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hawaii 2010-10-27 22:15

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
Run it from a shell and see what it dumps out upon faulting. Else, stop cluttering the thread.

mad_soft 2010-10-27 22:40

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
1 Attachment(s)
I'm testing Monopoly Classic, and it run very good. XD
But the dice don't move.
I had to put off toss the dice

efekt 2010-10-27 23:13

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
N.O.V.A not really playable because the lack of multi-touch :(

mad_soft 2010-10-27 23:23

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
Sudoku from EA, don't work No such file or directory ...

aligatro 2010-10-27 23:30

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
My dreams are coming true.

Airtux 2010-10-27 23:49

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
My dreams is playing Gangstar and Driver :rolleyes:

zerocool2k 2010-10-28 03:35

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by mad_soft (Post 854370)
I'm testing Monopoly Classic, and it run very good. XD
But the dice don't move.
I had to put off toss the dice

It always quits on me after 30 seconds into the game.

PDL: Application asked for lang, giving en_US

zhlly4eae 2010-10-28 05:58

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by -miniME- (Post 852796)
some games (asphalt5) need access to /media/internal - so put a sym link to :

mkdir -p /home/user/webos/gamesave
ln -s /home/user/webos/gamesave /media/internal


i dont understand this... how?

ZogG 2010-10-28 06:49

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
who is willing to try, one guy from made the gui app to install NFS,

mariuscm 2010-10-28 07:15

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by zhlly4eae (Post 854667)
i dont understand this... how?

mkdir -> simply creates a directory
ln -> go here to read a good description of what ln does (that's what I did just 30 min ago, I'm new to this but I'm getting treatment :) )

zhandro 2010-10-28 07:33

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by ishtangli (Post 852810)
I dont see any /media/internal on my device.

I don't have /media/internal too. So you have to make one.
For thoese who already have proceed to step 3.

as root, issue the following:

1. mkdir -p /media/internal
2. cd /media/
3. chown -R user:root internal/
4. chmod -R 755 internal/

5. mkdir -p /home/user/webos/gamesave
6. cd /home/user/
7. chown -R user:root webos/
8. chmod -R 755 webos/

9. ln -s /home/user/webos/gamesave /media/internal

Then lunch Asphalt icon.

divan 2010-10-28 08:34

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
I've made GUI Installer for Need For Speed Undercover. It will allow user to select .ipk file and gracefully install it into system(data files to /home/user/MyDocs/Games/NFS, binary and symlinks - /home/user/Games/NFS). It's available in Application Manager now(extras-devel) as nfsu-installer.

More info and screenshots here:

I'm going to make universal installer for all known-to-work-with-preenv games, but not so quickly. It's written in PyQt4, the sources are in svn, so you can contribute as well.

enkhbayar 2010-10-28 08:40

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by Hariainm (Post 851821)
Preenv 0.1.1 Compatibility List (tested on PR1.2)
Here some games tested and working:

- Asphalt 5 (need symlinks;
- Assassin's Creed
- Brain Challenge
- Hero Of Sparta
- Let's Golf
- Need For Speed Undercover (needs libgles1-sgx-img)
- N.O.V.A (needs libsdl-net1.2)
- SIMS 3
- Blades Of Fury (with some minor textures missed)

Games tested and running but unplayable:

- Guitar Hero 5 (Bad scaling, missing graphics)
- Super KO Boxing 2 (Bad scaling, missing graphics)
- Brothers In Arms 2: Global Front (Bad scaling)
- Toon Warz (Tochscreen not working)
- EA Battleship (Crashes when selects yout name)

Games tested and NOT working:

