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Patroclo 2013-06-19 08:36

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
Hi, since last weekend I have the problem with gmail "message not available on the server".
I think it is not a problem related to n900 because I have not made any change for some months. On the contrary google changed many things (for example the interface).
My request is the following: if someone, who knows how to solve this problem, could explain the solution in an EASY WAY, I would be grateful.
Thank you

Antek 2013-06-19 11:10

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
"message not available on the server" hmmmm. I've tried everything. Nothing works. How is any way to arrive emails from gmail?
Thank you. If someone can find a solution, get a beer. :D

iceskateclog 2013-06-19 11:16

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
You need an updated version of Modest. It is currently in CSSU Testing, fixed in 8.2

deanrc 2013-06-19 11:34

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
Yes, today's cssu update fixed it for me. Thank you Maemo community! You're truly one of kind!

Antek 2013-06-19 13:31

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
Thanks :) Big thanks to the maemo community! beer for everyone!

freemangordon 2013-06-19 13:42

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1352780)
Would you mind to post your personal donation link here (paypal or whatever), so everybody using your efforts is able/will do spend you a beer (or similar ;))! I think this is the least we can do to say thanks.

Well, I think it will be better to donate those money to Maemo Community (whatever that means these days ;) ). Or to support mine and the others efforts by other means - wiki edits, testing, bug reports, administration, etc. Luckily I earn enough money in RL, so I can afford to contribute for free. If that changes I'll make you aware :)

Patroclo 2013-06-19 15:10

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail

Originally Posted by iceskateclog (Post 1353172)
You need an updated version of Modest. It is currently in CSSU Testing, fixed in 8.2

Actually I am not using CSSU. Should I install it? And have I to uninstall Linux kernel for power users first? Or have I to reflash? :confused::(

Antek 2013-06-19 16:57

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
Do it like it says in that link. It helped me a lot.

jgbreezer 2013-06-19 17:13

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
Fixed the same issue for me with CSSU/Stable (6.1). Also made it much faster than old Nokia PR1.3 so look forward to that if you upgrade! For some reason it was behaving as though it had the old notifier-id build-up bug from previous Nokia PR releases (though it didn't, no ids listed in that file); entering an inbox previously made it take up to a minute (usually 5-40seconds depending when was last refreshed/viewed/other unguessable factors) to show the list of emails, for ALL accounts (not just gmail, but that's my main account and it was worst affected). Hadn't reinstalled email accounts for a long time.

But upgrading to stable from PR1.3.1 also broke my (builtin) alarm sounds (I had profilesX installed before), theme desktop background, and my old sms/IM conversations disappeared - am gonna try to restore from the last backup for conversations - strongly recommend making backup before you do an upgrade! (though my n900 PR1.3 was a bit broken before, just not in those ways).

peterleinchen 2013-06-19 22:53

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
2 Attachment(s)
Okay, here my 'contribution' for all those fellows out there still on stock PR and gmail problem.
Do not try to install the CSSU deb packages, as this might lead to a broken dependency problem on your device.

I made me a workaround (Not really clean and nice, but working. And hey, who expects another update from N...a?). I extracted all the libs from the debs and copied them directly to /usr/lib by overwriting existing ones. This way I have working modest in stock PR1.3.

I attach here two (due to max. upload size) tar.gz files.
Close modest and "install" with

sudo gainroot
cd /
tar xvzf path/to/downloaded/libtinymail-tiny.tar.gz
tar xvzf path/to/downloaded/libtinymail-camel.tar.gz
killall modest

Restart modest and enjoy.

All credits to freemangordon.

Do not use the here attached version of libraries but use the tar.gz files from here. They also include the fix for enabling TLS (thx to foobar).

jroman 2013-06-20 11:10

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail
Thanks a lot.

Great to know I am not the only one still enjoing an N900

gitanorro 2013-06-21 20:44

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail
Sorry my english.

No solved for me with:
sudo gainroot
cd /
tar xvzf path/to/downloaded/libtinymail-tiny.tar.gz
tar xvzf path/to/downloaded/libtinymail-camel.tar.gz

I have working modest in stock PR1.3 too, but the gmail problem continue for me.

