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schokopudding 2013-07-08 16:25

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

is there any chance, the non-paid version gets the updates too? Or is my nokia store just messed up? Paid version is: 1.4.2, non-paid is still 1.3.5.

edit: + is there anywhere a tutorial on how to pack, unpack, install etc - widgets to Hydra? I cant get it to work with opera widgets. When i click on "download anyway" i get a .nex file, dont know what to do :(

sviox 2013-07-09 16:01

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by schokopudding (Post 1357733)

is there any chance, the non-paid version gets the updates too? Or is my nokia store just messed up? Paid version is: 1.4.2, non-paid is still 1.3.5.

edit: + is there anywhere a tutorial on how to pack, unpack, install etc - widgets to Hydra? I cant get it to work with opera widgets. When i click on "download anyway" i get a .nex file, dont know what to do :(

I planned to release 1.4.2 as a free version but I discovered a bug that I wanted to fix before that, so I will most likely release 1.4.3 almost simultaneously for free and paid versions.

I haven't written any tutorials yet, but it might be a good idea.

As for Opera widgets, unfortunately Opera has discontinued it's product line and a month or two ago they also took down the site that was hosting the user published widgets. No idea if they are still available from somewhere. They should be in .wgt format. That .nex is an entirely different file format.

electristan 2013-07-09 20:21

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Picked up the PRO version and having a good time trying out the Firefox and Tizen widgets.

Installed Minimalist from the Firefox page link

Says on the page that


- Offline functionality using HTML5 client local storage and app cache
But the lists reset everytime i close it. Any tips? Is it just this one that is codded poorly? Could i edit something myself? didn't see it mentioned (not storing data in Hydra that is).

Have tested a few other applications, like Book Note, also do not store any data locally after closing the widget.

Maybe in the next update :) keep up the great work

sviox 2013-07-10 15:02

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by electristan (Post 1357956)
Picked up the PRO version and having a good time trying out the Firefox and Tizen widgets.

Installed Minimalist from the Firefox page link

Says on the page that

But the lists reset everytime i close it. Any tips? Is it just this one that is codded poorly? Could i edit something myself? didn't see it mentioned (not storing data in Hydra that is).

Have tested a few other applications, like Book Note, also do not store any data locally after closing the widget.

Maybe in the next update :) keep up the great work

Hello and thank you for supporting development of Hydra. The goal of Hydra is to support all APIs and functionalities provided by the 'bigger players', but unfortunately we're still a few steps behind.

As for storage support, Hydra currently supports widget preferences and cookies which are the most common ways of implementing offline storage accessible to widgets. HTML5 local storage and app cache are currently not supported.

I've been planning on adding support for local storage for a long time and it should actually be quite straightforwards. I'll see what I can do about this for the next version (no promises yet though!).

On the other hand, app cache basically only caches remote files to save bandwidth and should not be mandatory for any app to function normally. So implementing that is quite low in the long list of things to do ;)

electristan 2013-07-10 19:30

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Thanks for the reply, look forward to seeing what's next for this.

sviox 2013-07-19 13:58

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Local storage (and possibly Web SQL) up and running for next version.

The biggest technical change however, is that I've changed the way scrolling works. Previously I used a native container that was the size of the web application's top level frame. Scrolling merely moved the control on screen so that a suitable portion of the web page was shown. This provided very smooth scrolling as all the content was always pre-rendered. The problem with this approach was that some apps think the whole page is always visible. This caused a number of issues you may have seen:
- Apps using the 'infinite scroll' design pattern might get stuck infinitely loading more content
- Apps using fixed position navbars are statically stuck at the top/bottom of the page instead of being redrawn when view is scrolled

I've changed the scrolling so that the web container control size matches the physical size of the container on screen (as opposed to frame size) and scrolling actually scrolls the web content so that only the visible part is rendered. This might speed up initial rendering slightly, but when scrolling, this unfortunately shows as less smooth scrolling. Anyhow, I think the gained compatibility is more important.

I'm also thinking about making the old scroll method an option that can be used. But maybe for a later version...

electristan 2013-07-22 16:17

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Sounds like a great update, cant wait :)

sviox 2013-07-31 12:13

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
It's taking some time to release the next version but I'll try to make up for it with a long list of improvements:
* Implemented support for HTML5 Web Storage (local and session)
* Implemented support for HTML5 Web SQL database
* Implemented support for HTML5 Application Cache
* Implemented support for IndexedDB using IndexedDB Polyfill library
* Implemented navigation bar support for error page shown on top level frame
* Implemented support for Apple specific web app meta tags that control color theme and nav bar visibility
* Added widget size to details view
* Added option to reset a widget to details view menu
* Changed WAC webview header to act as a shortcut to page menu
* Changed Symbian WRT toolbar behavior to automatically hide empty options menu and exit softkey
* Changed Symbian WRT viewport size to match common S60 device resolution of 360x640 (nHD)
* Changed Symbian WRT magnify functionality to use 1.7x zooming that provides landscape content width equal to older 5th edition devices
* Fixed scroll position detection used by some web apps
* Fixed HTML error page showing full path to local file instead of using widget URI scheme
* Fixed Cordova plugins being readded to main frame when loading subframes
* Fixed installing Firefox OS apps using redirected URL for manifest file
* Fixed memory leak with common JavaScript interface not being deleted after moving to another URL

The list is still subject to change but that has been implemented so far.

