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MaemoUser 2014-08-19 14:44

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10
I have this issue sometimes, too. Restarting the daemon helps.

MaemoUser 2014-08-23 09:16

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10
I also noticed that calls do not show up on pebble anymore.

HtheB 2014-08-23 09:24

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10

Originally Posted by MaemoUser (Post 1436643)
I also noticed that calls do not show up on pebble anymore.

same problem over here

Bundyo 2014-08-23 20:31

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10
Yep, though the call finished notification do show :)

P@t 2014-09-04 08:49

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10
1 Attachment(s)
As a follow-up to a previous post, note that I still have from time to time no indication of a phone call on the watch.
The phone is ringing but nothing happens on the watch, except the missed call notification when it's over.
I have attached the log of today: at 8.32 there is an error that is indicated in the log. What is surprising is that something like an hour later, I had another phone call and there, the watch was vibrating and I did not missed it. However in the meantime, I had not restarted the phone, the watch or even the app!

I am using 0.10-1 version. Watch and Jolla are connected all day long (with some interruption sometimes due to distance). In the settings, everything is toggled on except transliterate (not sure what it is :P) and twitter/mitakuulu/other notifications.

I have no idea what could cause this...

smoku 2014-09-04 09:21

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10
I have an idea.
1. time passes...
2. BT serial connection to watch is torn down
3. someone rings
4. message that someone is ringing gets lost on torn down connection
5. BT layer reestablishes connection triggered by 4
6. ring ends
7. message that someone stopped ringing does nothing as watch wasn't in 'ringing' state
8. notification of missed call gets delivered fine

javispedro 2014-09-04 10:17

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10
Eavesdropping in the session bus will probably be blocked in a future released because of the "security crazies":

smoku 2014-09-04 10:30

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10
As long as we get we're fine with dropping the sniffer.

MaemoUser 2014-09-16 13:22

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10
I can really recommend to use SirenMusicPlayer because in the latest code version on Github and soon in the Warehouse it has a fully functional integration of MPRIS :).

P@t 2014-09-17 14:55

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10
Any idea if calendar notifications can be added to the list of notifications?

MaemoUser 2014-09-18 11:34

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10

javispedro 2014-09-20 17:56

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10

Originally Posted by smoku (Post 1435696)
I am also experiencing this issue. Very annoying.
But I highly doubt that pebbled is at fault.

Pebbled/eavesdropping is actually at fault. The problem is that QtDbus believes the eavesdropped method calls are actually sent to the eavesdropping process, so it will generate method-return messages for them, even if they are empty ( ie "void" returns) .

Thus, a race condition is created: the method-return from the eavesdropping app (e.g. pebbled) may come BEFORE the method-return from lipstick. Since the one generated by pebbled is incorrect (it has no return_id field), the application that generated the notification will believe lipstick did not generate a notification id for it. Thus, shall a new email/IM come in, the application will create another notification, instead of updating the original notification which is now effectively leaked (no one except lipstick knows its notification ID, so no app can delete it :) ).

I am not sure this bug is the sole cause of the duplicate/leaked notifications but it is certainly a bug in pebbled and other smar****ch apps.

See for how I fixed it (using QDBusContext and setDelayedReply), for my rationale.

MaemoUser 2014-09-25 11:25

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10
Any news for the daemon? Or no time anymore?

smoku 2014-09-26 08:31

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10

Originally Posted by MaemoUser (Post 1440500)
Any news for the daemon? Or no time anymore?

It has all the features I need daily, so I'm not really actively working on it as I have no compelling motive to. Only bugfixing.

HtheB 2014-09-26 08:54

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10

Originally Posted by smoku (Post 1440627)
It has all the features I need daily, so I'm not really actively working on it as I have no compelling motive to. Only bugfixing.

what about:
upgrading firmware?
install/remove watch apps? :(

smoku 2014-09-26 09:00

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10
I do not use these features.

haliava 2014-09-26 09:00

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1440628)
what about:
upgrading firmware?
install/remove watch apps? :(

+ support for http info pull e.g. watchfaces with weather

MaemoUser 2014-09-26 10:19

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10
And what about the eavesdropping bug? Do you currently work on this issue?

I wonder that other people don't contribute to pebbled except for smurfy. Because the source is open and smokku takes the merge requests seriously.

smoku 2014-09-29 12:12

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10

Originally Posted by MaemoUser (Post 1439595)

I tried implementing it, but to no success.
Evesdropping '' does not work for me. Details in the issue.

smoku 2014-09-29 12:33

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.10

Originally Posted by MaemoUser (Post 1440640)
And what about the eavesdropping bug?

It is fixed in 0.11.
(At least I didn't experience it over the weekend anymore.)

MaemoUser 2014-09-29 12:56

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.11
There is now a Sailfish GUI native player which supports MPRIS and works with pebbled.

Boxeri 2014-09-30 06:33

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.11
With the latest version I can't re-enable the daemon after clicking the "Active" button in the app. Had to install the older version the get the app going again.

