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juiceme 2014-06-23 07:36

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by nieldk (Post 1430666)
Feel free to build libhybris ;) and get it running

Well, I'd love to have SailfishOS on my Nexus7 tablet, but this is the thing that's blocking me; the requirement to build the Android HW adaptation part of it and I have not done any compiling with Android SDK's and have not had time to start learning that...

(apart from once that I built an updated version of Android wpasupplicant for a friend whose tablet could not connect to adhoc spots... but that was long time ago and just one package...)

nieldk 2014-06-23 07:38

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
I want to
Run iOS on my Lumia 800
Run WP8.1 on my iPhone 5
Run Ubuntu for devices on my Nexus 4
Run KDE Mobile on my Jolla
Run Android on my Nokia Communicator
Run SailfishOS on my N9's
Run Debian on my N900
Run Symbian^3 on my Chineese dual-sim watch
Run Kali on my iPad Mini
Run Slackware on my Archos tablet

juiceme 2014-06-23 07:40

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1430667)
Guys he was asking about the sailfish android launcher, not sailfish for android hw.
Although personally if it were me, I'd be far more interested in the latter...

Do we have all the detail on that yet, inc. when it's being officially announced etc?

I'm a bit confused about this "launcher" thingy since I do not do Android... Does it just mean SailfishOS-like UI on top of the android system, so there's no running real Sailfish applications with it?
(like, it is just a "theme" on top of Android?)

nieldk 2014-06-23 07:42

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1430670)
I'm a bit confused about this "launcher" thingy since I do not do Android... Does it just mean SailfishOS-like UI on top of the android system, so there's no running real Sailfish applications with it?
(like, it is just a "theme" on top of Android?)

I believe its just a 'launcher'. So, yes, its basically Android running a new UI (I could be wrong, since the information is not that good, but at least this is what I read from all that does appear so far).

juiceme 2014-06-23 07:42

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by nieldk (Post 1430669)
I want to
Run iOS on my Lumia 800
Run WP8.1 on my iPhone 5
Run Ubuntu for devices on my Nexus 4
Run KDE Mobile on my Jolla
Run Android on my Nokia Communicator
Run SailfishOS on my N9's
Run Debian on my N900
Run Symbian^3 on my Chineese dual-sim watch
Run Kali on my iPad Mini
Run Slackware on my Archos tablet

In an ideal world pretty much all that should be doable. Some on the list I would not consider worthwhile however :p

nieldk 2014-06-23 07:54

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1430673)
In an ideal world pretty much all that should be doable. Some on the list I would not consider worthwhile however :p

Well, for the i-device. Most likely a no-go, sadly enough LOL.
Also, my company would not like it :P

Markkyboy 2014-06-23 12:13

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
libhy-what?, lolz, I'll leave that to you guys. I'm not a programmer, yet! ;)

rcolistete 2014-06-23 13:05

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
Today is officially announced the 3rd release (Early Adopter Release, EA3) of Sailfish OS for Nexus 4 (mako), see the XDA Developers topic "[April 17] Sailfish OS for early adopters released for Nexus 4".

It has Sailfish OS v1.0.7.16 (released in 09/06/2014), with many improvements for Nexus 4, like watermark removed, phone-call audio volume changed using volume buttons, better waking phone up with the power button, etc.

Dear early adopter of SailfishOS for Android devices. This is important - read this whole mail through and follow all steps exactly as written.

IMPORTANT: If you choose to publish this mail through blogs, news sites, forums, or others, quote it as-is and in complete form ONLY, or people's devices may be at risk.

We're happy to publish the third Early Adopter Release of SailfishOS ( for Nexus 4 (mako) to you.

We are still working on the SailfishOS Hardware Adaptation Development Kit, which describes how to port SailfishOS to existing devices based on CyanogenMod 10.1. Newer versions of CM will be supported eventually. We'll publish the HADK in the very near future.

This installation image is for early adopters only, meaning we know that some things are not functional or perhaps even broken -- please see the release notes below. We are excited to get all of you properly included in the early stages of the project. Do note that this SailfishOS image is strictly for personal and non-commercial usage only.

We've prepared a 'demo' version of the image which contains the kind of preinstalled 'marketing' content and the core apps used for demonstrations - this helps you quickly get a feel for all the interactions that are avalable on a device that has been used for a while but isn't really what you want for personal use. You can however cleanly remove the demo content.

