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mikeywilliams 2009-03-28 16:22

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!
Thanks - worked perfectly.
I didn't have any ? in my settings dialog.
Then found the fix a page or so back so now I have help.
Thanks again.

allnameswereout 2009-03-28 16:24

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 274869)
Blame the OpenMoko devs! I hate it to, but I can't really do anything about it (but I did add Goto Top and Goto bottom buttons to help).

OpenMoko has hardware accelerated 2D/3D rendering because they do use the PowerVR. And the effect, when it works, makes sense: it tells the user he/she cannot scroll further.

lm2 2009-03-28 17:17

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 275275)
BTW, are there any features anyone wants to see added to Quick Clip Viewer? I think mapping the +/- hardware keys to change font size, and a nice find/search implementation is next on the list...but anything else?

It seems I am unable to use the d-pad to scroll, so that needs work. Also, the kinetic scrolling seems mighty slow and unresponsive--quite unlike the kinetic in Tear, or even mytube. Those are some reasons why I am still using tear as viewer, despite still needing resolution on this issue.

BrentDC 2009-03-28 17:34

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

Originally Posted by mikeywilliams (Post 275277)
Thanks - worked perfectly.
I didn't have any ? in my settings dialog.
Then found the fix a page or so back so now I have help.
Thanks again.

Do you use a different language than en_US on your tablet? If so, that may be the reason.

BrentDC 2009-03-28 17:45

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

Originally Posted by lm2 (Post 275290)
It seems I am unable to use the d-pad to scroll, so that needs work.

I added it to the list.


Also, the kinetic scrolling seems mighty slow and unresponsive--quite unlike the kinetic in Tear, or even mytube.
I think Tear uses its own kinetic scrolling implementation, and MyTube uses the other kinetic module I linked to earlier. The QCV's kinetic scrolling seems OK to me, are you sure something isn't sucking cpu cycles on your device or you have lots of apps open?


Those are some reasons why I am still using tear as viewer, despite still needing resolution on this issue.
I think bundyo posted the command:


/usr/bin/tear "file://%s"
Or does that not work?

lm2 2009-03-28 17:59

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!
that worked, thanks. i thought bundyo was saying that that would work only fromm cli.

BrentDC 2009-03-28 18:02

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

Originally Posted by lm2 (Post 275303)
that worked, thanks. i thought bundyo was saying that that would work only fromm cli.

Quick Clip's settings fields are like a non-interactive CLI -- pretty much anything that works from the terminal should work from there. :)

GeraldKo 2009-03-29 04:28

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 274840)
After a longer-than-expected wait, Quick Clip version 0.3.0 is available for download. New things in this version include a much improved help system (now integrated with hildon-help), and a builtin Quick Clip Viewer. Here is the full changelog:

* Switched to hildon.banner for information/warnings/errors
* Now has Open button in settings dialog for easy file navigation
* Now uses hildon-help for builtin help
* Simplified About Dialog
* Added Donations sub menuitem
* Initial release of Quick Clip Viewer (beta)
* Now packaged with dpkg-buildpackage

You can download the new version from my website here.

I suggest putting an announcement of, and specified link to, version 0.3 into your first post on this thread.

BrentDC 2009-03-29 15:24

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

Originally Posted by GeraldKo (Post 275417)
I suggest putting an announcement of, and specified link to, version 0.3 into your first post on this thread.

Yes, thanks, I forgot to do that! Done.

BTW, last night I requested an invitation to upload to Extras, so once I'm approved, I'll upload this version to Extras.

New/Test versions from here on out will be first posted here as a .deb to make sure everything is working, then will be pushed to Extras. :)

Un27Pee 2009-03-29 16:56

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 275275)
BTW, are there any features anyone wants to see added to Quick Clip Viewer? I think mapping the +/- hardware keys to change font size, and a nice find/search implementation is next on the list...but anything else?

change font size and edit colour underline will be nice, also viewing the text it will be nice to implement a return text entry instead of using the horizontal scrollbar to scroll the long list of text, if it does not give you more unnecessary task, the current state is awesome and thanks for this app, i was having hard time using it but since version 3 i can fully take advantage of the new features.

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