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volt 2011-02-14 13:18

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?
What are these MS (trademark) Tablet (registered trademark) operating systems that aren't MS (trademark) Windows (registered trademark) operating systems?

dtergens 2011-02-14 13:29

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by lopho (Post 945039)
hi there,
i'll just leave this here:

Well, WTF is all i know. Dunno.

It's a joke made by the Qt team :p

Look at the bottom : This is a satire, for the real Qt website go to XD

Texrat 2011-02-14 13:56

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by Kajko (Post 944125)
So Elop went with a different platform. So what? Stop sounding like a bunch of crybabies because your little pet project wasn't chosen.

Go Nokia!

You are completely ignoring the full repercussions. Are you going to call the people losing their jobs crybabies?

twigleaf1976 2011-02-14 14:19

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by ragnar (Post 944391)
It's in Microsoft's and Nokia's best interest to succeed. The user experience that WP7 is able to provide is very good already in its 1.0 incarnation. No doubt the future versions will be even better, filling some of the gaps. Microsoft has a lot of assets and services in its disposal. If they're as determined as with say take Xbox as an example of a successful platform, only a fool would count them out.

Few problems with your logic.
The 1.0 incarnation is getting slagged by techno journalists because it is so heavily locked down and underacheiving, one journo called it something similiar to symbian in 2001. That isn't good when that is the kind of thing google shows up as a review.

Xbox has been a nightmare for M$
The red ring of death cost them a $billion to sort out for example.

It has been voted appalling for reliability

And M$ didn't even deny a 54% failure rate.

And lets not also forget the 'Zune' and 'Kin'. So they might push a good idea like kinect but at the cost of two other failing ideas.

And then compare the % of market for Bing (renamed three times in as many years) still third in the search markets.)

Mobile OS market share for Winmo put them at 4th, some would say 5th.

And IE9 which according to the hands on reviews. Heavily linked with windows 7, so won't work in XP And as one developer of a plug in put it. "The only status is the "won't fix" one. We'll not join Microsoft in perverting the net again." Because it is M$ standards again, not world standards and is designed to run for windows 7.

M$ need Nokia much more than Nokia need M$, and this is from me who hates Nokia.

Some interesting articles on Nokia from the last few days.

Someone from Nokia in this actually claims the N900 was a success. So if the one Meego handset is a success like the N900, you might get more. LOL

pelago 2011-02-14 15:10

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?
Does anyone know where Alberto Torres has gone to?

I don't know the guy, but what do you think of the possibility of him setting up a new MeeGo/Qt-based company and poaching a load of ex-Nokia developers? Maybe I'm just dreaming...

Texrat 2011-02-16 02:41

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by pelago (Post 946152)
Does anyone know where Alberto Torres has gone to?

I don't know the guy, but what do you think of the possibility of him setting up a new MeeGo/Qt-based company and poaching a load of ex-Nokia developers? Maybe I'm just dreaming...

I had some dealings with Alberto's Vertu team when I was with Nokia... I'm thinking of giving him a shout after things settle down. Hopefully he'll remember me.

mrojas 2011-02-16 03:31

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by ragnar (Post 944391)
But you all know what the endgame is likely going to be. It's HTML5 or HTML or whatever you want to call it, and that game hasn't still been really even started yet. From platform-specific code to universal. Develop once, with standards, and it'll run on all the devices.It's coming, and it'll change the rules of the game, especially the ecosystem rules, one more time. If things go in a certain way, it will create a very interesting almost level playing field for devices to innovate around other parts of the user and developer experience.

Just be patient. :)

That is exactly why Qt shouldn't die.

We are all locked in this silly "ecosystem war" because manufacturers want their platform to become a de facto standard, like Windows in the PC. If you want the application(s) you have to buy my handset or buy my OS. Or buy both.

Qt has the potential to precisely disrupt that. Empowering developers to, at last, be free of all platform leashes and just doing what they do best: code. Empowering users so they could use any HW or SW platform and still get what they want.

And off course manufacturers would fight tooth and nail against it, because they would become "dumb boxes" for software, just like carriers are becoming just "dumb pipes" for data.

Against all odds, I'm hopeful for Qt. And I will buy the MeeGo handset, if only to throw it to the face of all the naysayers.

Texrat 2011-02-16 05:53

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?
Speaking of ecosystems:

qgil 2011-02-16 19:46

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 944013)
These days you have the Nokia leadership team and comms department bringing radical news about the company. There is a myriad of journalists, financial analysts and enthusiasts like you hunting new quotes from Nokia employees. Be no surprised if most of the contributors you used to follow are silent - busy with the same work we were doing before yesterday's announcement.

