![]() |
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with VKB on PR1.3 !
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with VKB on PR1.3 !
BTW, ones the language is changed, I can also use finnish keyboard settings with Easy debian. Don't know if it matters, just wanted to share just in case, since I figured that the problem would be because of slightly different alphabetic but no. |
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with VKB on PR1.3 !
Ok, changing the system language to English solved my problem. Thanks. |
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with VKB on PR1.3 !
Boxeri & Piotrek_PL : I don't know why setting English as system language is need to vkb work. Maybe Javispedro can give some insight.
I've tried to reproduce this problem in my N9 with portuguese-br without success : vkb in LXDE works anyway, with english-usa or portuguese-br as system languages. You can try one more thing, setting the Debian/LXDE language. In Debian terminal as root : [root@m5v3e: /] export PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin:/sbin [root@m5v3e: /] dpkg-reconfigure locales then choose the languages you want. (After Javispedro tip) : Test if MeeGo locale is the same of Debian locale. In MeeGo X Terminal : $ locale In Debian Terminal :e [root@m5v3e: /] locale and compare the outputs, they should be the same. If not, change the Debian locale with the "dpkg-reconfigure locales" command or the MeeGo system language. |
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with VKB on PR1.3 !
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with VKB on PR1.3 !
I'm trying to understant this vkb issue of not working 100% for some users & softwares. |
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with VKB on PR1.3 !
rcolistete, is there a fix for the "arrow keys" and the "fn" key for the numbers using the hardware keyboard on the N950?
Can you also force the volume buttons to the Mediavolume? It changes the profile at the moment (even if you play an mp3 file) using lxde. |
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with VKB on PR1.3 !
Do you have "synchroot"ed the image ? See 1st post, section "Choosing a Debian image / 1 & 2". About volume buttons, the ~/.xbindkeysrc file can be created & configured, but I don't know the codes of volume buttons. |
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with VKB on PR1.3 !
Great! I will try it on my N9
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with VKB on PR1.3 !
How to lookup for the codes? any idea? |
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with VKB on PR1.3 !
I made a new thread for xmimd problems and suggestions. If you want you can post xmimd-specific problems there.
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with VKB on PR1.3 !
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with VKB on PR1.3 !
Alright I've tried switching the Harmattan language to English (US) and the Enter and Backspace keys worked in EasyDebian. I reverted Harmattan to French and it is still working in EasyDebian now, so I don't really explain that but at least it works. Not sure it is useful to you. Unfortunately I didn't take the time to check the non-working keys before changing the Harmattan language, to make sure that they were still non-working prior to the change, and to ensure that this is actually the language switch which solved the issue.
However, I'm not sure it is related, but when I start OOWriter from the EasyDebian icon, I get "The application cannot be started. The user interface language cannot be dtermined." and then it closes. I only use applications inside LXDE currently because I've not manage yet to make my Bluetooth keyboard to work properly, so I need the virtual one. Speaking of the virtual keyboard, is there a way to swipe it down when the selected layout is a Swype one? I guess the "suggested words" bar prevents the swipe down move, but if anybody found a workaround, I'm interested. Two other unrelated questions : - Is it possible to know how much space remains on the image to install new packages? - Any approximate release date for the 1.0.5 Roberto? What you've spoiled about the changelog is exciting! |
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with VKB on PR1.3 !
$ rm -rf ~/.openoffice.org to delete OpenOffice previous configuration. Quote:
"Hiding the Keyboard: To easily hide the keyboard, just Swype from the Swype key to the backspace key." doesn't work on my N9, so I just switch to another vkb and close it. Or inside LXDE, I tap in some place without text entry. Quote:
# df -h / V1.1.0 of easy-deb-chroot is planned to be released later today* with some new features, including Javispedro new miracle : (partial) translucent vkb ! (*) : postponed because I am also updating easy-chroot & testing it with SDK images. |
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !
Easy Debian Harmattan new V1.1.0 (19/08/2012) is released ! Changelog :
- translucent virtual keyboard inside LXDE using new xmimd_1.2 from Javispedro (thank you 10^10 times, Javispedro); - Debian root $PATH now includes 'sbin' directories by using new easy_chroot_0.2.0; - new LXDE icons for opaque vkb and no vkb (thanks to kamilstone idea); - new icon "FixDebImg" to make the image compatible with Easy Debian Harmattan; - xephwm (LXDE) support of generic images. Before installing easy-deb-chroot_1.1.0, install the new versions of easy-chroot (v0.2) and xmimd (v1.2), because they are required. What "FixDebImg" icon does ? It : - forces the update of LXDE menu by removing the content of "/home/user/.cache/menus/"; - runs "synchroot", i.e., some MeeGo configuration files are copied to the Debian image. So physical keyboard (Bluetooth or N950's) can work inside LXDE, Internet works, local time is set, user's list is shared; - "Harmattanizes" the image by copying files from "/home/user/.debian/usr/bin" to Debian image "/usr/bin", so icons outside LXDE, LXDE and virtual keyboard work. |
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !
Sorry man my mistake
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !
Detailed description of some Debian images, suggested to Easy Debian Harmattan.
These images are Debian 5.0 lenny (February 2009) and/or 6.0 squeeze (February 2011) or Debian 7.0 wheezy (2012, in development). 1) Images where all Easy Debian Harmattan icons work : 1.a) Scientific version based on Qole's default Easy Debian image (04/08/2012), debian-m5-v3e-Sci-2GB.img.ext2.lzma (486 MB of download, ext2 type, 2GB after uncompressing, 176 MB available inside it). Like the Qole's default image (debian-m5-v3e.img.ext), it is a mix of Debian lenny & squeeze, providing, besides LXDE : - OpenOffice 3.2.1, Iceweasel/Firefox 3.5.15 (with Java JRE 1.6 and Flash 9.0.31), Icedove/Thunderbird 3.0.1; - GIMP, Evince (reads PDF, PS and DVI), Leafpad text editor, Synaptic package manager, PC Man file manager, Open Java, Python 2.6.6, etc; - sound support & tools, Aqualung, GNOME Alsa Mixer, Music Player, PulseAudio. There are many additional softwares installed, mainly about programming and science : - Abiword 2.8.2, Gnumeric 1.10.8, Geany and gedit programming text editors, TeXMaker / TeXLive; - gFTP and SSVNC; - wxMaxima 12.01 & Maxima 5.26.0, Yacas 1.2.2 CAS (Computer Algebra System); - Python tools like IPython 0.10, NumPy 1.4.1, MatPlotLib 0.99.3, SciPy 0.7.2, SymPy 0.6.7, PyGlet 1.1.2, Cython, etc; - gcc/g++ 4.4.5, make, dpkg-dev, etc. 1.b) Scientific version based on experimental Sulu's Debian wheezy image (13/08/2012), "debian-wheezy-sulu-Sci.img.ext2.lzma" (757MB compressed, ext2 type, 3.0 GB, 486MB free), with : - LibreOffice 3.5.4, Abiword 2.9.2, Gnumeric 1.10.17, Iceweasel / Firefox 10.0.6 (with Java JRE 1.6.0 and Flash 10.1.399), Icedove / Thunderbird 10.0.5; - TeXMaker / TeXLive; - wxMaxima 12.04 & Maxima 5.27.0, Yacas 1.3.2 CAS (Computer Algebra System); - Python 2.7.3 and IPython 0.13 (with notebook and Qt Console interfaces), NumPy 1.6.2, MatPlotLib 1.1.1, SciPy 0.10.1, Sympy 0.7.1, PyGlet 1.1.4, etc; - gcc/g++/gFortran 4.6.3, make, etc; - Leafpad, Xarchiver, Evince, gv, GIMP, Filezilla, gFTP, SSVNC, gedit, Geany, etc; - no wallpaper and menu when "clicked" in desktop background; - no sound tools; - gedit .desktop is edited so its icon appears in "Programming" desktop menu, and "IPython Notebook" icon is added. MeeGo '/etc/group' is not compatible with this image (so dpkg/apt-get install don't work). To revert its copy after "FixDebImg", as root inside Debian (icon "Debian Chroot"), go to the "/etc" directory and copy the "group.<current-date>" file back to "group". 2) other images where some Easy Debian Harmattan icons (outside LXDE) will not work due to not installed softwares. For example, from Qole's site there are Debian images from 2008 to 2012 : 2.a) Qole's default Easy Debian image for Maemo (28/11/2010), debian-m5-v3e.img.ext2.lzma (300MB, 2GB after uncompressing, 612MB available), using Debian lenny & squeeze. It has, besides LXDE : - OpenOffice 3.2.1, Iceweasel/Firefox 3.5.15 (with Java JRE 1.6 and Flash 9.0.31), Icedove/Thunderbird 3.0.1; - GIMP, Evince (reads PDF, PS and DVI), Leafpad text editor, Synaptic package manager, PC Man file manager, Open Java, Python 2.6.6, etc; - sound support & tools, Aqualung, GNOME Alsa Mixer, Music Player, PulseAudio. 