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Callum.Brierly 2013-05-06 16:20

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by bibek (Post 1325750)
Made a skin for Swype.
Instructions :

.swipe-keyboard to MyDocs


cp /home/user/MyDocs/.swipe-keyboard/*.png /usr/share/swype/data/images/

It says no such file or directory...

TMavica 2013-05-06 17:01

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by MK99 (Post 1341609)
If you mean like i have, copy these to your layout.xml

<key><binding action="left" label="&#x2b05;"/></key>
      <key><binding action="right" label="&#x27a1;"/></key>

sorry, where it is.?:D

MK99 2013-05-06 17:26

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes

Originally Posted by TMavica (Post 1341673)
sorry, where it is.?:D


Kozzi 2013-05-08 08:04

After a full restart, I now have Bb10 displaying like in the picture. Still when the numpad comes up, it has bb10 background and it is quite ugly. Possible to have a version with taller keys and default background?

MK99 2013-05-08 09:46

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
2 Attachment(s)
I'm not even thinking about that. I don't really need that keypad, so it was hard to even find it. :D

Not so bad...:rolleyes:

Callum.Brierly 2013-05-11 11:52

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
1 Attachment(s)
The sailfish keyboard theme looks nice with blue keys...

Seful 2013-05-12 07:43

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
i has problem with swype theme edit. any1 can help me?

see the 1st picture before i touching the keyboard something horror terrible line appear on the top keyboard, then after i touch keyboard 2nd picture everything look fine. who know what r the **** line?..pls

1st-before touch

2nd-after touch

Callum.Brierly 2013-05-14 17:46

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
Anyone else's auto-correct stopped working when using the sailfish theme?

CLonkster 2013-05-20 18:28

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
Hey there! First Post but a Long time Reader! :D
Ive got a Problem with the Virtual Keyboards.
I applied the BB10 one but ive only get red lines in the vkb.
First time i try the command sh /home etc with the downloaded BB10 Keyboard but it said not found.
But the File was there.
I tried to set the original as Default in Qtweak but that doesnt work.
After many times of trying i found that here:

apt-get install meego-keyboard --reinstall

and that

apt-get install meegotouchtheme meegotouchtheme-nokia meegotouchtheme-nokia-icons meegotouchtheme-nokia-graphics --reinstall

With reboot it worked, i got the original one.

But i want the BB10 one. I tried it again with Qtweak but the same. Red lines and ugly design. Not the one from the Pictures..

So i do the same with the commands as root.

Changed back to the original.

How can i apply the BB10 one??

Any ideas?

Sorry for my english, i am german :)

Schturman 2013-05-20 19:09

Re: [MOD] N9 keyboard themes
To get it work with n9qt, you just need to read pdf instruction about this tweak ;)

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