We want to build a community around SailfishOS for Android devices that is based on mutual trust and respect for what we are all doing. Hence -- we ask that whenever you do screenshots, videos, forum or blog posts (and we're happy if you do!) or the like, you emphasise that this is an under-development snapshot and not a final product release.

It is important for Jolla that the correct expectations are set for those who might be users of the final product -- and that they understand what they see is not a released product. If you do demo videos, you can take advantage of our new 'demo content' image that has pre-set contacts/imagery/messages/etc to show full functionality of SailfishOS.

WARNING: Modifying or replacing your device’s software may void your device’s warranty, lead to data loss, hearing loss, hair loss, financial loss, privacy loss, security breaches, or other damage, and therefore must be done entirely at your own risk. No one affiliated with this project is responsible for your actions but yourself. Good luck.

NOTE: You will lose your on-device data (including /sdcard), so make a proper backup and make sure to copy that backup to your PC.

NOTE: Make sure to read all the release notes below. Please DO NOT contact Jolla Care for any issues encountered with this Early Adopters build, instead use communication channels listed below.

To install this release of SailfishOS on a Nexus 4 device:

* Install adb and fastboot
a. Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot
b. Fedora: yum install android-tools
c. Mac OS X: Install Homebrew from, then: brew install android-platform-tools
d. Windows: See for instructions

* Install Android 4.2.2 (JDQ39) to your Nexus 4
a. Instructions here:
b. Download links can be found here:

* Download CyanogenMod 10.1.3 for your Nexus 4
a. Perform Factory Reset and wipe contents of the /data/ partition in case of leftovers from previous ROMs
b. The file you want to download is
c. Download links can be found here:

* Download the SailfishOS for Android image for "mako"
a. The file you want to download is
b. Another flavour filled with demo content:

* Install CyanogenMod 10.1.3 on your Nexus 4
a. Follow the instructions at:

* After flashing the "" file, flash the SailfishOS .zip file in the same way ("on top of it")
* Reboot bootloader, SailfishOS should boot and be visible

We recommend reading through -- some parts may not apply to Nexus 4

If you want to go back to normal CyanogenMod:
a. Boot into recovery mode
b. Choose "Wipe data / factory reset"
c. Flash
d. (to go back to SailfishOS, flash the SailfishOS .zip on top of it)

If you want to go back to stock Android:
a. Download the stock image from
b. Extract the package and follow the instructions for reflashing/re-locking

To SSH into your device via USB (Linux)
1. Enable remote connection in Settings->System->Developer mode
2. Set your USB interface on host machine to IP
3. ssh nemo@
4. Use the password from developer mode to log in
5. Use the 'devel-su' command with the same password in order to gain root
6. To SSH over WLAN, use IP listed in developer mode under "WLAN IP address"

Read Sailfish OS release notes:

Release notes/Known issues in EA3:
* EXPERIMENTAL: Jolla Store is now available, you'll need to register with your Jolla Account
* NOTE: Booting Nexus 4 with SIM first, and then removing SIM (or vice versa) may cause Jolla Store to see it as two different devices and cause potential breakage. Please stick to either SIM available or not when running SailfishOS on Nexus 4.
- There may be a bug with oFono RIL support that makes it not report IMEI value causing this and will be sorted out in a later update.
* DISCLAIMER: Using Jolla Store with Jolla Account might break applications on your other devices, use it at your own risk!
* Android support is not available from the Store, even if you can see Android apps listed (those will be removed eventually from store view)
* This functionality means that image comes with only minimal set of pre-installed apps. Use Store to download the ones you need.

* The backlight is dark during first launch, but can be fix by switching the currently-not-working ambient light sensor off (uncheck Settings->System->Display->Adjust automatically)

* When display is blanked, power management sets WLAN to the lowest speed state
* Can be noticed in a SSH-over-WLAN session
* Chat notifications may arrive with a slight delay

Fixes after EA2:
* Watermark removed
* Phone-call audio volume can now be changed with the help of volume buttons
* Improved responsiveness when waking phone up with the power button
* Settings->System->Developer Mode or About Product do not freeze anymore
* Reverted to the original (non-Silica) Fingerterm

Fixes after EA1:
* Phone-calls with audio work
* Timers and alarms (with device powered on) work
* HTML5 video+audio works in Browser (tested splash on )
* Update is based on SailfishOS version

