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juiceme 2014-11-04 10:07

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by Morpog (Post 1445728)
How do you know how often your code is used?

Meaning, me personally? At least once 'cos a friend told me he used it.
Otherwice, probably no way of knowing it unless you can do a "select Customer,CodeUses from TheCustomerTable where Customer = Morpog;" in a relevant place :D:D:D

Morpog 2014-11-04 10:14

Re: Jolla discount codes
Let's try a SQL injection :D

Thoke 2014-11-04 10:16

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by Morpog (Post 1445728)
How do you know how often your code is used?

By not sharing it and using it themselves ;) I did it with my previous code.


Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1445726)

That's a good question though, is my code still valid as I do have another friend who could not use my code this week due to insufficent cash error. I wonder if he could use it now if he manages to stash up enough of the good stuff before 10'th...? :confused:

A new code was given, probably because the previous ones were set to expire 1.11.

By the way, if your friend still wants a Jolla, they can use my code :) and as a bonus they'll get that Aloe-TOH too ;) This offer is of course open to anyone thinking of buying a Jolla phone, if more people use my code I use RNG to decide who gets the TOH. Send me a private message or if you are not able to then post in this thread and we'll figure a way.

I'm NOT buying a third Jolla phone, my fewer is not that bad (yet):D

Sidenote: I didn't share my code before because it was mentioned in the mail that "do not go overboard". Now the message seems to be "boldly go and share the code in places where it was never shared before".

pichlo 2014-11-04 10:24

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1445726)
OK, as I have not received any mail like that I guess it is because my code was used by a friend I gave it to, probably they only sent the mail to people who's codes have not been used at least once.

My code had been used and I got the email about the extension.


is my code still valid
No idea but my second code is different:

First (used once, AFAIK)
Secoond (not used, AFAIK)

My offer still stands, BTW. I am a bit sad that I've had no takers yet :( OTOH, buying it on eBay from India is probably about comparable (if they ship to your destination, that is).


Originally Posted by Thoke (Post 1445732)
Now the message seems to be "boldly go and share the code in places where it was never shared before".

Yes, my reading of that (and the whole second campaign) is that the first one did not achieve quite as high numbers as they had hoped. Quite a pity, but c'est la vie.

aegis 2014-11-04 12:07

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by Thoke (Post 1445732)
A new code was given, probably because the previous ones were set to expire 1.11.

I don't think so. Nobody had used my code and the email with the extension had the same code in it. I would guess that people getting a new code are people who have generated a sale using the first code.


Originally Posted by Thoke (Post 1445732)
Sidenote: I didn't share my code before because it was mentioned in the mail that "do not go overboard". Now the message seems to be "boldly go and share the code in places where it was never shared before".

Yeah, that was my take on it too. I spammed the people I knew originally (no takers), then a 'DM me if you want the code' tweet (no DMs), then a tweet on the 2nd with the code in when I thought it was the last day. I don't think there was any takers.

I thought it would be a little rude to publish my code here as people would just use these codes repeatedly and only one person would get an Aloe TOH. So, I'm still not publishing my code here. Send me a message if you want it.

pichlo 2014-11-04 12:18

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by aegis (Post 1445754)
I thought it would be a little rude to publish my code here as people would just use these codes repeatedly and only one person would get an Aloe TOH. So, I'm still not publishing my code here. Send me a message if you want it.

Yes, only one will get the Aloe TOH: you! No matter who uses the code. So if you want someone else have it, you may have to post it to them.

bote 2014-11-04 18:50

Re: Jolla discount codes
Just in case someone needs it; BQ-V8-KU

cuongle 2014-11-05 07:55

Re: Jolla discount codes
I have two codes:



I'm from Vietnam and it's hard to ship the device to Vietnam that why i cannot use those codes.

Thoke 2014-11-05 09:02

Re: Jolla discount codes
If anybody is wondering why would I give my Aloe-TOH away, it's because I already have one and therefore don't need another one. Shipping is no prob, the package is so thin I doubt I'll have to pay much for the shipping (ie. >10€) ;)

aegis 2014-11-05 16:42

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1445760)
Yes, only one will get the Aloe TOH: you! No matter who uses the code. So if you want someone else have it, you may have to post it to them.

