by Netweaver (Post 817161)
Then an ultimate request, if I'm really asking too much, just tell me.
I'm traveling every week in at least 3 countries, in each country I have a 'cheapest' way of making international calls. So if you could link the rule base (aka current set of profiles) to the SIM used, a higher level above profiles, would suit that very well.

Further to previous post, yes, you can easily load a set of ViCaR profiles into the sqlite DB according to what network you just registered with. You'll need dbus-scripts installed, and to have dumped out your profile as per my last post. Then, just create two scripts:


/opt/usr/bin/vicarprofile * * Phone.Net operator_name_change *

and then:


# * * Phone.Net operator_name_change "Vodafone UK"
case "$NETWORK" in
"Vodafone UK")
echo "DROP TABLE profiles;" | sqlite3 /home/user/vicar.db.sqlite
cat /home/user/MyDocs/profiles-uk | sqlite3 /home/user/vicar.db.sqlite
echo "DROP TABLE profiles;" | sqlite3 /home/user/vicar.db.sqlite
cat /home/user/MyDocs/profiles-es | sqlite3 /home/user/vicar.db.sqlite

Make sure the last script is executable, and there you have it; no need to modify ViCaR for the purpose, just write out your tables of profiles as you wish them for each country. Obviously, check that it's working before you rely on it. Enjoy :-)

Edit: a word of warning, as it stands, it detects which network you're connected to, NOT which SIM is installed, so if you have roaming enabled, you travel abroad, and you fail to change SIMs, it could produce unexpected results. Unlikely, but I take no responsibility for your use of it.

scifi.guy 2010-09-19 10:21

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)
Landed back in US today, catching up on last week's posts. Will respond to your posts shortly.

scifi.guy 2010-09-21 06:06

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)

Originally Posted by uvatbc (Post 815875)
I am unable to install vicar.

@uvatbc - I have included the fix from the developer faq in release 0.5-2. Lets see whether it solves your installation problem.

The new release should be available within few hours. Please upgrade/install and let me know how it goes. Please send the complete log to me (as PM if possible) if you get the same error again.

scifi.guy 2010-09-21 06:08

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)
VICaR v0.5-2 released to extras-devel. Here is the change log.

* Attempting to fix postinstallation error.

scifi.guy 2010-09-21 06:15

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)

Originally Posted by Netweaver (Post 817161)
Preference of course would be a full flexible, comma separated list AND an extra catch-all 'umbrella' profile.
So if you could link the rule base (aka current set of profiles) to the SIM used, a higher level above profiles, would suit that very well.

I am working on the umbrella and comma-separated profile requests. Sorry, but changing profile lists based on SIM/network is currently out of my scope. Please do try magick777's script and let us know whether it was successful.

@magick777 - Thanks a ton for the script :)

scifi.guy 2010-09-21 07:06

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)

Originally Posted by magick777 (Post 817459)
Kudos to Scifi for the good work, +1 on wanting SIP support, happy to help test the app & am already playing with DBUS recipes to launch SIP calls.

I can add the SIP feature in future. Trying to understand how SIP calls fit into the current design. Because of the pending requests it will take lot of time before I can even start working on this request.

uvatbc 2010-09-21 07:21

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)

Originally Posted by scifi.guy (Post 822015)
VICaR v0.5-2 released to extras-devel. Here is the change log.

* Attempting to fix postinstallation error.

Confirmed: Post-installation is fixed!

pmudgal 2010-09-22 05:44

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)
Can confirm, post installation error looks sorted out, but I still saw a "Broken but updateable" when choosing the update......but it shows as "Installed" in details after installation.....

julian167 2010-10-05 07:39

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)
Hi scifi.guy,
coming to this forum after a long time. I've installed the latest version of ViCaR and no installation issues. The format looks different and I'm not sure what needs to be entered where it says "Number starts with". It looks very different than the last version of VICaR i used. Can somebody help me here? I live in USA.

alienhead 2010-10-05 14:17

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)

Originally Posted by julian167 (Post 833542)
Hi scifi.guy,
coming to this forum after a long time. I've installed the latest version of ViCaR and no installation issues. The format looks different and I'm not sure what needs to be entered where it says "Number starts with". It looks very different than the last version of VICaR i used. Can somebody help me here? I live in USA.

Number starts with means, for which numbers you want to create the rule. e.x. numbers starting with +91(India) use the xxxxx calling card, similarly +44 (UK) use the XXXX calling card etc.

julian167 2010-10-09 08:44

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)
Works flawlessly... Thanks alienhead and scifi.guy.

scifi.guy 2010-10-25 22:07

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)
Noticed couple of issues after PR1.3 update.
1) When you call via vicar, you will get a prompt to select an account to place the call with.

