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Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Installing a whole lot of offline routing maps is something I'd like Marble to handle fine. When calculating routes, it determines the right country by checking the bounding boxes of all countries and then queries the monav backend. There are some heuristics (checking large countries first, trying the last used country before all others) to speed it up, though even iterating through all countries should be fast.
I think the culprit for increased memory usage is a change in the bounding boxes that happened in the last map update. I switched from cloudmade to geofabrik as the map data source. The latter provide detailed bounding box polygons which are unfortunately quite large for some countries. The largest one, Indonesia, for example has a size of 7 MB (!). In the current implementation these bounding boxes are loaded into memory. If you happen to have all ~300 maps installed, this sums up to around 75 MB which is a problem on the N900. Fortunately there's a workaround I can implement: Detect 'large' bounding boxes at load time and replace them with a simple rectangular bounding box. This will decrease memory usage significantly, but implies that I need to change the backend query as well: Since the rectangular bounding box is a very rough approximation of the original shape, there will be some false positives when route requests lie inside the rectangular bbox, but not in the polygon. In that case other countries have to be evaluated as well. A better fix will be to replace the bounding boxes with a simplified polygon approximation. This should be doable with a variant of the Douglas Peucker algorithm that does not allow polygon shrinking. To cut a long story short: I'll implement a workaround for the final 1.2 version. A later map update with simplified polygons will fix the underlying issue. Note that in contrast to offline routing, installing a huge amount of offline search databases (which are included in the offline maps now) does lead to a slowdown of offline search queries. That's because there's currently no way to avoid searching a country database based on the search query. Re England, Scotland: The great britain map does cover them and there are indeed files missing in the offline maps for england and scotland. You're also right that turkey and russia are split by continents, leading to a similar problem like the georgia name clash. I'll work on an update of the maps on the server in the next days to fix it. Other than those maps not working installing them shouldn't affect Marble negatively, however. @niqbal: What kind of problems did you experience? Was offline routing not working for a certain area? @Fellfrosch: Great to hear :) We don't have special Marble donations, but since KDE provides servers and covers our expenses (e.g. developer sprints) it makes sense to donate to KDE. Currently we're looking to get the T-shirts we'll provide as prizes for the Voice of Marble contest sponsored. |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
As for memory usage and out-of-memory, AFAIK Marble doesn't know if it's using real RAM or virtual memory (correct me if I'm wrong), so if Mentalist get oom, that would mean Marble is occuping around 1GB memory, so of course something is very wrong. If I'm correct, only one drawback from exceding physical RAM (256 MB) into virtual memory (768 MB or whatever ammount user format it to) should be huge slowdown.
If I'm wrong and Marble, by some flags, use only physical RAM (and trigger oom when 256 MB is exceed), is such a behavior necessary? V We got vmemory exactly to avoid oom, slow working is better than doesn't working at all. |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Being playing with Marble, and have the routing working with some voices converted from Tomtom. the routing is nice and clear, and apart from the odd hiccup (approaching 1 roundabout, voice - take first exit, map - 2nd exit (straight on, icon - turn right)is great.
Damn sight more stable than Sygic... More convenient than Nokia Maps and OMVoiceserver. I'm sold on it, but have a couple of requests.. Could it auto-pause and resume music playback via d-bus commands either side of a voice announcement (like Sygic). If the music is playing all you get is a nasty compressed noise, with the music paused or stopped it's fine. Also I have noticed that quite often I can be approaching a junction, and the relevant part of the map is obscured by the guidance banner. Is there any way that could be improved in future versions. Possibly by moving the banner to the top, or orientating the map so that the direction of travel is "up the screen". Thanks for a great app though. |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Do you have enough voices for the German translation? I'm sure my voice isn't that nice, but if you really need a german voice let me know. A bad voice is better than no voice. One request. Is there a possibility to route manually. Means, without an routing service, just setting waypoints somewhere in the map? That would be great, for using marble maps outdoor on tracks which the routing services don't know. I've found out, that I can import KML files from google maps. But I haven't found a possibility to create KML files in marble maps without using a routing service. |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
I have a bug to report for marble. When editing a map source .dgml file the 'parameter' string is unable to accept special characters. i.e.:
To add virtual earth road maps the following url is used: as a marble source string it is: Code:
<downloadUrl protocol="http" host="ecn.t3.tiles.virtualearth.net" path="/tiles/r{quadIndex}.png" query="g=41" /> In marble it should be: Code:
<downloadUrl protocol="http" host="ecn.t3.tiles.virtualearth.net" path="/tiles/r{quadIndex}.png" query="g=41&productSet=mmOS |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
@Mentalist Traceur: I implemented the workaround mentioned above (using a rectangular bbox instead of the large polygons), it will be available in RC 2. Please report if the behavior gets better. Independent of that, can you please check the memory consumption of Marble? Use e.g. htop. Best measure it first on startup and then when the routing config dialog is opened (which will trigger the loading of monav maps). The memory usage here should decrease significantly with RC 2, so it'd be good to have some numbers before installing that. I can't test it myself currently, had to send in my N900 for repair today (USB port is broken).
