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jalyst 2013-05-01 15:38

Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)

Originally Posted by joerg_rw (Post 1340333)
well, we could find out about used up tokens, though the current system doesn't support it. It would need to get hacked, but the info about used tokens needs to stay in the database to block double votes (actually that info is stored in records NOT existing anymore for used tokens, but that's as good an info as any other form, since the still existing records are for the tokens that aren't used up yet), and since your token mail can get resent, we have also a table which relates tokens to mailaddr. So in principle there's a way to tell who (not) voted. But not for what.

Apologies, it may be due to my fatigue (LOTS happening IRL lately)...
But I'm having problems making 100% sense of your sentence structure (above).
I don't suppose you could explain again, but slightly more concisely if possible?
Thanks regardless for your efforts thus far....

thedead1440 2013-05-01 15:50

Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1340465)
Apologies, it may be due to my fatigue (LOTS happening IRL lately)...
But I'm having problems making 100% sense of your sentence structure (above).
I don't suppose you could explain again, but slightly more concisely if possible?
Thanks regardless for your efforts thus far....

At most admins can only see who didn't vote but nobody can see how people voted. Your vote is confidential and only you once completed your vote are issued with a random token which isn't printed or saved anywhere.

The system is pretty secure and anonymous this way :)

woody14619 2013-05-01 18:43

Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1340331)
So it's 100% not possible (even for admins) to tell: (1) who voted, & (2) for what?

Correct. As noted by Joerg, one could tell from the unused tokens who voted and who didn't, There's no way to tell who voted for what though, unless they make their post-vote token public. Also, as elections end and their results are stored, election tokens tend to get wiped out, since they're no longer useful and take up space. So after that, it's not even possible to tell who did or didn't vote.


Originally Posted by shawnjefferson (Post 1340330)
One "problem", is that the voting app doesn't confirm your vote..

Incorrect. The voting page most certainly does confirm your vote, twice. If you hit next without selecting anything it states "You have opted to not vote for any of the candidates." This is a valid option for those that want to vote but dislike all potential candidates. That page indicates you must approve the action in the same way you would a normal vote; by hitting the "Next" button again to cast the vote and get your unique verify value.

If you didn't get a confirmation string (~20 characters) your vote didn't cast, and your vote token is still valid. At any time before you get that 20 character string, you can re-start. It's setup that way in case your browser or network has an issue and disconnects you mid-vote.

The creation of your vote and destruction of your voting token is an atomic action. Meaning if anything goes wrong, your vote token is still valid and can be used to vote later, once the problem has been resolved.

shawnjefferson 2013-05-04 17:02

Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)

Incorrect. The voting page most certainly does confirm your vote, twice. If you hit next without selecting anything it states "You have opted to not vote for any of the candidates." This is a valid option for those that want to vote but dislike all potential candidates. That page indicates you must approve the action in the same way you would a normal vote; by hitting the "Next" button again to cast the vote and get your unique verify value.

If you didn't get a confirmation string (~20 characters) your vote didn't cast, and your vote token is still valid. At any time before you get that 20 character string, you can re-start. It's setup that way in case your browser or network has an issue and disconnects you mid-vote.

The creation of your vote and destruction of your voting token is an atomic action. Meaning if anything goes wrong, your vote token is still valid and can be used to vote later, once the problem has been resolved.
I'm sure you are probably right about this, but I do not remember getting to the confirmation string step. I'm pretty sure (but didn't take screenshots and there's no way to go back and see now), that once I saw "you deciced to vote for no one", I clicked the back button in my browser.

It's sort of academic now I suppose, and I have no way to double check. Oh well, thanks for the information anyway!

Edit: After doing a test with the test vote Joerg set up, I guess I must have clicked past the confirmation screen. No excuses, the voting system is really pretty easy, but I did have some screaming kids in the background.

gerbick 2013-05-05 07:35

Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
Scarily enough, I got my token, voted, and can only wish for the best in the near future.

joerg_rw 2013-05-05 07:46

Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)

Originally Posted by shawnjefferson (Post 1341209)
I'm sure you are probably right about this, but I do not remember getting to the confirmation string step. I'm pretty sure (but didn't take screenshots and there's no way to go back and see now), that once I saw "you deciced to vote for no one", I clicked the back button in my browser.

It's sort of academic now I suppose, and I have no way to double check. Oh well, thanks for the information anyway!

