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luketanti 2010-09-25 22:40

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
You must type root before beginning from the start.

luketanti 2010-09-25 22:42

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
With this kernel My camera will not work. I have to revert to default or OC kernel.

Kymera76 2010-09-25 22:44

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by luketanti (Post 826310)
You must type root before beginning from the start.

root or sudo gainroot?
This is different on my n900...

I have try but is not difference... i cant' install it....

luketanti 2010-09-25 22:46

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by Kymera76 (Post 826315)
root or sudo gainroot?
This is different on my n900...

I did root.

Kymera76 2010-09-25 22:53

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by luketanti (Post 826317)
I did root.

Nope... don' install it...

I'm desperate.

MohammadAG 2010-09-25 23:02

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
This is really a prealpha kernel, I've asked for logs in the first post and detailed how to provide them in further posts, unfortunately some of you think this is a final release for some reason.

We're not sure if it would conflict with kernel-power if we add the patch to it, and that's not really a priority.

Matan 2010-09-25 23:03

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 826183)

You seem to repeat the mistake of distributing GPL'd binaries without accompanying source. Please correct this issue.

MohammadAG 2010-09-25 23:57

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by Matan (Post 826323)
You seem to repeat the mistake of distributing GPL'd binaries without accompanying source. Please correct this issue.

I usually make mistakes only once.
You made the mistake of not checking h-e-n's garage page :)
Apply to the stock kernel source (nokia's stock kernel) and build

johnel 2010-09-26 01:01

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
I followed MohammadAG's instructions and my transcend 1gb flash disk worked fine.

Just a couple of points:
(1) Ensure you have the devel repos enabled.
(2) I used the command 'root' before I did anything
(3) ic2-tools will now install because of point 1.

When I can spend some quality time with my N900 I will provide log files. I intend to try my usb hub and logitech wireless keyboard (not bluetooth compatible) to see if I can persuade them to work.

Thanks to MohammadAG & developers who managed to get things this far. There is still a lot of work to be done so be patient.

Remember this is PRE-ALPHA software and is highly experimental.

techno2001 2010-09-26 03:19

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by pedram_noei_a (Post 826249)
hi again
i have problem with installing kernel
i have installed nitdroid and power kernal so when i press power button i see 3 lines on bootmenu
1-main kernel
2-power kernel
i have tested every thing to add 4 th line with name of hostmode but there is no luck
i cant install the hostmode kernel
is there any idea for help?

I have the same problem!!!:confused:

mveplus 2010-09-26 03:34

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
1 Attachment(s)
All devices that I connected are recognized by kernel but for some node is not created in /dev/*?
Here is my new log, sorry it's over limit so it's here syslog

MohammadAG even with a new kernel+modules I could not mount ntfs partition, but not so important now (sfdisk -l /dev/sda recognize and report correctly size and partition tables )
I succeed mounting ext2 now :)

