![]() |
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
i just want to ask, i didnt install any mod on brightness i just disabled the ALS but i notice the 1 bar is as bright as the 2 bars without ALS does this save more battery life?
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
yes it saves a little, but not as much as it would give you MEGA runtime more.
Can't remember the power consumption that i measured some months back, but i was asked if at really low light the N900 could stay lit all night an function as a Radio Clock, but just having the screen on at REALLY low or no light take some extra power. |
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
yeah i cant really test how much it helps cause im so used to 2 bars brightness and going to 1 bar without ALS cant really judge if its helping me or not thats why i ask if somebody here knows... it feels my battery last longer without ALS or maybe its my new scud battery :D i dont know anymore...
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
didnt read the entire thread, so I'm not sure if this has been discussed yet.. but anyone having problems with the LED indicator being too bright after modding can just use LED Pattern Editor and lower the PWM value for each notification
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
Yep this has been said before :)
No light sensor then the LED system is on full power, and this can be ignoring, but a quick edit via the LED Pattern editor fixes this You really notice the LED a night, if you get an sms, im, gmail etc.... Then it really lights up the room. |
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
yup, its really bright.. pretty cool imo. hehe :)i just turn brightness down for some notifications.
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
Any way to change the default values of the "simple brightness"?
With the mod enabled, the screen IS more bright (even on 1 bar) Wouldn't that drain the batter even more faster? |
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
well power consumption will only increase about 1% max, if you want more levels and full control, this means going from 2 - 255 in brightness you can use my mod.
Using my mod you have to use widgets made in QBW, sins i don't have the skills to make a menu like the brightness applet. So go to post #2, there you will find the install procedure, and the zip also includes the control mods by different maemo users |
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
Tell me, how to reduce the brightness of the keyboard?
After this fashion, it became brighter. |
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
But i have not looked into the keypad much |
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
i got a problem when i disable the ALS the brightness 1 bar is so dim and when i go to 5 bar is still dim, maybe 10% brighter then brightness 1 bar
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
did you use the sed command or did you use my custom brightness? |
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
root or gainroot sed-ie 's / brightness-als / brightness-simple /' / etc / mce / mce.ini The keyboard backlight lights in the floor of force. Now it shines very brightly. Maybe there is an option backlit keyboard? |
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
sed -ie 's/brightness-als/brightness-simple/' /etc/mce/mce.ini |
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
Look in you etc/mce/mce.ini if you have not made any changes and want the simple brightness (no als) then the Modules should look like this: Code:
Modules=display;keypad;vibrator;led;battery;filter-brightness-simple;inactivity;alarm;accelerometer;callstate;camera;homekey;audiorouting |
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install
i just made a catastrophic discovery when trying to find some way of turning the keyboard light off / on. instead of installing this mod, you can apparently just edit mce.ini and change 'filter-brightness-als' to filter-brightness-simple' under modules= this enables a simple brightness system, where the light sensor is not in effect and the 5 steps (SYSTEM steps) are spaced good between each other, the values are 51, 102, 153, 204, 255. So if you really want to get rid of light sensor & get nice colors with the 153 & 204 (step 3 & 4) this is the easiest way to go. Hiya mate is there any way to customize this 5 step values which are 51, 102, 153, 204, 255 to personalized values with the ALS switched off? And this could be set using the current brightness applet? |
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
Yes use my custom brightness in post #2, it works the same as the simple mod, but gives you the range from 2-255 (under 2 and screen light goes off, doesn't save more power then 2) and here you have alot of cool widgets (QBW) to use to change the brightness.
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
Hi thanks for your reply but i dont want a widget which sits on the desktop instead i want to use currently available brightness applet in the pull down status bar! Can we do that?
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
No not unless anybody steps up and makes an applet like the brightness applet, but this is beyond my programming skill/time
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
Back on the good old custom brightness, with Tinukedaya graphics on the bar.
The simple mod is really good, but i wanted the more custom steps, like now having brightness 2, 50, 160, 255. |
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
Any chance of someone creatong an applet for this custom brightness??!!
I have the normal brightness applet at the moment and i have disabled the ALS but even the 1 bar is too bright specially at night time when i do alot of browsing and the brightness hurts my eyes! so if i could have it installed but with custom brightness then i could set that as quite low! But i dont like a widget as its only on one homscreen and its gotta be put on then scroll through when i need to adjust the brightness when applet is much easier! So please can someone make a custom brightness applet!!! |
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
worked like a charm :D
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
i used the simple, i rarely adjust my brightness settings anyway, only time i do is when i show something from my phone to others :D ...difference i noticed using the simple is now i only use 1 bar from the brightness applet, before it was two
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
Just Cleared up POST #1 & #2, just to make it a bit better to read
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor (POST #1 & #2)
Great script and really easy to use. Also great to have so many different widgets depending of how much space is available on the screen :)
But one thing bothers me with the ambient light sensor switched off, and that is brightness of the status LED. Is there nothing we can do about it? I set power to 1 in some patterns and increase brightnes to only 5 but it is still freakishly bright! I couldn't find anything about the LED pattern editor, except the Wiki page. Who programed the pattern editor? Maybe brightness would be a quick and easy fix? |
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor (POST #1 & #2)
I use LED pattern editor to change the led power.
And yes the LED gets VERY bright and ignoring, get a text in the middle of the night and it looks like the police are flashing the blue lights in the bedroom :p |
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor (POST #1 & #2)
Tnx Michael |
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor (POST #1 & #2)
Well i use the program "LED Patterns" to adjust the PWM strength down to a more less disco in the room when i get an SMS/IM.
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor (POST #1 & #2)
Yes, the LED pattern editor is a nice program. Even though the LED is still too bright for my taste, even at PWR 1! :D
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor (POST #1 & #2)
i use:
Set PWM - Level = 20 Wait - 484,38ms Set PWM - Level = 0 Wait - 484,38ms Go To Start This is not very bright here. |
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor (POST #1 & #2)
But yesterday I came accross another problem for the second time now: when I woke up the device, the screen was extremely bright (I suppose max.) for half a second and then settled to the desired brightness. A killall mce as root didn't solve the problem, only a reboot did. After the second reboot and trying out your vaulues with LED Pattern editor I found out that this behavoir is triggered by the Pattern Editor. Do you have any idea about this? CU Michael |
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor (POST #1 & #2)
Nope, mine does not do that, i just does the "standard" low light and then "fade" to set brightness, has not changed since i installed LED pattern editor
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor (POST #1 & #2)
When using the normal keylock, that "fade" is of much shorter period, about 1 sec. Is it always have been that way and are other people this experiencing too , or is it my N900 that is doing cactus? BTW using method 2, when installing |
Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor (POST #1 & #2)
The screen brightness "fade" is "normal", when you turn on the screen (keylock, power button or flip screen) it uses brightness < 15, and then my custom brightness sets in and sets the brightness to the stored/selected value, and yes sometimes it can take more then 1 second.
Anybody wants to improve the script then go ahead and it will be added to post #2 and credited :) |
Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install
I follow the above step, but I have always need to run this command # killall mce to make the screen go dark. The problem is everytime I reboot the phone, the screen brightness is always too high. I have to run "killall mce" command to make it dark again. Is this normal? |
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