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Ancelad 2013-12-12 03:15

Re: [Release][N9] iOS7 Full Theme

Originally Posted by DJJonosound (Post 1395246)
Also, do you know if you can change the textedit text colour? I couldnt find the tag myself.

I know, but it is hard to remember :D

MK99 2013-12-12 04:25

Re: [Release][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
It seems you like to fix text-editor's toolbar-style?

momoelz 2013-12-12 08:53

Re: [Release][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
hmm if u cant make it white, keep it black but the background make it white :) and flat no gradient,

the the menu, i would suggest making bold text and white, and to totaly improve readabily make the background get darker and not sharp, (possible with homescreensettings, just the statusbar needs to be optimized, isint it possible to make the statusbar have an invisble background? and to play regarding the background? or since its Css
it should work like this that it has teh same background of the systembackground but it takes just a part of it:
width : whatever
height: statusbarhight
background:url left top;

but idk if its even css :)

3G Icon imo is total unreadable same goes for the clock, suggest to make them bolder

is it possible to change the statusbar regarding the app runing? than i would suggest to make it change background color regarding the app rather changing every apps header, u could try to make a statusbar ontop the old on when an app launches i dont know how the theming works but it seems like css?

I mean the normal buttons, the got a border which right now are black ( Buttons with Text)

the toolbar has a bit too dark line at top i would make it lightgray would fit better

it would also be very nice to have a background for the apps that changes depending on ur selected background

DJJonosound 2013-12-12 09:20

I understand most of that, I will adjust 3g icon. You must have a really crap screen on your n9 though because its really easy to see on mine. I wont adjust the clock or launcher though. I cant just "make it bolder" because of the font file. A lot of ios7 features in terms of backgrounds and text colours cant be done because of css limitations. Looking forward to improving textedit though.

Ta76eem 2013-12-12 09:21

Re: [Release][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
1 Attachment(s)
Great for a first version...

only one thing ..

Operator name disappeared

DJJonosound 2013-12-12 09:37

Home screen settings error? I have no idea. Maybe re install.

Ta76eem 2013-12-12 09:47

Re: [Release][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
what about battery ...
only apear as icon not as numbers%

dak_sriv 2013-12-12 10:54


Originally Posted by Ancelad (Post 1394901)
i haven't given any suggestion, it is just original postinst from ios7 theme :)

My suggestion: you should add gis-manifest :)

Maybe I should. I installed the app, changed the fonts and stuff. The UI is very sparse... like ... with very bad graphic quality as contrary to the 1st poaest by DJJonoSound.. =/

it 1) What's Aegis-manifest? was helpful, but not in your context. =/

unmm help?

DJJonosound 2013-12-12 11:40

Re: [Release][N9] iOS7 Full Theme

Originally Posted by Ta76eem (Post 1395372)
what about battery ...
only apear as icon not as numbers%

I cant make an accurate percentage unless you install unrestricted system UI. I could make one that works in 5 stages (0, 20, 40, 60, 80,) but that would be silly :P I am looking into it though.

Ta76eem 2013-12-12 11:45

Re: [Release][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
battery percentage doesn't appear ...
installed from unrestricted system UI
That's what I meant

Ancelad 2013-12-12 11:51

Re: [Release][N9] iOS7 Full Theme

Originally Posted by Ta76eem (Post 1395439)
battery percentage doesn't appear ...
installed from unrestricted system UI
That's what I meant

go to /usr/share/themes/base/meegotouch/sysuid/sysuid.conf and change

default = StatusIndicatorIconView


default = StatusIndicatorLabelView

And restart sysuid. Some Magic... :D

dak_sriv 2013-12-12 14:31

Okay, so I reinstalled the deb.. Via warehouse this time.. It installed without any trouble.. But these two things came up. They're self elaborative. I'll try to install via terminal & see if it makes a difference. =/
It installed nicely the last time =/

DJJonosound 2013-12-12 23:53

Ouch. I should have an update out within the next few days (I'm on holidays). Including an aegis manifest. In the mean time I will PM you a link to a zip file with the theme :)
Next update contains better gsm icons, lighter folder icons and textedit menu changes. However I did change the line in the CSS suggested by mk99 and it made no difference :(

MK99 2013-12-13 06:36

Re: [Release][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
1 Attachment(s)
You need to copy also libmeegotouchviews.css to
/usr/share/themes/Full iOS 7 theme/meegotouch/libmeegotouchviews/style

Quick mod ;):

dak_sriv 2013-12-15 09:46

So, I was talking about this. The icons' quality tends to decrease when applying this theme.. I see the screenshots by you, & their very crisp. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Gizamkd 2013-12-16 03:41

Re: [Release][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
There bug in lock screen, 24h format clock not showing.
theres like :41

DJJonosound 2013-12-16 13:59

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
Dak_sriv - Yes. That is a little issue. I boosted the icon size, and since my icons are higher quality then the stock standard, it enlarges badly. (80x80px standard size, my icons are 105x105px to make it look better.) I can fork versions in the next update if you want the standard size icons. I just thought it looked better on the whole having larger icons like in ios :)

Gizamkd - I was trying to get rid of am/pm indicators in 12hr time, so a special time format is used on the lockscreen. If you wish to fix, edit and remove the highlighted code in /usr/share/themes/Full iOS7 theme/meegotouch/libsysuid-screenlock-nokia/style/libsysuid-screenlock-nokia.css

LockScreenHeader ScreenLockClockStyle#LockScreenHeaderClock {
    time-format: "%l:%M";
    horizontal-align: center;

DJJonosound 2013-12-17 02:20

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
@MK99 could you post or pm me the exact css files and tags you modified to change the texteditor color? I have been fiddling a lot and still have had no success :(

DJJonosound 2013-12-18 06:40

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
Update coming soon. In the mean time, here is something that will work on every version from now on.
Check the first post for the download links.