My point was that because other people have posted their codes, those codes will get used over and over repeatedly denying the free TOH for the people that haven't spammed the forum.

If someone wants to do *ME* a favour, ask for my code. You get €100 off, I get an Aloe TOH.

If they just want €100 off then use one of the codes in this thread and Jolla only have to ship out a dozen or so free TOHs.

pichlo 2014-11-05 17:47

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by aegis (Post 1446004)
If someone wants to do *ME* a favour, ask for my code. You get €100 off, I get an Aloe TOH.

Well, my approach is a bit more altruistic. Here is my code, feel free to use it. The first person to use it and tell me about it gets the free TOH as well. I will post it at my expense.

I also try seeing it from the potential user's POV. If I wanted to use someone's code, would I want to go through the hassle of PMimg to ask for it or would I use one of the posted ones? A simple answer.

Chances are that my code will never get used, despite being made public. But chances of that happening are much higher if I did NOT make it public.

TQP1 2014-11-05 17:55

Re: Jolla discount codes
Apparently no one used my code so here it is: LD-GR-3M

aegis 2014-11-05 18:33

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1446014)
Well, my approach is a bit more altruistic. Here is my code, feel free to use it. The first person to use it and tell me about it gets the free TOH as well. I will post it at my expense.

You mean *less* altruistic. You're decreasing the chance that everyone gets a free TOH.


Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1446014)
I also try seeing it from the potential user's POV. If I wanted to use someone's code, would I want to go through the hassle of PMimg to ask for it or would I use one of the posted ones? A simple answer.

Exactly. Try seeing it from other existing Jolla owners POV though.


Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1446014)
Chances are that my code will never get used, despite being made public. But chances of that happening are much higher if I did NOT make it public.

But if everyone did not make it public we'd all have the same chance.

pichlo 2014-11-05 19:18

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by aegis (Post 1446021)
You mean *less* altruistic.

No, I mean "more".

Your approach is, "Do me a favour, use my code."
Mine is, "Here is a code. Feel free to use it."

My attitude is that you have to deserve your free gift. Which means that you need to work a bit harder: use it yourself or persuade someone to use it. Posting "PM me for a code" to a public forum and taking advantage of an anonymous user who wanted to use it anyway does not count. So just make it public and if someone uses it, be grateful for the unexpected free bonus.

aegis 2014-11-05 20:13

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1446032)
Mine is, "Here is a code. Feel free to use it."

...and f*ck everybody else as I'm a selfish bar steward. :D

Titanium 2014-11-05 20:44

Re: Jolla discount codes
Still not used code: AQ-D8-M5

ck2nb 2014-11-06 21:26

Re: Jolla discount codes
Here is mine code: Y2-W1-8Z

243kof 2014-11-07 16:48

Re: Jolla discount codes
And mine: DO-QP-8T

mautz 2014-11-08 10:40

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by 243kof (Post 1446264)
And mine: DO-QP-8T

Thank you very much, since my N9 stopped working a few days ago, this came at the right moment :-)

pagis 2014-11-08 10:51

Re: Jolla discount codes
here is mine unused too: X8-VG-5F

Dave999 2014-11-08 11:00

Re: Jolla discount codes
Jolla cant be trusted.


lokimotive 2014-11-08 16:47

Re: Jolla discount codes
In case anyone still needs one, here is my code: 88-6A-JM

tmi 2014-11-09 12:25

Re: Jolla discount codes
Since there's still time, here's one more code: YT-GZ-BM

frito 2014-11-11 22:52

Re: Jolla discount codes
Hi All,

I ordered my new Jolla a few days ago and I've got this email today:

Our Gift Voucher campaign has ended on the 10.11., but as you were among the lucky ones to purchase Jolla in the last few days of the campaign, you still have a chance to share your unique offer code until the 17.11. and have a chance to get The Other Half Aloe when your code is used.