Kernel module list

MVE:~# cat /proc/modules
pn_pep 13128 0 - Live 0xbf30b000
uvcvideo 49976 0 - Live 0xbf2ea000
usbhid 15860 0 - Live 0xbf2e1000
hid 31876 1 usbhid, Live 0xbf2d4000
usb_storage 26248 0 - Live 0xbf2c8000
g_nokia 41600 6 - Live 0xbf2a7000
vfat 9664 2 - Live 0xbf29f000
fat 43252 1 vfat, Live 0xbf28f000
sd_mod 20552 0 - Live 0xbf284000
scsi_mod 80564 2 usb_storage,sd_mod, Live 0xbf26b000
iphb 4260 1 - Live 0xbf264000
rfcomm 60264 14 - Live 0xbf250000
panic_info_buff 2820 0 - Live 0xbf24d000
sco 15692 2 - Live 0xbf244000
l2cap 34832 9 rfcomm, Live 0xbf236000
omaplfb 10664 0 - Live 0xbf22e000
pvrsrvkm 121448 7 omaplfb, Live 0xbf20b000
bridgedriver 157976 1 - Live 0xbf1df000
ipv6 237700 14 - Live 0xbf190000
uinput 7120 0 - Live 0xbf189000
iovmm 10372 0 - Live 0xbf181000
videobuf_dma_sg 9348 0 - Live 0xbf17c000
videobuf_core 13772 1 videobuf_dma_sg, Live 0xbf176000
omap3_iommu 1156 0 - Live 0xbf170000
iommu2 4928 0 - Live 0xbf169000
iommu 10080 2 iovmm,iommu2, Live 0xbf161000
dspbridge 1284 0 - Live 0xbf15b000
ssi_mcsaab_imp 20120 0 - Live 0xbf151000
phonet 15528 23 pn_pep,g_nokia,ssi_mcsaab_imp, Live 0xbf148000
cmt_speech 8484 1 - Live 0xbf140000
joydev 9368 0 - Live 0xbf138000
wl12xx 77432 0 - Live 0xbf120000
mmc_block 9044 6 - Live 0xbf118000
omap_wdt 4976 1 - Live 0xbf111000
omap_ssi 19420 2 ssi_mcsaab_imp,cmt_speech, Live 0xbf107000
mac80211 153828 1 wl12xx, Live 0xbf0dc000
crc7 1216 1 wl12xx, Live 0xbf0d9000
omap_hsmmc 17936 0 - Live 0xbf0cf000
tsc2005 8472 0 - Live 0xbf0c7000
hci_h4p 15904 0 - Live 0xbf0be000
nokia_av 6264 0 - Live 0xbf0b7000
mmc_core 52076 2 mmc_block,omap_hsmmc, Live 0xbf0a5000
bluetooth 85356 6 rfcomm,sco,l2cap,hci_h4p, Live 0xbf08b000
fmtx_si4713 33544 0 - Live 0xbf07d000
ad5820 3868 0 - Live 0xbf077000
videodev 28296 2 uvcvideo,fmtx_si4713, Live 0xbf06b000
v4l1_compat 12100 2 uvcvideo,videodev, Live 0xbf066000
compat_ioctl32 832 2 uvcvideo,fmtx_si4713, Live 0xbf063000
lis302dl 8536 0 - Live 0xbf05b000
leds_lp5523 9936 0 - Live 0xbf053000
adp1653 4432 0 - Live 0xbf04c000
tsl2563 5008 0 - Live 0xbf045000
smia_sensor 7692 0 - Live 0xbf03e000
smiaregs 6656 3 ad5820,adp1653,smia_sensor, Live 0xbf03a000
v4l2_int_device 2880 3 ad5820,adp1653,smia_sensor, Live 0xbf037000
rtc_twl4030 4482 0 - Live 0xbf030000
rtc_core 14504 1 rtc_twl4030, Live 0xbf027000
twl4030_wdt 3468 1 - Live 0xbf024000
leds_twl4030_vibra 4384 0 - Live 0xbf01d000
led_class 2964 2 leds_lp5523,leds_twl4030_vibra, Live 0xbf017000
fuse 46444 0 - Live 0xbf006000
nls_utf8 1344 0 - Live 0xbf000000
MVE:~#uname -a
Linux MVE 2.6.28-hostmode1 #1 PREEMPT Sat Aug 28 15:06:20 IDT 2010 armv7l unknown

Also forgot to mention in my first post that I experienced a few unsuccessful booting - wich MohammadAG mention in one of his posts.

Hope more people supplay logs and debug info to be able to go to next stage alfa2 or beta :D

Speed of WRITING to usb flash drive ext2 filesystem on the screenshot :rolleyes: (USB 8GB Kingston)


luketanti 2010-09-26 06:49

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
When I tried to write to the 8GB flash drive in file-manager I got a read-only error. Is it only me or this is normal??

kuavo15 2010-09-26 08:07

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
hi i have a problem my n900 dont close :(:( please help me who is helm me :( ????????

please watch

Kymera76 2010-09-26 09:00

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by johnel (Post 826375)
I followed MohammadAG's instructions and my transcend 1gb flash disk worked fine.

