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handaxe 2011-03-22 08:50

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker

Originally Posted by handaxe (Post 971888)
I had the same as slipkornsaad, but with earlier versions. I stopped using it but I will generate some new ones. Interesting that he sees the same even with a later version. His description applies exactly to my experience.

A new cmd shortcut with icon seems to stay on the desktop I place it on, although I did move it to the centre just before rebooting and it reappeared in it's old position. Gconf perhaps failed to store the new location on the same desktop due to the reboot. Will report if I see any real issue.

VERY useful application, I need to add. Interface a little unintuitive regarding the icon generation and linking to the new short-cut. In presentation the icon tab has equal status to the others, although mostly icon making will serve as a sub-set action of the others. Perhaps it should link off them? Or do you see making unlinked icons as a primary role of the prog?


Tiboric 2011-03-22 17:56

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker

Originally Posted by handaxe (Post 972945)
A new cmd shortcut with icon seems to stay on the desktop I place it on, although I did move it to the centre just before rebooting and it reappeared in it's old position. Gconf perhaps failed to store the new location on the same desktop due to the reboot. Will report if I see any real issue.

VERY useful application, I need to add. Interface a little unintuitive regarding the icon generation and linking to the new short-cut. In presentation the icon tab has equal status to the others, although mostly icon making will serve as a sub-set action of the others. Perhaps it should link off them? Or do you see making unlinked icons as a primary role of the prog?


Thanks for the feedback, just what i need to move foreword with this project, icons selecting was something i tacked on(so not something i really use myself) at the end because it was requested but i couldn't think of a way to implement it properly, i'll see what i cant come up with...
i use it mainly to add sms shortcuts to contacts. lol


Originally Posted by Evil-Ninja (Post 972709)
would be good a feature to delete icons created with this app
how do i delete icons
coz i maked some tests and now i cant delete them

delete with the delete tab, indicate the name of the shortcut and what type it is you want to delete (more than one type can be deleted at once)

zeltak 2011-03-22 21:07

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
Hi again

i cant stress enough how much i love this little app.

i have a suggestion/request. would be cool if one could choose a contact as a shortcut. would be nice to just browse contacts and choose the specific phone # you want as a shortcut and also use the current photo associated with the contact as an icon

thx again for all your work


droitwichgas 2011-03-22 21:46

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
Tiboric did mention putting the shortcut on top of the usual contact photo on the desktop and then it just works with one click. I have tried it and it works perfect!

I think he included a photo a few posts back?

anismistry 2011-03-23 05:03

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
Hi Tiboric,

instead of manually putting name and number of a contact shortcut for a 'call' can it made as simple as when we click to make a shortcut for a 'call' it can take us to the default contact list we can then pick the name from the list. if there are multiple numbers it should then ask us to choose the number. After choosing the number it should automatically take the name of the contact as the text on the icon and create a shortcut. We can then add this to the desktop. ditto for email and sms


Tiboric 2011-03-23 18:16

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker

Originally Posted by anismistry (Post 973643)
Hi Tiboric,

instead of manually putting name and number of a contact shortcut for a 'call' can it made as simple as when we click to make a shortcut for a 'call' it can take us to the default contact list we can then pick the name from the list. if there are multiple numbers it should then ask us to choose the number. After choosing the number it should automatically take the name of the contact as the text on the icon and create a shortcut. We can then add this to the desktop. ditto for email and sms


I've been working on this from the start but as of yet have had little success with the contact list, lol it my first python app and so your gona have to bear with me.

anismistry 2011-03-23 19:44

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
thats ok Tiboric, take your time it was just a thought


handaxe 2011-03-27 22:50

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker

Originally Posted by handaxe (Post 972945)

Originally Posted by handaxe
I had the same as slipkornsaad, but with earlier versions. I stopped using it but I will generate some new ones. Interesting that he sees the same even with a later version. His description applies exactly to my experience.

A new cmd shortcut with icon seems to stay on the desktop I place it on, although I did move it to the centre just before rebooting and it reappeared in it's old position. Gconf perhaps failed to store the new location on the same desktop due to the reboot. Will report if I see any real issue.

Ugh! the newly made icon in fact does not stay on the placed desktop but goes to a default pos on desktop 1 after a reboot.

Interestingly, if I use configuration editor and watch the position coords as I move the icon, they do not change. Furthermore, the icon was shown in the config as being on desktop 4 that is disabled. Editing it to desktop 2 did not help. A permissions issue? I guess that this is what slipkornsaad had, as well as those first phone, sms icons I made.

So, is this something to do with catorise? You use it Tiboric?

anismistry 2011-03-30 23:45

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
Just wanted to know is it possible to have shortcuts of specific items from settings, for example shortcut for
theme customiser etc. thanks

nicholes 2011-04-01 10:10

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
hi tiboric!

i want to make two shortcuts
1> echo 0 >/sys/class/backlight/acx565akm/brightness (need sudo gainroot)

2>from my own thread where nicolai helped me to make n900's camera a spy cam(thanks to nicolai)


import gst
bin = gst.element_factory_make("camerabin")
bin.set_property("videoenc", gst.element_factory_make("dspmp4venc"))
bin.set_property("videomux", gst.element_factory_make("hantromp4mux"))
bin.set_property("audioenc", gst.element_factory_make("nokiaaacenc"))
bin.set_property("filename", "test.mp4")
#starts recording

# wait some time

# stops recording

i tried both but did not get them work, can you guide plz.
also i am waiting for smsfaker update which did not work for me.

Tiboric 2011-04-05 21:21

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
sorry guys, I have not made any changes to this or smsfaker in two weeks as my hdd died and i got a replacement two days ago and it a dud so sending it back tomorrow hopefully i can get coding again once the new one comes. I’m so annoyed at the moment.... but i've had a interesting idea for a new app(not a useful one though) hopefully i can get it to work, p.s no i don't have catorise, this maybe the source of the problem you guys are seeing.

nicholes 2011-04-13 07:17

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
hi tiboric!!!

it is been a long time since you have answer the thread,meanwhile in my last post i solved one problem of my two shorcut (i mentioned in post # 130)

sh -c 'echo "sleep 1; echo 0 > /sys/class/backlight/acx565akm/brightness" | sudo gainroot'

it gave me shortcut of root cmd

now i want one more shortcut from my own thread where nicolai helped me to make n900's camera a spy cam(thanks to nicolai)

python (enter)

import gst
bin = gst.element_factory_make("camerabin")
bin.set_property("videoenc", gst.element_factory_make("dspmp4venc"))
bin.set_property("videomux", gst.element_factory_make("hantromp4mux"))
bin.set_property("audioenc", gst.element_factory_make("nokiaaacenc"))
bin.set_property("filename", "test.mp4")
#starts recording

# wait some time

# stops recording

is it possible to make it from sm ?

also i am not be able to use smsfake as yet(xterminal output has been given in post #111) plz help

anismistry 2011-05-20 01:37

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
hi tiboric

while making icons using add text feature is it possible to make the text appear centered on the icon because letters like g or y gets truncated becuase the text appears at the bottom of the icon. thanks

m.alkhalel 2011-07-26 11:37

Re: [Announce] Shortcut Maker
im not able to creat shortcuts for some comands :S, for some it works but for others no matter how hard i try , it wont work ...
the cmd i want to make a shortcut for , is :
ssh -p xxxx -L
i'd be really grateful if any 1 coud help me with this :)

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