MK99 2013-12-18 07:17

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by DJJonosound (Post 1397388)
@MK99 could you post or pm me the exact css files and tags you modified to change the texteditor color? I have been fiddling a lot and still have had no success :(

Here you are. ;)

DJJonosound 2013-12-18 09:18

Thank you so very much ;)

momoelz 2013-12-18 09:31

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
could you also make all fonts black if u keep the launcher font black, the even screen and task screen needs also black fonts :)

DJJonosound 2013-12-18 10:39

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
Could you be a bit more specific? I am making the status bar fonts and icons black if that helps :)

jeff7867 2013-12-18 11:58

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
hey guys help me ...i downloaded the zip file ...but while unzipping it in the specified folder its asking for a password ..but i dont know whats it is//...if i leave it blank it sying permission denied ...lshelp the way its a great theme....waiting fr the updare

Ta76eem 2013-12-18 12:07

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
2 steps away from perfect :
a Bootvideo
a Wallpaper

jeff7867 2013-12-18 12:56

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
DJJONOSOUND any thing wrng

DJJonosound 2013-12-18 13:07

Calm down mate. There is no password on the zip. Can you tell me what exactly you were trying to install? If its the theme, use openrepos. If its a color theme, use rootfilebox. Also please tell me of it was a colortheme, which one?

Ta76eem. Wallpaper coming out in next update soon. Trying to make statusbar black for better visablity as requested :p I will consider a boot video. Its messy though, and I cant test it because custom bootvideos dont work on my phone.

jeff7867 2013-12-18 13:36

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
actually colors..specifically red...

jeff7867 2013-12-18 13:57

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
im using filebox still asking me password..DJJONOSOUND pls help

DJJonosound 2013-12-18 13:58

Re download it. Are you using fileboxROOT or normal filebox? If you are not using root filebox, it will not work. You can get it from N9quicktweak
Edit:I am asleep. I will help you sometime tommorow.

jeff7867 2013-12-18 14:05

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
normal filebox

momoelz 2013-12-18 15:15

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
There are 3 screens on the N9, left the Event Screen, Mid the Application Screen and Right the Runing Programs Screen,

The Mid Screen has Black font ( i am actually not a friend of it) but it would be nice to have black fonts in Statusbar, and in all others screens;

imo i suggest White, Font, and a darker background which is about 70% sharp, making the background darker, makes it easier to read white fonts on a whrite backgrond :), + the unsharp background removes ur eyes focus from the background and let you easier focus on the Foreground ( more readability)

I would also suggest making either the fonts bold in the app screen or bigger,

.denis 2013-12-18 20:59

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
Hi guys, i have a problem trying to install this theme on my N9.
Installation fails from Warehouse so i tried to install from the terminal...

Here's the output:

As i first thought it's Warehouse related i've contacted Basil. This is what he said:

The first package (iOS7theme) cannot be installed because of invalid post-installation script, embeded into package: it tries to write at /home/user/MyDocs location, and of course lack of permissions (denied by aegis).
It seems like a package issue to me.
Any suggestions please?

DJJonosound 2013-12-19 01:01

Jeff - install n9 quick tweak, and use root permissions filebox. Use tweak H and then option 2.

momolez - the backgrounds are not going to be changed because that is how ios 7 looks with those wallpapers :p I will try increasing font size sometime, but not soon because its easy to break the homescreen and end up in a reboot loop. Statusbar will be black in next update, I am almost finished converting it.

-denis The theme should still install even if the post int breaks. It will be fixed in the next update. I might push a blank update that fixes that issue. Font file should be in / usr/share/themes/fonts :)

DJJonosound 2013-12-19 04:38

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
0.0.2 released! Get it on openrepos! Remember to uninstall previous version before re installing.
.denis, this should resolve your problem.

Update includes new textedit, working postinst (hopefully), black fonts on statusbar, slightly larger home screen fonts, and working backgrounds (hopefully).

Ancelad 2013-12-19 06:00

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
Your postinst still doesn't work :)

MK99 2013-12-19 06:13

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
What i miss? Via warehouse installation had no problems. ;)

DJJonosound 2013-12-19 08:22

Time to consult schuturman...
MK99 - 2 questions, do you have a fonts folder in MyDocs that has helvetica, and are you in openmode :p

MK99 2013-12-19 10:10

Re: [Release][WIP][N9] iOS7 Full Theme
I have fonts folder in MyDocs and there is helvetica font file. Only problem is, uninstallation don't delete it when I remove your theme.
And I'm in "NORMAL" mode. ;)

DJJonosound 2013-12-19 10:39

Alright, thank you very much :) I will add an uninstall script in the next update that removes it :p

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