Just a couple of points:
(1) Ensure you have the devel repos enabled.
(2) I used the command 'root' before I did anything
(3) ic2-tools will now install because of point 1.

When I can spend some quality time with my N900 I will provide log files. I intend to try my usb hub and logitech wireless keyboard (not bluetooth compatible) to see if I can persuade them to work.

Thanks to MohammadAG & developers who managed to get things this far. There is still a lot of work to be done so be patient.

Remember this is PRE-ALPHA software and is highly experimental.

I have enabled devel repos but when i write "dpkg -i i2c-tools3.0.2-1maemo1_armel.deb" tell me "no such file"
Please tell me how install i2c-tools in the details...

MohammadAG 2010-09-26 09:19

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
If you do not now what you are doing then THIS IS NOT FOR YOU!
Flash back to the stock kernel and wait for a more stable release.

Kymera76 2010-09-26 10:00

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
i need to instal i2c-tools, i have enabled devel repos but i don't understand how i must install it... please help me...

Dousan 2010-09-26 10:09

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
@Kymera76 dpkg -i is an install command for files on the internal N900 memory, so if you havn't downloaded the file it wont exist and hence it wont install... So you can enable and disable devel forever without any result... If you have downloaded the file you just need to 'cd' to the directory and then do the dpkg -i command...

If this makes no sense to you then like MuhammadAG said this is not for you yet ;)

slender 2010-09-26 10:18

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by kuavo15 (Post 826083)
who is going to help me ??? :( :(


this is not for new users.Please reflash if you have problems.

johnel 2010-09-26 13:30

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by Kymera76 (Post 826488)
I have enabled devel repos but when i write "dpkg -i i2c-tools3.0.2-1maemo1_armel.deb" tell me "no such file"
Please tell me how install i2c-tools in the details...

I did something like:
apt-get install i2c-tools

@Kymera76: Are you sure you should be doing this? You are asking pretty basic questions about stuff you are expected to know already.

With this kernel my camera app won't start and I cannot take photos. I will have to go back to the original Nokia kernel - which if fine for people who have this kind of experience but may cause problems for someone like yourself.

You have to be prepared to flash your device and install different kernels to keep you n900 in a usuable state. If anyone is not familiar with this type of thing then it is best to stay away until the software becomes more stable.

If anyone is having trouble following the basic steps or do not understand some of the posts then I strongly suggest you keep away - it will cause you nothing but grief and may leave you n900 is a non-working state.that you cannot fix yourself.

MohammadAG 2010-09-26 13:43

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by johnel (Post 826634)
I did something like:
apt-get install i2c-tools

@Kymera76: Are you sure you should be doing this? You are asking pretty basic questions about stuff you are expected to know already.

With this kernel my camera app won't start and I cannot take photos. I will have to go back to the original Nokia kernel - which if fine for people who have this kind of experience but may cause problems for someone like yourself.

You have to be prepared to flash your device and install different kernels to keep you n900 in a usuable state. If anyone is not familiar with this type of thing then it is best to stay away until the software becomes more stable.

If anyone is having trouble following the basic steps or do not understand some of the posts then I strongly suggest you keep away - it will cause you nothing but grief and may leave you n900 is a non-working state.that you cannot fix yourself.

You probably have fcam-drivers installed, which are only compatible with omap1 and power40 kernels, uninstalling fcam-drivers and rebooting into the hostmode kernel should allow the cam to start.

Dousan 2010-09-26 14:19

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
i get this error every time i try to connect my flashstick/hdd with external power supply, just before pressing mount /dev/sda1 '/root/ line 3: i2cset: not found'

I've removed the script/i2c-tools and then reinstalled the .deb packages and rebooted. Then reinstalled the script/i2c-tools. Still the same.

Am i connecting at the wrong moment? I've tried at the moment MuhammadAG stated in the first post and as someone posted here 5 secs after connect usb now has shown?

The syslog is that contained from /var/log/syslogd?