I have to say that I'm waiting for more news to come in relation to Qt and MeeGo, from Nokia, from my colleagues working in these teams and from other Qt and MeeGo stakeholders. Mobile World Congress hasn't even started and the dust from yesterday's announcements is far from settled.

I understand how someone reading yesterday's headlines and trying to catch up with all the heated feedback and rumors can get to fast conclusions about Nokia and its role around Qt and MeeGo. Even to fast conclusions about Qt and MeeGo themselves.

If that helps, I haven't reached to my conclusions yet.

Nokia indeed announced a partnership with Microsoft to fight together on the segment of smartphones with an offering based on Windows Phone and its developer tools. And this is indeed a segment that the previous plan aimed to address with MeeGo, Symbian and a Qt based developer offering.

However, Nokia also announced yesterday plans to sell a billion devices to new Internet mobile users, sell 150 million Symbian devices, release a MeeGo open source product this year, and position MeeGo under the CTO activities as an open source platform for future disruptions. Stephen Elop said explicitly that these activities are out of the scope of the Microsoft deal and I'm still waiting to hear more about them. Also, the technophile in me can't avoid thinking of the possibilities and feasibility of putting Qt to work together with Windows Phone, regardless of the business and marketing sense such feature would have yesterday and in the times to come.

As a software freedom lover (just like many of you) and as a professional with a full time job in this field (thanks for reminding this little detail) I still ask myself what is the best work to do there. Sure, Qt and MeeGo had a chance to be at the edge of the Nokia strategy on high-end devices and this plan has changed now. But considering the size, the sophistication and the potential of innovation in the activities out of the scope of the Microsoft deal, I have no hurry to write off any of the technologies or the people I'm working with today. Any of these activities might bring a big and deep contribution to the free software community, which at the end is the main motivation of my work.

Following my nose is part of my job planning and ironing open source strategies. Today, even with all this unsettling dust, my nose tells me that there is a lot of interesting work to be uncovered somewhere under these renovated Nokia goals. Bare with me these days if I'm too silent outside, have no doubt that I keep doing my best inside.

The informal but serious Nokia @ MeeGo thread

mikecomputing 2011-02-16 20:08

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by ragnar (Post 944391)
As a Nokian working for Meego (for a long time now, as some might remember), I understand the ecosystem thingy painfully well. Qt is very cool, QML is very cool (hey, even I was able to build an app with it), but coolness doesn't alone cut it.

I would have chosen slightly differently as Elop, regarding Qt at least, but hey, who am I.

Developers want to reach consumers, i.e. target platforms that have a) good developer tools to create attractive UE:s and b) many users. Rather than company C selling platform C and D selling D and E selling E, aligning where possible makes the platform a bigger ball and therefore more attractive. You know that Nokia is very capable of delivering a large amount of devices with a given SW platform. It's like a huge factory: turning around takes time, but then when the machines are chugging 'There Will Be Devices'.

It's in Microsoft's and Nokia's best interest to succeed. The user experience that WP7 is able to provide is very good already in its 1.0 incarnation. No doubt the future versions will be even better, filling some of the gaps. Microsoft has a lot of assets and services in its disposal. If they're as determined as with say take Xbox as an example of a successful platform, only a fool would count them out.

The decisions that Elop had to make reminded me a bit of what Barack Obama said in a recent interview with Bill O'Reilly:

O'REILLY: What is it about the job that has surprised you the most? That you weren't prepared for coming in here?

OBAMA: You know, I think that the thing you understand intellectually, but you don't understand in your gut until you're in the job, is that every decision that comes to my desk is something that nobody else has been able to solve. The easy stuff gets solved somewhere by somebody else. By the time it gets to me, you don't have easy answers. You don't have the best...

The easy answer would have been just to stay the same course. But well, I ... the realist in me, and hey it's just my opinion, feel free to disagree, Meego in it's current form wouldn't have been so super-powerful-earthquake to have overcome the chicken and egg -problem, competing against Android and Apple and Microsoft and HP and Samsung and whomever all at the same time.

But you all know what the endgame is likely going to be. It's HTML5 or HTML or whatever you want to call it, and that game hasn't still been really even started yet. From platform-specific code to universal. Develop once, with standards, and it'll run on all the devices.It's coming, and it'll change the rules of the game, especially the ecosystem rules, one more time. If things go in a certain way, it will create a very interesting almost level playing field for devices to innovate around other parts of the user and developer experience.