2.b) Estel's image using Debian squeeze (16/04/2012), debian-m5-estel.img.ext3.lzma (431MB, ext3 type, 3.1GB after uncompressing,1282 MB free). Its LXDE is optimized for screen space, with : - LibreOffice 3.4.3, Icedove/Thunderbird 3.1.10, Python 2.6.6; - Chromium 6.0.472 with Flash / Java plugins, but it doesn't open, error "Failed to move to new PID namespace: Operation not permitted"; - Leafpad, Xarchiver, Putty SSH Client, Evince, gv (GhostView), Aqualung, Brasero, GNOME Alsa Mixer, Music Player, PulseAudio, etc. This image wouldn't mount the MeeGo "/home/user/" directory, but it currently has a bug in "/.debian/var/run/onfirstchroot-ext.rc" (4th line should be 'umount -f "$CHROOT/home/user") so it still mounts it. If MeeGo "/home/user/" is not mounted, the virtual keyboard will not work inside LXDE. So if you want the virtual keyboard and to share MeeGo "/home/user/" with Debian, then open Debian X Terminal ("Debian Chroot" icon), change the file "/.debian/var/run/onfirstchroot-ext.rc" by commenting (with '#') the 2 lines with umount and the line with mount. MeeGo '/etc/group' is not compatible with this image (so dpkg/apt-get install don't work). To revert its copy after "FixDebImg", as root inside Debian (icon "Debian Chroot"), go to the "/etc" directory and copy the "group.<current-date>" file back to "group". 2.c) Sulu's Debian squeeze image (07/04/2012), debian-m5-sulu.img.ext2.lzma (285MB compressed, ext2 type, 2.0GB, 852MB free), with : - Abiword 2.8.2, Gnumeric 1.10.8, Iceweasel 3.5.16 (with Flash 9.0.31, without Java), Python 2.6.6; - Chromium 6.0.472 with Flash / Java plugins, but it doesn't open, error "Failed to move to new PID namespace: Operation not permitted"; - Leafpad, Midnight Commander, Xarchiver, Xf (File Explorer, File Packager, Image, View, Writer), Claws Mail, ePDFViewer, gv (GhostView), ImageMagick, Geeqie; - sound support & tools, Audacity, Music Player; - there is no wallpaper and menu when "clicked" in desktop background; - the default language is german, if needed, change by typing : [root@m5sulu: /] dpkg-reconfigure locales inside Debian X Terminal (tap "DebianChroot" icon). MeeGo '/etc/group' is not compatible with this image (so dpkg/apt-get install don't work). To revert its copy after "FixDebImg", as root inside Debian (icon "Debian Chroot"), go to the "/etc" directory and copy the "group.<current-date>" file back to "group". 2.d) based on experimental Sulu's Debian squeeze image upgraded to wheezy (12/08/2012), debian-wheezy-upgrade-sulu.img.ext2.lzma (506MB compressed, ext2 type, 2.0GB, 240MB free), with : - Abiword 2.9.2, Gnumeric 1.10.17, Iceweasel/Firefox 10.0.6 (without Flash / Java plugins), Python 2.7.3; - Chromium ( 20.0.1132.57) doesn't work (there is a bug); - Leafpad, Midnight Commander, Xarchiver, Xf (File Explorer, File Packager, Image, View, Writer), Claws Mail, ePDFViewer, gv (GhostView), ImageMagick, Geeqie, Audacity, Brasero, Music Player, VLC media player, etc; - there is no wallpaper and menu when "clicked" in desktop background. MeeGo '/etc/group' is not compatible with this image (so dpkg/apt-get install don't work). To revert its copy after "FixDebImg", as root inside Debian (icon "Debian Chroot"), go to the "/etc" directory and copy the "group.<current-date>" file back to "group". 2.e) based on experimental Estel's squeeze upgraded to wheezy (12/08/2012), debian-wheezy-upgrade-estel.img.ext3.lzma (1002MB compressed, ext3 image with 3.0 GB, 708MB free), with : - LibreOffice 3.5.4, Iceweasel/Firefox 10.0.6 (without Flash / Java plugins), Icedove/Thunderbird 10.0.5, Python 2.7.3; - Chromium doesn't work (there is a bug); - Leafpad, Xarchiver, Putty SSH Client, Evince, gv (GhostView), Aqualung, Brasero, GNOME Alsa Mixer, Music Player, PulseAudio, etc; - "/.debian/var/run/onfirstchroot-ext.rc" doesn't umount "/home/user/" so "/home/user" is shared with Maemo/MeeGo and virtual keyboard works inside LXDE; - dpkg and apt-get will show warnings "Errors were encountered while processing: network-manager network-manager-gnome", which can be ignored. MeeGo '/etc/group' is not compatible with this image (so dpkg/apt-get install don't work). To revert its copy after "FixDebImg", as root inside Debian (icon "Debian Chroot"), go to the "/etc" directory and copy the "group.