To fix this, goto VICaR settings and from the context menu disable and re-enable the option "Routing Enabled".

2) When adding a new profile, character '+' is not allowed in Number starts with field.

I will release a fix for this soon.

epohcj 2010-10-29 18:00

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)

I'm suspecting ViCar, sometimes when i make a call i cannot hear anything and if i do hear something the phone puts itself on-hold like every 3mins or thereabout. I've flashed my device (even the eMMC) and installed only ViCar and Timed Silencer, Rootsh (the only three stuff installed on my device the device) and i'm still having the same problem.

It seems when i select only "Routing Enabled" without selecting "Call Directly on Default" it doesn't happen. I will continue to investigate and update you guys.

m_dk29 2010-10-30 13:58

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)
3 Attachment(s)
Iam having issues using VICAR. After updating to meamo 1.3, i get
'Vicar: No routing profile defined for this number' once for every 2 to 3 mins. Even when i click any app, i still get this message. Its very annoying.

My calling card needs a -> Routing number and then after prompt it needs 0 and contact number. No country codes.

I had setup few vicar numbers i dial freq with 0<phone number> (01234567890) and it worked fine earlier.

Even though i am able to make calls now but frequent message is annoying when not in use.

scifi.guy 2010-10-30 17:19

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)

Originally Posted by epohcj (Post 856885)

I'm suspecting ViCar, sometimes when i make a call i cannot hear anything and if i do hear something the phone puts itself on-hold like every 3mins or thereabout. I've flashed my device (even the eMMC) and installed only ViCar and Timed Silencer, Rootsh (the only three stuff installed on my device the device) and i'm still having the same problem.

It seems when i select only "Routing Enabled" without selecting "Call Directly on Default" it doesn't happen. I will continue to investigate and update you guys.

epohcj - Please post here once you find more details.

scifi.guy 2010-10-30 17:32

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)

Originally Posted by m_dk29 (Post 857551)
Iam having issues using VICAR. After updating to meamo 1.3, i get
'Vicar: No routing profile defined for this number' once for every 2 to 3 mins. Even when i click any app, i still get this message. Its very annoying.

My calling card needs a -> Routing number and then after prompt it needs 0 and contact number. No country codes.

I had setup few vicar numbers i dial freq with 0<phone number> (01234567890) and it worked fine earlier.

Even though i am able to make calls now but frequent message is annoying when not in use.

We need to do a bit of troubleshooting here.

1) Open X-terminal session, switch to root, run these commands

killall vicar-daemon (<-- run it couple of times to make sure process is killed)

su - user -c "exec /opt/vicar/vicar-daemon& >/home/user/MyDocs/vicar_log.txt"

2) Open another X-terminal, switch to root, run this command.


dbus-monitor --session > /home/user/MyDocs/dbus_log.txt
Keep it running until you get that message. Once you get the popup, you can reboot the device.

Mask any private details and PM me the log files.

m_dk29 2010-10-30 18:44

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)

Originally Posted by scifi.guy (Post 857700)
We need to do a bit of troubleshooting here.

1) Open X-terminal session, switch to root, run these commands

killall vicar-daemon (<-- run it couple of times to make sure process is killed)

su - user -c "exec /opt/vicar/vicar-daemon& >/home/user/MyDocs/vicar_log.txt"

2) Open another X-terminal, switch to root, run this command.


dbus-monitor --session > /home/user/MyDocs/dbus_log.txt
Keep it running until you get that message. Once you get the popup, you can reboot the device.

Mask any private details and PM me the log files.

/home/user # dbus-monitor --session > /home/user/MyDocs/dbus_log.txt
Failed to open connection to session message bus: (null)

Error while running above command

scifi.guy 2010-10-31 00:56

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)

Originally Posted by m_dk29 (Post 857765)
/home/user # dbus-monitor --session > /home/user/MyDocs/dbus_log.txt
Failed to open connection to session message bus: (null)

Error while running above command

Correction. Run this command as user (not root).


dbus-monitor --session > /home/user/MyDocs/dbus_log.txt

m_dk29 2010-10-31 02:21

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by scifi.guy (Post 858039)
Correction. Run this command as user (not root).


dbus-monitor --session > /home/user/MyDocs/dbus_log.txt

log is attached...


scifi.guy 2010-11-01 13:43

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)

Originally Posted by m_dk29 (Post 858063)
log is attached...


m_dk29 - Thanks for the logs. I will release a fix soon.

scifi.guy 2010-11-03 04:01

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)
Anybody using PR1.3 willing to test the next release of Vicar?

