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PMaff 2011-08-30 17:00

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by eefo (Post 970239)
then what to do ?
i mean how to do it in a right way ?
i have moved it to /opt/ now how to extract ?

Use 'pwd' to know in which directory you are. ;)
Goto /opt ,
use 'ls -l <your filename>' to see if the file is really there,
then extract.

There seems to be some lack of Linux/Unix knowledge here. ;)

PMaff 2011-08-30 17:06

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by pedrocoba (Post 950131)
This is an example that I have done:
step 4.

mv ejre-1_6_0_21-fcs-b09-linux-arm-vfp-eabi-min-27_sep_2010.tar.gz/ opt/ejre-1_6_0_21-fcs-b09-linux-arm-vfp-eabi-min-27_sep_2010.tar.gz

I already wrote filename correctly, but always <no such file or directory?

What is still something is missing here? :(

You wrote
"...sep_2010.tar.gz/ opt/ejre-...."
instead of
"...sep_2010.tar.gz /opt/ejre-..."

A space in the wrong place
can do harm and has no charm. ;)

Basic stuff:

marmistrz 2011-10-27 12:54

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
The download link doesnt work
the sun website is dissmissed
what can I do?

disappear 2011-10-27 13:23

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by marmistrz
The download link doesnt work
the sun website is dissmissed
what can I do?
Here you are

bingomion 2011-10-27 13:38

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

PMaff 2011-10-27 13:42

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1114539)
The download link doesnt work
the sun website is dissmissed
what can I do?

Did you read the whole thread?

Did you try ?
This link works for me.

Of course the original poster wrote about
6 Update 21
and the above is
6 Update 27 as I wrote previously.

You probably have to turn off Noscript on Firefox if the downloads
do not show.

There is also some newer version as Java changed since my last posting, but with the above 6 Update 27 it worked.

The newer version needs your data to be entered.
I tried that but it takes a long time till you get the email with the download link.

anim1 2011-11-01 01:23

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
[step 8 says java: not found

maqczo 2011-11-01 20:42

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
can someone write how emulate right mouse click or how to delete not completed links ?
sory for my english :)

/edit. maybe i can delete this links from winspc. i think that i should go to /home/user/.jd and in which file they are?

//edit : can you do something like this to disconnect from wifi and give teeth started to Retrieve the links will have written to the connection fails, the Internet and at this point, we enter into the links-delete-delete the improperly collected

disappear 2011-11-01 21:52

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by maqczo
/edit. maybe i can delete this links from winspc. i think that i should go to /home/user/.jd and in which file they are?
Try to go /usr/bin

maqczo 2011-11-02 13:23

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
unfortunately I can not find it there, but I asked the creators of the program and me a copy of something like this: "Do August stored in a database (catalog config - database.script file.) database is encrypted, so that access the links is only from within the application. "
So the best way is just as I wrote above, teeth disconnect from wifi, give teeth August fetch, jump ropes for errors and we can remove:)

PMaff 2011-11-04 15:48

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by anim1 (Post 1116616)
[step 8 says java: not found

What did you do in step 6 ?

Can you post the result of (on the X terminal):

ls -l /usr/bin/*java*


marmistrz 2011-11-05 11:54

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
I've got a problem
Whenever I try to download files (tested on depositfiles and wupload) I'm able to download about 5-15MB and the connection is lost. I have to wait to continue the downloads
I'm using the latest java from a couple posts ago: 1.6.0_27, little-edian headful, armv7
What can I do
Thanks in advance

disappear 2011-11-05 14:39

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by marmistrz
HI, I've got a problem
Whenever I try to download files (tested on depositfiles and wupload) I'm able to download about 5-15MB and the connection is lost. I have to wait to continue the downloads
I'm using the latest java from a couple posts ago: 1.6.0_27, little-edian headful, armv7
What can I do
Thanks in advance
Try from here

marmistrz 2011-11-05 15:21

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
It's the same filename as I've downloaded
The problem existed with the 6u25 version too.

