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Twidi 2010-09-27 14:57

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)

Originally Posted by grog (Post 827432)
Finally got around to trying the Okuda theme & unfortunately I still can't see the content. Seems that the message body stays black against the black background of the theme. In an article for example from Slashdot, the comments are on a while background so they're readable, whereas the main article is not.


Ok so there is a problem with theme and QtWebkit. Many options : [LIST][*] the theme is not correct[*] QtWebkit do not take all it's colors from the theme [*] Item specify text color but not background color

I don't know which one is good because i have nothing white in the few themes i tested, but the background of my item view stay white

Perhaps i can force the background to be... white ?

Is this problem appear for all items, with content from GRead or content for original ("view original in GRead") ?

Twidi 2010-09-27 15:00

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)

Originally Posted by Frank Banul (Post 827445)

Why use an iPhone user agent? No reason to prop up the iPhone mindshare.

A couple of times over the weekend while using the on screen next button, it was left highlighted on the next item. Unfortunately I can't figure out what causes it. It happened maybe 1-2% of the time.


For my carrier the standard webkit user agent is viewed as a "desktop browser" so it's forbidden (as bad as it is...)
So i put a user agent with these two requirements : "mobile" and "webkit"

I didn't put the MicroB user agent because this one is not "webkit"

Other idea ?

I think i'll add a settings for this (one of my near futur work is to add many things in settings)

grog 2010-09-27 15:28

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)

Originally Posted by Twidi (Post 827497)
Ok so there is a problem with theme and QtWebkit. Many options :
  • the theme is not correct
  • QtWebkit do not take all it's colors from the theme
  • Item specify text color but not background color

I don't know which one is good because i have nothing white in the few themes i tested, but the background of my item view stay white

Perhaps i can force the background to be... white ?

Simple fix that would work for me :)


Is this problem appear for all items, with content from GRead or content for original ("view original in GRead") ?
"View original in GRead" does work fine because it's rendered with white background.

This issue isn't unique to Okuda. The Matrix Theme which uses a black background has the same issue.


Frank Banul 2010-09-27 16:24

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)

Originally Posted by Twidi (Post 827500)
So i put a user agent with these two requirements : "mobile" and "webkit"

Other idea ?

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux armv7l; en-GB; rv:1.9.2a1pre) AppleWebKit/528.5+ (KHTML, like Gecko, Mobile Safari/528.5+) RX-51 N900


Twidi 2010-09-28 15:54

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
I've just added some settings about the informations banner.
  • It can be shown on top or bottom, or never
  • When displayed it can be hidden after a (configurable) delay, with sliding, or never

Later, this information banner will have more informations in it, and a shortcut will be available to display it when hidden

fpp 2010-09-28 16:18

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Good idea, thanks. The latest version of Grr-NG has something like that. IMHO it's too big, but something in between should be fine :-)

It does mention the feed name however,which is useful in the "All" list. If you really don't want to put it in the window caption, the banner could be a good place too :-)

grog 2010-09-28 17:03

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
I updated & the first time I ran it my phone rebooted sa soon as I tried to open the first article :( :confused:. I've had this happen a few times before, but hadn't pinned it down to GRead. This time there was nothing else running.

On startup I received an error message that my overclock settings hadn't loaded due to an error. I normally leave it running @ either 850 or 1150 without any problems (until now :eek:).

I find it hard to believe that a news-reader would have anything in it that could cause this, but figured I'd post the info just in case.


grog 2010-09-28 17:09

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Oops, meant to also say that after the reboot, works really nice :). I especially the ability to keep the tag lines active.

slender 2010-09-28 17:17

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)

Originally Posted by grog (Post 828541)
Oops, meant to also say that after the reboot, works really nice :). I especially the ability to keep the tag lines active.


I think it would be good to all overclockers know that cpu overheating is probably not the main problem when overcloking, but unsynced reads&writes between cpu-mainboard-memory. That was the first warnings what power management engineer from Nokia commented here on TMO when people started to oveclock their N900s. (IIRC it was Igor Stoppa). [people who memorize this please correct me if i´m just writing utter bullsh] So do not be surprised on reboots and corrupted filesystem/memory :D

fpp 2010-09-28 17:57

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
That's strange. I have also been running the OC'd Titan kernel for quite a while without any problems, and yesterday I had the same thing grog just described. I was probably using GRead too (I always do :-). I thought it was maybe a memory issue and a watchdog kicking in.