What am I doing wrong?

pichlo 2013-06-21 20:55

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail
@gitanorro, did you understand the "path/to/downloaded/libtinymail..." bit?
Did the tar command run and succeed?
Can you provide the output?

gitanorro 2013-06-21 21:28

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail
I think that understanding:
[I][I][I][COLOR="black"]$ sudo gainroot
Root shell enabled

BusyBox v1.10.2 (Debian built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

/home/user # cd /
/ # tar xvzf /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/libtinymail-tiny.tar.gz
/ # tar xvzf /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/libtinymail-camel.tar.gz
/ # modest -s
process 5979: arguments to dbus_bus_request_name() were incorrect, assertion "_dbus_check_is_valid_bus_name (name)" failed in file dbus-bus.c line 1070.
This is normally a bug in some application using the D-Bus library.

OK,OK,OK Is working yet. I do it fout times and don`t worked.

Very, very trank's.:D:D:D

peterleinchen 2013-06-21 21:39

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail
Oops, maybe my fault also. :( Didn't I write killall instances of modest and restart? Sorry (going to edit my post).

A reboot is of course the safest way. ;)

Patroclo 2013-06-24 19:32

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail
for me the gmail problem is solved. However I have the impression that now I have some problems when I connect to internet. In the last days I experienced these strange facts: about 10 times it happened that the connection to internet fails (both mail and web browser). I wonder if this update has changed something in the way n900 connects to the web or not. I could not swear it is because of the update, but it sounds strange, because before the update I had no problems with connection and data transfer.

Addison 2013-06-25 04:37

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail
Heya Peter.

I'm using a N800 with the same problems on my end.

Any chance on a Maemo 4 fix as well?

peterleinchen 2013-06-25 07:10

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail

Originally Posted by Addison (Post 1354531)
Heya Peter.
I'm using a N800 with the same problems on my end.
Any chance on a Maemo 4 fix as well?

As I wrote above: all credits to freemangordon!
So I think he may answer that question.

I never owned a Maemo4 device, so I do not know what version of modest is used.
But sources are open (see fmg's post) and I believe it will be the same bug. So if anybody out there can compile libtinymail and camel libs for Maemo4, it should be possible imho.

freemangordon 2013-06-25 07:13

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1354546)
As I wrote above: all credits to freemangordon!
So I think he may answer that question.

I never owned a Maemo4 device, so I do not know what version of modest is used.
But sources are open (see fmg's post) and I believe it will be the same bug. So if anybody out there can compile libtinymail and camel libs for Maemo4, it should be possible imho.

Yep, someone have to compile tinymail for n800.

The source code is here

Addison 2013-06-26 01:58

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail
Thanks guys.

As far as I'm aware of though, nobody here is still compiling for this much older OS.

Oh well.

Kriek 2013-07-01 03:05

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail
I installed CSSU Stable and that solved the Gmail problem. :cool:

Estel 2013-07-01 03:08

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail
Addison, maybe it's good opportunity to setup scratchbox for Maemo4 yourself, and try compiling it? It's rather hard for others that don't have device in question - impossible to check, if results are OK.

jacktanner 2013-07-23 13:32

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail
I installed CSSU just for this :) And my Gmail works now, brilliantly. Thanks you for your hard work!

Joseph.skb 2013-08-12 01:44

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail
I installed the CSSU (including the community SSU updates) but my gmail is still not working. Still getting the error [message] not available on server. Already tried to reboot and gmail still not working.

Please help to advise what else I should do. Thanks.

ffha 2013-09-13 19:12

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail
Bumpity booty.
Modest ver. 3.90.7-11.2+thumb3 here, experiencing the same problem as Joseph.

Has this issue re-appeared for anyone else?

freemangordon 2013-09-13 20:58

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail

Originally Posted by ffha (Post 1374085)
Bumpity booty.
Modest ver. 3.90.7-11.2+thumb3 here, experiencing the same problem as Joseph.

Has this issue re-appeared for anyone else?

It is not modest version that matters, but tinymail, could you do

dpkg -l | grep tinymail

and post the result.

ffha 2013-09-15 01:36

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail
Hey freemangordon.
libtinymail 1.1.92+1cssu5+thumb0

Still using the merlin repo. Has it been replaced with a integrated one or is this one still actively used?

peterleinchen 2013-09-15 07:38

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail
Looks a bit strange to me.
You got version cssu5.
In devel repo currently is (old?) version cssu4 dated Nov2011, but it should be cssu6 from 2013 which holds the fix.

Are the merlin repos broken?

freemangordon 2013-09-15 08:14

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail

Originally Posted by ffha (Post 1374290)
Hey freemangordon.
libtinymail 1.1.92+1cssu5+thumb0

Still using the merlin repo. Has it been replaced with a integrated one or is this one still actively used?