MohammadAG 2010-09-26 14:31

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
hmm, could be that /usr/local/sbin is not in your path, edit the file to point to /usr/local/sbin/i2cset
Remember to run it as root, or download the new deb (same link which checks for kernel and root).

Yes, syslog is /var/log/syslog
I suggest echo "" > /var/log/syslog every once in a while to clear it as it can get very large and fill your /

Kymera76 2010-09-26 14:47

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by Dousan (Post 826513)
@Kymera76 dpkg -i is an install command for files on the internal N900 memory, so if you havn't downloaded the file it wont exist and hence it wont install... So you can enable and disable devel forever without any result... If you have downloaded the file you just need to 'cd' to the directory and then do the dpkg -i command...

If this makes no sense to you then like MuhammadAG said this is not for you yet ;)

hi and thank you for replay but i'm not a stupid it's ok?
naturally that i have downloaded files in memory i'm not a kid...
My problem is that i have files in home/users/MyDocs but if i write root my system go at Nokia-900-51-1 directory where there are two files and how i can moove i2c files in this directory? What is correct files of i2c armel o i386?

This is a forum for problems and not for judge if this is for me or not!

Kymera76 2010-09-26 15:00

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
the problems is position of files.

If i use filesmanager i see i2c files armel but if i use xterminal and write ls "list files" dont'see l2c files armel...why??

Then i have two root:
sudo gainroot (go to home/user)
root (Nokia-N900-51-1)

ivyking 2010-09-26 15:13

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by Kymera76 (Post 826674)
What is correct files of i2c armel o i386?

u don't even know the architecture ? please think this over before installing...

anyways , n900 uses an arm processor , so you should install armel...
i don't understand what probelm u have with removing files in whatever directory .

well , to remove any file , rm <filename> , ex . to remove a pic inside MyDocs , u will write rm /home/user/MyDocs/<picname>

if u want to remove a directory u will add -r to the command ,
rm -r /home/user/MyDocs/.images will delete the images folder .
u should now be able to delete whatever u want...

if u understand u should be able to tell what does the following command do if u are root ?

rm -r /*

u are not advised to try it .

luketanti 2010-09-26 15:27

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
There were alot of successes with this from several testers including me. Now we should try to escalate this and fix the little bugs. Thanks alot!!

Kymera76 2010-09-26 16:56

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by ivyking (Post 826681)
u don't even know the architecture ? please think this over before installing...

anyways , n900 uses an arm processor , so you should install armel...
i don't understand what probelm u have with removing files in whatever directory .

well , to remove any file , rm <filename> , ex . to remove a pic inside MyDocs , u will write rm /home/user/MyDocs/<picname>

if u want to remove a directory u will add -r to the command ,
rm -r /home/user/MyDocs/.images will delete the images folder .
u should now be able to delete whatever u want...

if u understand u should be able to tell what does the following command do if u are root ?

rm -r /*

u are not advised to try it .

The problems is that xterminal dont' see armel of i2c...
i see all armel file but i2c no... i try with ls command

MohammadAG 2010-09-26 17:18

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
Mate, please, this isn't for you, I'm subscribed to this thread and I see that it backfired into a how to learn about linux thread. The title states [Testers needed] and I mentioned that we only need tests from people who know what they're doing.

Nobody is calling you stupid, everyone understands more than another in different things.

Anyway, to answer your question.
Read and add the repo, then follow the steps in the first post.

Dousan 2010-09-26 17:20

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by Kymera76 (Post 826743)
The problems is that xterminal dont' see armel of i2c...
i see all armel file but i2c no... i try with ls command

If the files are in MyDocs just go to xterm and write:
sudo gainroot 'enter'
cd /home/user/MyDocs 'enter'
dpkg -i 'name of.debfile' 'enter'

That should do it ;)

And nobody called you a kid by the way... You just, at some points, seem lost/clueless here ;)

Dousan 2010-09-26 19:26

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
@MuhammadAG i can't figure out how to change the path of (i2cset), no opvious thing to change (atleast for me)...