Grog, are you also using some of debernardis' "optimizations" scripts ?

One of those says that when a memalloc fails, kill the process that asked for it, not the one that's using the most memory... so if a user process is super greedy, but the failed memalloc happens to come from a system process, maybe that could trigger a reboot ?

grog 2010-09-28 18:39

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Wow. I wasn't expecting this to be any more than another of the "ramblings of GROG" that pop up on these forums from time to time :).


Originally Posted by slender (Post 828550)
I think it would be good to all overclockers know that cpu overheating is probably not the main problem when overcloking, but unsynced reads&writes between cpu-mainboard-memory. That was the first warnings what power management engineer from Nokia commented here on TMO when people started to oveclock their N900s. (IIRC it was Igro Stoppa). [people who memorize this please correct me if i´m just writing utter bullsh] So do not be surprised on reboots and corrupted filesystem/memory :D

Thanks for pointing that out. I hadn't followed the overclocking threads that closely.


Originally Posted by fpp (Post 828573)
That's strange. I have also been running the OC'd Titan kernel for quite a while without any problems, and yesterday I had the same thing grog just described. I was probably using GRead too (I always do :-). I thought it was maybe a memory issue and a watchdog kicking in.

Grog, are you also using some of debernardis' "optimizations" scripts ?

Not as far as I know, IOW I don't think so. My setting is simple IMHO, all I have installed are the power kernel & modules themselves, my default is set to 850 & I use the Queen Beecon Overclock Control to switch frequencies when I want.

Twidi 2010-09-28 20:27

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
That's very strange. But i know that GRead can use a lot of memory. When the real offline mode will be there it should be lot better.

fpp 2010-09-28 20:59

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
It's probably one more of those undebuggable things :-)

Anyway, I just tried out the latest version without any problems.

I like the new fixed title option a lot : "fred mode" is almost there :-)

If I recall correctly, you've implemented all of the usability stuff that's been mentioned in this thread (and then some), except for two things :

- default font size in settings (really needed !)

- (option to) show the feed name in item view

And maybe that recent idea to use keyboard in/out for portrait/landscape, might be fun...

I checked out the new version of Grr-NG that came out a couple of days ago : it's very good-looking, with a lot of well-done eye candy, but for usability it's waaaayy behind...

Frank Banul 2010-09-28 22:06

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)

Originally Posted by fpp (Post 828725)
If I recall correctly, you've implemented all of the usability stuff that's been mentioned in this thread (and then some), except for two things :

- default font size in settings (really needed !)

- (option to) show the feed name in item view

And maybe that recent idea to use keyboard in/out for portrait/landscape, might be fun...

I would humbly remind of sorting by date oldest first. That's about the only modification I do. The other being increasing the maximum number of items to fetch.


fpp 2010-09-29 05:45

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Ah yes, sorry 'bout that Frank ! :)

grog 2010-09-29 16:28

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)

Originally Posted by fpp (Post 828725)
I checked out the new version of Grr-NG that came out a couple of days ago : it's very good-looking, with a lot of well-done eye candy, but for usability it's waaaayy behind...

Thanks for pointing that out fpp. I was tempted to try it myself, but now I won't bother :D


Originally Posted by Frank Banul (Post 828770)
I would humbly remind of sorting by date oldest first.

+1 for that.

fpp 2010-09-29 17:27

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Well that's only my partial opinion, so you may want to check it out yourself :-)

Twidi 2010-09-29 19:14

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
i'll add your wanted settings soon. For the sort by date oldest first, it's more difficult but i'll check that.

For GrrNG, i tested it, of course. I'm not fan of the interface, and too much things are missing : labels, offline mode (or "almost offline" as in GRead). And often i have to click twice on things to make something happen... But it's a great work on the Grr application... but it seems GrrNG is not open source any more (could not find the source code of the last version) If the author wants to (i don't say he wants, but "IF"), he can keep your login/password... say Google login/password, with all related services, like gmail !). If GrrNG was the only google reader application i wouldn't use it because of this !