PMaff 2011-11-10 16:26

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1118673)
I've got a problem
Whenever I try to download files (tested on depositfiles and wupload) I'm able to download about 5-15MB and the connection is lost. I have to wait to continue the downloads
I'm using the latest java from a couple posts ago: 1.6.0_27, little-edian headful, armv7
What can I do
Thanks in advance

Just a simple question: do you use something like
Autodisconnect ?

marmistrz 2011-11-10 21:19

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by PMaff (Post 1121318)
Just a simple question: do you use something like
Autodisconnect ?

yeah, I'm using it.

PMaff 2011-11-11 13:45

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1121471)
yeah, I'm using it.

If your connection fails after 5-15MB I would take a look at the
settings of Autodisconnect if you use it.
Especially options like
"When the device is locked AND not charging" .
and the Network options.

marmistrz 2011-11-11 16:34

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
When the device is locked....
minimum traffic is 3KB/min

PMaff 2011-11-12 16:03

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1121926)
When the device is locked....
minimum traffic is 3KB/min

Try to turn off Autodisconnect completely and then
try to download your "large" files.

Before doing so you should check your contract with your
provider unless large bills do not bother you or you do it via
WLAN. ;-)

marmistrz 2011-11-12 16:32

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
And is it possible to make an exception for jdownloader?

PMaff 2011-11-12 16:41

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1122424)
And is it possible to make an exception for jdownloader?

As far as I can see: no.
But I am not the programmer of Autodisconnect.

Did you try to download via WLAN with corresponding settings of
I've turned on Autodisconnect only for 3G/2G and I've turned
it off for WLAN.

praveenchand 2011-11-22 18:52

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by diegomamedes (Post 1074773)
It appears this error

i have the same error, how did you sort out this?

phamgia 2011-12-04 17:44

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
After installing this program, my battery drains so fast. how do I resolve this problem? Thanks in advance.

marmistrz 2011-12-04 18:11

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
I'd use the batterypatch. You can look up the dynamic cpu patch.
You know, it drains cpu and ram. Whaz more, wifi drains battery a lot

phamgia 2011-12-05 05:49

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1133146)
I'd use the batterypatch. You can look up the dynamic cpu patch.
You know, it drains cpu and ram. Whaz more, wifi drains battery a lot

Thank you for your help. If I can't figure out the problem of battery drainage, is there any way that I can remove this program? Thank you.

marmistrz 2011-12-05 11:51

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
hey, wait! does it happen when jd is turned OFF?!

Try using "top" (built in) or "htop" (installable) to see which processes are draining the power. Maybe its wifi up all the time?

To remove the prog, type in xterm:


rm -rf /home/user/.jd
But I'd solve the problem now, without uninstalling if I were you - I guess it may be other thing then jd.

After all try

killall java
if theres bo process killed, jd is not runnin'

phamgia 2011-12-05 17:25

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
thank you very much. I think I know where the problem is. Some of the built in profiles of the CPU power control will drain my battery very fast though they are very fast. Thanks again for your help. I never do coding before; however, I love this community as much as my N900 because I have learned so much from you guys.
sent from my N900.

price 2011-12-06 18:10

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
Hi maemo community :) today i've tried to install jdowloader on my n900. when i run $ sh terminal report to me "Sorry, but I could not find gunzip in path. Aborting".
My n900 is on kp49, cssu 21.2011.38-1maemo1.1, battery and speedpatch, and i have also busybox-power installed.
i run java se 6 update 27.
can someone upload its version of script to test it on my device?
can busybox-power interfer with gunzip?
sorry but i've search around the forum without luck.
thank you in advance. ciao from italy

marmistrz 2011-12-07 16:41

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
You're using the wrong script...
I had the problem too.. ;)

You should download the "New install script for Linux and Mac" (about 1kB)
You must've downloaded the 20MB install script. But this won't work

price 2011-12-07 17:14

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1134576)
You're using the wrong script...
I had the problem too.. ;)

You should download the "New install script for Linux and Mac" (about 1kB)
You must've downloaded the 20MB install script. But this won't work

thank you very much =) can you post me the link to this script?