<current-date>" file back to "group". The most recommended and tested images are 1.a and 2.a. Some configuration files of the Debian images are stored in "/home/user/.config/" : lxde, lxpanel, openbox, pcmanfm directories. To reset the configuration, run as root in MeeGo Terminal : # cd /home/user/.config/ # rm -rf lxde lxpanel openbox pcmanfm It is useful when switching from one Debian image to another yields strange look & feel. See here some observations about Flash & Java plug-ins in Iceweasel/Firefox/Chromium. If you want to change the size of an image, use a desktop Linux and X Terminal, e.g. : $ resize2fs <image-file-name.img.ext3> 3072M resizes a uncompressed image to 3.0 GB. |
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !
I was wondering if I can install lxde aircrack ettercap wireshark nmap or something like that?
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !
I just installed DOSBox on easydebian, but somehow, the vkb doesn't work over there. It doesn't do anything at all. How can we solve that? (using latest versions of the 3 .deb files)
Hw keyboard just works ok though... |
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !
panukoo : no idea, I have no experience with aircrack, etc.
HtheB : maybe another user can answer as I don't use DOSBox in Maemo/MeeGo/Easy Debian. It is great to see so many different uses of Easy Debian for Maemo/MeeGo. |
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with VKB on PR1.3 !
By the way, thank you very much for the 1.1.0 version of Easy Debian, it's awsome. It's becoming very useable and user-friendly. Have you noticed that now Iceweasel requires a profile to be created to be launched? I tried, but the creation fails so I can't use it; not sure this only happens on my device. Speaking of Iceweasel, did you try playing Youtube Flash videos with the Sulu's SCI image? You suggested in a previous page that the crashes in Youtube videos might be due to the 9.x version of Flash on your SCI version, so perhaps the newer version on the Sulu's image could tell if this is actually the cause. Finally, could you elaborate just a little bit on that: Quote:
Well, finally (bis), I may have a feature idea for the next version of Easy Debian. I don't know if it's easily feasible nor if you will agree that it may be useful, but it would be great to have a feature to select the image to mount. I currently have both you SCI image and the Estel's image. I have to manually edit the /home/user/.chroot file to select the one I want to use, and it's not very convenient. I guess it could be done with scripts and several .chrootX files to be vopied to .chroot just prior to using Easy Debian. There could be icons for each of the 2-3 images one may have on his device, and those icons would run the corresponding script and cp the corresponding .chrootX file into .chroot). What do you think? Thanks again. |
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !
Hi all ! :)
First, i would like to thank's all developers who permit us to use Debian on our phones. This is one the major things i've looked before buying my Nokia N9. I run PR 1.3 with Easy Deb and Estel's image using Debian squeeze (debian-m5-estel.img.ext3.lzma). Then, i've some problems and i would like to know if someone can help me. - If i try to launch ROXTerm, i got an error : The new terminal's command failed to run and i know that this error his the same for all debian images i tried before. - If i run LXTerminal on the LXDE session, the terminal open but there is no prompt and all i type in has no effects. - When i try to install something with the DebianChroot terminal, i got that error at the end : dpkg :unrecoverable fatal error, aborting : syntax error : unknown group 'crontab' in stato - Finally, i would like to know if it's possible to add a shell at the top of the virtual keyboard, cause using a terminal without "Ctrl" and "Tab" is not easy ! And in the same time, how can i add the brace key on the keyboard, for programming purpose ! =D I wish you a nice day ! Greetings, Gouwi |
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !
What's the advantage to using this over just using Easy Chroot exclusively?
I'm tempted to just use Easy Chroot since it doesn't require inception (I'm using the open mode kernel). |
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !
If you only want chrooting a Debian image in text mode (without LXDE and GUI), then Easy Chroot + debian image is enough. Quote:
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !
Have you tried Estel's image upgraded to wheezy ? Quote:
About "{", "[", etc. Slide to another vkb, like English, Swype, etc, which has all this characters. My portuguese-br doesn't have "{", "}", but English, English Arrows and Swype have. |
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with VKB on PR1.3 !
# rm -rf ~user/.mozilla/firefox Problably you've ran Iceweasel once as root. Quote:
Look at my analysis of Debian images, cited in 1st post. In the end, I commented about Flash & Java use in Debian webbrowsers. To use Flash, why not MeeGo FireFox ? Quote:
Why not try it ? It works as image 1b has LibreOffice linked to OpenOffice, so OpenOffice icons work (they open LibreOffice). Quote:
'Easy Debian needs a Debian image (ext2 or ext3 type) in "/home/user/MyDocs" and named "debian*.img*". So, any image named starting with 'debian' and ending with '.img*" will be used by Easy Debian. If you have 2 images, just rename the one to not be used to "ndebian..." (for example). That's all, very simple. |
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with VKB on PR1.3 !
Anyway, to play Flash I use Meego Firefox, and I am eagerly looking for a more useable version of the faster Firefox that has been discussed on TMO recently, but if Flash had been functional on any Debian browser, then this browser may have became a must-have (real desktop user agent, support for extensions, Flash, and so on... In brief: true Desktop experience with a few extensions to make it more finger-friendly). I was just curious, not a big deal there. :) Quote:
Thanks again. |
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan
Am trying to use this image, but although chrooting easily, i cannot start lxde, and cannot install unity-2d. also this is a karmic version, am downloading a minimal image for 12.14 any new updates? all images are for debian, would like to see if ubuntu might be any better. thanks |
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan
- using Easy Chroot Harmattan; - adapting the source code of Easy Debian Harmattan because there are different scripts (LXDE x Unity, etc) and configuration files on Debian and Ubuntu images; - ideally trying to create a Easy Ubuntu Harmattan .deb. I haven't time to deal with Ubuntu due to Easy Debian development and some others projects which are late. |
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !
Article "Easy Debian Harmattan with translucent virtual keyboard" in my blog, translated from portuguese-br to english by Google.
There is a table with performance comparison between Nokia N9 (Easy Debian with experimental Debian wheezy image) x notebooks running Ubuntu 12.04. Starting 1st time in seconds / 2nd time in seconds : LibreOffice Writer 3.5.4 : 6s / 1s (XPS 15), 7s / 2s (A1215B), 13s / 6s (N9); Abiword 2.9.2 : 5s / 1s (XPS 15), 7s / 3s (A1215B), 16s / 11s (N9); Gnumeric 1.10.17 : 3s / 1s (XPS 15), 3s / 1s (A1215B), 5s / 3s (N9); Firefox 14.0.1 / Iceweasel 10.0.6 : 4s / 1s (XPS 15), 4s / 2s (A1215B), 7s / 4s (N9); TeXMaker 3.2 : 5s / 1s (XPS 15), 5s / 1s (A1215B), 4s / 1s (N9); wxMaxima 11.08/12.04 : 2s / 1s (XPS 15), 2s / 1s (A1215B), 2s / 1s (N9). Hardware descriptions : XPS 15 : Dell XPS 15 L502X with Ubuntu 12.04 64 bits, Core i7 2670QM 4 cores @ 2.2-3.1 GHz, 1+6 MB cache L2/L3, 8GB RAM DDR3 1,333 MHz, 1TB 5,400 RPM SATA hard drive; A1215B : Asus 1215B with Ubuntu 12.04 64 bits,, AMD C-50 2 cores @ 1.0GHz, 1 MB cache L2, 2GB RAM DDR3 1,066 MHz, 320 GB 5,400 RPM SATA hard drive; N9 : Nokia N9 with MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan PR1.3, TI OMAP 3630 ARM Cortex A8 @ 1.0 GHz, 1GB RAM mobile DDR. So we see that Nokia N9/N950 is very fast, between not too slow to same speed compared to netbooks, low-price notebooks and even high-spec notebooks ! PS : the notebook's bottleneck is the hard disk, while the N9 has flash memory. With flash (SSD) memory, state-of-the-art notebooks start the above softwares in 1-2 s maximum. |
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !
Good news. After disabling the MeeGo option "Settings->Time and language->Text input->Error correction", then Abiword and wxMaxima now show the text as its typed with the virtual keyboard.
With the above option on, the text is shown only after spaces or enter. I've updated the FAQ #7 "Why only some keys of the virtual keyboard work ?" with this tip. |
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !
The installation instructions of Easy Debian Harmattan in 1st post now cites MeeCatalog as an easy way of installation. |
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !
Version of Easy Debian Harmattan for Open Mode Kernel installed on N9/N950, so Inception isn't a dependency.
Dependencies to be installed before : 1) opensh.deb (download it from the open mode kernel PR1.1 site), copy to your N9/N950 and run as root (after 'devel-su') in Terminal : # AEGIS_FIXED_ORIGIN=com.nokia.maemo dpkg -i opensh.deb 2) Easy Chroot 0.2, the same (B-2) from 1st post; 3) xmimd 1.2 the same (B-3) from 1st post. Easy Debian Open Mode for MeeGo Harmattan : easy-deb-chroot-openmode_1.1.1-1harmattan1_armel.deb. Transfer it to some folder (e.g., "/home/user/") in your Nokia N9/N950 and install it by tapping with a file manager, or by typing "dpkg -i easy-deb-chroot-openmode_1.1.1-1harmattan1_armel.deb" as root in X-Terminal. The rest is the same, follow 1st post. Here is the source code : easy-deb-chroot-openmode_1.1.1.tar.gz. See here the issues about the open mode version, so opensh is needed anyway. |
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !
Solution : as root inside Debian, go to "/etc" directory, copy the "group.<current-date>" file back to "group". The same issue happens in Estel's image upgraded to wheezy, as well as all Sulu's image (squeeze, upgraded to wheezy and pure wheezy). Even on Maemo 5 Fremantle these images seem to have the same issue. Post #137 is updated with this fix to Estel's and Sulu's images. |
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !
1 Attachment(s)
I have played a bit with an ubuntu image, used the linaro base image and added onto it.
One of the reasons I tried this was to see if the terminal would work inside the chroot from LXDE, mainly because some programs are launched as scripts. And - it worked! I still need to configure my image to get the kb working, am in the processing of updating it, but as you can see, it worked nicely. I don't know what is different, but I would appreciate if someone could advice on how to configure the image to be used as chroot on the N9. |
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !
Hello to all,
Sorry for being so noob in this, I downloaded MeeCatalog from Nokia Store and enabled the "Community Share Repository". Downloaded and installed Inception by tapping with a file manager (Filebox). Then typed in X-Terminal as user : $ devel-su -c /usr/sbin/pasiv Seemed to work ok, and received the message "you can now have full access to the N9" or something like that , and Inception is now active. But the next step: /usr/sbin/incept aegisctl_1.3_armel.deb does not work. It says file not found and I downloaded aegisctl and opensh too. With the easier installation I have to do these 2 steps after installing inception? "$ /usr/sbin/incept aegisctl_1.3_armel.deb type the root password, $ /usr/sbin/incept opensh_1.00_armel.deb confirming again the root password." I have PR1.3, thanks in advance... |
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !
Use ls (to list the content of your directory) and Tab to complete your commands when typing. |
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !
Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan : now with translucent VKB on PR1.3 !
basically took the linaro ubuntu nano image, and uncompressed it into a 2g empty image. apt-get update, hadd to add user as per instructions on your page, www.rzr.online.fr/q/rootfs installed unity-2d, lxde copied also usr/share/X11/xkbd and /var from debian image to get easy debian scripts working downloaded xephwm, suxephwm, xephwm-id and suxephwm-id to usr/bin, although for now only xephwm works. more details tp follow |
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