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coderus 2015-06-25 11:31

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
Uploaded fixed 0.6.3 to openrepos. You need to remove this one before installing openrepos version.

DavidJ 2015-06-25 13:19

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
Thanks Coderus... now it's working.

scegliau 2015-06-25 13:33

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
Yes everythinig works well.

Many thanks !!!

strobovalo 2015-06-25 19:20

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
Sometimes i have problems to get the latest updates from warehouse but 0.6.3 installed at least! IŽll give a try, thanks coderus.

andreas1 2015-06-26 06:39

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
updated via warehouse, version 0.6.3-10.12.1

* No sound-option doesnt work.
* Also if I mute sounds with volume buttons, the chosen audio keeps playing, and actually, lowering or raising the volume doesnt have an impact to notification volume provided by this app whereas native programs notifications volume is connected to the user determined level.

coderus 2015-06-26 08:09

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
fixed in 0.6.4, thanks.

solbrit 2015-07-07 10:08

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
I asked Kimmoli if he'd be able to implement passing notifications to TOHOLED from Coderus' Android notifications:


Originally Posted by kimmoli (Post 1475860)
I don't use android apps so not using those notifications. Coderus can make PR about this feature?

coderus 2015-07-07 10:22

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
It's just an android notifications, nothing special from "Android notifications" app

solbrit 2015-07-07 10:28

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
Which notification category does it use?

Edit: Hmm, sorry, I see what you mean. It's not a special notifications category, it just adds sounds to the notifications. Thanks! ;)

coderus 2015-07-07 11:19

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
It's not using any categories

strobovalo 2015-07-07 19:53

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
Anyone are experimenting some random errors with v0.6.4?

Whatsapp sometimes notify and sometimes not and when open it appears the new messages.

coderus 2015-07-08 06:52

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
It's related to Whatsapp application itself, not android notifications application.

Greendts 2015-07-26 07:26

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
I have just factory reset, and am now back on and I can't seem to get notifications working. What version of notifications do I need? Or is there something else I can do. I've got 0.5.3 installed as I'm not on latest sailfish version.
Thanks in advance

coderus 2015-07-26 09:16

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
android-notifications app is enhancing default android notifications. If you have no android notifications at all then android-notifications can't help you and magically create notifications for your apps.

Greendts 2015-07-26 10:20

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1477969)
android-notifications app is enhancing default android notifications. If you have no android notifications at all then android-notifications can't help you and magically create notifications for your apps.

What can I try to find out? Notifications are enabled within specific droid apps, can I use terminal to do anything?

coderus 2015-07-26 11:43

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
I don't know how to debug notifications of android apps.

Greendts 2015-07-27 01:17

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1477981)
I don't know how to debug notifications of android apps.

Is there a way to test to make sure Android Notifications app is set up correctly?

scegliau 2015-07-30 06:58

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications

after upgrading to I have the problem to.
But the solution, at least for me, is sooooo simple: uninstall, reboot, install, reboot...done :-)


Greendts 2015-08-01 11:08

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
Android notifications are working properly again for me. It was actually the Android apps themselves that weren't triggering notifications, at least I think so. Notifications started again after reinstalling the android apps.

Aimel 2015-09-01 16:48

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
Hello. I'm having trouble with some apps. Recovery Record and Jourvie are not showing notifications. Are they working on someones Jolla?

coderus 2015-09-01 17:30

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
"Android notifications" can't help you to have notifications from android applications which are not showing notifications, or prevent showing notifications which are should be showed.

chenliangchen 2015-09-09 23:47

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
I have this app installed when upgraded to 2.0 early version. Then all Android notifications stopped working. Have this app uninstalled, then installed again, can not get the notifications back to work. Wondering if it is SFOS 2.0's bug or it's my problem? @coderus any hint to restore it? (Maybe not performing hard reset...)

coderus 2015-09-10 00:05

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
check this post:

chenliangchen 2015-09-10 00:08

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1481877)

Thank you! I just want to know it's a system bug, not because I'm messing around. It's seem to be bug from OS. It was working perfectly before the 2.0 update. Now all has gone...

coderus 2015-09-10 00:18

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
It's not related to my application. Try to create your own thread and ask here.

monkeyisland 2015-09-10 06:04

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
Hello after upgrade your wonderfull app stop to working. is there any chance to make notifications with led blinking and playing Sound working again ? :o

jpel 2015-09-10 06:54

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications

Originally Posted by monkeyisland (Post 1481895)
Hello after upgrade your wonderfull app stop to working. is there any chance to make notifications with led blinking and playing Sound working again ? :o

They now actually work just fine out of the box :)

"Android apps now use the "Chat" system tone for notifications, and alert with vibration and notification LED"

coderus 2015-09-10 06:56

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
works for me with no problems.

monkeyisland 2015-09-10 10:42

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications

Originally Posted by jpel (Post 1481902)
They now actually work just fine out of the box :)

"Android apps now use the "Chat" system tone for notifications, and alert with vibration and notification LED"

Yes i read it but it is not working for me.

any hints or tips ? :o

jpel 2015-09-10 12:17

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications

Originally Posted by monkeyisland (Post 1481949)
Yes i read it but it is not working for me.

any hints or tips ? :o

Simply enabling starting of background services for Android apps I want notifications from through Settings -> Applications -> [Android app of choice] does it for me anyway.

edit: Maybe you need to uninstall 'Android notifications' app first in order make the now in-built android notifications work correctly ?

monkeyisland 2015-09-10 17:39

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
i tested now what you wrote no differences.
i also downloaded textsecure from jolla store.
also there no led or any sounds.

triessner 2015-09-24 17:01

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
Problem is solved here:

But on my jolla device the name of the file to be edited is:
/usr/share/lipstick/androidnotificationpriorities (not properties at the end)

olf 2015-12-28 03:57

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
This application seems to be unnecessary with SailfishOS 2, as SSFOS2 has everything in place and working with regard to notifications from Android apps. It may even disturb SFOS2's built-in notification mechanism for Android apps.
For some Android apps (as of SailfishOS 2.0: e.g. K9-Mail, Conversations, Threema, TextSecure) a notifier entry is missing, which can be easily added, see

n950 2016-10-02 16:23

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications

I want to have NO notifications when i start my device of all my contact on whatsapp how to do it?

On this picture the first option is NOT ENABLE. but always have notification when a contact send me a message even if my whatsapp is not OPEN.

Thank you

willi6868 2016-10-02 16:47

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1515996)
I want to have NO notifications when i start my device of all my contact on whatsapp how to do it?

One option is to disable the autostart of alien dalvik in

Settings > Android-Support
If the autostart is disabled it will take some time to start the first android app and you are also unable to use other android apps (if you don't want to receive the WhatsAp* notifications directly) since it will automatically start the alien dalvik first.

I think this is still an unresolved bug that the android notifications are apperaing on each dalvik start (or maybe also a feature :D).

n950 2016-10-24 20:43

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications

Originally Posted by willi6868 (Post 1516002)
One option is to disable the autostart of alien dalvik in

Settings > Android-Support
If the autostart is disabled it will take some time to start the first android app and you are also unable to use other android apps (if you don't want to receive the WhatsAp* notifications directly) since it will automatically start the alien dalvik first.

I think this is still an unresolved bug that the android notifications are apperaing on each dalvik start (or maybe also a feature :D).

When Jolla will put an update with this bug resolved?
can you ask them?

coderus 2016-10-24 20:46

Re: [Support thread] Android notifications
I don't want to have dummy users in the world. When the God fix this bug in Earth code???????????????

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