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rotoflex 2011-02-16 23:05

Re: Printing with N900
1 Attachment(s)
I had been able to add network printers before the PR1.3 update, but after the update which requried reinstalling everything, I have not been able to add a printer.

I uninstalled thenreinstalled cups, then performed the other steps, but still cannot add a printer via localhost:631.

Does anyone have a suggestion?

theonelaw 2011-02-16 23:55

Re: Printing with N900

Originally Posted by rotoflex (Post 948469)
I had been able to add network printers before the PR1.3 update, but after the update which requried reinstalling everything, I have not been able to add a printer.

I uninstalled thenreinstalled cups, then performed the other steps, but still cannot add a printer via localhost:631.

Does anyone have a suggestion?

i had problems installing printers at first but i went through the
cups.conf file and set all permissions to allow all and allow,deny
and made sure all files were chmod to 777 and got it to work.
bear in mind I have BASH installed but not sure that's necessary.
5his all done on pr 1.3


mase 2011-02-17 04:28

Re: Printing with N900
For network printers there is no need too install the cups package.
Just add a printer like I described a few posts before.

mase 2011-02-21 17:41

Re: Printing with N900
Are there any working suggestions to solve the installscript problem?
Otherwise we will never get cups out of the devel repo.
After the cups libraries are out of devel, gtk+ must be recompiled
with the cups libraries. Then other gtk+ applications can be build
with printer support.

theonelaw 2011-02-22 07:45

Re: Printing with N900

Originally Posted by mase (Post 952021)
Are there any working suggestions to solve the installscript problem?
Otherwise we will never get cups out of the devel repo.
After the cups libraries are out of devel, gtk+ must be recompiled
with the cups libraries. Then other gtk+ applications can be build
with printer support.

I am trying to find time to get into that, been rather busy with work.

I just reread the thread and found I had missed out on your
work with leafpad and abiword, will give that a go shortly.

Looking at the cups situation,
am I assuming correctly that


/extras-devel/pool/fremantle/free/c/cups/ cups_1.3.8-maemo3_armel.deb
Is where the work needs to be done?
I have a lot of other things I am involved in so the timeslice
on my efforts is somewhat irregular :D

I do want this fixed so I can run it natively on my main machine,
I only have it working on my testing unit at the moment,
because I hope to do a seamless install on the one I rely upon.

mase 2011-02-22 17:25

Re: Printing with N900
The problem of the missing links is in the postinst file of the
cups package.

db_get cupsys/backend && SELECTED=$RET

$RET seems to be always empty.

mase 2011-02-22 18:31

Re: Printing with N900
I got it!
The problem was, that fakedebconf provides debconf-2.0,
which does not work correctly with this postinstall-script.
The cups package now depends only on debconf, not debconf-2.0.
Now the backend-links are made.
I have uploaded new packages to the repo.

freemangordon 2011-02-22 18:53

Re: Printing with N900
Do we still need bash installed?

mase 2011-02-22 18:56

Re: Printing with N900
I think, there is no need for bash.

freemangordon 2011-02-22 19:07

Re: Printing with N900
Hmm, there was hidden dependency on it, one of postinst scripts starts with #!/bin/bash , glad to hear it is no longer the case

mase 2011-02-22 19:40

Re: Printing with N900
Try it without bash.

mase 2011-02-24 21:19

Re: Printing with N900
I have uploaded new packages. Please test and vote for the cups package!

rotoflex 2011-02-24 22:59

Re: Printing with N900
Is it in extras-testing?
Does it include a new .conf file?
Is it cups or cups-client?

mase 2011-02-25 13:36

Re: Printing with N900
No, it is not in testing. In most cases there is no need for the package
cups. cups-client will be enough. You can add a printer with the lpadmin
comman. If you want the whole cups server incl. webinterface, you have to
install cups.
I will also repackage cups-pdf.
Is there a need for the gimpprint-driver package? I don't need a driver to print
over network.

rotoflex 2011-02-25 14:39

Re: Printing with N900
1 Attachment(s)
attached image is the result of apt-get install cups (as root)

mase 2011-02-25 14:55

Re: Printing with N900
I cannot reproduce this problem. Anybody else getting this?
Try removing any previous cups packages. The new ones are
optified. To be more safe, remove ghostscript, too.

rotoflex 2011-02-25 16:08

Re: Printing with N900
I had purged cups and cups-client beforehand.
I do not think that I have ghostscript installed.

mase 2011-02-25 16:12

Re: Printing with N900
Did you also purge cups-common? You have to install ghostscript, because
cups depends on it.
I tried a reinstall of these packages (purged them before) without any problems.

sbock 2011-02-25 18:17

Re: Printing with N900

Originally Posted by mase (Post 955229)
I cannot reproduce this problem. Anybody else getting this?
Try removing any previous cups packages. The new ones are
optified. To be more safe, remove ghostscript, too.

I have the same problem as rotoflex with a fresh install...

rotoflex 2011-02-26 04:37

Re: Printing with N900
1 Attachment(s)
Afer sudo gainroot, I purged them including cups-common & ghostscript. Then apt-get install cups, with ths result:

mase 2011-02-26 14:50

Re: Printing with N900
Please retry with bash3 installed. I cannot reproduce this,
but I have bash3 installed because of openvpn.

david.hicks 2011-02-26 15:55

Re: Printing with N900

Originally Posted by olighak (Post 955926)
I get same problem

Yup, same thing here. I have bash3 installed, too. I wonder if there's a missing dependency or somesuch...

mase 2011-02-26 16:09

Re: Printing with N900
Take a look at
Is the backend folder present?
Then look at
There should be a symlink cups to /opt/maemo/usr/lib/cups.

olighak 2011-02-26 16:14

Re: Printing with N900

Originally Posted by mase (Post 955935)
Take a look at
Is the backend folder present?
Then look at
There should be a symlink cups to /opt/maemo/usr/lib/cups.