Just be patient. :)

I agree with you about HTML5 and such is the thing but ironically it is to go MicroNokia then cause History has shown that Microsoft NEVER follow those standards. To me te more logical for Nokia would be cooperate with the HP WebOS team.

But the leadership inside Nokia seems to get wellpayed from Microsoft soo I guess thats more important for them in shortrun than being following W3C standard and such...

mikecomputing 2011-02-16 20:22

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by pelago (Post 946152)
Does anyone know where Alberto Torres has gone to?

I don't know the guy, but what do you think of the possibility of him setting up a new MeeGo/Qt-based company and poaching a load of ex-Nokia developers? Maybe I'm just dreaming...

Make me wonder what did happen to the webOS guy that replaced Jaaksi? Peter skillman if I remember right. Maybe he started to work on WP7 lol

rm42 2011-02-16 20:41

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 948299)


We are working on making this MeeGo based device great.
I assume that device will be a phone, right? I would love to know the specs... :D

zimon 2011-02-19 00:05

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?
Meego needs Dalvik VM so Java-developers can transfer from Android to Meego and also Meego would have enough applications to go over "critical mass" at once.

I know couple of Android-developers, who never did like Qt-ecosystem because they couldn't use modern language like Java. Nokia made a mistake with QtJambi to ignore it. QtQuick, QT+QTML+C++ is a mess with two syntaxes and C++ itself is error prone and usually 1/2 as productive as Java or 1/4 as productive as Python.

If there is a modern (2011) hardware; dual-core >1Ghz CPU with 1GB RAM memory and stuff (see Samsung Galaxy S2 hardware) it wouldn't matter if essential OS applications would be coded with QtPython or with QtJambi instead of C++. And nothing else would sell anyway if Nokia is looking to the high end with its Meego device.

WP7 won't even support dual-core platforms, and it's very likely WP8 won't be ready in the start of 2012 as planned.

Nothing forbids having Android-apps in Ovi either.

One solution is to have FOSS-Dalvik to be developed (summer job) or then just buy Alien Dalvik license to every Meego phone. It surely is cheaper than WP-license from Microsoft.

mikecomputing 2011-02-19 00:48

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by zimon (Post 950177)
Meego needs Dalvik VM so Java-developers can transfer from Android to Meego and also Meego would have enough applications to go over "critical mass" at once.

I know couple of Android-developers, who never did like Qt-ecosystem because they couldn't use modern language like Java. Nokia made a mistake with QtJambi to ignore it. QtQuick, QT+QTML+C++ is a mess with two syntaxes and C++ itself is error prone and usually 1/2 as effective as Java or 1/4 as effective as Python.

If there is a modern (2011) hardware; dual-core >1Ghz CPU with 1GB RAM memory and stuff (see Samsung Galaxy S2 hardware) it wouldn't matter if essential OS applications would be coded with QtPython or with QtJambi instead of C++. And nothing else would sell anyway if Nokia is looking to the high end with its Meego device.

WP7 won't even support dual-core platforms, and it's very likely WP8 won't be ready in the start of 2012 as planned.

Nothing forbids having Android-apps in Ovi either.

One solution is to have FOSS-Dalvik to be developed (summer job) or then just buy Alien Dalvik license to every Meego phone. It surely is cheaper than WP-license from Microsoft.

Dalvik is no go. if devels cant learn c++/python thats theyr problem not Qt/meego fault. You may think Qt is something new but it is not soo I am sure there is hell lot of Qt devs outthere or atleast was until Elop started too scare them. But I am sure they will be back.

Dalvik on Meego would just harm the platform its not that simple tooo integrate. two different beasts.

And by saying android devels knows best is like saying Microsoft knows best. and dont forget tghat more advanced games is still written in C++ anyway including Android.

and about wp license issues Microsoft infact PAYED nokia too use wp7. bussines as usual

nwerneck 2011-02-19 02:05

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by zimon (Post 950177)
WP7 won't even support dual-core platforms, and it's very likely WP8 won't be ready in the start of 2012 as planned.

I haven't heard of that limitation before, is this true? And not planned for the upcoming update that will already bring cut-paste and other stuff?...