Simply try to vote again! Either your token is still valid which means you didn't vote yet, or your token is not valid anymore which means you voted and just missed the confirmation token, for whatever reasons. There's a gap when your vote got executed on voting engine but you closed your browser meanwhile or you got disconnected, so the resulting confirmation token can't get sent out to you. We can't do much about that gap. Anyway there's no chance whatsoever that your token got invalidated without the voting engine recording your vote exactly the way you've chosen. The confirmation token is just for transparency, basically a convenience thing, not anything you or we (techstaff, admins) could do anything with, like reverting your vote or whatever.
Honestly even if somebody would claim that the confirmation token points to a ballot that is not the one he chosen to vote like, there's nothing we could do. If 10 people would claim same thing, we would urgently need to investigate and just redo the whole election/referendum.

Thanks for voting!

joerg_rw 2013-05-05 08:32

Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
please also see, I created a toy err TEST election for you, so you can practice and check out things without peril to mess up your actual votes.

leon.anavi 2013-05-06 21:06

Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
I have just voted. Good luck to all participants!

mrsellout 2013-05-06 22:42

Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
I just had a play on the Test Election, and tried the Get Token button whilst I was there. Within 5 minutes I was sent my token! Good stuff.

As I've already voted in the proper elections I can't test the Get Token button there, but in the automated email I was sent for the Test Election, there are fields that need to be filled out:


Dear mrsellout,

The election of [REPLACE THIS] is now open, and
you have received this email as you are eligible to vote.

The [REPLACE THIS] consists of [#] members who will serve
a [#] month term. You can learn more about the candidates at:[#####]

A full list of candidates and their reasons for running can be found at:[REPLACE THIS]/Candidate_declarations


Your voting credentials are:


qwazix 2013-05-07 09:20

Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
That's just because it's a test election. You are seeing the boilerplate email we have to fill out each time we create a new election.

joerg_rw 2013-05-07 09:25

Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
I been lazy on that one. sorry for that. Actually I never thought of the get-token-function, just "Meh, we'll not mass mail for THIS election, so why fill it"

anthonie 2013-05-07 10:50

Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
Just voted. Slightly reluctant because of all the heated semi-political discussions that took place the past six months or so, but I do realize voting is more important than my disgust.

joerg_rw 2013-05-07 10:58

Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
please note that the semi-political discussions just covered up any real political discussion that might have been needed. Anyway we hope to sort out lots of the reasons for any such semi-pseudo-debates with this very election process and the results it hopefully yields. We hope this will straighten some things that seen a lot of bickering during last months.

Thanks for voting!

PS: only 12 more hours left for voting on council(s)! Please VOTE NOW!

peterleinchen 2013-05-07 20:22

Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
Another reminder/bump for the last 2-3 hours for your chance to take part in this forum.
Please do vote.

jalyst 2013-05-08 02:35

Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
damn, missed it, results look good though

joerg_rw 2013-05-08 02:42

Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
please note that this thread is actually about the referendum.
For elections

jalyst 2013-05-08 02:46

Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
One of those links is repeated twice, correct threads:

M0zilla 2013-05-08 21:42

Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)
Results are in?


Originally Posted by Mentalist Traceur (Post 1330915)
Since a few days ago we have been on our own and having a body that it's main function is to communicate with Nokia no longer serves a purpose. Another body with similar functionality is however provisioned by the ByLaws of the Hildon Foundation. We need to set up election rules for this new body (Hildon Foundation Council) and transform Maemo Community Council to Hildon Foundation Council.

The Maemo Community Council election rules ( ) are a good base to start with, but they have a drawback: While there is a provision to avoid unelected members for less than 5 members, this provision does not cover the actual number five resulting in all 5 candidates to be appointed councillors (what has currently happened). This should be corrected and the clause "If fewer than 5 candidates stand for election, the 3 with the most votes are elected to the council. " must be changed to "...fewer than or equal to five...". For the same reason, the clause "If there are fewer than 3 candidates when the nominations close, the election cannot be held. " must be changed to "...fewer than or equal to three...".

Thus, a referendum is called with the following question:

In order to repair special cases in MCC rules, and bring them into alignment with HFC rules, the following: (MCC Rule List*) Shall become (HFC Rule List*), and the Maemo Community Council will from now on be transformed into Hildon Foundation Council. Yes or No?

*For the full list of changes between MCC Rule List and HFC Rule List see:

(Since this referendum should be resolved before the upcoming Council elections, if it passes it will apply to the upcoming election.)

[Posted by Mentalist Traceur on behalf of Council, credit to qwazix for writing the actual post text.]

Win7Mac 2013-05-08 22:08

Re: [Referendum] [Council] Hildon Foundation and Maemo Community Council(s)

Originally Posted by M0zilla (Post 1342230)
Results are in?

sure: results. No need to quote whole post though.
Follow all election results here: [ELECTIONS] [COUNCIL] news aggregator

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