It should be:
libtinymail-1.0-0 1.1.92+1cssu6+thumb0

Please enable the appropriate repos and upgrade to latest cssu-thumb

peterleinchen 2013-09-15 18:55

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail

Originally Posted by freemangordon (Post 1374323)
libtinymail-1.0-0 1.1.92+1cssu6+thumb0

Please enable the appropriate repos

Did you take a look into cssu-devel repo? There is atm only cssu4.
Or am I confused (linked above)?

ffha 2013-09-16 08:31

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail
cssu-thumb is based on cssu-devel.

Where is the hosted repository then?
I tried:
But both don't lead anywhere and I can't find the url anywhere on the wiki.

The cssu-thumb installer on the wiki still installs the merlin repo by the way, so if a new repo has been created already, then the installer must be updated.

handaxe 2013-09-16 09:56

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail

Originally Posted by ffha (Post 1374482)
cssu-thumb is based on cssu-devel.

Where is the hosted repository then?
I tried:
But both don't lead anywhere and I can't find the url anywhere on the wiki.
AFAIK thats the functional 'official' repo. Just cssu and cssu-testing are maemo based.

freemangordon 2013-09-16 10:15

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail
cssu-thumb is based on cssu-testing, cssu-devel is a developer-only repo you most probably don't want enabled on your device.

and yes, cssu-thumb is hosted on merlin1991's server

ffha 2013-09-16 16:42

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail
Werpderp hurr.
Something must've gone wrong when I transferred the backup of my previous N900 to this one.
The apt-cache permission were wrong and I couldn't update it.

Problem solved.
Thanks guys.

PS: Shouldn't the cssu-thumb repo be moved to

Frasier 2013-12-07 14:10

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail
Still cant get gmail to work re. message not on server. Downoaded CSSU off apps with no success.

Is there a once off app to fix the gmail imap problem?

I know zip about programming and dont want to anything more than download an app to fix this problem.

I have followed the thread and it all seems too technical for me.

Thanks for your help. :)

Frasier 2013-12-07 19:09

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail
Re my message above:

I managed to get it all sorted ... The Maemo Community is the best. My N900 has at least a few more years of life. ;)

markai 2013-12-11 10:45

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail
First of all, thank you everybody for hard work, I can read gmail on my phone, awesome! :D

The question is: does Modest have search option? or Is there an email client for n900 that can look through 10 000 emails and find the one I need by key words?

handaxe 2013-12-11 11:54

Re: [solved] Problems with Modest and Gmail

Originally Posted by markai (Post 1394876)
The question is: does Modest have search option? or Is there an email client for n900 that can look through 10 000 emails and find the one I need by key words?

Yes it does, though it is rudimentary in the sense that you need to be in the folder being searched. Open the keyboard and start typing, say a keyword from the subject line, or address and it will filter the email listing accordingly.

neeraj 2013-12-13 05:22

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail

Originally Posted by freemangordon (Post 1351640)
OK, I think I found what the problem is. It is the do-while loop here

This is how the (start of the) response looks like:

* 181 FETCH (UID 293 MODSEQ (382264) BODY[] {199644}\nDelivered-To:\nReceived:... breaks if there is enclosing (")") bracket in the message, which we have in "MODSEQ (382264)" just before the "BODY" part, so it exits the loop before parsing the message.

I think there are more places to fix that, will do (hopefully later today)

Hi Freemangordon,

I have installed CSSU, after installation of CSSU. I could access gmail from my default E-Mail Client. However few days back I have started facing the issue again.

Please help.

matech 2013-12-18 05:39

Re: Problems with Modest and Gmail

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1353317)
Okay, here my 'contribution' for all those fellows out there still on stock PR and gmail problem.
Do not try to install the CSSU deb packages, as this might lead to a broken dependency problem on your device.

I made me a workaround (Not really clean and nice, but working. And hey, who expects another update from N...a?). I extracted all the libs from the debs and copied them directly to /usr/lib by overwriting existing ones. This way I have working modest in stock PR1.3.

I attach here two (due to max. upload size) tar.gz files.
Close modest and "install" with

sudo gainroot
cd /
tar xvzf path/to/downloaded/libtinymail-tiny.tar.gz
tar xvzf path/to/downloaded/libtinymail-camel.tar.gz
killall modest

Restart modest and enjoy.

All credits to freemangordon.

I'm still using Nokia PR1.3 (kind of conservative :) ) And your solution is really working for me. Thanks a lot.:D

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