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pichlo 2020-10-28 14:45

Re: System update available (

Originally Posted by deutch1976 (Post 1569933)
I there. Anyone here updated Jolla 1?

Yes, I have. It was not entirely trouble free for me either.
Not sure about your particular problem. I would try a manual update.

deutch1976 2020-10-28 17:24

Re: System update available (

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1569941)
Yes, I have. It was not entirely trouble free for me either.
Not sure about your particular problem. I would try a manual update.

I tried that option thanks to Aspergerguy but i think my works bad network did not allowed me to do those steps. I'll try later at home. Thanks

aspergerguy 2020-10-28 18:56

Re: System update available (
Looking at your screenshots it would appear "Patchmanager" installed which has caused a lot of issues so try removing it and then use sfos-upgrade as here:

deutch1976 2020-10-29 09:28

Re: System update available (
I did a fresh reset and back to Sailfish OS 1.0 :)
That is a hudge difference
I will leave it like this because of nostalgia and because i have other devices with last update

hhbbap 2020-10-29 20:33

Re: System update available (

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1569941)
Yes, I have. It was not entirely trouble free for me either.
Not sure about your particular problem. I would try a manual update.

I have updated my Jolla1 without problems.
I change to an empty SD card and backup up on that, update OS and put the old SD card back after update.
Had no issues, but not my daily phone so not verified it in in very detail.
My daily phone is Sony Xperia X which I updated later, after extending size for system data.

deutch1976 2020-10-30 08:50

Re: System update available (
Is it just me or brings some issues to Android Support? Some of my apps open but stay blank. Others work fine

pichlo 2020-10-30 09:35

Re: System update available (

Originally Posted by deutch1976 (Post 1569959)
Is it just me or brings some issues to Android Support? Some of my apps open but stay blank. Others work fine

I use Android only on Xperia X, my secondary phone. And I have only three Android apps installed: one game, one online radio and one VPN authorization thingy (because my company does not support SMS authorization, damn!).

None of these have experienced any issues in 3.4.0.x.

OTOH, I have never, ever been able to install anything from the Google app store. If it isn't availblae in Aptoide, then I am screwed. I have GApps installed (the game requires it). I have Play Store in the launcher. I can browse the store. I can see the app. I can click the "Install" button. Then... it just sits there, spinning, forever.

This is not new to 3.4, it has always been like that. I have learned to treat it as a feature and to download and install the game updates (not available in Aptoide) manually.

Amboss 2020-11-06 11:47

Re: System update available (

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1569914)
Look in your Drafts folder. You may find hundreds of draft emails there. It happens every time the flickering starts. I would not be surprised if every flicker meant another draft is created.

Edit: It looks like 0.1-3 fixed it.

Good catch. I had 26 drafts. Maybe I was fast enough to close mail client and deactivate the patch ;)
The new patch works for me.


Originally Posted by deutch1976 (Post 1569959)
Is it just me or brings some issues to Android Support? Some of my apps open but stay blank. Others work fine

I have some stability issues with While I was able to identify some, there are still some remaining.
  • Android Apps don't show a preview on homescreen anymore. This seems to be when I pick up the phone. So preview does not survive standby.
  • I had patch "Show album's art on Lockscreen" activated which killed lipstick instantly when I open Kodi. Seems there is a fix needed for either one.
  • For me lipstick crashes more often. I even had a reboot once. Before this release it happened once in a while that screen would turn on but stay black (which hindered answering calls sometimes). But it never actually crashed.
  • Some apps - even native apps - won't start or get unresponsive. Can only be fixed by rebooting (or restarting lipstick?)

In summary: I never restarted my phone more often then after the last release. Before I restarted like once in 2 weeks because of occasional network freezes which could not be fixed by flight mode or the settings "reset network". Now it's like every third day. :(

peterleinchen 2020-11-06 13:10

Re: System update available (

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1569960)
OTOH, I have never, ever been able to install anything from the Google app store. If it isn't availblae in Aptoide, then I am screwed. I have GApps installed (the game requires it). I have Play Store in the launcher. I can browse the store. I can see the app. I can click the "Install" button. Then... it just sits there, spinning, forever.

Sounds like your PlayStore is too new. The Jolla's could only download up to a 6.x version afair (cannot check right now and forgot).
There is somewhere a thread/question/topic (;)) about it.
chattr -i
is your friend here immediately after uninstalling and reinstalling new (old) version.

aspergerguy 2020-11-06 14:39

Re: System update available (
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1570088)
Sounds like your PlayStore is too new. The Jolla's could only download up to a 6.x version afair (cannot check right now and forgot).

Whilst my F5121 downloads apps from Play Store with v7.3.25.K-all via WiFi, unfortunately this only applies when Gapps initiated upon much earlier Sailfish OS version and then updated OTA. After having to reset an F5321 (g7 patch) applying same methods as before, whilst Play Store opens can no longer download via WiFi, but haven't checked whether still works via network connection:

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