If WP7 will not run on dual-core systems at first, that I can really see it substituting Symbian while MeeGo is reserved for more powerful/future devices...

gerbick 2011-02-19 02:20

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by zimon (Post 950177)
WP7 won't even support dual-core platforms, and it's very likely WP8 won't be ready in the start of 2012 as planned.

Not that I'm doubting you; I'm just kindly requesting that you supply a link that supports this.

onethreealpha 2011-02-19 02:37

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?
I thought I'd put my two bob in......
The answer to the question in the thread title; "and where is the people from Nokia who worked in Maemo and Meego?"

They all killed themselves after being made by some marketing wanker to use the word "ecosystem" repeatedly.

Just how many points is this word worth when playing ******** Bingo?

lma 2011-02-19 06:16

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 948329)
Make me wonder what did happen to the webOS guy that replaced Jaaksi? Peter skillman if I remember right.

The person who replaced Ari Jaaksi was Alberto Torres, who resigned last week. Peter Skillman was hired as UX chief.

zimon 2011-02-19 08:35

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by nwerneck (Post 950213)
I haven't heard of that limitation before, is this true? And not planned for the upcoming update that will already bring cut-paste and other stuff?...

If WP7 will not run on dual-core systems at first, that I can really see it substituting Symbian while MeeGo is reserved for more powerful/future devices...

With Windows Phone 7, Microsoft took the Window CE kernel and built a tightly controlled and carefully managed environment around it. Microsoft also rigidly specifies what kind of devices OEMs can build. It must have three buttons, not four. WP7 currently supports just one CPU and one screen size. And WP7 is very much a greenfield site: a large number of features supported by the competition are also missing. The list is pretty daunting.
The so called "Mango" update, WP7 -> WP7.5 (?) probably won't have multi-core support either because also multitasking is restricted in that upgrade version. Only like music player or Microsoft selected applications will run in the background, other "normal" applications will be stopped when in the background.

As with Symbian, multi-core support first comes to kernel and later the user space processes. So WP7.5 may have multi-core support in kernel already, but I doubt not in user processes still.

WP8 is planned in the first half of 2012. Rather long time for Nokia to wait to get a "flag ship" device out. We all know IT-projects also are delayed and postponed, so wouldn't be surprised if WP8 comes end of the 2012. MS Vista was delayed several years. And in Linux, back of the days, having all OS code thread-safe took years.

So thinking all that, I do not understand Elop's point at all. Yes, it may still be long way to Meego phone GUI, but WP-plaform is far from ready and surely takes more than 12 months. If Nokia will bring low end smart phone as its first WP-phone, it will fail most likely. And nothing but dual-core >1GHz, 1GB RAM and (well just see Samsung Galaxy S2 what has to be there) will make a "flag ship" device now 2011.

The so called "plan B" was much more wiser, because in that Microsoft has responsibility to get their **** together. Nokia will provide the hardware and then WP-phones are tested in North-America if they work or not. Nokia should just say what it needs and Microsoft should provide if they want their WP-platform to survive.

But Nokia should concentrate fully in its own software development to its own plaform, Meego UX. If Microsoft fails, the time has not been wasted. But as long as Elop is CEO, I doubt he will allow any high end hardware to end up in Meego phone, because it would be a thread to his next MS-CEO plans. Also having Dalvik VM in the first Nokia Meego-phone would be a killer solution and many Android-developers would transfer to Meego, but once again Elop prolly won't allow it to happen because it would be a thread to his MS-ecosystem.

kyllerbuzcut 2011-02-19 09:28

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?
They all went to live on a nice big farm out in the countryside.
Don't worry, they will be very happy there and will have lots of room to run around, coding and programming in the fields there.

You want to go and see them? um, well you see the farmer is very busy and it is a very long way away. By the time we got there they would all be asleep, and you would probably be asleep too and we'd have to come straight back. So, don't worry, just think of gthem being happy and that will make you happy too.

admiral0 2011-02-19 10:35

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Just sayin'....

vi_ 2011-02-19 11:13

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by zimon (Post 950177)

C++ itself is error prone and usually 1/2 as effective as Java or 1/4 as effective as Python.

Stopped reading, total noob.

zimon 2011-02-19 13:12

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by vi_ (Post 950356)
Stopped reading, total noob.

I used the wrong word "effective" there when I meant "productive". It is fixed now.
Productive, as you get more stuff done with lesser time, with lesser code, with lesser bugs and overall.

