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mohi2k7 2012-07-04 03:50

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
this is what i have noticed, there is some translucent ui elements such as within the video player and gallery also the home screen shows an animated icon while installing applications :D

sony123 2012-07-04 04:39

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
If possible, can people also close related bugs on N9 bugzilla? I know the bugzilla is closed, but wouldn't hurt to keep existing entires up-to-date with PR releases.

EDIT: In the version box there is no PR1.3.... well I should have thought about it. I am still going to update the bugs I filed anyway.

sony123 2012-07-04 06:17

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Confirm fixed in PR1.3:

Bug 847: Magnified texts are clear in MTF apps, but are jagged in QML/Qt-component apps.
Bug 848 - Inconsistent behavior for magnifying glass upon text selection in MTF and QML/Qt-component apps

Partially fixed:

Bug 749 - Web: Web address bar drops Swype text input after initialization when there is matching history suggestion

ginggs 2012-07-04 06:37

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by m4r0v3r (Post 1231422)
working fine for me, but i did a full reflash and then reinstalled all my apps.

I did the OTA update. Organiser Feed is working now, not sure why I thought it wasn't. :o

rooster13 2012-07-04 07:07

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Just noticed one bug which is not fixed.

The battery suddenly drops from 20% to 3%. Even with heavy usage this should not be possible.

trayhoper 2012-07-04 09:15

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
You can't change your DNS settings.Comma won't work on theese kind textboxes and you can't type comma.

myExplorer or DNS settings on Advanced network settings don't work anymore.

szymeczek34 2012-07-04 09:17

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Yep, that freaks me too. But I've learned that when it happens, I just close every single app, turn battery save mode on, disable the always visible clock and tap to unlock. Battery lasts for more than 10hours.

Diggler 2012-07-04 09:28

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by rooster13 (Post 1231555)
Just noticed one bug which is not fixed.

The battery suddenly drops from 20% to 3%. Even with heavy usage this should not be possible.

This was reported long time ago. Amazing they haven't fixed it. It was these kind of bugs I supposed they put the energy in. I had the same thing today. From 22% to 4% in a second. After a while down to 3% but then back to 4% again?! I have been running on 4% before for over 4 hours with active use but you never know sometimes it dies as fast as it should do with 4%.

szymeczek34 2012-07-04 09:32

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
But it only happens with a heavy usage so it might be a hardware problem.

Diggler 2012-07-04 09:32

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by vittoriob4 (Post 1231430)

Can't confirm the Bluetooth issue but it seems like it is not possible to view the reviews in the store anylonger. The wheel just keeps spinning. Wonder if it is in the local app or a server problem.

pirkkap 2012-07-04 09:40

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by szymeczek34 (Post 1231605)
Yep, that freaks me too. But I've learned that when it happens, I just close every single app, turn battery save mode on, disable the always visible clock and tap to unlock. Battery lasts for more than 10hours.

How do you disable the always visible clock? :eek:

Diggler 2012-07-04 09:45

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by pirkkap (Post 1231617)
How do you disable the always visible clock? :eek:


jalyst 2012-07-04 09:46

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by sony123 (Post 1231499)
If possible, can people also close related bugs on N9 bugzilla? I know the bugzilla is closed, but wouldn't hurt to keep existing entires up-to-date with PR releases.

EDIT: In the version box there is no PR1.3.... well I should have thought about it. I am still going to update the bugs I filed anyway.

It's closed for new entries but that doesn't mean you cant recommend tickets be resolved.
If you get zero responsiveness then you could eventually close it.
But only if you're 100% sure the bug you're in relates to the one you think is fixed.
And only if you're 100% certain that it IS actually fixed...
It may not have PR 1.3, but they often put that in one of the other fields in lieu of that.
Ideally though I think its best leaving the actual final resolving for whatever employes are left.
Just add come clear commentary & they may eventually get round to it, after verifying themselves.

Hacker 2012-07-04 09:48

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by pirkkap (Post 1231617)
How do you disable the always visible clock? :eek:

Go to Setting--> Device --> Display and de-select (1) stand-by screen and (2) Turn display on by double tapping.

pirkkap 2012-07-04 09:50

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by Diggler (Post 1231621)

How can I have missed this option :D Thank you!

mbo 2012-07-04 10:16

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Galery app is now with fast scrolling like in twitter and mail.

F2thaK 2012-07-04 10:16

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
No idea if its been said but today, I had an incoming call and there was a popup balloon above the phone number that said it belonged to 3 contacts

drvar 2012-07-04 10:21

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Instalation icon/window is now fixed. Before sometimes it didn't showed or to quickly disappeared before app installed (I did about 15-20 instalations so it's quite fixed).