@Estel: We don't do any unusual/low level memory management. I think an out-of-memory situation will occur earlier than occupying all physically installed memory - the memory is shared with other application and the operating system. @gazza_d: Can you send me a link to the problematic roundabout (preferably using openstreetmap.org). I'll look into the data to see what's going wrong there. @Fellfrosch: We've got one German contribution so far, but the more, the better! There's no manual routing implemented and kml editing is on the todo list, but so far nobody worked on it. @vi_: As discussed on IRC the .dgml file syntax needs to be correct xml. I just fixed the crash in Marble though, so loading a syntactically incorrect .dgml file will now (RC 2) not result in a crash. The map will be ignored instead. Starting "/opt/marble/bin/marble.sh --debug-info" will give you a warning in the shell in that situation. |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
OK, if there is still only one contributor i'll try it. So I have a 50/50 chance to win. I think i'll do the recording on Wednesday :cool: |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Hi, these are stats using the latest version of Marble in the repos, with ALL maps installed (excluding Wales, Scotland and England, which should be covered by Great Britain.) Quick note: Cyprus displays the same "always update available" thing that Georgia had and Turkey and Russia currently still have. I'm guessing Cyprus registers as between two different continents too?
Anyway, this is a quick test using "top" and "free". No htop, sorry. I don't keep it installed on-device (though if you need something particular I can't get you otherwise, let me know and I'll oblige). Upon launching, with every MoNav map installed, Marble takes a while to load... a couple of minutes I'd say, 3-5 or so. Watching in top as this happens demonstrates that Marble slowly rises in memory consumption, up to somewhere between 35 and 40 % RAM. (This is only RAM, not all virtual memory). However, when launched by itself it doesn't seem to impact the amount of data in swap much. Launching the MoNav configuration menu actually didn't give me ANY issue in terms of delay and/or memory increase this time (1-2% at the most, although the amount in RAM fluctuates around that much over time anyway, as the N900 slowly swaps - well, slowly on my device, where swappiness is at 20. On a standard device swappiness is at 100, and I think as a result, it will hit this issue sooner). I wonder if this has to do with the fact that I've basically installed almost every map already? *Shrug* Anyway, so then I "updated" Cyprus - during both the download and install, Marble's RAM memory consumption never rose above 42%. BUT, executing "free" every few minutes showed that it was putting more and more data into SWAP. After that finished I "updated" Russia - the RAM consumption never exceeded 45%, although the RAM being used pushed out all the buffers' space, to the point that only 2600~ bytes where free in memory, with only about 100-200~ more on top of that being buffers. The amount of space in SWAP continued to decrease, down to the point where by the end of the Russia map reinstall, almost half of SWAP space was used. Doesn't mean Marble took up all of it, but a decent amount, certainly. Leaving MoNav's and then Marble's entire routing configuration menus didn't decrease either the RAM or SWAP space use, except by a few hundred bytes. At this point, I had approximately 8100+ bytes free in RAM (13200+ counting buffers) and still just barely under half of SWAP space free. This suggests that the main cause of slow down is less the _immediate_ almost-total memory hogging as I had originally thought, but the immediate memory use followed by progressive memory use with each map install - the memory used with each map install doesn't seem to be freed until Marble close. Which explains why I had continued slowness and occasionally device reboots, etc. The N900 would swap out a lot with each new map install - longer uptimes and especially many installs in a row would both contribute to SWAP space fragmentation, which means slower SWAP write (as flash media slows on writes with fragmentation) speeds on each consecutive write. As for testing RC2, if that's not what's in -devel right now, then I would much appreciate it if you put it in -devel before I tested it. It's just far easier for me that way, on top of the argument I had in favor of -devel before. If you're not willing to do that though, I'll do my duty as a good tester and deal with downloading the RC2 from wherever not-in-maemo-repository it happens to reside. (By the way, that female contribution to the voice contest I promised is still coming, I just haven't gotten around to getting her to record...) |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Thanks for the detailed analysis. It was pretty easy to find the problem now (a memory leak). It explains the behavior you describe: At startup the maps are loaded into memory. I measured it on the desktop, the loading leads to an additional memory consumption of 220 MB. Because of the memory leak, after the installation of a new map (causing another parsing), another 220 MB are allocated and so on.