price 2011-12-07 17:25

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
sorry solved =)

marmistrz 2011-12-07 17:58

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
it's on the download page:

harry_e20000 2012-07-27 10:55

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
sorry to bring back an old thread...I'm having difficulty completing installation...jdownloader closes up when I choose the language option and select the option ok meanwhile no activity takes place in the terminal to complete or update it......below is a glimpse of what the terminal says

at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilter s(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(E
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarch y(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispa
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispa
27/07/12 11:49:12 - JDTheme-> image not found: gui.images.config.tip(gui.images.config.tip_16_16
27/07/12 11:49:12 - JDLogger-> SEVERE Exception occurred
at javax.swing.ImageIcon.<init>(
at jd.utils.JDTheme.II(Unknown Source)
at jd.gui.swing.Factory.createHeader(
at jd.Installer$2.runSave(Unknown Source)
at jd.gui.swing.GuiRunnable.start( 4)
at jd.gui.swing.GuiRunnable.waitForEDT(GuiRunnable.ja va:67)
at jd.Installer.showConfig(Unknown Source)
at jd.Installer.<init>(Unknown Source)
at jd.JDInit.loadConfiguration(Unknown Source)
at jd.Main.go(Unknown Source)
at jd.Main.access$0(Unknown Source)
at jd.Main$ Source)
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(Invocation
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent( 602)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilter s(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(E
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarch y(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispa
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispa
27/07/12 11:49:14 - JDTheme-> Key not found: gui.images.cancel (null)
27/07/12 11:49:14 - JDTheme-> image not found: gui.images.cancel(gui.images.cancel_16_16
27/07/12 11:49:14 - JDLogger-> SEVERE Exception occurred
at javax.swing.ImageIcon.<init>(
at jd.utils.JDTheme.II(Unknown Source)
at jd.gui.swing.dialog.JCountdownDialog.initCountdown (
at jd.gui.swing.dialog.JCountdownDialog.<init>(JCount
at jd.gui.swing.dialog.AbstractDialog.<init>(Abstract
at jd.gui.swing.dialog.ContainerDialog.<init>(Contain
at jd.Installer$2$3.<init>(Unknown Source)
at jd.Installer$2.runSave(Unknown Source)
at jd.gui.swing.GuiRunnable.start( 4)
at jd.gui.swing.GuiRunnable.waitForEDT(GuiRunnable.ja va:67)
at jd.Installer.showConfig(Unknown Source)
at jd.Installer.<init>(Unknown Source)
at jd.JDInit.loadConfiguration(Unknown Source)
at jd.Main.go(Unknown Source)
at jd.Main.access$0(Unknown Source)
at jd.Main$ Source)
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(Invocation
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent( 602)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilter s(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(E
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarch y(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispa
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispa

seanmcken 2012-08-01 10:57

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
plz somebody gimme a link to download sun java runtimecuz im tired now of searching that ****. in the whole god damn site i dont understand wer to download

disappear 2012-08-01 11:41

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by seanmcken
plz somebody gimme a link to download sun java runtimecuz im tired now of searching that ****. in the whole god damn site i dont understand wer to download
What do you mean,maybe this
look for the last post of Fabry,if you want downloading,click from one on two links and choice "ARMv7 Linux - Headful"

awroax 2012-08-23 22:11

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
I recommend trying out JDownloader 2 Beta, feels much quicker

Velian 2012-11-06 22:07

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
I Make My N900 Running On Installing Jdownloader

Libgif4 & icedtea6

With the command java-jar / home / user / MyDocs / Jdownloader / JDownloader.jar

Good and the only solution to Remove The Link Without The Right Click Send does not exist is disconnected from the Internet Play

So wrong and will be erased

Coredown 2012-12-09 16:03

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
1 Attachment(s)
iīm more or less a newby with linux but i did everything exactly like in the instruction and jdownloader didnīt install when i ran the a screenshot of it.and i also did everything as root or not root like the instruction said!java is installed.

seanmcken 2012-12-09 18:36

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
remove the folder .jd.... in home/user/

Coredown 2012-12-09 22:21

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
thank you so much my friend!it works:-)do you know what i did wrong?and i would like to know if someone got an instruction to make a menu icon for jd so that i donīt need the terminal any more to start it.

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