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gryedouge 2010-10-01 14:57

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
LMAO!! i deserved that :D for both the slap (to wake me up) and for the feedback :D

CepiPerez 2010-10-01 14:58

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
Sorry I was busy.
I'll try to add the hildon-home modifications to PR1.2 one.

BTW: Can you add "Set mediaplayer icons"?
Humanity icons has their own mediaplayer icons in 164x164/hildon folder like the rest of the icons packs. But mediaplayer seems to read icons always from hicolor.

d-iivil 2010-10-01 15:08

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 831001)
Sorry I was busy.
I'll try to add the hildon-home modifications to PR1.2 one.

BTW: Can you add "Set mediaplayer icons"?
Humanity icons has their own mediaplayer icons in 164x164/hildon folder like the rest of the icons packs. But mediaplayer seems to read icons always from hicolor.

That would require overwriting the original icons since the mediaplayer app is coded shitty :P

Will think about that! And thanks for looking into hildon-home :)

CepiPerez 2010-10-01 15:51

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
Yes, but you can make a backup of the original icons and the user can revert when he wants.

Here's the modified hildon-home based on the latest gitorious package.
Remember to mount and test before replace!

d-iivil 2010-10-01 16:13

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 831040)
Yes, but you can make a backup of the original icons and the user can revert when he wants.

Here's the modified hildon-home based on the latest gitorious package.
Remember to mount and test before replace!

Yep, but I want customizer only edit one theme at the time and if I replace those icons it would affect other themes aswell (scenario where users first edits one theme and chooses to use humanity icons and then switches to another theme which uses hicolor icons).

Edit: I mean I don't want user to be forced to run Customizer if he wants to completely revert to hicolor icons.

d-iivil 2010-10-01 16:26

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 831040)
Here's the modified hildon-home based on the latest gitorious package.
Remember to mount and test before replace!

This seems to be working fine :) I can change my wallpapers again :)

Will play around with it and if no problems are found, will release update tomorrow.

d-iivil 2010-10-02 16:11

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
Version 0.9 uploaded to devel with following changes:
* new hildon-home.launch which fixes the wallpaper changing issue, thanks CepiPerez
* experimental new UI layout
* swedish translations tuned a bit

d-iivil 2010-10-02 18:01

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
UI needed more tuning since I found it hard to scroll the page now when there was nothing on the side to "grab" to. So uploaded 0.9-2 few minutes ago (should be available in 30 mins or so) which has some bling bling in it :)

gryedouge 2010-10-02 18:55

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
<yes, there is an echo in the house>

Customize theme + Plastic theme = ??

These two are exceptionally detailed and thorough apps. Have you considered amalgamating the two?

I am currently running your customize theme and it works beautifully with no issues at all. Thank you.

d-iivil 2010-10-02 19:03

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by gryedouge (Post 831780)
<yes, there is an echo in the house>

Customize theme + Plastic theme = ??

These two are exceptionally detailed and thorough apps. Have you considered amalgamating the two?

I am currently running your customize theme and it works beautifully with no issues at all. Thank you.

I have thought it but haven't come up with solution yet. One option would be to drop off the whole "plastic setup" utility and force users to use theme customizer instead. Then I could change Plastic packs so that each scheme could be accessible from normal "select theme" menu...

Would that make sense? Then I wouldn't have to develope two different projects which are pretty similiar.

Ofcourse customizer works already with Plastic Themes.

gryedouge 2010-10-02 19:24

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
<whew> i thought i was about to get slapped again :D

No, I agree with your idea. I have previously installed the plastic theme and add ons. I subsequently uninstalled them (to my slight regret) and have installed your customizer. Using the customizer gave me the sense that the plastic themes/add ons would have been a natural extension of the customizer. it just felt ...easy? natural? your customizer is brilliant and incorporating the plastic theme/add ons as an advanced option or a regular option will seem like a natural step and combination for these apps.

So yes, maybe halting the plastic set up and incorporating the themes/packs into the customizer would be the right way to go. This is just my opinion, i am sure that many others might agree/disagree but i believe that it could work very sucessfully.

d-iivil 2010-10-02 19:31

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by gryedouge (Post 831801)
<whew> i thought i was about to get slapped again :D.

I only slapped you because you asked for it :P

Need to think throught the whole Plastic Theme thing. Fact is that customizer can do more than Plastic Setup and implementing the missing features into it would take long time and woulld feel like waste of time...

gabby131 2010-10-02 19:34

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

after installation, i cant change wallpapers/panoramic desktop backgrounds......even though my custom .desktop files are still in storage, and the default theme backgrounds are inaccessible as well......what could i've done wrong? :)

d-iivil 2010-10-02 19:46

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by gabby131 (Post 831809)

after installation, i cant change wallpapers/panoramic desktop backgrounds......even though my custom .desktop files are still in storage, and the default theme backgrounds are inaccessible as well......what could i've done wrong? :)

upgrade the customizer to version 0.9 or later :)

gabby131 2010-10-02 19:50

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by D-Iivil (Post 831812)
upgrade the customizer to version 0.9 or later :)

oh? there is an update? i truly apologize, that one slipped out of me, thanks

d-iivil 2010-10-02 19:55

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by gabby131 (Post 831815)
oh? there is an update? i truly apologize, that one slipped out of me, thanks

No problem :)
I rolled out two updates today and latest is 0.9-2.

