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zagrim 2019-10-21 02:57

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by hhaveri (Post 1561124)
Have you noticed the same increase after reinstalling & rebooting just Situations & Sonar?

I did that yesterday (with the recent versions), let's see where the consumption average settles this time.

hhaveri 2019-10-21 05:25

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..
Thanks for the reports!

@balta: There's no logging enabled by default, but you could looking at journalctl output after / during crash might reveal something - that is, if you have developer mode enabled.

Could you also try a clean install (uninstall -> delete old situation data in ~/.local/share/harbour-situations2application -> install new version)?

@rob_kouw: Well spotted. I guess something broke as I did some dbus-related refactoring to the latest version. Some other features as conditions are broken as well. Will look into it as soon as possible.


hhaveri 2019-10-23 23:40

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

I've now updated v250 plugins, so Ambience condition should work again. Fixed some other plugins as conditions as well.

The app was also updated because of updates to the built-in plugins, but it should not be necessary to update it to get Ambience condition working again. Just visiting Features page should update the plugins. A restart might be required though.

No updates to Sonar this time.


hhaveri 2019-10-29 11:59

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..
3.2.250 is now available also in Jolla Store.


wtw 2019-11-07 11:40

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

I've been having the problem that the Situations app does not recognize bluetooth connections anymore. It is possible to scan for devices but when using a found device as activation condition for a situation, the situation just never gets triggered (only when I switch from = device to != device but well...).

Is this a known problem? I skimmed some pages of this thread but didn't immediately find something related. Also, I cannot pinpoint when it started to not work but I know it did before.

What I tried is removing and reinstalling the bluetooth pro feature but this didn't change anything. The newest version also did not help. I have not yet tried removing the entire application and all situations.

zagrim 2019-11-09 06:56

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by hhaveri (Post 1561124)

I wonder if that situationreboot had something to do with the increased powerconsumption. That is, it may have been conflicting with the Sonar autostart implementation somehow(?).
Have you noticed the same increase after reinstalling & rebooting just Situations & Sonar?

Looks like the conflicting app was the reason for the increased power draw, with clean reinstall I was able to get back the previous level of consumption. And Situations itself also works just fine, no issues with it. Thanks for the good work!

storma 2019-11-09 08:04

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..
Hi hhaveri,

I'm having a couple issues with the latest release + sonar. I'm on Xperia X with sailfish 3.2.

I've done a fresh reinstall with removing the situations data in between.

1. The calendar situation isn't detecting keyword. I have multiple calendars and selecting only the relevant calendar doesn't help.

2. the wifi toggle situation isn't working.

hhaveri 2019-11-09 19:49

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by storma (Post 1561760)
1. The calendar situation isn't detecting keyword. I have multiple calendars and selecting only the relevant calendar doesn't help.

Is the calendar event detected at all? Also, please note that the keyword is case sensitive.


Originally Posted by storma (Post 1561760)
2. the wifi toggle situation isn't working.

I guess you mean it does not work as an action? How about as a condition? Any chance of you or someone else finding out what dbus command would work on Xperia?


storma 2019-11-10 10:47

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by hhaveri (Post 1561767)
Is the calendar event detected at all? Also, please note that the keyword is case sensitive.

I guess you mean it does not work as an action? How about as a condition? Any chance of you or someone else finding out what dbus command would work on Xperia?


The calendar event isn't detected at all, with the correct case.

Wifi as a condition works, just not as an action.

I'll see if I can track down the dbus command.

hhaveri 2019-11-10 12:48

Re: Situations app - bugs, questions, answers, help etc..

Originally Posted by storma (Post 1561775)
The calendar event isn't detected at all, with the correct case.

I mean to ask if the calendar event is detected at all - that is, without any keyword. Also, on what field is your keyword that is supposed to be detected?


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