- *Brother In Arms (Segmentation fault: Screen Dimming prevention ON, SDLGL: CalledSDL_Quit, seems it works on PR1.3)
- Crusade Of Destiny (undefined symbol PDL_GetLocation)
- Dungeon Hunter (segmentation fault)
- FIFA 2010 (undefined symbol SDL_HapticOpen)
- H.A.W.X (segmentation fault: IStoreable Load open file = /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm/applications/
- Modern Combat Sandstorm
- Raging Thunder 2 (undefined symbol SDL_HapticOpen)
- Real Soccer 2010
- Real Tennis (needs
- Skater Nation (PDL: Application asked for device ID, giving 0000)
- Speed Forge Extreme (undefined symbol glCheckFramebufferStatusOES)
- Castle Of Magic
- Gangstar: West Coast Hustle

I will update this list with new games or new versions of the preenv application. Also update list with contributions (please, consens, and if a game is not working, report log)
Thanks to javispedro for this USEFUL app.

HAWX worked for me. Its good for me.

AgogData 2010-10-28 08:49

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
after installing preenv and these games the /opt is now 100% and i cant add more games !! what to do ?

niqbal 2010-10-28 08:58

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by maxximuscool (Post 854303)
Lol clicked on "Trade" and the game crash

Reinstall monopoly. Probably the best game from webOS, this and NFL2010


$ sudo gainroot
$ cd game-folder/*monopoly/monopolyclassic
$ chmod a+x monopolyclassic
$ cd ..
$ preenv
$ desktopgen appinfo.json
$ chmod 777 monopolyclassic/save
$ exit

dekin 2010-10-28 09:03

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by zhandro (Post 854747)
I don't have /media/internal too. So you have to make one.
For thoese who already have proceed to step 3.

as root, issue the following:

1. mkdir -p /media/internal
2. cd /media/
3. chown -R user:root internal/
4. chmod -R 755 internal/

5. mkdir -p /home/user/webos/gamesave
6. cd /home/user/
7. chown -R user:root webos/
8. chmod -R 755 webos/

9. ln -s /home/user/webos/gamesave /media/internal

Then lunch Asphalt icon.

thanx for this; you just made my day. ASPHALT5 WORKING FLAWLESSLY:D

flipalong 2010-10-28 09:17

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
do i need anything besides my n900 to install webos games by the way??
thanks :)

AgogData 2010-10-28 09:20

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
any1 about the 100% /opt ??

maxximuscool 2010-10-28 09:28

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
the auto NFSU installer is terrible lol,it freeze up my whole device.

andrewfblack 2010-10-28 09:31

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by AgogData (Post 854885)
any1 about the 100% /opt ??

Uninstall some stuff, or follow on the guides to make /opt bigger(requires reflash), or use NITDroid Trick. There are several ways.

zhandro 2010-10-28 09:39

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by dekin (Post 854864)
thanx for this; you just made my day. ASPHALT5 WORKING FLAWLESSLY:D

No problem :)

divan 2010-10-28 09:47

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

do i need anything besides my n900 to install webos games by the way??

divan 2010-10-28 09:50

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by maxximuscool (Post 854892)
the auto NFSU installer is terrible lol,it freeze up my whole device.

There might be a little slowdown in the end of installer because of big files copying (it's system issue). Use swapplube to make it more smooth.
Here is the video of installer in work:

jakiman 2010-10-28 10:41

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by divan (Post 854831)
I've made GUI Installer for Need For Speed Undercover. It will allow user to select .ipk file and gracefully install it into system(data files to /home/user/MyDocs/Games/NFS, binary and symlinks - /home/user/Games/NFS). It's available in Application Manager now(extras-devel) as nfsu-installer.

Does it only work with nfsu ipk?
Can it be made to adapt to any game?
or are all games very different to install?

Tejs 2010-10-28 10:49

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
Quick question here: Do all of you have a Palm Pre or how did you get the .ipk files for the games?

AgogData 2010-10-28 11:10

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
waiting for ur nexta installer divan :)

tHMZ 2010-10-28 11:17

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by zhandro (Post 854747)
I don't have /media/internal too. So you have to make one.
For thoese who already have proceed to step 3.

as root, issue the following:

1. mkdir -p /media/internal
2. cd /media/
3. chown -R user:root internal/
4. chmod -R 755 internal/

5. mkdir -p /home/user/webos/gamesave
6. cd /home/user/
7. chown -R user:root webos/
8. chmod -R 755 webos/

9. ln -s /home/user/webos/gamesave /media/internal

Then lunch Asphalt icon.