No the backend folder is not present.

The instructions on this thread are unfortunately too vague and diffused for me. Iīm sure there is good info on your garage page, but itīs locked from other people accessing it, even with a general garage login.

This is a awesome effort mase. In this shape though itīs not very usable for others that arenīt too l33t.

david.hicks 2011-02-26 16:51

Re: Printing with N900

Originally Posted by mase (Post 955935)
Take a look at
Is the backend folder present?
Then look at
There should be a symlink cups to /opt/maemo/usr/lib/cups.

Hey there,

It doesn't look much like that, no.
/usr/lib/cups is a directory (not a link) containing a filters subdirectory and nothing else, and I have no /opt/maemo/usr/lib/cups directory.

Anything else you need to know?

I'm going to try moving the dir and setting up the link, just for the hell of it.

david.hicks 2011-02-26 16:56

Re: Printing with N900

Originally Posted by david.hicks (Post 955962)
Hey there,

It doesn't look much like that, no.
/usr/lib/cups is a directory (not a link) containing a filters subdirectory and nothing else, and I have no /opt/maemo/usr/lib/cups directory.

Anything else you need to know?

I'm going to try moving the dir and setting up the link, just for the hell of it.

Hmm, just purged cups-common and I still have a /usr/lib/cups in place. I wonder if this is the problem - something else I have installed has set up that directory, so creating it as a link fails, and then everything else fails too....

mase 2011-02-26 16:59

Re: Printing with N900
Please purge all cups and ghostscript packages, also cups-pdf.
Then also remove /usr/lib/cups and /usr/share/cups.
Did you try the non-optified packages first?
If yes, I think the symlinks cannot be created, because
a directory with this name already exist.
Is there anybody, where it works?

david.hicks 2011-02-26 17:03

Re: Printing with N900

Originally Posted by david.hicks (Post 955963)
Hmm, just purged cups-common and I still have a /usr/lib/cups in place. I wonder if this is the problem - something else I have installed has set up that directory, so creating it as a link fails, and then everything else fails too....

purged cups-common
moved /usr/lib/cups to /opt/maemo/usr/lib/cups
put a link in /usr/lib to /opt/maemo/usr/lib/cup
apt-get install cups

All is well. As I say, I think something else is putting /usr/lib/cups/filters in place, so when cups gets installed the link creation must fail. Or something, just a guess :)

--EDIT-- of course whilst I've been playing around with this I've figured out that the manufacturer's driver for my printer comes with some nice x86 binaries, so it's never going to work on the two arm devices I'm trying to get printing... damn them!

mase 2011-02-26 17:09

Re: Printing with N900
Just as I said. When /usr/lib/cups was created before, the installation must

david.hicks 2011-02-26 17:13

Re: Printing with N900

Originally Posted by mase (Post 955968)
Just as I said. When /usr/lib/cups was created before, the installation must

I'm getting a 404 on localhost:631 now.... and cups complaining in /var/log/error_log that the port is in use. The n900 never does make my life easy.

mase 2011-02-26 17:18

Re: Printing with N900
Reboot the phone after installing cups. The cups service does not start
automatically after installation.

david.hicks 2011-02-26 17:23

Re: Printing with N900

Originally Posted by mase (Post 955977)
Reboot the phone after installing cups. The cups service does not start
automatically after installation.

Tried, didn't fix it, no /usr/share/cups/banner is the error I'm getting, re-purging all cups and ghostscript to see if that helps.

Is there a similar link situation that's supposed to go on there?


That seems to have got it.

apt-get --purge remove cups cups-common
mv /usr/lib/cups /opt/maemo/usr/lib/cups
ln -s /opt/maemo/usr/lib/cups /usr/lib/cups
mkdir /opt/maemo/usr/share/cups
ln -s /opt/maemo/usr/share/cups /usr/share/cups
apt-get install cups cups-client

mase 2011-02-26 17:44

Re: Printing with N900
All folders, that get linked must not exist before.
Neither /usr/share/cups, nor /usr/lib/cups.
That all is because, I had to optify the packages. They were
too large for the rootfs.

rotoflex 2011-02-26 22:38

Re: Printing with N900
1 Attachment(s)
I installed bash3, then copy/pastesd david.hicks commands above, & the result is below:

mase 2011-02-26 22:46

Re: Printing with N900
This message can be ignored. It seems, that everything is ok.
Reboot your device and try to open the web frontend.

rotoflex 2011-02-26 22:50

Re: Printing with N900
1 Attachment(s)
Trying again, but now, the command
apt-get --purge remove cups cups-common
produces the errors below:

rotoflex 2011-02-26 22:59

Re: Printing with N900
I apologize, mase. I made the attempt & posted before refreshing the thread.

mase 2011-02-26 23:16

Re: Printing with N900
If the directories cannot be removed, there maybe other packages that
installed files in there. libcups2 and libcupsimage2 are such packages.
Also packages like cups-pdf and ghostscript.

rotoflex 2011-02-27 02:17

Re: Printing with N900
OK, purged all those, repeated david.hicks commands, ignored error message about dialog, switched off & then back on.

http://localhost:631 is 404 Not Found

mase 2011-02-27 12:13

Re: Printing with N900
david.hicks commands shouldn't be necessary. I found a problem. It is of
maemo-optify which is configured to auto. In cups-common /usr/lib/cups
is not optified. Therefor the previously made symlinks are hidden. I try to
fix this.

Edit: I have uploaded new, non-optified packages. They should work now,
but they take about 10MB of rootfs, which is too much for a promotion I
think. Remember, the device has to be rebooted after installation.
Please try it!

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