Also, since Nokia HERE Maps is no longer available from the Marketplace (apparently it comes preinstalled so there is no need to install it separately), the next version of feature demo widget will contain a button to demonstrate installation of web apps from another web app, using this fine application as an example :)

sviox 2013-08-18 14:04

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Fixed a nasty crasher that randomly occurred right after uninstalling an app. Any developers following this? Do try to find the bug in this simplified piece of code:

void DetailsPage::onUninstallClicked(){
WidgetManager::instance()->uninstallWidget( m_widgetBaseName );

And the signature of the called method is:
virtual void uninstallWidget( const QString& widgetBaseName, bool upgradeMode = false );

I'll give you a hint: DetailsPage is closed (and later, asynchronously deleted after a simple ~200ms back animation) within uninstallWidget() context and the segmentation fault occurred before leaving the method and more exactly within a QString::compare() call.

Anyone? It's quite obvious when written like this but took a good while to locate with all the rest of the code around :)

sviox 2013-08-22 19:27

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Finally, PRO version of 1.4.3 is now submitted to Nokia Store and should be available within some days! Unless anything urgent emerges, vanilla version will follow soon after.

MeeGom 2013-08-25 16:25

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
I have PRO version, but i can`t install opera widgets with nex extension. how can i fix it?

Lucazz990 2013-08-25 16:40

Hi, I updated the firefox os store to the last version and it seems to work better (ui and functions) but it became laggy as hell, even hard to use. There's also a red exclamation mark which says " Script error - TypeError: 'null' is not an object "

zaidk9 2013-08-26 02:30

@meegom even i cant install opera widgets with file extentions nex and crx!!
Any more links to get more widgets??
Edit: gone through some earlier posts nex is diff file extension! !!
But what about crx??
And from where can i get firefox market widget??
Its not available in clip icon!!

zaidk9 2013-08-26 10:35

One more question: where can i get earlier (free) versions of hydra???

MeeGom 2013-08-26 11:59

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by zaidk9 (Post 1369453)
One more question: where can i get earlier (free) versions of hydra???

In Nokia Store you can get free version.

zaidk9 2013-08-26 15:00

Bought the pro version.. Everything working fine.. Waiting for update which supports nex and erx files as well as autobackup of downloaded widgets from firefox marketplace

sviox 2013-08-26 20:38

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Hello zaidk9 and MeeGom, and thank you for supporting Hydra development.


Originally Posted by zaidk9 (Post 1369516)
Bought the pro version.. Everything working fine.. Waiting for update which supports nex and erx files as well as autobackup of downloaded widgets from firefox marketplace

Files with .nex and .erx file type are browser-specific extensions that are (mostly) used to enhance browsing experience in some way. Hydra aims to support web applications (also known as widgets), which are web content ran on top of a browser engine (the core part of a browser). There are no plans at the moment to support browser extensions.

Opera also used to provide widgets through, but they discontinued their family of widget products some months ago. You can still access the old site using some Internet cache such as Wayback Machine (

What kind of autobackup would you want to see?

sviox 2013-08-26 20:42

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by Lucazz990 (Post 1369276)
Hi, I updated the firefox os store to the last version and it seems to work better (ui and functions) but it became laggy as hell, even hard to use. There's also a red exclamation mark which says " Script error - TypeError: 'null' is not an object "

All JavaScript errors are informed as content warnings by Hydra now. Those errors are (unfortunately) quite common in web content. But as long as the app works, there is nothing to worry about.

zaidk9 2013-08-27 03:33

@sviox i have downloaded an app from firefox marketplace.. I want the installation file to be automatically saved to in my files!!! Like in N9qtweak it has an option to catch nokia store apps
Edit: cant download from
Any other mirror for wgt files??

myname24 2013-08-27 16:41

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
for the interested : instagraph work great with hydra widget :)

Lucazz990 2013-08-27 18:01

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by myname24 (Post 1369781)
for the interested : instagraph work great with hydra widget :)

?? Please explain better :):)

baem90 2013-08-27 18:15

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
How to download instagraph?