And the download site gives a 500 internal server error (in xterm) and i can't download (the new one)...

How to workaround this? ;)

ivyking 2010-09-26 19:41

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
have you included backslash escape character before the spaces in the url?

wget\ 25\ 2010/kernel-hostmode-flasher_2.6.28-20102201+0m5-hostmode1_armel.deb

wget\ 25\ 2010/kernel-hostmode-modules_2.6.28-20102201+0m5-hostmode1_armel.deb

wget\ 25\ 2010/kernel-hostmode_2.6.28-20102201+0m5-hostmode1_armel.deb

and me too couldn't get the script because of the error mentioned in the post above .

MohammadAG 2010-09-26 20:55

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
About, I'm not sure why but the host doesn't allow hosting py files.
Use the deb

johnel 2010-09-26 21:02

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
1 Attachment(s)
I've been having some fun.

I managed to connect a Belkin 4-port hub to my n900.

I've tried connecting a joystick and a mouse. Although they appear on the hub I can't use them.

Also tried connecting an external hard-drive but I don't think it was recognised at all.
The battery was quite low and may have caused problems?

One day will it be possible to charge the device at the same time as using a USB peripheral?

I've attached my log - I hope it's useful.
Attachment 14090

Kymera76 2010-09-26 21:03

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
it's all ok now!
Led of my pendrive flash but i don't see files...
I must see from n900 file manager or other?

pedram_noei_a 2010-09-26 21:20

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
why there is no answer from any body even mr.mohamaad for nitdroid users?
please answer
i know that this is not for new users but i am not that much new for linux or mobile world
please help me mr mohamad

LondonBenji 2010-09-26 21:27

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by Kymera76 (Post 826874)
it's all ok now!
Led of my pendrive flash but i don't see files...
I must see from n900 file manager or other?


Originally Posted by pedram_noei_a (Post 826875)
why there is no answer from any body even mr.mohamaad for nitdroid users?
please answer
i know that this is not for new users but i am not that much new for linux or mobile world
please help me mr mohamad

Please please, please don't take offence both of you but, this isn't for you, not yet.

It's not for the majority of people on here, myself included.

pedram_noei_a 2010-09-26 21:32

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900
pardon but can i ask is there any test that we should pass to get permision of being tester of this guide mr londonbenji????

Kymera76 2010-09-26 21:36

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by LondonBenji (Post 826883)
Please please, please don't take offence both of you but, this isn't for you, not yet.

It's not for the majority of people on here, myself included.

put an end to it ok?

buchanmilne 2010-09-26 21:46

OT - user-space USB packages
I know this thread is about testing ... but I can't easily get hardware (USB adapters/converters) to test with (Amazon and Ebay won't ship to where I am presently ...), but it is great to see progress on this.

However, my desire for USB host features is mainly for non-USB-storage stuff ... specifically getting photos off PTP-only cameras, such as my Canon EOS 500D DSLR.

This should be possible with the hostmode kernel, if the user-space tools (libusb, libgphoto, gphoto2 etc.) are available.

I will try and get a converter in the next 3 weeks or so, and maybe try and look at this myself then, but if others are interested and can make progress in the next 3 weeks, that would be great.

(I don't see any libusb or gphoto packages in the standard + extras-devel repos, let me know if it is already available somewhere)

Death 2010-09-26 21:48

Re: [Testers needed] USB Hostmode prealpha for the N900

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 826183)
Location above contains the same kernel updated with more modules.
Should support NTFS RW, UDF, and ISOFS, so you should be able to use NTFS formatted devices as well as externally powered DVD drives.

I also compiled and uploaded genisoimage, which contains mkisofs.
No instructions for the time being, but you should, theoretically (not tested actually) be able to write to DVDs with cdrecrod (when I compile that).

Logs are always welcome, whether it worked or not.

hi mohammad

I installed new kernels but when i want to mount my NTFS usb flash i have this error:

"No such file or Directory"

for fat32 its okey.:D

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