RC 2 will have the memory leak fixed and contains the workaround for the too detailed polygons. This brings the memory consumption down to 66 MB with all monav maps installed (in comparison it's 52 MB without any monav map). I'll test it on the N900 when I get the device back, but I'm pretty sure it will behave much better in this (rather extreme) setup. RC 2 is scheduled for 2011-07-06; I'm not sure yet if I'll do an intermediate release before. Thanks for getting a female contribution to the voice of marble contest, much appreciated :) |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
- Edit - So, today was an utter mind**** in terms of dates. I had my computer at work set to the wrong date... hence the above edit... |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
1.2 RC 2 (1.1.95) is currently imported into extras-devels and should appear soon. In comparison to RC 1 there are fixes for memory leaks (see the posts above) and another performance improvement that makes the overview map (and some other parts) faster. See here for the full changelog. Unfortunately I couldn't test this version myself as my N900 is still being repaired.
There are only 9 days left to file contributions for our Voice of Marble contest. This is a nice chance for everybody to contribute (and win a cool T-shirt...). I'm looking forward to get more speaker files! :) Marble 1.2.0 will be tagged on 2011-07-20. If we don't find any serious bugs until that time, I'll promote this version to extras-testing such that the delay between the final release (2011-07-27) and the release in extras is short. |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
will Marble 1.2 have the new icons?
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
I asked the oxygen guys (who do the default artwork for KDE) for new icons, but there are no signs yet that someone is working on them. So my guess is that there won't be icon updates in time for the release.
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Hey everyone, this is a final call for contributions to our Voice of Marble contest which ends in just 4 days on 2011-07-15. All contributions will be made available for download to be used in Marble or TomTom navigation devices. We have detailed instructions in the wiki. Thanks in advance to everyone contributing (and those who already filed a speaker file). I'd really like to see more contributions, especially female and non-english speakers! :)
While the final 1.2.0 release is nearly out of the door and we are not aware of any serious bugs right now, our focus shifts towards development of the next version. This is a good chance for you to file any wishes you may have for future Marble features. Please use our bugtracker and set the severity to wishlist to do so. One of the major work areas right now is a Qt-components based version of Marble targeted at MeeGo running on the N900. Later versions with support for other devices are planned as well. We have a GSOC student, Daniel, working on the MeeGo version right now. There are no packages for the N900 yet (Marble is packaged for MeeGo, but only the desktop version), but I can put together a guide how to set it up on a Desktop system if someone is interested in trying a very early version and giving feedback to help shape it up. |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
I convinced 2 polish female speakers (different age) to participate - but, unfortunately, I discovered Marble request too late and I'm completely sure that we won't be able to finish it before deadline. Would it be possible to ship such a voices after, with a chance of including in further (not first with voices) versions?
I suppose (I would be happy if I'm wrong) that Marble won't have female/male pairs of voices for every common language before deadline, so it's adding new languages/voice types in later versions? |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
It will be possible to submit files after the contest. All files are collected on a website for download and new contributions will be added as they come in. Still I'd like to get as many speakers by the deadline so that we have a decent collection ready when Marble 1.2 is released.