MeeGom 2013-08-27 18:21

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Opera also used to provide widgets through, but they discontinued their family of widget products some months ago. You can still access the old site using some Internet cache such as Wayback Machine (

What kind of autobackup would you want to see?[/QUOTE]
Steel can,t download widgets from opera sites

myname24 2013-08-27 20:30

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
i guess you should contact the author or extract it from a symbian phone ( paid app )

zaidk9 2013-08-28 03:09

Myname24 how did u got??did u contacted the author???

Kroll 2013-09-15 07:49

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
instagrapg says the application is obsolete and must be update.
instagraph 4.0.2 shows an error "can't find variable device".
Does anybody have another versions of instagraph which actually works?


Originally Posted by zaidk9 (Post 1369931)
Myname24 how did u got??did u contacted the author???

Why don't you use google? At least you would find that there is a few versions lying in the internet and waiting when you find them :)

Artyom 2013-09-15 08:53

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
no version work at the moment.

sviox 2013-09-16 13:42

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by Kroll (Post 1374317)
instagrapg says the application is obsolete and must be update.
instagraph 4.0.2 shows an error "can't find variable device".
Does anybody have another versions of instagraph which actually works?

Why don't you use google? At least you would find that there is a few versions lying in the internet and waiting when you find them :)

I'll take a look.

EDIT: Okay, I've got some bad news. It appears that Instagraph is using a native plugin. Unfortunately it is not possible to run native S60 code in MeeGo.

Kroll 2013-09-16 19:11

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
You can try this for example or this

zaidk9 2013-09-22 05:52

Instagraph uploader updated to 4.0.5
Still searching for the link :(

jalyst 2013-09-22 06:01

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Never tried this, about to give it a whirl, this still being actively developed?

sviox 2013-09-22 07:15

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1375976)
Never tried this, about to give it a whirl, this still being actively developed?

Of course. As much as I can spare my free time :)

Go ahead and ask if you have any question and also let me know if you have any improvement ideas.

jalyst 2013-09-22 07:32

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Great news!
Nothing really, was just curious as-to-whether the lights are still on, even if they're only dimly lit ;)
If I end up using it quite heavily I'll try to leave some feed-back, thanks.

luisfigo 2013-09-26 19:18

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Failed to install HERE maps
- Failed to exctract the config file

Any fix for that?

e. Reboot and now it works

sviox 2013-09-29 19:09

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by Qiansumo (Post 1350587)
can you released it to the Chinese market?I very love the app,but I could not find it in Chinese market.

Sorry for the long wait, but the pro version should now be available for Chinese market. However, the available price points differ between China and the rest of the world so I would appreciate anyone from China letting me know if you can actually see Hydra in the Chinese Nokia store.

sviox 2013-09-29 19:14

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by luisfigo (Post 1377029)
Failed to install HERE maps
- Failed to exctract the config file

Any fix for that?

e. Reboot and now it works

Hydra uses a temporary folder for widget configuration files that is automatically cleared on boot by the system. If this folder gets full for any reason, extracting a config file will fail. Did you recently (i.e. before reboot) update Hydra? Earlier versions used to download update/installation packages to this same temporary directory, which was a bad idea from me, because big installation packages will fill the temporary folder quickly.

jorge 2013-09-29 19:27

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support
Instagraph 4.0.1 can work with a little modification of the source code to disable updating. Not sure if it's OK from the license perspective so I'm not encouraging anyone but technically it's feasible given that .wgz is just a zip with html and js files. You may also need to understand how to unobfuscate javascript but it can be found very easily.

dannejanne 2013-09-29 20:02

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by jorge (Post 1377617)
Instagraph 4.0.1 can work with a little modification of the source code to disable updating. Not sure if it's OK from the license perspective so I'm not encouraging anyone but technically it's feasible given that .wgz is just a zip with html and js files. You may also need to understand how to unobfuscate javascript but it can be found very easily.

I've noticed that too. It should work to login as long as the new version check is disabled. The newer versions doesn't even take you to the login screen at all it just chews for some reason.

jorge 2013-09-29 20:23

Re: [N9] Hydra Widget Platform v1.3 from Sviox, now with Cordova support

Originally Posted by dannejanne (Post 1377627)
I've noticed that too. It should work to login as long as the new version check is disabled. The newer versions doesn't even take you to the login screen at all it just chews for some reason.

There were messages about 4.0.1 working fine before the update so disabling the check or faking the app version must work. I wish there were a way to get author's permission to do that (and to install Instagraph on N9 in the first place).

Qiansumo 2013-10-01 12:24


Originally Posted by sviox (Post 1377613)
Sorry for the long wait, but the pro version should now be available for Chinese market. However, the available price points differ between China and the rest of the world so I would appreciate anyone from China letting me know if you can actually see Hydra in the Chinese Nokia store.

I can see Hydra in Chinese nokia store,and it's 5 CNY.However,the apps are payed by telephone bill in chinese store,if the price is higher than 2 CNY,the most pays are unavailable,I don't know why.

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