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WhiteWolf 2011-01-24 13:01

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
1 Attachment(s)
I'm trying to use a USB to RJ45 hostmode mode.

The data provided by the command "lsusb"on my PC are:
ID 0fe6: 8101 Kontron (Industrial Computer Source / ICS Advent) DM9601 Fast Ethernet Adapter

How do I start on my N900?

mveplus 2011-01-24 13:52

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by WhiteWolf (Post 927340)
I'm trying to use a USB to RJ45 hostmode mode.

The data provided by the command "lsusb"on my PC are:
ID 0fe6: 8101 Kontron (Industrial Computer Source / ICS Advent) DM9601 Fast Ethernet Adapter

How do I start on my N900?

Hi, you may have my problem --missing kernel module for your usb2network adapter. Kernel 10power46, has build in only general usb networking. i.e. does not include all modules needed, for all possible usb devices - some may work and some nay not work.

if that is the case with you then download the module that i'm attached and do like root (you have to have installed pakage rootsh ), open terminal, change directory to the place that you download dm9601.ko, let assume that is in your documents folder:

cd MyDocs/.documents/
tar -zxvf dm.tar.gz
sudo gainroot
modprobe usbnet
insmod dm9601.ko

Assuming that you do not get any errors from the code here, then proceed like normal, start h-e-n, connect your adapter and after activateing hen, go and check do you have eth0 node in:

ls /dev/eth*
if you do then you are good to go

WhiteWolf 2011-01-24 14:25

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Thanks I'll try and tell you...

WhiteWolf 2011-01-24 20:58

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Do not get it to work.

cheve 2011-01-25 03:15

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.

Originally Posted by cheve (Post 927111)

I have tried to connect a usb DVD drive and got the following in the logs:

[39971.219238] /home/builder2/maemo-fremantle-armel-extras-devel/work/kernel-power-2.6.28/drivers/usb/core/inode.c: creating file '022'
[39971.219604] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=03f0, idProduct=5e07
[39971.219635] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
[39971.219665] usb 1-1: Product: HP USB Mass Storage Device
[39971.219665] usb 1-1: Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard
[39971.219696] usb 1-1: SerialNumber: 2104752485555557234
[39971.219726] hub 1-0:1.0: state 7 ports 1 chg 0000 evt 0002
[39971.219757] hub 1-0:1.0: port 1 enable change, status 00000503
[39971.375396] Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
[39971.375640] usb-storage 1-1:1.0: usb_probe_interface
[39971.375671] usb-storage 1-1:1.0: usb_probe_interface - got id
[39971.377471] scsi0 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices
[39971.378784] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
[39971.378814] USB Mass Storage support registered.
[39971.381378] usb-storage: device found at 22
[39971.381378] usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning
[39976.381317] usb-storage: device scan complete
[39976.394439] scsi 0:0:0:0: CD-ROM HP DVD-ROM rm475e JH21 PQ: 0 ANSI: 0

My guess is that h.e.n. is working, Is it? Further question is that how do I mount this one?(note: I have also posted for help on this.)


pls excuse the bad form in quoting my own post:p. someone mentioned "modprobe isofs", did a search and came up with the following:

"The mount button is currently hardcoded to mount /dev/sda1, default for most USB flash drives and HDDs. For NTFS support, do modprobe ntfs as root. For ISO (CDs/DVDs - most of them), do modprobe isofs (also as root). CDs will have the dev node /dev/sr0, so you'll need to do mount /dev/sr0 /mnt etc"

in this link


mveplus 2011-01-25 03:45

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by WhiteWolf (Post 927654)
Do not get it to work.

attach the output files from fallowing commands, when the adapter is connected :

dmesg > dmdmesg.log
lsmod > dmmod.log
ifconfig > ifconfig.log
ls /dev/ > dmls.log
from ls /dev/eth* you should get eth0 , if you do not do not proceed with the fallowing, jump on the next section
also did you try:

sudo gainroot
ifconfig eth0 up

IF the node eth0 is not created in /dev/ then you need udev rule to do so, download the attached file and copy it to /etc/udev/rules.d/ :

cd # to directory where you saved the file
tar -zxvf z98_usbEth.rules.tar.gz
sudo gainroot
cp z98_usbEth.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/

This script is taken form the package for N800, but modified for your specific device ATTRS{idProduct}=="8101" , according to your host-log file. It will work only for devices that that has this idProduct, you can modify z98_usbEth.rules, for other device IDs looking in dmesg log, finding yours product id and modifying this file.

Specail thanks to Mathan, h-e-n Team, the guys form here for good work which we can reuse now for N900, and all TMO hackers ;)


mveplus 2011-01-25 09:07

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
3 Attachment(s)
Here is more easy solution for the people that struggle with USB <> NET adapters
Usual WARNING apply for that beta package ! If you mess up it's your call!

Working with Matan's kernel-10power46 and with kernel-10power46-wl1 (patched with injection capability) form lxp.
Not tested with lower versions of Matan's kernel may work?!? (but h-e-n will not - probably)

What contain that package?

1. compiled some of the missing kernel USB2NET modules like external modules


these are not included modules in kernel-power v46, but Matan may add them in future updates.

2. I updated some of the scripts form original package for N800 to be able to use them with our kernel, but they were pretty much almost working.
3. Some settings for adding WIRED to show up in the usual network list - see below screenshot - do not ask for improvements because I'm not familiar with Hildon at all, may be someone who is capable of doing something about can fix/add some features.

For now the script is capable of getting setting form DHCP server (IP,GW, DNS), but you can not add IP address from Hildon (desktop) manually. You can do that form terminal if you connect to network that does not serve DHCP.