I'm looking forward to the first polish speakers :) |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
We decided to extend the deadline for the Voice of Marble contest by five days. Those of you who didn't make it in time (or hear about it just now) can continue to work on their submission until July 20th. Please note that this is a sharp deadline -- the packaging will start soon after, so we can't extend it any further. I'm looking forward to more contributions :)
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
From https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12260
--- Comment #5 from Tuomas Kulve <tuomas@kulve.fi> 2011-07-19 10:42:33 EEST --- Ogg-support 1.1.1 in extras-testing depends now on the newest version of gst-av from Felipe. Please re-test and provide the feedback here: http://maemo.org/packages/package_in...support/1.1.1/ My N900 is stil being repaired, so I can't test that myself. If someone upgrades to ogg-support 1.1.1 and voice navigation works in Marble, please leave feedback here, in the bug report or the link above. Thanks! |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
I just upgraded ogg-support to 1.1.1 and can confirm(*) that voice navigation works fine. [* I just went out to the garden, set-up a route and got the first voice instruction from my bayrisches mädel :), but didn't actually follow it, so I can only confirm that at least the first voice instruction works OK :] |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
OK. Just read the bug report and it seems the problem is only for short clips (< 1s).
The one I heard (TurnRight) is, according to the media player, 2s long. |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
There were other fixes that were not related to short clips. General stuttering problems that appeared on "song-length" ogg files in 1.1 were fixed (at least for the files that I tested) in 1.1.1
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
I can confirm that the voice quidance does work now.
Before the Ogg fix I recall there was no sounds at all, regardless the clip length. |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Hi all,
Just to make sure that it actually works for me, I will try it later when I drive back home. Will report this evening or tomorrow.. |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
I'm in Georgetown Ontario (Canada)
And though the bridge across the tracks is a devided two-way bridge, It does not want to route across going North. And actually does not even takes the closer bridge to the East, but goes clockwize , then overshoots, before coming back to the North ramp. http://www.flickr.com/photos/6543663...in/photostreamhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/6543663...in/photostream Going south all works as designed. http://www.flickr.com/photos/6543663...in/photostream Could not insert pictures... Find them here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/65436639@N05/?saved=1 http://www.flickr.com/photos/6543663...57627118341391 http://www.flickr.com/photos/6543663...in/photostream |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Now we have this wonderful appl. called Marble, It's worth it, to have goodlworking maps. |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Well, as far as I could tell yesterday the voice navigation worked fine with ogg-support 1.1.1.
What bothers me is that even though the N900 volume was set to the max, the voice instructions were a bit too quiet for my taste (or rather, for my ears :). Maybe it's an issue with the voice files, so I'll try to test with another voice. Another thing that really bothers me is that when I'm traveling south, the arrow is pointing (and moving) down, which: (1) makes it difficult to have an overview of where you are and what's coming, especially because: (2) the "status bar" having the navigation instructions is always at the bottom and taking a good 25-30% of the screen real estate, so basically all I could see was an arrow pointing to the status bar, i.e. no details of where I was heading to. As a further suggestion I would like to have portrait-mode support (I cannot reliably turn my holder 90°), plus normally you want to see what's ahead of you (see points 1 and 2 above), not what is left and right of you.. Also, if I may, I would like to ask what I have to do to have SI units instead of those archaic miles. I realise my settings (all LC_* variables) are set to en_US, but I've read about regional settings not being properly handled my Marble/QT, so it would be nice if one could configure this (it's just setting one of two alternatives) independently of the device's regional/language/who-knows-what settings. Thanks a lot! |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Thanks for testing ogg-support 1.1.1 with Marble everyone, appreciated. Great to hear it's now working fine, just in time for Marble 1.2.0 which will land in extras-devel pretty soon. :)
Scroll down to the [View] section and change it like this Code:
[View] |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
That's a good question; let me speculate a bit. I will put the majority of my development energy into the software running on my primary smartphone. Currently that's the N950 and seeing how lovely it is I'll try to keep a hold on it as long as possible :p
