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ME2g 2010-09-14 23:33

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 816369)
I cannot read that site at all.


As far as software OS's go, their stories are very similar. One year after 1.5, near as I could tell, Android was very rapidly building up toward (or had already put out) 1.6 and was already aiming at 2.0. Similarly, one year after the first Maemo (OS2005) was released on the Nokia 770, Maemo very rapidly moved up to OS2006 and aiming for OS2007. Very big upgrades all-around in both camps.

If you want to talk HARDWARE support, that's quite different. Hardware support has ALWAYS been far, far better for HTC's G1, where you can easily walk into a store and get face-to-face support from where you bought the unit as well as, even this far out into the future now, replacement parts of all sorts. I've never had quite the same luck with Nokia in either regard.

@"cannot read the site": that is strange.

@"As far as software OS's go, their stories are very similar. "
That was what I meant.
It seems that some people are impatient with Maemo and
compare it to present Android.

@face-to-face support: do you mean hardware or usage?

danramos 2010-09-14 23:43

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by ME2g (Post 816398)
@"cannot read the site": that is strange.

@"As far as software OS's go, their stories are very similar. "
That was what I meant.
It seems that some people are impatient with Maemo and
compare it to present Android.

@face-to-face support: do you mean hardware or usage?

The site is written in, I think German? I can't really read it except for a few words kinda. I definitely cannot purchase from that site from where I live.

As far as face-to-face support, it could go either way. I was able to walk back into the Verizon store where I bought my Droid to complain about losing my first phone and instantly got a replacement, later walked back in to complain that the unit I got had a bad camera and IMMEDIATELY had it replaced. During those visits, they seemed enthusiastically able to answer plenty of questions about using it as well. I can't buy an N900 by walking into any stores around me--I've never seen one in person yet. There really is no physical presence for Nokia in North America. I'm reasonably certain that I wouldn't be able to get any kind of in-person assistance from anyone if I'd gotten an N900. I'm sure that this will be dismissed as a regional issue (by anyone in Europe) but if you're nowhere near Nokia, they might as well be non-existent since they don't appear to be trying to make themselves present in any other way (phone support is terrible, can't web-order parts/service/contracts, etc.). It's an incredible shame that such criticism is dismissed instead of considered.

slender 2010-09-14 23:47

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 816397)
Are you trying to say that i could get easily support for my N800 here in the United States or in North America :) maybe not at ALL but jeeeezzzz man get real you just live in wrong continent ;) that's all.


I'm glad that you understood my sarcastic point. What can I say? Just excatly! Do not believe in ads and do some research before buying stuff that is not properly supported on your continent.

ME2g 2010-09-14 23:52

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by allnameswereout (Post 816388)
Come tell us here how complete the hardware is once you have the microUSB port in your hands :D

I read some of the postings.

Let's talk about this in 6 month or so...and I am extremely careful
with items like this.

ME2g 2010-09-15 00:11

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 816369)
I cannot read that site at all. I tried searching it on without any luck. Is that a Nokia stylus or a third-party made stylus? Either way, good find! (Except that it doesn't help me with my N800, and even if I have an N900, I couldn't buy from that site.)

Can you get this page:

danramos 2010-09-15 00:12

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by slender (Post 816409)
I'm glad that you understood my sarcastic point. What can I say? Just excatly! Do not believe in ads and do some research before buying stuff that is not properly supported on your continent.

Precisely why I didn't bother with the N900 and I continue to wait patiently while I fiddled with my Dell Mini9 and and Motorola Droid (which wasn't meant to replace my N800, but has done a surprisingly good job of it).

That certainly doesn't help Nokia nor my interest in obtaining a more open-source based device.

Also, my condolences for your being on the wrong continent. :cool:

danramos 2010-09-15 00:13

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by ME2g (Post 816421)

YES! Thank you!, no wait.. those aren't N800 styluses and I still can't purchase anything from there. Anything from, hmm?

allnameswereout 2010-09-15 00:39

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by ME2g (Post 816414)
I read some of the postings.

Let's talk about this in 6 month or so...and I am extremely careful
with items like this.

Alright. Don't wanna burst your bubble but it happened to other people who were extremely careful with their device. :(

diimaan 2010-09-15 03:53

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream
sorry my post was not intended to hurt anyone! if it did I apologize for that...

I just wanted to point out that other side of the river always looks green... and obviously he had no idea about android devices which are no holy grails of smartphones...


Bill Braski 2010-09-15 04:31

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream
"End of the Nokia Smart Phone dream" huh?