I do not know if there is statistical studies yet, but the common sense with many who know all the three languages and have programmed with them, are that productivity goes something like C++ is 1/2 productive as Java and Python is 4x productive as C++. You can try to google with "Python productive Java C++"

And we should face the facts now. Threre will NEVER now be as much Qt/C++ developers as there is Java/Android developers. What Meego phone will need at once when it is shipped, is lots of applications, or either it will fail. Having Dalvik VM would be a big plus and immediately Meego would have thousands of developers and tens of thousands applications.

What I also said, that maybe rather than struggling with rather messy QtQuick and C++, Meego OS GUI could be written with QtJambi/Java or QtPython instead to get things more quickly ready and working. It pretty much seems like current methods and tools are not productive enough. The Meego phones should anyway at first be in the high end catogory, so they will have at least 1GB RAM and dual-core CPU. It wouldn't matter to have even two or three VMs running on the system (Python VM, Dalvik VM, Java VM).

vi_ 2011-02-19 13:31

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by zimon (Post 950414)
I used the wrong word "effective" there when I meant "productive". It is fixed now.
Productive, as you get more stuff done with lesser time, with lesser code, with lesser bugs and overall.

I do not know if there is statistical studies yet, but the common sense with many who know all the three languages and have programmed with them, are that productivity goes something like C++ is 1/2 productive as Java and Python is 4x productive as C++. You can try to google with "Python productive Java C++"

And we should face the facts now. Threre will NEVER now be as much Qt/C++ developers as there is Java/Android developers. What Meego phone will need at once when it is shipped, is lots of applications, or either it will fail. Having Dalvik VM would be a big plus and immediately Meego would have thousands of developers and tens of thousands applications.

What I also said, that maybe rather than struggling with rather messy QtQuick and C++, Meego OS GUI could be written with QtJambi/Java or QtPython instead to get things more quickly ready and working. It pretty much seems like current methods and tools are not productive enough. The Meego phones should anyway at first be in the high end catogory, so they will have at least 1GB RAM and dual-core CPU. It wouldn't matter to have even two or three VMs running on the system (Python VM, Dalvik VM, Java VM).

yeah, you are right, why bother doing a long and boring job using the appropriate tools like a total square when you can quickly gypsy some **** together and call it done.

Now excuse me I have to go and put some shelves up with duck-tape.

mikecomputing 2011-02-19 13:33

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by zimon (Post 950414)
I used the wrong word "effective" there when I meant "productive". It is fixed now.
Productive, as you get more stuff done with lesser time, with lesser code, with lesser bugs and overall.

I do not know if there is statistical studies yet, but the common sense with many who know all the three languages and have programmed with them, are that productivity goes something like C++ is 1/2 productive as Java and Python is 4x productive as C++. You can try to google with "Python productive Java C++"

And we should face the facts now. Threre will NEVER now be as much Qt/C++ developers as there is Java/Android developers. What Meego phone will need at once when it is shipped, is lots of applications, or either it will fail. Having Dalvik VM would be a big plus and immediately Meego would have thousands of developers and tens of thousands applications.

What I also said, that maybe rather than struggling with rather messy QtQuick and C++, Meego OS GUI could be written with QtJambi/Java or QtPython instead to get things more quickly ready and working. It pretty much seems like current methods and tools are not productive enough. The Meego phones should anyway at first be in the high end catogory, so they will have at least 1GB RAM and dual-core CPU. It wouldn't matter to have even two or three VMs running on the system (Python VM, Dalvik VM, Java VM).

"rather messy QtQuick." you just FUD ********. Soo why canonical plans too use Qt in nextgen ubuntu? why does KDE use Qt instead of dalvik?

Its like saying every developer must use java or else theyr stupid, how dumb is that? personally i prefer Qt and dislike android and java sdk some others prefer webos some even gtk. so saying dalvik would save meego lis just full of garbage!

My n900 still is better than maany android phones out even if they have 100000 more apps. still searchinf for a replacements that says all! dalvik is not the solusion for everything.

zimon 2011-02-19 13:43

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 950425)
"rather messy QtQuick." you just FUD ********. Its like saying every developer must use java or else thedyr stupid, how dumb is that? !

No. One of course could still use QtQuick with Qt/C++ in Meego. But the fact is there won't be as much Qt/C++ developers ever now as there already is Java/Android-developers. To make use of Qt in Meego as much as possible, QtJambi and QtPython could be a productive way. Many Android developers would even change from Android/Java to QtJambi/Java.

QtQuick is a mess, IMHO. Having a new syntax QML and mixing it with the another C++ syntax, which itself is known to be messy. That is why Java-fathers took off the syntax-sugars and polymorphism following the KISS principle.