Report if the wallpaper issue is fixed with new version. You need to run the customizer once to reload the fixed hildon-home and then you should be able to choose wallpapers again.

gabby131 2010-10-02 20:04

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by D-Iivil (Post 831820)
No problem :)
I rolled out two updates today and latest is 0.9-2.

Report if the wallpaper issue is fixed with new version. You need to run the customizer once to reload the fixed hildon-home and then you should be able to choose wallpapers again.

oh yeah!!!! reboot.......set up fonts using Nokia Alpha (N-series) theme via Theme Customizer and everything is back!!!!!!! my Samsung Galaxy S is once again shrunk coz of shame..........hooh haah!!!! thanks D! Your the Man!

EDIT: this is with the Latest Theme Customizer App update (v0.9-2)

gryedouge 2010-10-02 20:10

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by D-Iivil (Post 831807)
Fact is that customizer can do more than Plastic Setup and implementing the missing features into it would take long time and woulld feel like waste of time...

No, i disagree with you on this one. Stand by for a motivational/nagging sermon :D

It will take a bit more work and effort, but one thing that i have learnt from all my past projects is that one project is often the stepping stone for the next. i dont think that you have wasted any time or will waste any time. You have just realised something bigger and better and you need to decide where to go to.

end of nag/sermon

d-iivil 2010-10-02 22:13

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by gryedouge (Post 831826)
No, i disagree with you on this one. Stand by for a motivational/nagging sermon :D

It will take a bit more work and effort, but one thing that i have learnt from all my past projects is that one project is often the stepping stone for the next. i dont think that you have wasted any time or will waste any time. You have just realised something bigger and better and you need to decide where to go to.

end of nag/sermon

Yepyep, I didn't mean I already HAD wasted time, just thinking that implementing these color changing stuffs to Plastic Theme Setup WOULD be a waste of time :-P

Anyways, back to topic, bumped the version up to 0.9-4, nothing serious, just some error checking and handling.

GaRy delaMEr 2010-10-03 11:24

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
1 Attachment(s)

i've made a french traslation.
French.ts and French.qm.

For user who want's to use now, just copy 2 files in /opt/theme-customizer/lang

Persson 2010-10-03 12:46

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
hey D-Iivil

did get problem whid font size on the new themes customize. How do i fix this problem? the problem is that font size get very very smal i need magnifying glass too see...

hopping bug fix for this problem get out very soon..

d-iivil 2010-10-03 15:05

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by Persson (Post 832197)
hey D-Iivil

did get problem whid font size on the new themes customize. How do i fix this problem? the problem is that font size get very very smal i need magnifying glass too see...

hopping bug fix for this problem get out very soon..

Does the customizer show swissA as current font if you open the customizer after this occurs?

If so, then please tell me what font you are trying to use and if the problem occurs if you try to set some other font?

d-iivil 2010-10-03 15:20

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
1 Attachment(s)
Btw, next version will have new feature :)
I'll try to get it finished tomorrow.

navsin 2010-10-03 16:05

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
I agree with you D-livil, it'll be a good idea to develop on the customizer further and take the plastic theme back to being just a variant switcher. That way, all variants will remain in one (or three) packages, without clogging the repos....

d-iivil 2010-10-03 16:13

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by navsin (Post 832336)
I agree with you D-livil, it'll be a good idea to develop on the customizer further and take the plastic theme back to being just a variant switcher. That way, all variants will remain in one (or three) packages, without clogging the repos....

Actually I ment to get rid of Plastic Theme Setup for good and modify Packs so that every scheme will be installed into separate folders under /usr/share/themes. Then you could use the normal theme selector to switch schemes and use Theme Customizer to customize them.

leetut 2010-10-03 17:34

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
i seem to have lost alpha and beta themes from settings/themes anyone else have this problem?
im not really sure how or when it happened either lol

Persson 2010-10-03 17:54

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by D-Iivil (Post 832294)
Does the customizer show swissA as current font if you open the customizer after this occurs?

If so, then please tell me what font you are trying to use and if the problem occurs if you try to set some other font?

i can not change font. all i get is the swissA font.. i have try change still have the swissA font and its very small..

i have try change font too nokia sans and when i open customizer show swissA as current font

d-iivil 2010-10-03 18:55

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by Persson (Post 832419)
i can not change font. all i get is the swissA font.. i have try change still have the swissA font and its very small..

i have try change font too nokia sans and when i open customizer show swissA as current font

Okay. What theme are you using when you're trying to change the font? I want to try it myself and see if I can reproduce it.