Download attached usb2net_n900_v.0.1.8.DEB package and install it: <- NEW

cd MyDocs/.documents
sudo gainroot
dpkg -i usb2net_n900_v.0.1.8.deb

if you want to remove the package:

sudo gainroot
dpkg -P usb2net

IF for any reason not working with your USB2NET adapter then check do you have node (file) created in /dev/eth0, when h-e-n is started Hi-Speed,VBUS, Enumerate is pressed. Try to enumerate again after a few seconds, if still does not show up then you need to make your hands dirty :)

ls /dev/eth*
#output should be:
# if not then:
dmesg | grep 'idProduct'
# or

to find out the idProduct='8730' usually four digits without quotas.
then you need to edit and add one row in

vi /etc/udev/rules.d/z98usbEth.rules
you will need root access, you can use your favorite editor - vi, nano or leafpad.

You need to add that row like in screenshot below

VERY IMPORTANT! - when you disconnect your adapter you need to press 'ENUMERATE' AGAIN in h-e-n, this will give chance to udevd to register that USB2NET device is disconnected and will remove /dev/eth0, ifconfig eth0 down and clean routing table, other wise you may have problems connecting back to Wireless! Only 'VBUS boost off' does not do the job.

Some side effects and known problems:
1. During the installation of the usb2net, your wireless connection will be disconnected for a while
2. This is program is not designed to work with two USB to Ethernet adapters, ONLY with one at a time, do not know what will happed if you do ( not tested)
3.FIXED in version 0.1.8 - load modules on demand! as Joerg_rw suggested - Thanks Joerg_rw

No warranty of any kind! :) this is beta package!

Tested and working with
1. 'noname' RTL8150 based USB 1.1 - drains about 110mA form USB port.
2. 'noname' MCS8730 based USB 2.0 - drains about 186mA from USB port.

If your adapter is consuming equal or higher that 200mA, then it will not work, without external power + hub! wait for h-e-n update.


Boemien 2011-01-25 18:41

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Please Guys, I own a Sagem Fast 800-E4 USB Modem! Is there a way to connect it to the Phone and have internet access???

cheve 2011-01-25 21:59

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
@ Boemien, I think if your USB modem(refer to , there is a list of working at the end of that wiki article) uses one of the chipset mentioned in post 127 of this thread, then you have a better chance of get it working with the N900.


Boemien 2011-01-26 10:39

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Thanks Cheve, I will try it and post my feedbacks. But before I start, I Own An USB ADSL Modem wich requires Identification and password to get connected to internet. How do I enter the ID and the password? On Windows there is a GUI to do that, Even on Ubuntu (but it's a bit different)

eefo 2011-01-26 11:10

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
well , i have the worst experience ever related to usb hostmode :(
flashed my emmc just cause of kernel :(
and still i wanted to use this mode but afraid of installed kernel again :(
any tip for me ?

cheve 2011-01-26 14:44

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.

Originally Posted by Boemien (Post 928890)
Thanks Cheve, I will try it and post my feedbacks. But before I start, I Own An USB ADSL Modem wich requires Identification and password to get connected to internet. How do I enter the ID and the password? On Windows there is a GUI to do that, Even on Ubuntu (but it's a bit different)

@Boemien, I don't know the answer, but just thinking out loud here....currently, what exactly do you do to key in the ID and password? Do you do it by pointing your web browser to a local address(eg. http://192.x.x.x)? If so, then I think as long as you get your USB-ethernet up; then I see no reason why you wouldn't browser to the same local address to give the ID and password. However, if the interface to supply those info is thru a special application; then i think it is much more difficult. You may have to contact the manufacturer, if possible, for info.

good luck

cheve 2011-01-26 14:59

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.

Originally Posted by eefo (Post 928914)
well , i have the worst experience ever related to usb hostmode :(
flashed my emmc just cause of kernel :(
and still i wanted to use this mode but afraid of installed kernel again :(
any tip for me ?

@eefo, From reading your other posts and threads, I would advice you to slow down somewhat, take a 'breather' so to speak:) and do some reading. For what is worth, I have varies version of power kernels on my N900 and had not experienced issue that forces me to reflash. Now, it does not mean the power kernel is absolute perfect; but so far so good for my use case.

By the way, what do you mean by "the worst experience ever", when you have a chance, please provide detail steps of what you did/or attempted to do. With the details, folks round here may offer you educated suggestion. Please consider this: when you go to see a doctor, do you answer doctor that 'I am sick' to every questions that he ask you. Chances are that you would not.

Good luck,

istota 2011-01-26 19:20

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.

Originally Posted by cheve (Post 927111)

I have tried to connect a usb DVD drive and got the following in the logs:

[39971.219238] /home/builder2/maemo-fremantle-armel-extras-devel/work/kernel-power-2.6.28/drivers/usb/core/inode.c: creating file '022'
[39971.219604] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=03f0, idProduct=5e07
[39971.219635] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
[39971.219665] usb 1-1: Product: HP USB Mass Storage Device
[39971.219665] usb 1-1: Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard
[39971.219696] usb 1-1: SerialNumber: 2104752485555557234
[39971.219726] hub 1-0:1.0: state 7 ports 1 chg 0000 evt 0002
[39971.219757] hub 1-0:1.0: port 1 enable change, status 00000503
[39971.375396] Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
[39971.375640] usb-storage 1-1:1.0: usb_probe_interface
[39971.375671] usb-storage 1-1:1.0: usb_probe_interface - got id
[39971.377471] scsi0 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices
[39971.378784] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
[39971.378814] USB Mass Storage support registered.
[39971.381378] usb-storage: device found at 22
[39971.381378] usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning
[39976.381317] usb-storage: device scan complete
[39976.394439] scsi 0:0:0:0: CD-ROM HP DVD-ROM rm475e JH21 PQ: 0 ANSI: 0

My guess is that h.e.n. is working, Is it? Further question is that how do I mount this one?(note: I have also posted for help on this.)