Twidi 2010-09-29 22:42

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
About the informations banner :
  • you can now click on it to make it disappear
  • you can press "i" to show/hide it (if you press when it is sliding, it is shown normal height). When this way is used to display the banner, it is not automatically hidden (just press "i" again if you want)
  • now use QAnimation to hide the banner, and not a QTimer with complicated calculations... i just discovered it ! :)

Twidi 2010-09-30 02:28

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
And now, more settings :
  • set number of unread items (default 100) to fetch for each label (or for each special feed or feed without label)
  • for content item's view :
    • checkbox to display the feed's title instead of the item's one
    • ability to set a user agent (use the default one if empty)
    • zoom by default (in %, 100% is the default)
    • and the last is not a settings : force the background to be white by default (it may cause troubles, tell me !)

fpp 2010-09-30 14:15

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Rhâââlovely (French joke :-), great job !

This one is officially perfect for me, thanks for the "fred mode" :)

Next weekend I will copy it over to the N810, to see if it still can be made to run easily, and how it could be tweaked...

grog 2010-09-30 15:09

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)

Originally Posted by Twidi (Post 829695)
About the informations banner :
  • you can now click on it to make it disappear

Works well, I like it.


Originally Posted by Twidi (Post 829777)
  • checkbox to display the feed's title instead of the item's one



  • zoom by default (in %, 100% is the default)



  • and the last is not a settings : force the background to be white by default (it may cause troubles, tell me !)


Hello Okuda, I'm back. :D

GREAT changes.
Thanks muchly Twidi.

fpp 2010-10-02 17:23

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)

Originally Posted by fpp (Post 830112)
Next weekend I will copy it over to the N810, to see if it still can be made to run easily, and how it could be tweaked...

OK, testing report...

1°) Portability

The good news is that GRead definitely still runs on Diablo, even though there are now two incompatible Qt APIs instead of one, and thus two files that need tweaking :

- of course the two InputMethodHint calls on LineEdits are still there, in Ui_settings

- the older Qt on Diablo doesn't know about QPropertyAnimation either, so in src/views/basic/ I had to comment out everything related to "self.banner_animation" in several places (thanks, PyGtkEditor ! :-).

After that the app runs just fine, with only a cryptic warning at startup about a conflict between QGtkStyle and the GTK_Qt engine...

2°) Usability

Everything works, but there are a few issues due to the differences between Diablo and Fremantle UIs :

- as I already mentioned last time, the default font is tiny ! The new font size setting in GRead applies only to the item view, which is fine in Maemo5, but in Diablo it should apply everywhere (feeds/posts/settings/banners) because everything is so small to be hardly legible. Either that, or bind the zoom keys (F7/F8) to font size...

- unlike in Maemo5, Diablo "fullscreen" really means "full screen", so displaying the feed name (or anything else) in the windows caption is useless in that mode. Here it would come in handy to have the feed name with the title in the banner.

- as per the previous report, menus are still not translated to Diablo "system" menus, but something has changed for the better in this version : menu entries appear in a horizontal row at the bottom of the screen, like a toolbar with text buttons. Actually this works quite well, even the "furtive arrows" appear there in item view mode :-)

- the settings appear as a regular, scrolling frame, but without an 'OK' button, which may be confusing for those not used to Fremantle... you need to take it on faith that "escape" will save your settings :-)
Interestingly, the "help" dialog does have an OK button...

So, it is still true that very, very little is missing to make a usable GRead for Maemo4: probably remove the banner animation from 'basic', and create a thin 'maemo4' view that takes care of the font size issue and F7/F8 keys. the rest is not so important.

fpp 2010-10-02 18:03

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
5 Attachment(s)
I had lost my Diablo screenshot utility but I found it again, so here are some captures to illustrate :

Home screen/Feeds list :
Attachment 14249

Settings :
Attachment 14250

Items list :
Attachment 14252

Item view :
Attachment 14252

Item view, full screen :
Attachment 14253

fpp 2010-10-02 18:06

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
1 Attachment(s)
...and a last one with the "Help" dialog :

Attachment 14254

Twidi 2010-10-03 21:46

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
as i can see it uses the "basic" view and not the maemo5 one, without surprises.

thanks for your test and report !

Feel free to create a maemo4 view :)

naj 2010-10-04 18:55

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Hi all,

first many thanks for writing this nice feed reader. It has all the features I looked for in a reader and for me is really a fast way to cope with my many feeds.
Now, since last weekend, I have a small problem: Scrolling article texts does not work anymore with touch scrolling, only with the keys. Any idea?