Were you paying attention today? Did you see the E7 or the N8? And the N9 will supposedly be better while running MeeGo. Nokia's smart phone dream is just beginning.

The N900 was an initial entry into the neo-smartphone arena, and a bold one at that.

thebtman 2010-09-15 04:56

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 816347)
If you're very happy with your N900, why are you participating in this thread? Clearly, you have nothing to offer. The only thing you've done is communicated to people in this thread that the original poster's opinion is simply not yours and you don't even have the common courtesy to so much as explain why or offer some solution or information to improve their opinion.

I'm sharing my experience when using the device, and, frankly, its not for you to tell me what threads I can or cant participate in. Its important for the purpose fo balance in such threads that both parties give their views.

You are not happy with your N900, bad luck. Sell it. Move on. Same advice to the OP. No pressure.

But, dont spend all eternity berating those who dont have a problem who bask in the pleasure of owning one and ffs I'm not going to enter into discussion about problems which might or might not occur (eg the microUSB port) when at this point in time the only issue I've had was my fault; a broken screen. If the USB issue was huge their would have been huge outcry such as that of the iPhone4 antenna. But their hasnt. Maybe 1000 cases worldwide and thats nothing.

I like the N900. I like Nokia....always have. Perfection doesnt exist, but for me, the N900 is the closest on the market to what I want from a smartphone. Its different from everything else and it can do clever things....I can geekify it and go commandline on its a55 and those things which allow me into the workings, to make me feel really like owner of device, make me like it a hell of alot.

If you want point and shoot get an iPhone....:cool:

The N900 aint point and shoot.....its adjust...adjust....change....modify...ker-boom. Something amazing happens. Or not. Keeps you guessing. Its ace...and I'd very much like Nokia to keep making this kind of device.

ossipena 2010-09-15 05:19

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by zaapx (Post 816329)
android was growing and constantly updated, as it is right now.

becoming the second most used os, and with the fastest growth.

android in general, yes. but what about spesific handsets one must buy if he wants android in first place?

ossipena 2010-09-15 05:29

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 816397)
Are you trying to say that i could get easily support for my N800 here in the United States or in North America :) maybe not at ALL but jeeeezzzz man get real you just live in wrong continent ;) that's all.


why are you comparing 3 year old device and the newest devices from htc? is there a specific reason to be biased?

jerryfreak 2010-09-15 06:00

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

ptpoul 2010-09-15 07:56

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream
Fast? Who wrote n900 is fast?
In some situations yes, but extrem lag frequently occurs.

My n900 broke (micro usb port) now while it is being fixed (on warranty thank god), I bought an xperia x10mini pro.

What pros does the x10mini have?

Better apps for daily use
Better function as an usb modem
Better kayboard (how did Nokia **** this up? the n900 is 500times bigger and has a worse keyboard?!?)
It's a phone, not a crappy internet tablet with crapy phone function included

I may sell my phone when I get it back, but it would have to be to a hacker, cause I wouldn't sell it to a regular person. I would feel I was cheating them

johnel 2010-09-15 08:06

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by ptpoul (Post 816638)

Better kayboard (how did Nokia **** this up? the n900 is 500times bigger and has a worse keyboard?!?)

Man, you should post pictures of your hardware mods to your n900 - it sounds really cool.

Better kayboard

n900 is 500times bigger

slender 2010-09-15 08:21

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream
"Better function as an usb modem?"

Itīs not 500 times bigger.

Why you didn't bought phone in first place?

Whatīs wrong with people nowdays? Everything is so extreme and black & white. Engadget & gizmodo commentators disease or what is going on. Or am I just too old and boringly diplomatic?

gerbick 2010-09-15 08:30

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by slender (Post 816653)
Whatīs wrong with people nowdays? Everything is so extreme and black & white. Engadget & gizmodo commentators disease or what is going on. Or am I just too old and boringly diplomatic?

You are 500 times too old and perhaps as much too diplomatic. Trim it back down to 250 or so and we'll talk.

Bijiont 2010-09-15 08:34

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by slender (Post 816653)
"Better function as an usb modem?"

Itīs not 500 times bigger.

Why you didn't bought phone in first place?

Whatīs wrong with people nowdays? Everything is so extreme and black & white. Engadget & gizmodo commentators disease or what is going on. Or am I just too old and boringly diplomatic?

Everyone is so very defensive when it comes to their "toys" it's stupid. It really spawns from the time where the argument on the school yards was "my toy is better than yours".

I guess you can sum it up to a lack of maturity overall.