This is primarily a bug-fix release. My N900 is with Nokia Service Center :( so I can't test it myself. And I don't want to release to repository before testing.

The bugs/features addressed in this release are:
1) The notification "Vicar: No routing profile defined for this number" appears frequently even when Vicar is not being used (reported by m_dk29)

2) Number Starts with and Calling Card Number fields do not allow '+' character.

3) If there is more than one profile a number prefix, Vicar should pick a more-specific profile. See evad's description below.


Originally Posted by evad (Post 808990)
Did a quick test with two different profiles and found an issue (well, not exactly an issue, but something to improve). Say I have two profiles:

Profile 1 for numbers starting with +48
Profile 2 for numbers starting with +486

The problem is that Profile 1 is picked for *all* numbers starting with +48, including those with +486. I think Vicar needs to do a bit more clever matching while choosing profiles.

EDIT: Changes are now released to extras-devel.

Let me know how the testing goes.

m_dk29 2010-11-03 11:52

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)
dowloading and will post update..

thanks for quick solution

evad 2010-11-03 19:26

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)

Originally Posted by scifi.guy (Post 861698)
Anybody using PR1.3 willing to test the next release of Vicar?

This is primarily a bug-fix release. My N900 is with Nokia Service Center :( so I can't test it myself. And I don't want to release to repository before testing.

I've updated my N900 to PR1.3 just today, I'll do my best to do some Vicar tests but now sure when exactly as I'm quite busy over next couple of days. Will let you know.

m_dk29 2010-11-03 20:29

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)
The result of my test is that its no more working for me
I have Call via Vicar in phone book with number 01234567890 and when i click on it i get "This Contacts application does not support calls" and ends the call.

The setup is same as my earlier post with screen shots.

I disabled and enabled routing enabled and restarted the phone. Still no luck

epohcj 2010-11-04 01:25

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)
Same here, the latest test version does not work and it gives me same error message that it gave @m_dk29

scifi.guy 2010-11-05 03:25

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)
@m_dk29 and @epohcj - Can you run this command (as user) and capture the logs when using VICaR?


dbus-monitor --session > /home/user/MyDocs/dbus_log.txt

m_dk29 2010-11-05 11:46

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by scifi.guy (Post 863964)
@m_dk29 and @epohcj - Can you run this command (as user) and capture the logs when using VICaR?


dbus-monitor --session > /home/user/MyDocs/dbus_log.txt

attached is the log

benaranguren 2010-11-08 01:46

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)
First off thanks for VICar. It's been really useful for me.

I was also getting the same error as m_dk29

VICaR - Invalid request. Phone Number is not valid

dbus-monitor reveals that VICaR is trying to call 'publish' and 'subscribe' which are both non-numeric, hence the error.

I am new to telepathy so I am sharing info below hoping that somebody would correct me if I am wrong :)

After reading TP documentation I learned that both publish and subscribe have special purpose.

publish: get contacts to push presence info to
subscribe: get contacts to pull presence info from

Both do not apply to VICaR since it doesn't really connect to a server.

With that knowledge, I went ahead and updated 0.5.1 (only source in garage). If number to call is either 'publish' or 'subscribe' then don't forward request to callrouter.

I guess another way to do is by checking value of HandleType. It should always be 1 (Contact).

I don't see error message anymore but I think it just masks the problem. What really initiated request for 'publish' and 'subscribe' list?

Thanks again for the app!

scifi.guy 2010-11-08 06:49

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)

Originally Posted by benaranguren (Post 866497)
First off thanks for VICar. It's been really useful for me.

I was also getting the same error as m_dk29

VICaR - Invalid request. Phone Number is not valid

dbus-monitor reveals that VICaR is trying to call 'publish' and 'subscribe' which are both non-numeric, hence the error.

I am new to telepathy so I am sharing info below hoping that somebody would correct me if I am wrong :)

After reading TP documentation I learned that both publish and subscribe have special purpose.

publish: get contacts to push presence info to
subscribe: get contacts to pull presence info from

Both do not apply to VICaR since it doesn't really connect to a server.

With that knowledge, I went ahead and updated 0.5.1 (only source in garage). If number to call is either 'publish' or 'subscribe' then don't forward request to callrouter.

I guess another way to do is by checking value of HandleType. It should always be 1 (Contact).

I don't see error message anymore but I think it just masks the problem. What really initiated request for 'publish' and 'subscribe' list?