I have the same problem. There is no dew/sr0, kernel messages ends
[74326.714263] scsi 5:0:0:0: CD-ROM TSSTcorp CDDVDW SE-T084M TD00 PQ: 0 ANSI: 0
and nothing else happens

bastibasti 2011-01-31 12:12

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Maybe your bridge is not supported by the kernel?

sygys 2011-01-31 12:14

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
i havent had any updates in some time now... are there still people working on USB host mode?

hellsing 2011-01-31 14:43

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.

Originally Posted by hellsing (Post 925442)
I've got a little problem:
i plug my usb key, it's enumerate, i can see it in dmesg.
The mount button doesn't work at all.
I can mount it by in root: mount /dev/sda /media/flash -o uid=29999,gid=29999,utf8,dmask=027,fmask=137
and its appear in /media/flash that i created.
Is there a way that the mount button work?

i guess it's because my flash drive is in /dev/sda instead of /dev/sda1, but how can i solve that?

hotkolbas 2011-02-04 12:16

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
after a bit of stuffing around and 4 mice and 2 keyboards i found my HP wireless mouse/keyboard set work great. the total mA rating is 100mA and both work very well with no lag/jitters.
i did have a problem with a usb hub, i can get it working BUT nothing off that can be mounted. maybe power issue maybe not.

pavi.kant 2011-02-06 06:19

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
I am using PowerKernel v46 multibooted with Nitdroid Ginderbread and the omap pr1.3 Kernel i installed the h-e-n software and bought the female to female converter...i am trying to connect a transcend 4gb flash drive with fat32 file system.
I run the device at high speed. nothing happens. some times when i open file manager it says no filesystem found(this is a rarity... most of the times nothing happens at all).
can you suggest what might be going wrong?... any help will be appreciated...

My Kernel messages read:

[26428.858734] WARNING: at /home/builder2/maemo-fremantle-armel-extras-devel/work/kernel-power-2.6.28/drivers/usb/musb/musb_host.c:128 musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc()
[26428.858795] Could not flush host TX0 fifo: csr: 000a
[26428.858825] Modules linked in: ipv6 pn_pep vfat fat sd_mod scsi_mod iphb rfcomm panic_info_buff sco l2cap ext3 jbd omaplfb pvrsrvkm bridgedriver g_file_storage uinput board_rx51_camera et8ek8 omap_previewer_hack omap34xxcam_mod isp_mod iovmm videobuf_dma_sg videobuf_core omap3_iommu iommu2 iommu dspbridge ssi_mcsaab_imp phonet cmt_speech joydev wl12xx smc91x mii omap_ssi nokia_av hci_h4p mac80211 crc7 tsc2005 bluetooth fmtx_si4713 smia_sensor ad5820 adp1653 rtc_twl4030 tsl2563 leds_twl4030_vibra lis302dl videodev v4l1_compat compat_ioctl32 rtc_core smiaregs v4l2_int_device ntfs nls_utf8 leds_lp5523 led_class mmc_block omap_hsmmc mmc_core twl4030_wdt omap_wdt
[26428.859405] [<c0030470>] (dump_stack+0x0/0x14) from [<c0057444>] (warn_slowpath+0x64/0x80)
[26428.859497] [<c00573e0>] (warn_slowpath+0x0/0x80) from [<c01e9a60>] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc)
[26428.859558] r3:00000000 r2:c0349b67
[26428.859588] r6:d80ab100 r5:0000000a r4:0000000a
[26428.859649] [<c01e99cc>] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x0/0xcc) from [<c01ea930>] (musb_cleanup_urb+0xc0/0x10c)
[26428.859710] [<c01ea870>] (musb_cleanup_urb+0x0/0x10c) from [<c01eb134>] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x1dc/0x248)
[26428.859771] [<c01eaf58>] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x0/0x248) from [<c01cec9c>] (unlink1+0x108/0x114)
[26428.859863] [<c01ceb94>] (unlink1+0x0/0x114) from [<c01cfc38>] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x9c/0xf8)
[26428.859924] [<c01cfb9c>] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x0/0xf8) from [<c01d0af4>] (usb_kill_urb+0x84/0x14c)
[26428.860015] r7:c93afa80 r6:c93afa80 r5:cf0a6000 r4:00000000
[26428.860046] [<c01d0a70>] (usb_kill_urb+0x0/0x14c) from [<c01d1d78>] (usb_start_wait_urb+0x80/0x120)
[26428.860137] r6:00001388 r5:cf0a7e50 r4:00000000
[26428.860168] [<c01d1cf8>] (usb_start_wait_urb+0x0/0x120) from [<c01d1ff8>] (usb_control_msg+0xc4/0xe8)
[26428.860260] [<c01d1f34>] (usb_control_msg+0x0/0xe8) from [<c01cacec>] (hub_port_init+0x3d8/0x634)
[26428.860321] [<c01ca914>] (hub_port_init+0x0/0x634) from [<c01cc3e4>] (hub_events+0x86c/0xe64)
[26428.860412] [<c01cbb78>] (hub_events+0x0/0xe64) from [<c01ce034>] (hub_thread+0x30/0x19c)
[26428.860473] [<c01ce004>] (hub_thread+0x0/0x19c) from [<c006da90>] (kthread+0x54/0x80)
[26428.860534] r6:00000000 r5:c01ce004 r4:00000000
[26428.860565] [<c006da3c>] (kthread+0x0/0x80) from [<c005a950>] (do_exit+0x0/0x7bc)
[26428.860656] r5:00000000 r4:00000000
[26428.860687] ---[ end trace adbd6ed65c91e9be ]---
[26428.890655] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0out len=0/0
[26435.101074] ------------[ cut here ]------------
[26435.101135] WARNING: at /home/builder2/maemo-fremantle-armel-extras-devel/work/kernel-power-2.6.28/drivers/usb/musb/musb_host.c:128 musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc()
[26435.101196] Could not flush host TX0 fifo: csr: 000a
[26435.101226] Modules linked in: ipv6 pn_pep vfat fat sd_mod scsi_mod iphb rfcomm panic_info_buff sco l2cap ext3 jbd omaplfb pvrsrvkm bridgedriver g_file_storage uinput board_rx51_camera et8ek8 omap_previewer_hack omap34xxcam_mod isp_mod iovmm videobuf_dma_sg videobuf_core omap3_iommu iommu2 iommu dspbridge ssi_mcsaab_imp phonet cmt_speech joydev wl12xx smc91x mii omap_ssi nokia_av hci_h4p mac80211 crc7 tsc2005 bluetooth fmtx_si4713 smia_sensor ad5820 adp1653 rtc_twl4030 tsl2563 leds_twl4030_vibra lis302dl videodev v4l1_compat compat_ioctl32 rtc_core smiaregs v4l2_int_device ntfs nls_utf8 leds_lp5523 led_class mmc_block omap_hsmmc mmc_core twl4030_wdt omap_wdt
[26435.101806] [<c0030470>] (dump_stack+0x0/0x14) from [<c0057444>] (warn_slowpath+0x64/0x80)
[26435.101898] [<c00573e0>] (warn_slowpath+0x0/0x80) from [<c01e9a60>] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc)
[26435.101959] r3:00000000 r2:c0349b67
[26435.102020] r6:d80ab100 r5:0000000a r4:0000000a
[26435.102050] [<c01e99cc>] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x0/0xcc) from [<c01ea930>] (musb_cleanup_urb+0xc0/0x10c)
[26435.102111] [<c01ea870>] (musb_cleanup_urb+0x0/0x10c) from [<c01eb134>] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x1dc/0x248)
[26435.102203] [<c01eaf58>] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x0/0x248) from [<c01cec9c>] (unlink1+0x108/0x114)
[26435.102264] [<c01ceb94>] (unlink1+0x0/0x114) from [<c01cfc38>] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x9c/0xf8)
[26435.102325] [<c01cfb9c>] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x0/0xf8) from [<c01d0af4>] (usb_kill_urb+0x84/0x14c)
[26435.102416] r7:c93afa80 r6:c93afa80 r5:cf0a6000 r4:00000000
[26435.102478] [<c01d0a70>] (usb_kill_urb+0x0/0x14c) from [<c01d1d78>] (usb_start_wait_urb+0x80/0x120)
[26435.102539] r6:00001388 r5:cf0a7e50 r4:00000000
[26435.102600] [<c01d1cf8>] (usb_start_wait_urb+0x0/0x120) from [<c01d1ff8>] (usb_control_msg+0xc4/0xe8)
[26435.102661] [<c01d1f34>] (usb_control_msg+0x0/0xe8) from [<c01cacec>] (hub_port_init+0x3d8/0x634)
[26435.102752] [<c01ca914>] (hub_port_init+0x0/0x634) from [<c01cc3e4>] (hub_events+0x86c/0xe64)
[26435.102813] [<c01cbb78>] (hub_events+0x0/0xe64) from [<c01ce034>] (hub_thread+0x30/0x19c)
[26435.102874] [<c01ce004>] (hub_thread+0x0/0x19c) from [<c006da90>] (kthread+0x54/0x80)
[26435.102935] r6:00000000 r5:c01ce004 r4:00000000
[26435.102996] [<c006da3c>] (kthread+0x0/0x80) from [<c005a950>] (do_exit+0x0/0x7bc)
[26435.103057] r5:00000000 r4:00000000
[26435.103088] ---[ end trace adbd6ed65c91e9be ]---
[26435.124694] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0out len=0/0
[26435.334686] usb 1-1: device not accepting address 35, error -110
[26435.459838] usb 1-1: new full speed USB device using musb_hdrc and address 36
[26441.458312] ------------[ cut here ]------------
[26441.458374] WARNING: at /home/builder2/maemo-fremantle-armel-extras-devel/work/kernel-power-2.6.28/drivers/usb/musb/musb_host.c:128 musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc()
[26441.458404] Could not flush host TX0 fifo: csr: 000a