Today's Internet community in general from what I have seen lacks in any intelligent communication. I am not trying to act "high and mighty" however when you have seen one to many "zomg your phone sucks get xxxxx phone instead!" it almost makes you feel ill.

What makes it sad is that I not even "that old" (26).

allnameswereout 2010-09-15 11:39

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by thebtman (Post 816545)
I'm sharing my experience when using the device, and, frankly, its not for you to tell me what threads I can or cant participate in. Its important for the purpose fo balance in such threads that both parties give their views.

Fair enough.


But, dont spend all eternity berating those who dont have a problem who bask in the pleasure of owning one and ffs I'm not going to enter into discussion about problems which might or might not occur (eg the microUSB port) when at this point in time the only issue I've had was my fault; a broken screen. If the USB issue was huge their would have been huge outcry such as that of the iPhone4 antenna. But their hasnt. Maybe 1000 cases worldwide and thats nothing.
:rolleyes: it is huge. It is a design mistake. Stop downplaying it!

The iPhone4 antenna issue is also huge, but I can tell you that in my country, the issue is far less apparent because we have relatively solid 3G network coverage as is mandatory by our government.

If you know a way to easily fix my USB port, do tell.


If you want point and shoot get an iPhone....:cool:
Tons of alternatives to iPhone, N900. Android-based devices, for example.

msa 2010-09-15 12:14

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by SirMuttley (Post 816341)
Ahh you clearly don't understand.

It's a hacker's phone. Therefore they aren't flaws, you're just not intelligent enough to use it correctly. Imagine it's like the iPhone4 antenna problem, but rather than holding the phone wrong you're using your brain wrong ;)

heh, very funny ^^
the biggest bug isnt inside the system, but its sitting in front of it, right? ;)

extechop 2010-09-15 12:28

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by jonin60seconds (Post 815733)
I've had my N900 for a year and I must say that now never want to own another Nokia ever again. I've never been so frustrated for so long with a phone before.

I seldomly blog in anger but I had to get this off my chest. So if you want to know why I'm never using a Nokia again, check out my anger here!

Unfortunately, I can well see how you ended up feeling like this. I happen to like my N900, but I would not recommend it to anyone who doesn't like to tinker with it.

And your blog comments section has this gem:


I feel sorry for the people at Nokia who work on Maemo because I imagine they live in a little shed at the bottom of the garden with no heating and the management feed them cold porridge once a week.
If you knew how true that is :mad:

jonin60seconds 2010-09-15 13:29

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by extechop (Post 816800)
Unfortunately, I can well see how you ended up feeling like this. I happen to like my N900, but I would not recommend it to anyone who doesn't like to tinker with it.

And your blog comments section has this gem:

If you knew how true that is :mad:

Yeah I love that comment! I like it when people put effort into a comment!

allnameswereout 2010-09-15 13:55

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream
I guess the title of this thread should be:

The end of my Nokia Smart phone dream

cjp 2010-09-15 15:02

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by allnameswereout (Post 816879)
I guess the title of this thread should be:

The end of my Nokia Smart phone dream

Yeah the thread title is a bit attention-whory, isn't it.

danramos 2010-09-15 15:20

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by thebtman (Post 816545)
I'm sharing my experience when using the device, and, frankly, its not for you to tell me what threads I can or cant participate in. Its important for the purpose fo balance in such threads that both parties give their views.

You are not happy with your N900, bad luck. Sell it. Move on. Same advice to the OP. No pressure.

But, dont spend all eternity berating those who dont have a problem who bask in the pleasure of owning one and ffs I'm not going to enter into discussion about problems which might or might not occur (eg the microUSB port) when at this point in time the only issue I've had was my fault; a broken screen. If the USB issue was huge their would have been huge outcry such as that of the iPhone4 antenna. But their hasnt. Maybe 1000 cases worldwide and thats nothing.

I like the N900. I like Nokia....always have. Perfection doesnt exist, but for me, the N900 is the closest on the market to what I want from a smartphone. Its different from everything else and it can do clever things....I can geekify it and go commandline on its a55 and those things which allow me into the workings, to make me feel really like owner of device, make me like it a hell of alot.

If you want point and shoot get an iPhone....:cool:

The N900 aint point and shoot.....its adjust...adjust....change....modify...ker-boom. Something amazing happens. Or not. Keeps you guessing. Its ace...and I'd very much like Nokia to keep making this kind of device.