Release notes/Known issues in EA2:
* To securely power off the device, during its boot-up keep Volume Down pressed to enter bootloader mode. Using volume keys, select "Power off" option, then press the Power key
* If not auto-detected from SIM, set-up mobile internet data settings via Settings->System->Mobile network->(long tap on the first toggle-item under "Mobile data" section)->(enter settings given by your operator)

Nexus4-specific known issues reported by the adopters (in EA2):
* Chinese text input not working
* Localhost name is shown as Jolla
* Switching between the online and offline status in the status information setting takes very long and often doesn’t switch properly
* Google contacts which are put together with different information, are now split up into several contacts in Sailfish
* The battery display seems to be a bit buggy because it loses about 15% from one second to another
* The calendar overview when filled with events seems to be a bit laggy
* The email push is not working correctly, I do not receive any emails until I push the refresh button
* Splitting words in the German translation: e.g. in the open apps on the home screen it says: "Kurzzeitmesse" and in the next line the missing "r"
* NOTE: all other Sailfish OS issues have already been reported on TJC - - and many of them were fixed in this release

Release notes/Known Issues in EA1:
* Developer mode is activated at all times
* There has been no throughout testing of telephony related functionality (roaming, airplane mode, etc) and any use of this functionality is at your own risk
* Sensors, Device lock, Reset device, Bluetooth, USB control + MTP, Bluetooth, WLAN hotspot, Camera (photography, video recording), and video playback is not supported in this release
* The image SW is not currently upgradeable, nor is any typically licensed multimedia codecs (MP3, etc), HERE maps, Android application compatibility layer, or word prediction for virtual keyboard preinstalled
* This image does not include any typically licensed multimedia codecs (MP3, etc), HERE maps, Android application compatibility layer, Microsoft Exchange support, or word prediction for virtual keyboard preinstalled
* It is not possible to double-tap to wake up the device
* Powering off device puts it into a state of deep slumber; possible to get out of by holding power button and volume down key with a bit of persistence
* Fingerterm keyboard is not at its best due to the portrait-only mode
* FPS drop while scrolling in homescreen due to non-batching when rendering of application icon grid
* Icons/graphics appear unproportionally small in browser toolbar, time select widget, and Settings favourite icons
* Multiboot/Multirom is not supported yet but we're happy if you would like to teach/help us

We will all meet in #sailfishos-porters (note, new location) on and please use us (thp, alterego, Stskeeps, lbt, sledges) to work together, report any bugs, graphical glitches or missing functionality that you find, which are not included in the release notes above. You can also find the hardware adaptation source code at .

You are also welcome to participate in threads at about Nexus 4 and SailfishOS as well as for more general SailfishOS topics at

Best regards,
Carsten Munk (Stskeeps) on behalf of the SailfishOS for Everyone team.
Chief Research Engineer @ Jolla

mscion 2014-06-23 13:16

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by nieldk (Post 1430672)
I believe its just a 'launcher'. So, yes, its basically Android running a new UI (I could be wrong, since the information is not that good, but at least this is what I read from all that does appear so far).

It will be interesting to see what it looks like. There are plenty of launchers in the play store that give a superior experience than what you get by default on android device or, indeed, at least for me, what comes by default on Jolla phone. For example ss launcher combined with the GMD app, which allows gestures like swiping from an edge including moving perpendicular or parallel to edge, gives you great flexibility to create many useful actions.

For me what would be really neat is if they replaced the current recent tasks app on android, that makes a single column of recently used apps, with one that makes an array of recent apps like that on the Jolla phone (although there are actually running tasks on Jolla phone). I'm sure many people would purchase an app like this from the play store.

Dave999 2014-06-23 15:19

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by rcolistete (Post 1430701)
Today is officially announced the 3rd release (Early Adopter Release, EA3) of Sailfish OS for Nexus 4 (mako), see the XDA Developers topic "[April 17] Sailfish OS for early adopters released for Nexus 4".

It has Sailfish OS v1.0.7.16 (released in 09/06/2014), with many improvements for Nexus 4, like watermark removed, phone-call audio volume changed using volume buttons, better waking phone up with the power button, etc.

That was a very long announcement. Linky link :D

amr.fayz 2014-06-23 15:23

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

nieldk 2014-06-23 15:53

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1430724)
That was a very long announcement. Linky link :D

many posts back

jalyst 2014-06-23 17:15

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by nieldk (Post 1430672)
I believe its just a 'launcher'. So, yes, its basically Android running a new UI (I could be wrong, since the information is not that good, but at least this is what I read from all that does appear so far).