Thanks again for the app!

@benaranguren - Thanks for taking time to debug this problem. To my knowledge, the requests for 'publish' and 'subscribe' are coming from Mission Control.

I changed the VICaR daemon code to check for invalid phone numbers (thats the deb file I posted in my prev post) using regex expressions. But filtering by targethandletype is a much simple solution from TP. Will include that in the new release as well.

scifi.guy 2010-11-08 07:28

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)
VICaR version 0.5-3 is released to extras-devel. Source code is available in git and garage page.

Thanks you all for your help.


Originally Posted by scifi.guy (Post 861698)
This is primarily a bug-fix release. My N900 is with Nokia Service Center :( so I can't test it myself. And I don't want to release to repository before testing.

The bugs/features addressed in this release are:
1) The notification "Vicar: No routing profile defined for this number" appears frequently even when Vicar is not being used (reported by m_dk29)

2) Number Starts with and Calling Card Number fields do not allow '+' character.

3) If there is more than one profile a number prefix, Vicar should pick a more-specific profile. See evad's description below.

scifi.guy 2010-11-08 07:31

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)

Originally Posted by m_dk29 (Post 864245)
attached is the log

@m_dk29 - The new version from repos should fix the issue. Please try after the update.

krc209 2010-11-08 23:18

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)

Originally Posted by scifi.guy (Post 866654)
VICaR version 0.5-3 is released to extras-devel. Source code is available in git and garage page.

Thanks you all for your help.

Thanks,:) The app was great and was using all the time. Then as the story goes after the update PR 1.3 that's it .... never worked...
i was following your posting and Just now i tried, the calls do not go thru'
hope it comes thru'
hope i can be of some help :)

m_dk29 2010-11-09 02:21

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)
works good like earlier versions.


scifi.guy 2010-11-09 05:13

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)

Originally Posted by krc209 (Post 867503)
Thanks,:) The app was great and was using all the time. Then as the story goes after the update PR 1.3 that's it .... never worked...
i was following your posting and Just now i tried, the calls do not go thru'
hope it comes thru'
hope i can be of some help :)

Have you tried the new version 0.5-3 from extras-devel? The deb file I posted earlier had a bug which is fixed in the latest release.

If you are still not able to make the calls, run this command as user from X-Term, reproduce the issue and send me the log file.


dbus-monitor --session > /home/user/MyDocs/dbus_log.txt

lisamuben 2010-11-12 15:48

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)
Hye all,
It is working for me but 2 things :
- the rules are working, but do we have to add one rule for each country, except our local ?
- in my contacts, I put "blank caracters" for better readibility, but then I have the message (in french) "l'application de ce contact ne prend pas en charge les appels", I assume this is for "This contacts application does not support calls, I assume I am not the only one, is there any possibility to accept numbers with spaces caracters ?
Thanks for your help

scifi.guy 2010-11-13 03:20

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)

Originally Posted by lisamuben (Post 871607)
Hye all,
It is working for me but 2 things :
- the rules are working, but do we have to add one rule for each country, except our local ?
- in my contacts, I put "blank caracters" for better readibility, but then I have the message (in french) "l'application de ce contact ne prend pas en charge les appels", I assume this is for "This contacts application does not support calls, I assume I am not the only one, is there any possibility to accept numbers with spaces caracters ?
Thanks for your help

- Yes, you have to add a rule for each country code that you want to use Vicar with. You can also create rules for local numbers if you wish by entering the area code.

- To fix a bug introduced in PR1.3, I have disabled all characters except 0-9, *, # and p. Space should not be an issue.

Btw - How did you add space in a contact number? I am using PR1.3 (US) and the contacts application doesn't allow any spaces.

scifi.guy 2010-11-14 17:38

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)
I assume with the recent release PR1.3 issues are resolved.

Do you guys think VICaR is ready to be pushed to extras-testing?

lisamuben 2010-11-14 22:27

Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)

Originally Posted by scifi.guy (Post 872108)
- Yes, you have to add a rule for each country code that you want to use Vicar with. You can also create rules for local numbers if you wish by entering the area code.

- To fix a bug introduced in PR1.3, I have disabled all characters except 0-9, *, # and p. Space should not be an issue.

Btw - How did you add space in a contact number? I am using PR1.3 (US) and the contacts application doesn't allow any spaces.

Please check, for me I have to remove the spaces to have it work.

To answer your "btw" point, I synchronise my contacts and calendar with google contacts and google calendar using mail for exchange. I know it is not expected to work, but for me it is ok, but it is true that sometimes it freezes, but that's not the topic.

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