I'm also sharing my experiences and opinions, and it's not for you to tell me what to do either--but it is ironic for you to have participated the way you did and so the question had to be asked. :)

By the by, I didn't bother wasting my money on the N900 after my experiences with Nokia products, including two N800's. So, no need to lecture me--I was smart enough to avoid the whole problem altogether, after seeing how Nokia provided me with my previous Maemo experiences.

I spend my time berating those who insist that because they don't have a problem, nobody else can. It's that myopic outlook and lack of insight that is just so fascinating. Please, continue your petty bickering over peoples' very tangible concerns, it's most amusing. It's possible you're right and I'd like to hear why. In the meantime, you should consider being open to the possibility that someone else is right, too. I mean, if the problems were so minor or rare, I doubt you would keep seeing this constant barrage of negativity... but please, go on and try to convince me that there's no problem.. just don't try to convince me that people complaining should shut up about it.

The widespread complaining is a symptom and should likely be considered instead of dismissed. The only problem with what you're suggesting is that it wouldn't lead to any progress or improvements, just a far more marginalized platform with fewer and fewer people using the platform.


Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 816562)
why are you comparing 3 year old device and the newest devices from htc? is there a specific reason to be biased?

Because, even in its own time, this was an impossible task (obtaining support and parts/repairs/etc), three years out--it's STILL an impossible task even with the new device. :P Is there any specific reason NOT to be biased, given the results?

Tedri Mark 2010-09-15 15:22

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by allnameswereout (Post 816388)
Come tell us here how complete the hardware is once you have the microUSB port in your hands :D

Well then you've ****ed it.

I've tripped over my cable whilst charging a few times now, bent the connector on the charger but that's it. Had i broken the connector I would have been well annoyed. At myself.

Yeah it could have been better engineered (although I've not heard many reports recently, so did it get changed in later revisions?) but where does it stop?

If i tripped over my laptop cable, I'd expect a broken screen, and have to re-solder the connector (a common fault on laptops)

ossipena 2010-09-15 15:42

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 816937)
Because, even in its own time, this was an impossible task (obtaining support and parts/repairs/etc), three years out--it's STILL an impossible task even with the new device. :P Is there any specific reason NOT to be biased, given the results?

you forgot the "if you live in canada" -part with that still -stuff, so you are still biased.

Heres my biased part: my little brother tried to get his htc hero repaired a month ago but he didn't have sn of the unit printed to paper (you can read it from device) and it was no go...

ME2g 2010-09-15 16:20

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 816937)
Because, even in its own time, this was an impossible task (obtaining support and parts/repairs/etc),

Btw apropos repair:
I like this one:

I hope that I will never use it. :)

allnameswereout 2010-09-15 16:34

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by Tedri Mark (Post 816940)
I've tripped over my cable whilst charging a few times now, bent the connector on the charger but that's it. Had i broken the connector I would have been well annoyed. At myself.

Yes, the circumstances under which it may happen may lead the user to blame themselves. However, it is a poor design choice, and various reports have proven it even occurred to people who have been very careful with their device. The cost of a through-hole design choice is neglectible though.


If i tripped over my laptop cable, I'd expect a broken screen
I wouldn't because this happened various times with my ThinkPad. It fell, the case got some cracks, but it still works. And the connectors are intact. A friend of mine let his drop from 3rd floor. Thing still works (yes, he was lucky).


and have to re-solder the connector (a common fault on laptops)
Not with my Macbook Pro.

Point is, none of what you say is due to poor design choice; its due to user mistake. I don't know about you, but I'm not used getting a microUSB port in my hands when I unplug my microUSB cable. I haven't found this feature in the microUSB specifications either.

ME2g 2010-09-15 16:39

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by allnameswereout (Post 816439)
Alright. Don't wanna burst your bubble but it happened to other people who were extremely careful with their device. :(

From the postings that I read I doubt that they were careful
("tripped over" and the like).


xxxxts 2010-09-15 16:44

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream
I was one of the first people to buy the N900 from the Nokia Flagship store in NYC - I didn't even test it out previous to buying it - I read up on it and I knew exactly what I was getting into. No surprises. Have you considered that maybe it is not the phone that isn't too smart, but the user?

etuoyo 2010-09-15 17:08

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream
Loads of posts here as usual saying get an iphone and a recent one get a samsung galaxy. The premise being that those phones are dumb phones whilst the N900 is a true smart phone.

It is funny how these dumb phones have done so much better than Nokia's super computers. Oh what Nokia would give to be able to create a dumb phone like its competitors have.