Yup that's pretty much it! :)

jalyst 2014-06-23 17:18

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by rcolistete (Post 1430701)
Today is officially announced the 3rd release (Early Adopter Release, EA3) of Sailfish OS for Nexus 4 (mako),.

Nexus 5? And still no HADK by the sounds of it... :(
Hopefully they can make support for CM bleeding-edge in the future too, instead of always being a few steps behind.

Dave999 2014-06-23 17:34

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
Stskeeps migrating to XDA :D Always known he was a Android fanboy ;)

jalyst 2014-06-23 17:57

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
Yeah I noticed that, tis good that he's engaging bit more there though.
I've posted there, I wonder he or a colleague will see it & respond...

Dave999 2014-06-23 18:03

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
I cant call :(. Whoho I CANT CALL :D

mscion 2014-06-23 18:07

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
What's the end game here?

Dave999 2014-06-23 18:09

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1430752)
What's the end game here?

To wait for next realese and be able to make calls. Atleast the watermark is finally gone. Where is the next release?

Please don't say anything. I can't hear you anyway...

rcolistete 2014-06-23 23:48

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
Good review of Sailfish on Nexus 4 :

nieldk 2014-06-24 07:08

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1430748)
Stskeeps migrating to XDA :D Always known he was a Android fanboy ;)

So what, XDA is a good supplement to this forum for Sailfish and Android. Just like there are forums for WP and iOS etc.
Many of us own a sh.. load of devices and do visit multiple forums. I am one LOL.

bill_klpd 2014-06-24 09:04

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
Can I ask something? :P

What will happen if I will try to flash the image of Sailfish from Nexus 4 to Galaxy S3?? Will it brick it or it will boot? :p

juiceme 2014-06-24 09:26

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by bill_klpd (Post 1430821)
Can I ask something? :P

What will happen if I will try to flash the image of Sailfish from Nexus 4 to Galaxy S3?? Will it brick it or it will boot? :p

I cannot guarantee you will brick it beyond reflashing but there is a high probability for that.
What I can guarantee is that you will not be able to boot it.

nieldk 2014-06-24 09:26

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by bill_klpd (Post 1430821)
Can I ask something? :P

What will happen if I will try to flash the image of Sailfish from Nexus 4 to Galaxy S3?? Will it brick it or it will boot? :p

Shouldnt 'brick' as it apparently doesnt do stuff related to the bootloader partitions. Will it work ?
No, the modem for one is different. Which probably will make anything to do with modem useless (at best) = calls, SMS, MMS, data, etc.

nieldk 2014-06-24 09:27

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1430826)
I cannot guarantee you will brick it beyond reflashing but there is a high probability for that.
What I can guarantee is that you will not be able to boot it.

Brick, most likely not,
Boot, most likely not
Difficult to recove, most likely
Useful no

bill_klpd 2014-06-24 09:33

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1430826)
I cannot guarantee you will brick it beyond reflashing but there is a high probability for that.
What I can guarantee is that you will not be able to boot it.

What should be done to boot?
I mean there is a video from a Galaxy S3 booting sailfish but no instructions...
The libhybris and the image of Sailfish should be made in a way to fit to the Galaxy S3 's hardware?

I am trying to understand how everything works as I am starting right now :rolleyes:

One more thing, why on the nexus 4 you have to flash a specific image of cyanogenmod, the "mako" one?? Does it have something different from the normal one?

nieldk 2014-06-24 09:35

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
the reason for the specifik firmware is the modem

thedead1440 2014-06-24 10:25

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
Iirc the i9305 video with sailfish running is posted by thp, the person doing the port, so it's still a non-public thing.

Dave999 2014-06-24 15:35

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by nieldk (Post 1430808)
So what, XDA is a good supplement to this forum for Sailfish and Android. Just like there are forums for WP and iOS etc.
Many of us own a sh.. load of devices and do visit multiple forums. I am one LOL.

So nothing. It was more of a jokeish. I made the exact same point a few pages back.

bill_klpd 2014-06-24 15:56

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
I tried to install the nexus 4 image on my Galaxy S3 just to see what will happen... and nothing happened :p

I just got an error saying that this image is not for my phone.

For porting Sailfish, you have to port both libhyrbis and sailfish on the exact hardware of the phone?

nieldk 2014-06-24 16:38

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by bill_klpd (Post 1430873)
I tried to install the nexus 4 image on my Galaxy S3 just to see what will happen... and nothing happened :p

I just got an error saying that this image is not for my phone.

