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justmemory 2019-02-13 10:50

Re: Show off your Maemo 5 screenshots

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1553976)
It might be just me (and I am not exactly young any more either), but Maemish's looks simpler and cleaner :D
(Seriously, that dandelion is distracting and makes reading the weather forecast next to impossible.)

I did not said it isn't... :D :p That "cleanness" represents my taste.
You are right about that dandelion; I had to play with background and font transparency but in real life it isn't that bad. Cropping the image ruins its real look. When I will be even older maybe I will set values again or will use another background... :)

Maemish 2020-09-23 04:44

Re: Show off your Maemo 5 screenshots
1 Attachment(s)
New desktop view.

nonsuch 2020-10-01 17:44

Re: Show off your Maemo 5 screenshots
^ So does this mean your wonder car is now officially blessed to partake in traffic?

Maemish 2020-10-02 09:18

Re: Show off your Maemo 5 screenshots
No. They will come from one VW garage to pick it up and I have to pay them to make it run. I am all finished of doing it. Can't do even any simple stuff to it. It was so big effort in the summer that mind has decided no more.

Danct12 2021-07-26 16:59

Re: Show off your Maemo 5 screenshots
1 Attachment(s)
Here's mine, nothing too fancy but it looks good enough for me. :)

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