Much of the GNOME GUI-tools (for example in Fedora) are done with Python, and it has been a huge advantage to get things done and ready quickly. VMs will only get faster when they develop further.

abill_uk 2011-02-19 14:27

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?
What is Dalvik doing that this community cannot !!!.

tswindell 2011-02-19 14:32

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by abill_uk (Post 950459)
What is Dalvik doing that this community cannot !!!.

Being successful?

abill_uk 2011-02-19 14:33

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?
Obviously !!!

zimon 2011-02-19 14:35

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by abill_uk (Post 950459)
What is Dalvik doing that this community cannot !!!.

A good question.

On 17 March 2009, there were about 2,300 applications available for download from the Android Market, according to T-Mobile chief technical officer Cole Brodman.[3]

By December 2009, there were over 20,000 applications available for download in the Android Market.[4]

By August 2010, there were over 80,000[5] applications available for download in the Android Market, with over 1 billion application downloads.[6][7] Recent months (in 2010) have shown an ever increasing growth rate, recently (in May 2010) surpassing 10,000 additional applications per month.[8]
In my opinion one of the reasons is that they like to use Java and it is highly productive programming language and it has good development tools.

abill_uk 2011-02-19 14:45

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?
Because i am not a Linux programmer i cannot answer my own question but i know only one thing, something is not right here especially when it has been a long time since the last Nokia update 25 Oct 2010 and the progress on the N900 has slowed dramatically since.

AlMehdi 2011-02-19 15:32

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?
I am not a programmer so i am not that knowledgeable in the subject. But isn't the thing with QT that it is supposed to be both productive and effective while java is just productive?

Overall the device that uses QT would run better.

lma 2011-02-19 16:30

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by abill_uk (Post 950459)
What is Dalvik doing that this community cannot !!!.

One important difference: devices, devices, devices!

mrojas 2011-02-19 18:43

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by ragnar (Post 944391)
But you all know what the endgame is likely going to be. It's HTML5 or HTML or whatever you want to call it, and that game hasn't still been really even started yet. From platform-specific code to universal. Develop once, with standards, and it'll run on all the devices.It's coming, and it'll change the rules of the game, especially the ecosystem rules, one more time. If things go in a certain way, it will create a very interesting almost level playing field for devices to innovate around other parts of the user and developer experience.

Just be patient. :)

I would like everyone to watch the video on this link and meditate again on what Ragnar said.

abill_uk 2011-02-19 18:49

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by lma (Post 950550)
One important difference: devices, devices, devices!

What kind of answer was THAT ????

zimon 2011-02-19 19:25

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by AlMehdi (Post 950510)
I am not a programmer so i am not that knowledgeable in the subject. But isn't the thing with QT that it is supposed to be both productive and effective while java is just productive?

Overall the device that uses QT would run better.

You can use QT also with Java. One of the solutions is called QtJambi.

What it comes to programming language, QtJambi/Java can be eventually faster in certain (long living OOP) applications than Qt/C++ due to moving-GC which handles away heap memory fragmentation and keeps cache misses count low also when the OOP application is running long time (CPU-time-wise).

Core applications like Desktop, window manager and such could actually eventually benefit if they would be running in VM (Java, Python) with a smart GC, because they have to be running 24/7 for a lifetime of device's whole session and time to time a possibility to heap memory defragmentation could come handy.

lma 2011-02-19 20:00

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by abill_uk (Post 950615)
What kind of answer was THAT ????

Just compare how many Android devices have been released in the last 3 years vs Maemo's one and only. Communities don't appear and reach critical mass spontaneously you know.

tswindell 2011-02-20 13:08

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by zimon (Post 950467)
A good question.

In my opinion one of the reasons is that they like to use Java and it is highly productive programming language and it has good development tools.

I disagree, it's no better than anything else. We could be talking about Apple App Store and we'd see the same thing. It's developers, developing because of an increasing user base. So the platform becomes more attractive/lucrative for them to develop for.

olighak 2011-02-20 13:20

Re: And where is the people from Nokia who worked on Maemo and Meego?

Originally Posted by vi_ (Post 950423)
yeah, you are right, why bother doing a long and boring job using the appropriate tools like a total square when you can quickly gypsy some **** together and call it done.

Now excuse me I have to go and put some shelves up with duck-tape.

Duct tape is the handyman's best friend.....Just ask Red Green.

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