Morpog 2012-07-04 10:21

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
Had that already on PR1.2, but only after a full reflash :-)

gionni88 2012-07-04 10:25

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by mbo (Post 1231642)
Galery app is now with fast scrolling like in twitter and mail.

Fast Scroll in Gallery app is already available in PR1.2.

mikecomputing 2012-07-04 10:26

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by Rated_R (Post 1231077)
The facebook app is still a joke. No group support. pfft.

who cares the whole facebook is
a joke anyway

tigas 2012-07-04 10:29

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by F2thaK (Post 1231643)
No idea if its been said but today, I had an incoming call and there was a popup balloon above the phone number that said it belonged to 3 contacts

It was there in PR1.2. Nice, isn't it? If I had two contacts with the same number my old N95 just showed me the number.

Grazy 2012-07-04 10:33

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
can anyone confirm if when uninstalling apps they are fully reomved now?

please read this thread or the beginning at least :)

Will be doing a full reflash myself! as soon as its availible!

F2thaK 2012-07-04 10:49

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
HEY! I know what PR1.3 Was!!! A security Update! And sweet F### ALL ELSE.

alephito 2012-07-04 10:50

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by Diggler (Post 1231613)
Can't confirm the Bluetooth issue but it seems like it is not possible to view the reviews in the store anylonger. The wheel just keeps spinning. Wonder if it is in the local app or a server problem.

Server problem for the last week.

kkito 2012-07-04 10:53

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

is fixed in pr 1.3.

marrat 2012-07-04 11:04

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by balisingh (Post 1231327)
nothing, not even browser performance?

Stock Browser is still meh, but Opera Mobile does a good job on Symbian, so no, not even Browser performance.

ajalkane 2012-07-04 11:32

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by ajalkane (Post 1231330)
Another small change I noticed:

the multitasking view now shows web page loading its content. Previously it only showed the blue progress bar, but the content remained white until you went back to the browser.

And seems like this is not true after all. Now my browser acts like in pr1.2.

Either I had earlier a glitch, or then being connected via wlan changes the behaviour (that'd be strange).

mariusmssj 2012-07-04 11:58

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
I can now connect to my yahoo mail from accounts without using the mod

jalyst 2012-07-04 12:47

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by F2thaK (Post 1231664)
HEY! I know what PR1.3 Was!!! A security Update! And sweet F### ALL ELSE.

C'mon now.... read all the posts....
There's been lots of tweaks/fixes noted & verified (esp. given the now very limited resources).
We knew this was never going to be a release that added features.

tigas 2012-07-04 12:58

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
I believe myself very lucky to even get a big feature pack in PR1.2. The way Nokia had been proclaiming Harmattan dead and firing developers left and right (or putting them to rebuild Harmattan apps for WP7), all updates could have been just bugfixes.

SamGan 2012-07-04 13:01

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by rooster13 (Post 1231555)
Just noticed one bug which is not fixed.

The battery suddenly drops from 20% to 3%. Even with heavy usage this should not be possible.

What bug? Never has this problem before. I can see my battery % dropping percent by percent to 5% before I recharge.

thedead1440 2012-07-04 13:04

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
SamGan, the battery bug has been there since Pr1.0 and never fixed...a reboot at 3% will suddenly show the battery level climbing up to its original state of 15-25%...its quite common among a number of users...

odradek 2012-07-04 13:07

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
And again no One-Track-Repeat function in the standard music player... :(

Dave999 2012-07-04 13:14

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
What happened with this thread during night and day? Please, focus on the change list and not as general Pr1.3 or and not was it not fixed... On a second thought. Do as you wish I'm not a moderator.

reset.smith 2012-07-04 13:28

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
This : "Video playback a tiny bit jerky after PR 1.2 update"
( )

... NOT fixed, same problem with PR 1.3 :mad:

DarkSkies 2012-07-04 13:29

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
For some reason after the update my devel-su (so root) password doesn't work and I am 100% sure it is being entered correctly.

Anyone else getting this? How to 'reset' root password on meego/n9?

jalyst 2012-07-04 13:32

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1231735)
What happened with this thread during night and day? Please, focus on the change list and not as general Pr1.3 or and not was it not fixed... On a second thought. Do as you wish I'm not a moderator.

I think you should be a mod dave :D

rahulthewall 2012-07-04 13:32

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog

Originally Posted by DarkSkies (Post 1231751)
For some reason after the update my devel-su (so root) password doesn't work and I am 100% sure it is being entered correctly.

Anyone else getting this? How to 'reset' root password on meego/n9?

The default password is "rootme". Did you try that? It might have been reset.

BlinkThinks 2012-07-04 13:43

Re: PR 1.3 - User changelog
I dunno if someone have already reported this, there's now an option to 'Insert Face' in the gallery.

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