[26441.458404] Modules linked in: ipv6 pn_pep vfat fat sd_mod scsi_mod iphb rfcomm panic_info_buff sco l2cap ext3 jbd omaplfb pvrsrvkm bridgedriver g_file_storage uinput board_rx51_camera et8ek8 omap_previewer_hack omap34xxcam_mod isp_mod iovmm videobuf_dma_sg videobuf_core omap3_iommu iommu2 iommu dspbridge ssi_mcsaab_imp phonet cmt_speech joydev wl12xx smc91x mii omap_ssi nokia_av hci_h4p mac80211 crc7 tsc2005 bluetooth fmtx_si4713 smia_sensor ad5820 adp1653 rtc_twl4030 tsl2563 leds_twl4030_vibra lis302dl videodev v4l1_compat compat_ioctl32 rtc_core smiaregs v4l2_int_device ntfs nls_utf8 leds_lp5523 led_class mmc_block omap_hsmmc mmc_core twl4030_wdt omap_wdt
[26441.458709] [<c0030470>] (dump_stack+0x0/0x14) from [<c0057444>] (warn_slowpath+0x64/0x80)
[26441.458770] [<c00573e0>] (warn_slowpath+0x0/0x80) from [<c01e9a60>] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc)
[26441.458801] r3:00000000 r2:c0349b67
[26441.458801] r6:d80ab100 r5:0000000a r4:0000000a
[26441.458831] [<c01e99cc>] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x0/0xcc) from [<c01ea930>] (musb_cleanup_urb+0xc0/0x10c)
[26441.458862] [<c01ea870>] (musb_cleanup_urb+0x0/0x10c) from [<c01eb134>] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x1dc/0x248)
[26441.458923] [<c01eaf58>] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x0/0x248) from [<c01cec9c>] (unlink1+0x108/0x114)
[26441.458953] [<c01ceb94>] (unlink1+0x0/0x114) from [<c01cfc38>] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x9c/0xf8)
[26441.458984] [<c01cfb9c>] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x0/0xf8) from [<c01d0af4>] (usb_kill_urb+0x84/0x14c)
[26441.459014] r7:c93afa80 r6:c93afa80 r5:cf0a6000 r4:00000000
[26441.459045] [<c01d0a70>] (usb_kill_urb+0x0/0x14c) from [<c01d1d78>] (usb_start_wait_urb+0x80/0x120)
[26441.459075] r6:00001388 r5:cf0a7e50 r4:00000000
[26441.459106] [<c01d1cf8>] (usb_start_wait_urb+0x0/0x120) from [<c01d1ff8>] (usb_control_msg+0xc4/0xe8)
[26441.459136] [<c01d1f34>] (usb_control_msg+0x0/0xe8) from [<c01cacec>] (hub_port_init+0x3d8/0x634)
[26441.459197] [<c01ca914>] (hub_port_init+0x0/0x634) from [<c01cc3e4>] (hub_events+0x86c/0xe64)
[26441.459228] [<c01cbb78>] (hub_events+0x0/0xe64) from [<c01ce034>] (hub_thread+0x30/0x19c)
[26441.459259] [<c01ce004>] (hub_thread+0x0/0x19c) from [<c006da90>] (kthread+0x54/0x80)
[26441.459289] r6:00000000 r5:c01ce004 r4:00000000
[26441.459320] [<c006da3c>] (kthread+0x0/0x80) from [<c005a950>] (do_exit+0x0/0x7bc)
[26441.459350] r5:00000000 r4:00000000
[26441.459381] ---[ end trace adbd6ed65c91e9be ]---
[26441.542388] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0out len=0/0
[26447.749176] ------------[ cut here ]------------
[26447.749267] WARNING: at /home/builder2/maemo-fremantle-armel-extras-devel/work/kernel-power-2.6.28/drivers/usb/musb/musb_host.c:128 musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc()
[26447.749298] Could not flush host TX0 fifo: csr: 000a
[26447.749328] Modules linked in: ipv6 pn_pep vfat fat sd_mod scsi_mod iphb rfcomm panic_info_buff sco l2cap ext3 jbd omaplfb pvrsrvkm bridgedriver g_file_storage uinput board_rx51_camera et8ek8 omap_previewer_hack omap34xxcam_mod isp_mod iovmm videobuf_dma_sg videobuf_core omap3_iommu iommu2 iommu dspbridge ssi_mcsaab_imp phonet cmt_speech joydev wl12xx smc91x mii omap_ssi nokia_av hci_h4p mac80211 crc7 tsc2005 bluetooth fmtx_si4713 smia_sensor ad5820 adp1653 rtc_twl4030 tsl2563 leds_twl4030_vibra lis302dl videodev v4l1_compat compat_ioctl32 rtc_core smiaregs v4l2_int_device ntfs nls_utf8 leds_lp5523 led_class mmc_block omap_hsmmc mmc_core twl4030_wdt omap_wdt
[26447.749908] [<c0030470>] (dump_stack+0x0/0x14) from [<c0057444>] (warn_slowpath+0x64/0x80)
[26447.750000] [<c00573e0>] (warn_slowpath+0x0/0x80) from [<c01e9a60>] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x94/0xcc)
[26447.750091] r3:00000000 r2:c0349b67
[26447.750122] r6:d80ab100 r5:0000000a r4:0000000a
[26447.750152] [<c01e99cc>] (musb_h_tx_flush_fifo+0x0/0xcc) from [<c01ea930>] (musb_cleanup_urb+0xc0/0x10c)
[26447.750213] [<c01ea870>] (musb_cleanup_urb+0x0/0x10c) from [<c01eb134>] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x1dc/0x248)
[26447.750305] [<c01eaf58>] (musb_urb_dequeue+0x0/0x248) from [<c01cec9c>] (unlink1+0x108/0x114)
[26447.750366] [<c01ceb94>] (unlink1+0x0/0x114) from [<c01cfc38>] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x9c/0xf8)
[26447.750457] [<c01cfb9c>] (usb_hcd_unlink_urb+0x0/0xf8) from [<c01d0af4>] (usb_kill_urb+0x84/0x14c)
[26447.750518] r7:c93afa80 r6:c93afa80 r5:cf0a6000 r4:00000000
[26447.750579] [<c01d0a70>] (usb_kill_urb+0x0/0x14c) from [<c01d1d78>] (usb_start_wait_urb+0x80/0x120)
[26447.750640] r6:00001388 r5:cf0a7e50 r4:00000000
[26447.750701] [<c01d1cf8>] (usb_start_wait_urb+0x0/0x120) from [<c01d1ff8>] (usb_control_msg+0xc4/0xe8)
[26447.750762] [<c01d1f34>] (usb_control_msg+0x0/0xe8) from [<c01cacec>] (hub_port_init+0x3d8/0x634)
[26447.750854] [<c01ca914>] (hub_port_init+0x0/0x634) from [<c01cc3e4>] (hub_events+0x86c/0xe64)
[26447.750915] [<c01cbb78>] (hub_events+0x0/0xe64) from [<c01ce034>] (hub_thread+0x30/0x19c)
[26447.750976] [<c01ce004>] (hub_thread+0x0/0x19c) from [<c006da90>] (kthread+0x54/0x80)
[26447.751037] r6:00000000 r5:c01ce004 r4:00000000
[26447.751098] [<c006da3c>] (kthread+0x0/0x80) from [<c005a950>] (do_exit+0x0/0x7bc)
[26447.751159] r5:00000000 r4:00000000
[26447.751190] ---[ end trace adbd6ed65c91e9be ]---
[26447.824554] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0out len=0/0
[26448.029937] usb 1-1: device not accepting address 36, error -110
[26448.030029] hub 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1
[26448.030059] hub 1-0:1.0: state 7 ports 1 chg 0000 evt 0002
[26448.030090] hub 1-0:1.0: port 1 enable change, status 00000101
[26450.202667] hub 1-0:1.0: hub_suspend
[26450.202758] usb usb1: bus auto-suspend
[26450.202789] musb_bus_suspend 2266: trying to suspend as a_host is_active=1
[26450.202850] usb usb1: bus suspend fail, err -16
[26450.202880] hub 1-0:1.0: hub_resume
[26450.202941] hub 1-0:1.0: port 1: status 0101 change 0000
[26450.203033] hub 1-0:1.0: state 7 ports 1 chg 0002 evt 0000
[26450.203125] hub 1-0:1.0: port 1, status 0101, change 0000, 12 Mb/s
[26450.327026] usb 1-1: new full speed USB device using musb_hdrc and address 37
[26455.326904] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[26460.327056] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[26465.327239] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64
[26465.451873] usb 1-1: device descriptor read/64, error -110
[26470.561248] usb 1-1: khubd timed out on ep0in len=0/64