Thanks again & Cheerio, Jan

Twidi 2010-10-05 00:59

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
naj : i have no problem with scrolling ! Did you try to restart the application ?

fpp : i just commit some work about views and we have now a maemo4 view... but with nothing, except that the two bugs (hint and animation) are not here anymore (i hope so)

Now for the views we have :
  • basic
    • mobile
      • maemo4
      • maemo5

And the ".ui" file are not used anymore, i do some inheritance from ui files (their py version) from the basic view, so it's easier to update all the views by once. All basic ui are in the ui/qt_designer directory of the basic view (just for reference)

fpp 2010-10-05 07:47

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Thanks, that's a good starting point for me. I'll see if I can tackle the font size issue from there...

naj 2010-10-05 08:37

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Scrolling: I just tried again with a newly pulled git clone, still no touch scrolling (neither viewing a single item nor using the internal webview). The lists of feeds and articles scroll fine.
I'm a bit at a loss here what has changed. As far as I remember I installed Khertans Editor and PyGTKEditor in between working scrolling and non-working scrolling, but I would be astonished if this would change the scrolling behaviour...
Maybe some setting?
Cheerio, Jan

fpp 2010-10-05 08:59

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
It's probably not KhtEditor as I have it too and scrolling in item view works in GRead. I don't have PyGtkEditor but IMHO it is obsolete and has been replaced by KhtEditor.

naj 2010-10-06 08:51

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
It has something to do with the qwebviewselectionsuppressor, because it works again when I disable the selectionsuppressor. Unfortunately then text selection gets active again and selects all text I scroll over...
Will look into it some more this evening.

naj 2010-10-09 20:34

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Hm, I did look into it. The event handling etc seems to be fine. Just to make sure: Which pyqt versions are you using? I am currently running on 4.7.5.

fpp 2010-10-10 20:38

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)

Originally Posted by Twidi (Post 833439)
fpp : i just commit some work about views and we have now a maemo4 view... but with nothing, except that the two bugs (hint and animation) are not here anymore (i hope so)
Now for the views we have :
  • basic
    • mobile
      • maemo4
      • maemo5

Okay, usual little weekend report :-)

Good news:

1) confirmed: with the new view, GRead can indeed be launched without any modifications in Maemo4, thanks for that !

2) the font size issue in the first two views (feeds/items) can be hacked easily (if not subtly :-). I just added one line to, class FeedListView, __init__ method, after the call to super() :
Quote:"font-size: 20pt")
Does the job nicely -- at last I can read the titles :-)

The bad news is that I still don't really understand how all that stuff works, and how I could add it only to the maemo4 view. Right now of course it applies to all views: on the N900 the font is just a bit larger (actually better for my old eyes :-), but on the PC it's just huge !

PS: also on Windows, GRead used to open its three windows on top of each other, slightly tiled. In this new version windows pop up all over the place... I only use it for testing, but it's strange :-)

Twidi 2010-10-13 20:24

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
naj : i also have qt 4.7.5, with python 2.5, and i don't have this problem :(

fpp : for maemo 4 it's not hard at all. Just define in views/maemo4/ a __init__ method for the View class (see in views/maemo5/ for signature) with a call to super and then add your code (it will then be applied to the three windows)

For the desktop version, i don't have windows but on linux, the windows are positioned this way : feed list on the top left corner, item list just below, and item content use the space left on the screen

Twidi 2010-10-13 20:25

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
I need some help to make GRead available to extra-devel :

Perry3D 2010-10-16 10:14

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
i like to test you application and cloned the latest git sources.
After that i installed the requiered libs from the README.

But if i want to start the application i get an error:

QMainWindow::addToolBar: invalid 'area' argument
QMainWindow::addToolBar: invalid 'area' argument
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "src/", line 16, in <module>
  File "/home/user/GRead/src/views/basic/", line 87, in run
  File "/home/user/GRead/src/views/basic/", line 504, in show
  File "/home/user/GRead/src/views/basic/", line 175, in trigger_settings
AttributeError: 'Controller' object has no attribute 'settings_dialog

What i am doing wrong?

(qt is version 4.6.2, python is version 2.5.4)

fpp 2010-10-16 11:16

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Do you you also have PyQt 4.7.5 installed ?

Twidi 2010-10-16 22:07

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
Thanks i (you !) found a bug which occurs if nobody logged in, so for evey first install of the application !

I'll correct it soon (now ? :D )

Nobody for my extras-devel problem ?

Twidi 2010-10-16 22:30

Re: [Announce] GRead : yet another Google Reader application... (PyQt)
The bug is now resolved, thanks Perry3D

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