After you have hit the "apply" or "save and reboot" you do see banners popping up telling what's happening?

Edit: even better, run these in terminal after you have non-successfully set the fonts and stuff:

cp /etc/hildon/theme/colors.config /home/user/MyDocs/
cp /etc/hildon/theme/css/colors.css /home/user/MyDocs/
cp /etc/hildon/theme/gtk-2.0/gtkrc /home/user/MyDocs/

Then attatch your phone to PC and locate these three files on root of MyDocs and send them to me (or pack them as zip and post it here as attachment):

AlMehdi 2010-10-04 09:55

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by D-Iivil (Post 832462)
Okay. What theme are you using when you're trying to change the font? I want to try it myself and see if I can reproduce it.

After you have hit the "apply" or "save and reboot" you do see banners popping up telling what's happening?

Edit: even better, run these in terminal after you have non-successfully set the fonts and stuff:

cp /etc/hildon/theme/colors.config /home/user/MyDocs/
cp /etc/hildon/theme/css/colors.css /home/user/MyDocs/
cp /etc/hildon/theme/gtk-2.0/gtkrc /home/user/MyDocs/

Then attatch your phone to PC and locate these three files on root of MyDocs and send them to me (or pack them as zip and post it here as attachment):

Love the new design! And i see you moved the titles a bit.. so in the Swedish translation you could if you like change "Teckenfärger" back to "Teckensnittsfärger" again. It sounds nicer. Also just have "Aktiv" and "Inaktiv" instead of "Aktivt teckensnitt" and "Inaktivt teckensnitt".

In the program menu i notised that "Vill du importera teckensnitt från MyDocs" was to long. Maybe change it to "Importera från MyDocs".

sponka 2010-10-04 10:16

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Thanks for fantastic app! Paired with D-Theme Night, some custom fonts and tweaks that I know looks beautifull!!!

Have question/request about font colors - can anyone provide description which fonts are "secondary, active, disabled" etc.

Probably much easyer than going with trial&error :)


d-iivil 2010-10-04 11:00

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by sponka (Post 832879)
Have question/request about font colors - can anyone provide description which fonts are "secondary, active, disabled" etc.

Probably much easyer than going with trial&error :)

Sure, I will write these into opening post later, but here's the colors in a nutshell:

Primary font: the "common font, used everywhere as regular text color"

Secondary: used together with primary font on lists etc, like in file manager, phone log etc

Active font: this is hard to explain. This is used in calendar widget as date color and also in phone application as unanswered call title, in conversations as unreaded message's title etc.

Disabled font: color which is used in forms or buttons which are in disabled state

Painted font: color of font when text is "painted" / selected

"Paint" color: title says it

Button font: color of fonts inside buttons when button is not pressed etc

Button Pressed: color of fonts inside buttons when button IS pressed

sponka 2010-10-04 11:04

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
Man you are FAST!

Thanks for reply!

pelago 2010-10-04 11:07

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by D-Iivil (Post 832901)
Sure, I will write these into opening post later, but here's the colors in a nutshell:

I wonder if there's a good way to explain or show what these colours are used for visually in the Theme Customizer UI...

AlMehdi 2010-10-04 11:47

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
Made the changes to the swedish translation ;)


d-iivil 2010-10-04 12:28

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by pelago (Post 832909)
I wonder if there's a good way to explain or show what these colours are used for visually in the Theme Customizer UI...

Don't think so... it would be kind of impossible task to include preview of conversations, phone app etc.

d-iivil 2010-10-04 12:32

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
Version 0.9-7 just uploaded to devel with following changes:
* added new feature; change opacity of built-in homescreen widgets
* added new language: french

d-iivil 2010-10-04 12:52

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
Btw, translators;
I'm gonna need translations for these strings with next version:
"Change backgrounds"
"Clock background"
"App Manager background"
"Media Player background"
"Lockscreen background"


GaRy delaMEr 2010-10-04 12:59

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by D-Iivil (Post 832978)
"Change backgrounds"
"Clock background"
"App Manager background"
"Media Player background"
"Lockscreen background"


In french:
- Changer le fond d'écran
- Fond de l'Horloge
- Fond du Gestionnaire d'Application
- Fond du Lecteur Multimédia
- Fond de l'Écran de Déverrouillage

thej80 2010-10-04 13:14

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by D-Iivil (Post 832978)
Btw, translators;
I'm gonna need translations for these strings with next version:
"Change backgrounds"
"Clock background"
"App Manager background"
"Media Player background"
"Lockscreen background"


wohoo! can't wait to get the next update :)

d-iivil 2010-10-04 13:32

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by D-Iivil (Post 832962)
Version 0.9-7 just uploaded to devel with following changes:
* added new feature; change opacity of built-in homescreen widgets
* added new language: french

Found couple bugs from this release:
- the font turning to swissA
- contact widgets disappearing if no reboot is chosen

Will fix those today / tomorrow. Meantime don't choose to use default font size if not using english os language.

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