joerg_rw 2011-02-06 12:00

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
please copy/move this post to [Announce] USB hostmode beta release.

This is clearly h-e-n kernel related, and needs somebody checking & fixing weird stuff e.g. in
Please add as much info as possible, esp *full* syslog as attachment, as well as precise description of the steps taken


NOMIOMI 2011-02-07 17:08

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
when i connect the wireless 2.4 ghz mouse ((((not bluetooht mouse))) with n900 after few moments its says that unable to connect no file system available any solution ?

Nnet 2011-02-07 17:23

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Hello I have problem with one flash drive. I dont know why...
One flash drive with FAT16 work well. External HDD with NTFS work well but This 4GB flash with FAT32 do not.

I dont know why but kernel do not mount this drive like sda1

Here is Kernel export:

[ 9356.581268] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=058f, idProduct=6387
[ 9356.581329] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
[ 9356.581359] usb 1-1: Product: Mass Storage
[ 9356.581390] usb 1-1: Manufacturer: USB
[ 9356.581420] usb 1-1: SerialNumber: 1F62ABCB
[ 9356.581451] hub 1-0:1.0: state 7 ports 1 chg 0000 evt 0002
[ 9356.581542] hub 1-0:1.0: port 1 enable change, status 00000503
[ 9356.720764] Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
[ 9356.721160] usb-storage 1-1:1.0: usb_probe_interface
[ 9356.721252] usb-storage 1-1:1.0: usb_probe_interface - got id
[ 9356.724273] scsi0 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices
[ 9356.739410] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
[ 9356.739532] USB Mass Storage support registered.
[ 9356.751098] usb-storage: device found at 2
[ 9356.751129] usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning
[ 9361.752319] usb-storage: device scan complete
[ 9361.753753] scsi 0:0:0:0: Direct-Access USB USB 2.0 Flash 8.07 PQ: 0 ANSI: 2
[ 9361.766571] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 7946240 512-byte hardware sectors: (4.06 GB/3.78 GiB)
[ 9361.766876] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off
[ 9361.766876] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Mode Sense: 03 00 00 00
[ 9361.766906] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through
[ 9361.771240] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 7946240 512-byte hardware sectors: (4.06 GB/3.78 GiB)
[ 9361.771514] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off
[ 9361.771545] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Mode Sense: 03 00 00 00
[ 9361.771575] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through
[ 9361.771606] sda:
[ 9362.093078] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI removable disk

joerg_rw 2011-02-07 18:50

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
it might help

one1002 2011-02-08 08:26

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
4 Attachment(s)
hello...i'm having problem connecting my pendrive..i had no problem before this...but somehow i can't seem to mount the pendrive..the mount button doesn't seem to work..

and also, i kept getting different kernel messages..i've attached the different kernel message output below..

i got "port 1 not reset yet", "Forced hostmode error: a full/low-speed device attached but high-speed mode selected", "rejecting I/O to dead device", "Direct-Access Kingston DataTraveler 2.0 1.00 PQ: 0 ANSI: 2"..

those messages appeared in different logs..everytime i failed to mount, i exit, unplugged the cable, and restart H-E-N, but then i got a different message..this goes on and on..

pls help..