So, if anyone is still interested on buying a Jolla, you still can use the next code and get the €100 discount until the 17th of November. :)


anYc 2014-11-12 13:34

Re: Jolla discount codes
This one is valid until 17.11.: U6-SG-TU

minimos 2014-11-13 17:33

Re: Jolla discount codes
Distribution of the 'reward' Aloe TOHs for the discount code owners has started:

tommo 2014-11-13 18:18

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by minimos (Post 1446939)
Distribution of the 'reward' Aloe TOHs for the discount code owners has started:

This is good news :) I guess u are in Finland?

EDIT: mine just arrived in England, now to send it to the lucky user of the code!

Eminem 2014-11-14 18:56

Re: Jolla discount codes
3 Attachment(s)
Thanks to the one and/or everyone that used my code! :D

tiempjuuh 2014-11-14 19:59

Re: Jolla discount codes
Awesome, just received mine as well. Didn't quite expect that though! Thanks, unknown sailor, welcome aboard!

noipv4 2014-11-14 21:47

Re: Jolla discount codes
I have one 100euro unused code. :)

Your unique Jolla Gift Voucher is: X0-PR-AU

rcolistete 2014-11-15 17:41

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by anYc (Post 1446824)
This one is valid until 17.11.: U6-SG-TU

How have you obtained it ? The last EUR 100 voucher was until 12/11.

PS: fixed the value to EUR 100...

pichlo 2014-11-15 19:52

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by rcolistete (Post 1447233)
The last EUR 1000 voucher was until 12/11.

€1000??? :eek: Mine was only for €100 and only until 10/11, not 12/11 :)

frito 2014-11-15 20:16

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by rcolistete (Post 1447233)
How have you obtained it ? The last EUR 1000 voucher was until 12/11.

You're wrong mate. Mine is valid until 17/11/14 :) Just take a look at my previous post.

rcolistete 2014-11-15 21:44

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1447252)
€1000??? :eek: Mine was only for €100 and only until 10/11, not 12/11 :)

Fixed the additional zero... Yep, it was 10/11, not 12/11. Thanks. :D

mlwane 2014-11-16 01:46

Re: Jolla discount codes
Mine expired and was never used. However, I highly doubt it would be rejected, if anything, I wouldn't receive an Aloe Other Half if the code is used.

Here is the code if anyone wants to try it out: LG-0Z-8O.


gexc 2014-11-18 10:47

Re: Jolla discount codes
The gift aloe other half CAN be sent outside europe. Just contact care and give them the code and address.

NokiaFanatic 2014-11-18 21:41

Re: Jolla discount codes
My code is expired, no one used it :(

kaktux 2014-11-19 22:15

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by evk (Post 1445130)
I really hope this PR-stunt pays off, cause if anyone has missed it and buys a phone for the full price, they'll rightfully be rather pissed off.

Wouldn't be better to set the price to €249?

I was struggling between a Jolla and a Galaxy S5 Mini.
The discount price which I just found out about would have taken my choice to Jolla.

Now I just tried most of the codes on the last pages - no one is valid.
One or two days before this would have been possible or what?

So definately - I am one of those pissed off - and am glad I saw this before. I for sure won't buy a Jolla for the old price now.

Dave999 2014-11-19 22:22

Re: Jolla discount codes
If you buy a hw keyboard att Kickstarter you get a 100 euro discount. have to pay 130 euro for the keyboard or see if you find anyone of the keyboard buyers that doesent need they 100 euro discount. Plus make sure you are from eu. GL

kaktux 2014-11-19 22:33

Re: Jolla discount codes

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1448235)
If you buy a hw keyboard att Kickstarter you get a 100 euro discount. have to pay 130 euro for the keyboard or see if you find anyone of the keyboard buyers that doesent need they 100 euro discount. Plus make sure you are from eu. GL

thanks for the suggestion - but I have no need for a keyboard.
Also evk ist still right - I also would think It would be better to lower the normal price - and not send out coupons every few months (If i get it right there were 2 discounts already + the one from the keyboard)

If anyone bought the keyboard and does not have a need for the coupon and so would like to give it away I would be a taker as I would rather like to give Sailfish than Android a try.

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