The QML based Marble Touch shares a lot of code with the original Marble application -- after all the major part of Marble is the marblewidget library. The user interface however is a complete rewrite, so porting improvements to the (original) Fremantle version would mean to implement it separately. For portrait mode this may be easy to achieve; I heard that Bernhard has enabled it on his N900 and it works fine. If it doesn't need too many changes, I might introduce it in one of the next minor version updates even. Another way to port things to the N900 would be to port the new Marble Touch application to the N900. That mainly depends on the Qt Quick / Qt Components support for Maemo. |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Thank You for honest and detailed answer. So, we shall now convince Nokia to take N950 from You as soon as possible? ;)
Talking seriously, thought, I'm really starting to worry that "dark scenarios" some talked about - sucking most talented developers to half-meego harmattan via N950 develop program, then killing platform and leaving us all in nowhere - is going to happen. It's not a rant personally against You, its probably against Nokians execs. Sorry, that it happened in your topic. Ho ever, anyway, thanks for all wonderful work you've done so far with Marble for N900, and I hope you'll not leave us totally ;) Especially, that You're really classical example of perfect developer (no sugar coating here, really), with both coding skill and communication abilities. |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
From the Marble development point of view we're heading towards support for different device form factors. Marble Touch on MeeGo should be the first version; if things go well, the desktop and some tablet device (possibly a Galaxy Tab 10.1 running some less java focused linux) are the next targets to make Marble Touch applications for. This kind of roadmap is important to avoid running into a dead end and to keep pace with current computing trends. On an -- even more -- global viewpoint I think many more open source projects should aim for similar. Proprietary software, bogus social networks and cloud computing have too much impact on the majority of mobile devices currently.
Back to the N950: I don't see it that much of a problem for the N900. If the N9 will not be released for purchase, then support for the N950 will drop as well and people like me will continue to work on the N900 until a better phone is available. If the N9 gets released, the number of people working on the N900 will likely decrease significantly, but given that the N9 is there as a successor, that's just the normal progress then. Back to the N900 we're going to release Marble 1.2.0 soon, the latest and greatest version so far with extra love for the N900. That's not going away in the near future, more the reverse :) Btw. if some of you are going to the Desktop Summit in Berlin make sure to have a look at our special Desktop Summit package. |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Is there a way to convert your own cache to a package so it doesn't get removed? If you go to holiday or a summit and cache an entire town.. it's a waste to have Marble throw it away! :)
And where can I find those offline Berlin placemarks? I cannot wait til august. :D ------ As for QML porting you mentioned earlier, navit has a quick and dirty proof of concept optional QML interface, so I guess it just works on the N900. :) |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
I just pushed Marble 1.2.0 to extras-devel. Note that it includes two voice navigation speakers, but they don't show up in the user interface yet due to a small bug. I'll fix that in the next update (1.2.0-1) in some days. Wouldn't have happened if my N900 would have been repaired by now :( (Nokia now claims it cannot be repaired and offers me to replace it with a E7/N8 :mad:)
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Thanks for the Marble update, and the reply.
One more thing about that debian package, don't I need those tiles in a special folder so they don't get deleted when your (static?) cache size is overflown? |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
+1 on this. I would really love to have option (if it's not the case now, and i just haven't found it) to disable/enable tile cache deletion. Personally, I would like to never delete any cached tile, until I decide to do so (really!)
Also, huge thanks for update! // Edit By the way, rotation to portrait via CSSU forced rotate, seems to work perfectly fine for me, without any glitches so far :cool: |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Did you ever work out why virtual earth Ordinance Survey map tiles don't render on the n900? I.e. they are all blurry/over zoomed.
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
I get no sound with ogg-support 1.1.1. I reinstalled ogg-support and
extra-decoders. The files work in the mediaplayer, however they play after a few seconds. |
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Marble - Find Your Way and Explore the World
Cannot install: missing package gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-extra
I looked for the package and an 'apt-cache search' found only gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad. I lost lot of time trying to understand what's going on, the pkg seems to be included in the PR1.3 update, my device is 1.3 up-to-date (already checked). I had not been able to find an installable 'bad-extra' pkg Clues? |
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