Am I only one suffering this or is there real bug?

MaemoUser 2014-09-30 06:49

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.11
Worked for me without any problem.

smoku 2014-09-30 07:23

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.11

Originally Posted by Boxeri (Post 1441090)
With the latest version I can't re-enable the daemon after clicking the "Active" button in the app. Had to install the older version the get the app going again.

systemd service file of the daemon had changed, but I didn't have any problems after upgrading to a new version.

Have you tried rebooting the phone? Should help.

P@t 2014-09-30 07:45

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.11

Originally Posted by Boxeri (Post 1441090)
With the latest version I can't re-enable the daemon after clicking the "Active" button in the app. Had to install the older version the get the app going again.

Am I only one suffering this or is there real bug?

No I actually had the problem as well yesterday. I first upgraded it and it worked nicely.
Then I paired the watch with another android device. So I disabled the daemon and put it in a 'dead' mode.
When I came back to Jolla, I could not have it active again. It was blinking at best or kept inactive. I tried to reboot but it did not help.

At the end, I had to install again the previous version, put it active and connected with 0.10 and did the upgrade again to 0.11. Since then, it works ok but I do not want to play with the toggle anymore :P

Boxeri 2014-09-30 07:56

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.11

Originally Posted by P@t (Post 1441101)
No I actually had the problem as well yesterday. I first upgraded it and it worked nicely.
Then I paired the watch with another android device. So I disabled the daemon and put it in a 'dead' mode.
When I came back to Jolla, I could not have it active again. It was blinking at best or kept inactive. I tried to reboot but it did not help.

At the end, I had to install again the previous version, put it active and connected with 0.10 and did the upgrade again to 0.11. Since then, it works ok but I do not want to play with the toggle anymore :P

This is totally same as in my case

smoku 2014-09-30 09:57

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.11

Originally Posted by P@t (Post 1441101)
install again the previous version, put it active and connected with 0.10 and did the upgrade again to 0.11.

So, you're effectively running 0.10 since you didn't restart to the 0.11 daemon.

I played with active/inactive/active/inactive/active... button and I am able to reproduce the issue.

smoku 2014-09-30 10:21

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.11
0.12 fixes that

MaemoUser 2014-09-30 11:54

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.12
Had to reboot my phone after update to 0.12 but now it works.

Boxeri 2014-10-08 17:55

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.12
Any knowledge if the Pebble watch firmware update affects this app and thus us? Or is it totally safe to update the watch?

MaemoUser 2014-10-08 18:00

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.12
My watch is running 2.6 since release and so far no problems.

P@t 2014-10-10 09:40

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.12
Actually since I upgraded to 2.5 (and now having 2.6), I have problems with the music control interaction with QuasarMX.
The display is working but the button does nothing. With 2.5, I could sometimes have some temporary working buttons when I was lauching pebbled after QuasarMX (if I remember well) but that was working only for a short while. Sometimes I had to press like several times before having one reaction...
I have upgraded yesterday to 2.6 and there is still no reaction from watch buttons.

I did not test to go back to 2.4 yet (I probably should) but it was working before. It is probably not related to the recent update of Pebbled.

Apart from that, all notifications are working nicely.

EDIT: I can confirm that music controls with QuasarMX (using firmware 2.6 on the watch) seems to be working only when QuasarMX is started before pebbled is connected to the watch. Otherwise everything seems to be ok (and 2.6 is nice as more hardware is enabled...).

junnuvi 2014-10-22 17:44

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.12
Just installed SailfishOS update and pebbled is not working anymore..

pebbled: symbol lookup error: pebbled: undefined symbol: _ZN11QtBluetooth16QBluetoothSocket16staticMetaObje ctE

MaemoUser 2014-10-22 18:28

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.12
Same here :-/

MaemoUser 2014-10-22 19:06

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.12
In #jollamobile there was a suggestion that we maybe need to wait for the new SDK :-/.

smoku 2014-10-22 19:15

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.12

Originally Posted by junnuvi (Post 1443830)
pebbled: symbol lookup error: pebbled: undefined symbol: _ZN11QtBluetooth16QBluetoothSocket16staticMetaObje ctE

Until Jolla delivers SDK for the new release, there is not much I can do.

MaemoUser 2014-10-27 21:39

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.12
SDK is out now.

wormdrummer 2014-11-17 05:34

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.12
Just wondering if there had been any update on this?... I'm loving too much to go back, but miss my pebble too!

MaemoUser 2014-11-17 07:51

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.12
You can get a working version from here:

I have it installed and it works like a charm.

P@t 2014-11-17 09:07

Re: [Announce] Pebble Watch Connector daemon 0.12
Anybody else have problems with music controls with latest Pebble firmware? (with Sailfish and Pebble firmware 2.7)

I have to start QuasarMX before connecting the Pebble and even with the trick, it usually ends up not working anymore after a while.

I haven't noticed other problems with that firmware version.

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