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superbondbond 2008-09-10 22:52

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Yeah, maybe I should have mentioned, I'm not using Gmail.

Jaffa 2008-09-11 14:33

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by qole (Post 222822)
Huh? No it doesn't! "Unable to automatically send to GMail SMTP server" has nothing to do with a blinking LED (or any other notifications).

My bad, but I obviously read:


No e-mail notifications. it was not intended. I'm unable to test, but I suspect #3542 may be wider than GMail.

Looking in alarmd for anything to do with an LED-only problem ain't gonna do much good. How are you definining "notification", then?

* Any automatic sync - tells me I have new email without manually clicking the 'refresh' button.
* The flashing mail icon at the bottom left.
* The flashing mail icon at the bottom left and the flashing LED along with it.



superbondbond 2008-09-11 15:46

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by Jaffa (Post 223025)
How are you definining "notification", then?

* Any automatic sync - tells me I have new email without manually clicking the 'refresh' button.
* The flashing mail icon at the bottom left.
* The flashing mail icon at the bottom left and the flashing LED along with it.

Come to mention, all three of those.
I kept modest running, just to see if it would auto-update as expected, but it just sat there. I had to refresh myself.

Even just tapping on the refresh icon at bottom right did nothing. I had to actually select the INBOX folder before it told me I had a new message. Each subsequent folder that I select (drafts, junk, queue, trash) it quickly says "Retrieving" at the bottom right. Is that proper behavior for IMAP?

An altogether different problem than I expected maybe?
Perhaps it's not a problem with the notifications, but Modest's auto-update function. This still seems odd, as right now my tablet can be considered "out-of-the-box"


qole 2008-09-11 15:59

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
My problem is just the blinking LED. I get the flashing mail icon at the bottom left, but no LED. So we have different problems :)

sjgadsby 2008-09-11 16:12

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by qole (Post 223047)
I get the flashing mail icon at the bottom left, but no LED.

Well, I often get the new mail chime and blinking LED, but no flashing mail icon at the bottom left. Perhaps if we trade tablets with the correct frequency, we'll get the problems to balance each other out.

qole 2008-09-11 16:19

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
..or maybe rub the tablets together to get them to exchange DNA. I hear bacteria do this.

superbondbond 2008-09-11 16:27

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by qole (Post 223047)
My problem is just the blinking LED. I get the flashing mail icon at the bottom left, but no LED. So we have different problems :)

Interesting. Do you get the LED blinky with other incoming chats or voice calls? Those work fine for me.

I wonder if yours is a simple gconf setting as mentioned earlier. I've dealt with gconf a little, but am by no means an authority.

the only gconf key I can think of is
This AFAIK is the setting from Control Panel > Display > LEDs > Email Message Received checkbox.

gconf-editor definitely makes it easier to look through all that stuff.

qole 2008-09-11 16:39

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
I lost the blinking light sometime after Diablo. Chinook Modest still makes the LED blink (when I go back to my Chinook partition), but not Diablo Modest.

Here's what my /system/osso/dsm/leds/ folder looks like in Configuration Editor:

PatternBatteryCharging......[ ]
PatternBatteryFull.............[ ]
PatternDeviceOn...............[ ]

I'm pretty sure I still get the blinky-blink when I get a chat... Let me test... No, I don't! I get the noise, and the flashing notifier... but no LED. So it isn't a Modest problem, it is a Diablo problem...

Any other ideas?

superbondbond 2008-09-11 17:11

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

I have all the LED notifications enabled, and I just tested again with a chat to make sure it works. It does. Sound, flashing icon, and flashing LED.

It's beginning to look like we might have two different problems. Mine being more related to Modest's auto-update, yours being confined to the LED itself.

[puts on second detective hat];)

superbondbond 2008-09-11 20:01

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Just ran across Bug #3689, which seems to be what I am experiencing.

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