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Wallace 2013-03-21 15:01

Re: [MeeGo] What are your TOP 2 Missing Apps?
One more thing!

Inside the applauncher a possibility to choose the row navigation begins. Now it always starts from top row when you come back.

Much better and faster than that would be a possibility where you can hide automaticaly some rows up so you can swipe to both directions....

What I mean, then you can hide something up but its near if you need it. Like phone part up, internet and apps down.... a litle like they are doing with Sailfish pulldown...

Is it even possible to do?

waldo 2013-03-21 15:28

Re: [MeeGo] What are your TOP 2 Missing Apps?
It would be nice to be able to go back to where you left on on the events page as well

kumary 2013-03-21 18:39

Re: [MeeGo] What are your TOP 2 Missing Apps?
Waiting for skype video calling.

saleki 2013-03-22 13:55

Re: [MeeGo] What are your TOP 2 Missing Apps?
skype video call
skype file sending

KFX 2013-03-22 20:52

Re: [MeeGo] What are your TOP 2 Missing Apps?
I would be happy if all currently existing apps were still updated and maintained.

Still, I'd like to see a newsfeed widget that actually works (the AP News one is woefully lacking in capabilities) and a NES emulator with actually working sound.

kike 2013-03-30 10:30

Re: [MeeGo] What are your TOP 2 Missing Apps?
Newest versio of google translator with photo translate and ofline search.

Fonecta caller

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