WORKED! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

dh3x 2010-10-28 11:19

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
how to get Settlers to work? i'm getting this


/media/mmc1/applications/ $ ./Settlers
PDL: Init: Service name is com.javispedro.preenv.Settlers
PDL: Music is playing
PDL: Screen dimming prevention ON
SDLGL: called sdl_init with flags = 0x100030
X11: PID is 2642
SDLGL: Requested GL major version 1
SDLGL: SDL_GLES initialized (res=0)
SDLGL: Ignoring doublebuffer preference
SDLGL: Requested GL minor version 1 (ignored)
SDLGL: Called SetVideoMode(320, 480, 0, 0x80000002)
SDLGL: Requested OpenGL video mode
SDLGL: Asked if video mode 800x480x16 (0x90000000) is ok
PDL: Application asked for device ID, giving 0000
SDLGL: Called SDL_Quit

AgogData 2010-10-28 11:33

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
ok, heres what i did
1- installed the NFS installer
2- got the .ipk game
3- installed the game
4- uninstalled the installer (divan said its ok)
5- removed the .ipk file
6- started the game and it crashed

is step 5 wrong ?

zhlly4eae 2010-10-28 11:46

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
guys, any link for blades of fury and settlers to download? i dunno dl from where, thanks in milions :)

LucianoBraga 2010-10-28 11:59

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by zhlly4eae (Post 855067)
guys, any link for blades of fury and settlers to download? i dunno dl from where, thanks in milions :)

Warez are forbidden.

afteris 2010-10-28 12:02

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
error while loading shared libraries: open shared object file: No such file or directory any ideas?(where i can get it)

LucianoBraga 2010-10-28 12:04

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
Which game?
preenv executed?

afteris 2010-10-28 12:05

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
Seattlers , executed

acvetkov 2010-10-28 12:12

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
Settlers is working perfectly without any modifications made on my N900 with the preenv release from yesterday.
NOTE the game is playble but I failed to go ahead as there is a multi-touch required to pass one of the first mission objectives! (select a group of workers with two fingers forming a box, I can select them with double click but it doesn`t get the current objective updated)
Would love if someone has a workaround for this.

I will update the wiki later if there is no update on this.

I got pass this objective just doubled clicked to select them and gave them order after that. (no idea why didn`t worked yesterday)

divan 2010-10-28 12:41

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by AgogData (Post 855043)
ok, heres what i did
1- installed the NFS installer
2- got the .ipk game
3- installed the game
4- uninstalled the installer (divan said its ok)
5- removed the .ipk file
6- started the game and it crashed

is step 5 wrong ?

No, everything seems to be ok... But wait, how did you uninstall the program? Via Application Manager or via apt-get remove?
If first, I'm afraid it automatically removes preenv(as it's listed in dependencies). Please, check whether preenv is installed and try to install it if not (apt-get install preenv). I will try to found workaround for that, it's a bug, definitely. :)

rickysio 2010-10-28 12:49

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
Progress in NFS not saved, even after doing the chmod steps. :O

AgogData 2010-10-28 12:50

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
i uninstalled it via app manager and i don' think i uninstalled preenv cuz heroes of sparta is working normally (but its save data is not there ! )

EDIT : just checked i have prenv
can i run this from xterm to know what the prob is ?

erki232 2010-10-28 12:59

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list
I installed NFS but how to exit this game?
When i drive, how to get game menu?

divan 2010-10-28 13:03

Re: Preenv webOS games compatibility list

Originally Posted by erki232 (Post 855196)
I installed NFS but how to exit this game?
When i drive, how to get game menu?

Press power button or Ctrl-Backspace.

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