For porting Sailfish, you have to port both libhyrbis and sailfish on the exact software of the phone?

yes, the image contains script that checks that its being installed on Nexus 4 (Mako) and quits if the hardware is not Mako.
You could unpack the image, change the script, repack the image - and get it flashed. But, fairly sure it wont even boot (bootloaders differ)

juiceme 2014-06-24 16:44

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by bill_klpd (Post 1430873)
I tried to install the nexus 4 image on my Galaxy S3 just to see what will happen... and nothing happened :p

I just got an error saying that this image is not for my phone.

For porting Sailfish, you have to port both libhyrbis and sailfish on the exact software of the phone?

You will need the HW adaptation for your device. On top of that you can install the generic SailfishOS part.

Dave999 2014-06-24 19:52

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1430833)
Iirc the i9305 video with sailfish running is posted by thp, the person doing the port, so it's still a non-public thing.

Why is this a non public thing? Will jolla release it? Will thp release under his own flag? Does it really matters...

bill_klpd 2014-06-24 20:00

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1430895)
Why is this a non public thing? Will jolla release it? Will thp release under his own flag? Does it really matters...

I have to admit that this is a great question!
Maybe he wants to improve it before make it public, who knows :rolleyes:?

It will for sure give us a Sailfish "taste" (even with bugs) if it will be published and I am waiting so much for this! :D
These are some of the times I wish I knew more so that I could be able to port it on my own(the same thing exist for nemo as well :cool:)

I hope it will be available soon! :D

KempeWeidenbaum 2014-06-25 08:54

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by bill_klpd (Post 1430873)
I tried to install the nexus 4 image on my Galaxy S3 just to see what will happen... and nothing happened :p

I just got an error saying that this image is not for my phone.

For porting Sailfish, you have to port both libhyrbis and sailfish on the exact hardware of the phone?

Just because I know it:
On Android recovery packages you will find the file to modify in META-inf/ Google/ updater-script.txt
Open with notepad++ and delete the first lines starting with get.prop. Better don't try. I dunt know why I write it here and to what use it will be, but better don't.

bill_klpd 2014-06-25 10:00

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by KempeWeidenbaum (Post 1430945)
Just because I know it:
On Android recovery packages you will find the file to modify in META-inf/ Google/ updater-script.txt
Open with notepad++ and delete the first lines starting with get.prop. Better don't try. I dunt know why I write it here and to what use it will be, but better don't.

I will most probably not try it, but I want so much to have a working image for sailfish :p

We have been waiting for this for some time :rolleyes:

m4r0v3r 2014-06-25 17:59

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
can someone explain something to me, so libhybris converts bionic to glibc, but in programming terms, shouldnt it simply do it for whatever drivers you throw in there, since the conversion seems done at such a abstract level shouldnt it matter?

aironeous 2014-06-28 03:06

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by nieldk (Post 1430669)
I want to
Run iOS on my Lumia 800
Run WP8.1 on my iPhone 5
Run Ubuntu for devices on my Nexus 4
Run KDE Mobile on my Jolla
Run Android on my Nokia Communicator
Run SailfishOS on my N9's
Run Debian on my N900
Run Symbian^3 on my Chineese dual-sim watch
Run Kali on my iPad Mini
Run Slackware on my Archos tablet

I want to
Run Sailfish OS on the Vixtel Unity tablet/phone/desktop
Run Extix Distro on the HP Slate 21 Pro
Run Steam OS on a refurbished upgraded dell 6500 connected to a vidock so I can confuse the steam hardware survey by plugging in various graphics cards.

nieldk 2014-06-28 05:45

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices

Originally Posted by aironeous (Post 1431265)
I want to
Run Sailfish OS on the Vixtel Unity tablet/phone/desktop
Run Extix Distro on the HP Slate 21 Pro
Run Steam OS on a refurbished upgraded dell 6500 connected to a vidock so I can confuse the steam hardware survey by plugging in various graphics cards.

I see you got my point there ;)

rcolistete 2014-06-30 12:59

Re: Porting Sailfish to Android Devices
This new release, v1.0.7.16, of Sailfish for Nexus 4 gives me more than a week of battery use without SIM card (no 2G or 3G), only with WiFi in most of time, light use every day. 6 days of use and it still has 33% of battery. So 11% per day. Excellent work, Jolla sailors !

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