Call me daft but it strikes me that a device which works out of the box is actually much smarter than a device which you need to spend ages tweaking just to be able it to get to a stable state and even then never actually getting there because some important parts of the device are closed and so cannot be tweaked.

allnameswereout 2010-09-15 17:24

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by etuoyo (Post 817022)
Call me daft but it strikes me that a device which works out of the box is actually much smarter than a device which you need to spend ages tweaking just to be able it to get to a stable state and even then never actually getting there because some important parts of the device are closed and so cannot be tweaked.

I believe a device which works out of the box and allows you to spend ages tweaking to get your optimal experience/usability is even better!

On an iPod touch I can't get full Bluetooth working. On a Nokia N900 it is 2 minutes work.

ossipena 2010-09-15 17:30

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by etuoyo (Post 817022)
Call me daft but it strikes me that a device which works out of the box is actually much smarter than a device which you need to spend ages tweaking just to be able it to get to a stable state and even then never actually getting there because some important parts of the device are closed and so cannot be tweaked.

what parts of N900 don't work out of the box?

wmarone 2010-09-15 17:34

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 817046)
what parts of N900 don't work out of the box?

To be fair, the FM receiver doesn't. No software for it in the system.

That said, the N900 did work out of the box. If you're going to claim a device doesn't "work out of the box" then it'd better not actually work out of the box.

danramos 2010-09-15 17:36

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 816959)
you forgot the "if you live in canada" -part with that still -stuff, so you are still biased.

Heres my biased part: my little brother tried to get his htc hero repaired a month ago but he didn't have sn of the unit printed to paper (you can read it from device) and it was no go...

Oh right, sorry... anywhere OUTSIDE OF EUROPE. (By the by, I'm in the New England region of the US, not Canada.. but it appears that Europe is about the only place to get halfway decent Nokia service.)


Originally Posted by ME2g (Post 816982)
Btw apropos repair:
I like this one:

I hope that I will never use it. :)

And again--doesn't help, can't buy anything. :)


Originally Posted by ME2g (Post 817002)
From the postings that I read I doubt that they were careful
("tripped over" and the like).


I also find it incredibly humorous to hear someone say that you need to be careful with a mobile device. I thought they were intended to be mobile, therefore likely to experience pressure and shock. Aren't these things DESIGNED to be taken with you, plugged and unplugged repeatedly and likely to be kept in a pocket or dropped?


Originally Posted by allnameswereout (Post 817039)
I believe a device which works out of the box and allows you to spend ages tweaking to get your optimal experience/usability is even better!

On an iPod touch I can't get full Bluetooth working. On a Nokia N900 it is 2 minutes work.

Does it take 2 minutes to get a bluetooth keyboard supported too? Ironically, on my N800 it took nearly no time at all. From what I understand about the N900, it takes somewhat longer than 2 minutes (at first, it wasn't possible at all until someone had to tweak it).

Just saying--it's best if a device is solid to start with, THEN gives you the ability to tweak it all to hell. Having neither is pretty much where Maemo is right now, given all the closed components. It's my great hope that MeeGo provides both, but I'm still waiting to see what closed-source abominations Nokia will roll out in their MeeGo images to ruin the otherwise excellent work being done by the MeeGo folks.

wmarone 2010-09-15 17:39

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 817050)
I'm still waiting to see what closed-source abominations Nokia will roll out in their MeeGo images to ruin the otherwise excellent work being done by the MeeGo folks.

Well if Nokia lets us do what we will like they did with the N900, then chances are if you don't like their closed source abominations you can always dump it for the reference UIs.

And if the tablet UI is any indication, they'll probably be pretty slick in their own right.

danramos 2010-09-15 17:41

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by wmarone (Post 817048)
To be fair, the FM receiver doesn't. No software for it in the system.

That said, the N900 did work out of the box. If you're going to claim a device doesn't "work out of the box" then it'd better not actually work out of the box.

I'm not sure that's really fair, since the software is easily available as an install right out of the box from the repositories. I'm more concerned about the lack of functions and features and the high price for a device that lacks many of those. Where's the various bluetooth device drivers? Why were they removed? What happened to xorg's support for bluetooth mice? Why was THAT removed? Why is the phone software so crippled? It would have all been completely forgivable if Nokia simply communicated that the device was simply delivered out first and that these things were coming down the pike soon (or if it had been open enough to allow anyone to fix these things easily and submit them for future OS images, etc.). Maybe they are and I don't know it? Anyone?

ossipena 2010-09-15 17:41

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 817050)
Oh right, sorry... anywhere OUTSIDE OF EUROPE. (By the by, I'm in the New England region of the US, not Canada.. but it appears that Europe is about the only place to get halfway decent Nokia service.)

citation needed

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