Attachment 17546

Attachment 17547

Attachment 17548

Attachment 17549

joerg_rw 2011-02-08 12:01

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
look at ok sequence

[20268.602447] hub 1-0:1.0: port 1 enable change, status 00000101
[20270.602142] hub 1-0:1.0: hub_suspend
[20270.602233] usb usb1: bus auto-suspend
[20339.805114] slide (GPIO 71) is now open
[20360.664581] slide (GPIO 71) is now closed
[20363.013183] twl4030_usb twl4030_usb: HW_CONDITIONS 0x54/84; link 3
[20390.143859] usb usb1: usb resume
[20390.164459] hub 1-0:1.0: hub_resume
[20390.164520] hub 1-0:1.0: port 1: status 0101 change 0001
[20390.274017] hub 1-0:1.0: state 7 ports 1 chg 0002 evt 0000
[20390.274078] hub 1-0:1.0: port 1, status 0101, change 0000, 12 Mb/s
[20390.399169] usb 1-1: new high speed USB device using musb_hdrc and address 34
[20390.556976] usb 1-1: default language 0x0409
[20390.566711] usb 1-1: uevent
[20390.566925] usb 1-1: usb_probe_device
[20390.566955] usb 1-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
[20390.570831] usb 1-1: adding 1-1:1.0 (config #1, interface 0)
[20390.571197] usb 1-1:1.0: uevent
[20390.571441] libusual 1-1:1.0: usb_probe_interface
[20390.571533] libusual 1-1:1.0: usb_probe_interface - got id
[20390.571685] usb-storage 1-1:1.0: usb_probe_interface
[20390.571746] usb-storage 1-1:1.0: usb_probe_interface - got id
[20390.667022] scsi2 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices
[20390.673095] /home/r00t/MyDocs/kernel-power-2.6.28-power46-wl1/drivers/usb/core/inode.c: creating file '034'
[20390.673797] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0951, idProduct=1607
[20390.673858] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3

esp the timestamps in there

you need to be patient with hostmode startup. It might take up to 20s (on sluggish devices) after vbus on, until you can enumerate. It may take another while from a successful enumerate until the device file ( /dev/* ) gets created so you can mount it.

NOMIOMI 2011-02-08 15:42

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
here is the link of that keyboard and mouse which i want to connect with my n900

plz help me and guide me that how to connect it with n900

one1002 2011-02-08 17:16

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.

Originally Posted by joerg_rw (Post 938864)
look at ok sequence

[20268.602447] hub 1-0:1.0: port 1 enable change, status 00000101
[20270.602142] hub 1-0:1.0: hub_suspend
[20270.602233] usb usb1: bus auto-suspend
[20339.805114] slide (GPIO 71) is now open
[20360.664581] slide (GPIO 71) is now closed
[20363.013183] twl4030_usb twl4030_usb: HW_CONDITIONS 0x54/84; link 3
[20390.143859] usb usb1: usb resume
[20390.164459] hub 1-0:1.0: hub_resume
[20390.164520] hub 1-0:1.0: port 1: status 0101 change 0001
[20390.274017] hub 1-0:1.0: state 7 ports 1 chg 0002 evt 0000
[20390.274078] hub 1-0:1.0: port 1, status 0101, change 0000, 12 Mb/s
[20390.399169] usb 1-1: new high speed USB device using musb_hdrc and address 34
[20390.556976] usb 1-1: default language 0x0409
[20390.566711] usb 1-1: uevent
[20390.566925] usb 1-1: usb_probe_device
[20390.566955] usb 1-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
[20390.570831] usb 1-1: adding 1-1:1.0 (config #1, interface 0)
[20390.571197] usb 1-1:1.0: uevent
[20390.571441] libusual 1-1:1.0: usb_probe_interface
[20390.571533] libusual 1-1:1.0: usb_probe_interface - got id
[20390.571685] usb-storage 1-1:1.0: usb_probe_interface
[20390.571746] usb-storage 1-1:1.0: usb_probe_interface - got id
[20390.667022] scsi2 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices
[20390.673095] /home/r00t/MyDocs/kernel-power-2.6.28-power46-wl1/drivers/usb/core/inode.c: creating file '034'
[20390.673797] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0951, idProduct=1607
[20390.673858] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3

esp the timestamps in there

you need to be patient with hostmode startup. It might take up to 20s (on sluggish devices) after vbus on, until you can enumerate. It may take another while from a successful enumerate until the device file ( /dev/* ) gets created so you can mount it.

thank you sir..however, i still can't get it to detect..i waited like a minute after tapping the vbus boost, another minute after enumerate, and another minute after mount..nothing happens either..

then i got "unable to connect to filesystem"...hmm..reinstalling doesn't seem to work..but i can get mouse to work..

istota 2011-02-09 16:17

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
I have a question for which no one anywhere I can not answer.
As you can see it is possible ( ) I have the same dvd-rom.
I have a kernel-power in 45, and additions to handle MohammadAG cd-rom.
information to the kernel.

[5162.718414] USB Mass Storage support registered.
[5162.721343] usb-storage: device found at 3
[5162.721374] usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning
[5167.715332] usb-storage: device scan complete
[5167.716674] scsi 0:0:0:0: CD-ROM TSSTcorp CDDVDW SE-T084M TD00 PQ: 0 ANSI: 0
NO dev/sr0
Where should I look for and ask nowhere and interest solution to this issue.

freemangordon 2011-02-09 22:41

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.

Originally Posted by NOMIOMI (Post 938253)
when i connect the wireless 2.4 ghz mouse ((((not bluetooht mouse))) with n900 after few moments its says that unable to connect no file system available any solution ?

Mice do not have file systems, so message seems reasonable to me. Do you have extmou installed? If not install it and check if mouse cursor appears after you press enumerate. And do not press mount button, mouse cannot be mounted.

werebug 2011-02-11 19:42

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
I'm getting this error
I have latest firmware
Please tell me what I need to do to get hostmode workin with latest nokia firmware

your kernal has no proper matching version of hostmode api
Version 2010110 required.
Kernel-power v46 is suggested

cuffy1 2011-02-18 02:34

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.

Originally Posted by werebug (Post 943079)
I'm getting this error
I have latest firmware
Please tell me what I need to do to get hostmode workin with latest nokia firmware

your kernal has no proper matching version of hostmode api
Version 2010110 required.
Kernel-power v46 is suggested

i'm having the same problem, someone help??

joerg_rw 2011-02-18 16:58

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.

Originally Posted by cuffy1 (Post 949393)
i'm having the same problem, someone help??

You can't get h-e-n working with "the latest firmware". h-e-n needs a specially patched kernel - kernel-power v46+ includes the h-e-n patches, you need to switch to (install) that kernel, and you should understand what are the implications in doing so, esp regarding incompatibilities with some other pkgs like early fcam drivers, multiboot, and generally SSU updates. You probably want to keep in mind you can NOT uninstall kernel-power, as your system doesn't work without any kernel, rather you need to follow the instructions that come with kernel-power whenever you want to go back to stock kernel as shipped by Nokia.


cuffy1 2011-02-18 21:34

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.

Originally Posted by joerg_rw (Post 949886)
You can't get h-e-n working with "the latest firmware". h-e-n needs a specially patched kernel - kernel-power v46+ includes the h-e-n patches, you need to switch to (install) that kernel, and you should understand what are the implications in doing so, esp regarding incompatibilities with some other pkgs like early fcam drivers, multiboot, and generally SSU updates. You probably want to keep in mind you can NOT uninstall kernel-power, as your system doesn't work without any kernel, rather you need to follow the instructions that come with kernel-power whenever you want to go back to stock kernel as shipped by Nokia.


so it mite not be possible for me to install kernel power since i have nitdroid installed??

evar 2011-02-18 23:34

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Hi guys,
i have bought a LogiLink USB 2.0 RJ45 Fast Ethernet Adapter
and when I try to connect my N900 to LAN I got - after the command UDHCPC - the following message :

SIOCGIFINDEX failed! : No such device

Reading all your posts I think that the LogiLink drive is missing . I have the Linux drive for this device provided from the maker but I do not know how to compile and load on N900.

Anyone can help me ?

joerg_rw 2011-02-19 02:09

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.

Originally Posted by cuffy1 (Post 950079)
so it mite not be possible for me to install kernel power since i have nitdroid installed??

Well, I never tried nitdroid, so here's what I learned from swearing and moaning users that had to reflash their N900 and sometimes even needed to find an external battery charger:
1) nitdroid needs multiboot
2) multiboot is not compatible with usual ways to install kernels. Instead it is flashing(!!!) kernel on each reboot, a procedure that users frequently like to do with roller shutters closed, doors locked, and every device except PC unplugged ;), so nothing will interrupt the process. Actually multiboot is a brilliant nasty hack.:p
3) installing power-kernel (as well as any arbitrary future kernel update via Nokia SSU) makes multiboot break the system, so you definitely will have to reflash, as long as your battery isn't depleted yet by bootlooping

Blame nitdroid devels why they didn't get round to adopt uBoot for their distro. There's a uBoot+powerkernel package in maemo-devel repo, and it *could* boot nitdroid as well (same way it does with meego), if those droids would care to nitty-gritty config their stuff accordingly.

Anyway, I suggest you stay with maemo :-) - and install kernel-power 46+ AFTER NUKING multiboot (however see IRC quote below)

(disclaimer: the above is all hearsay and might be obsolete info, as far as it concerns nitdroid and multiboot)


<Flyser__> Hey guys, I have a problem. I just *un*installed nitdroid on my n900 and rebooted the device. now I see an empty multiboot menu and the device wont boot. what can I do to fix this? :-/
<Treibholz> Flyser__: I had the same problem just a few days ago :-)
... (hours later)
<Flyser__> flashing rootfs now -.-"

ioiomi 2011-02-27 21:09

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
how can i use pl2303 on n900
i want to connect arduino

blue_led 2011-02-28 06:18

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
"search" is a wonderful thing

driver compiled but never tested

geneven 2011-03-07 08:42

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.

Originally Posted by blue_led (Post 957040)
"search" is a wonderful thing

driver compiled but never tested

Telling what message you are responding to is also a wonderful thing. There are several inquiries above your answer.

joerg_rw 2011-03-08 13:59

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
you might be interested in "Printing with N900"


M_Scofield 2011-03-09 21:55

Re: Thread for problems getting USB hostmode working.
Hi, I need a bit of a help over here.
I have running kernel-power v46 and h-e-n: my usb mouse works great.
The problem is that when I connect my ntfs file system formatted usb hard drive, there is no data in the file manager, the blue light is on though ??
I tried as MohammadAG said:


mkdir -p /media/ntfs
mount /dev/sda1 /media/ntfs
but this error appears


Failed: No such a file or directory
What can I do ?

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