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conny 2009-05-26 16:09

Looking for translators
The new version of Conboy is translatable, therefore I'm
looking for translators!!!

To make a translation, just fill out the attached file and send it back to me. There are really not many strings to translate so it should be a matter of about 5 minutes :)

Existing translations:
  • German
  • Polish

It would be really really great if someone could help me here. My French totally sucks :D and other languages I've never learned...

You can download the template file here.

conny 2009-05-27 18:49

Conboy 0.4.4 Released
4 Attachment(s)
Well well well.... Originally I didn't want to make another 0.4.x release, but because I don't really have any new killer features 0.5.0 wouldn't be apropriate ;)
Still there are some minor fixes which I don't want to keep from you.

So there it is -- to celebrate the 1000th download, here is the first completely fremantleified, backupable and translatable Conboy version :)

Changes since the last release:
  • Added support for maemo backup
  • Added support for i18n
  • Added german translation
  • Fixed memory leaks
  • Fixed bug 4121: Conboy freezes when title of a note is empty
  • Fixed bug: Font size 'normal' is ignored in the style menu
  • Changed search window to be more Fremantle conform
  • Keyboard shortcuts now working with Fremantle

If I'll get some more translations, I'll release them in another 0.4.x version. If not, the next version is hopefully 0.5.0 which should bring my (personally) most requested feature: Synchronization.
The Tomboy guys are hard at work to bring us an online note synchronization platform and I'm hoping to _not_ fail on implementing that for Conboy.
Have a look at this blog.

I was investing quite some time to make this version look and (hopefully) feel nice on Fremantle. Now that we know that the next tablet/phone will probably have a smaller screen, I think it's even more important that the Fremantle version is completely finger friendly, including large menu and kinetic scrolling. I'll attach some screenshots soon.

Exciting times ahead :)

Baloo 2009-05-27 18:53

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
I love tomboy, in fact I live out of it. Every phone call I get at work, every bit of inspiration I get is written down on a tomboy note. Good to see it come to the tablets.

/me goes off to download and install it now.

conny 2009-05-27 18:57

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by Baloo (Post 291095)
I love tomboy, in fact I live out of it. Every phone call I get at work, every bit of inspiration I get is written down on a tomboy note. Good to see it come to the tablets.

/me goes off to download and install it now.

That's really cool, then now I have a power user to test it. Please share your thoughts here or directly file bug reports!
Thanks :)

Baloo 2009-05-27 19:01

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
Will do!

I wonder if it will cope with a import of all my existing notes :)

conny 2009-05-27 19:06

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by Baloo (Post 291102)
Will do!

I wonder if it will cope with a import of all my existing notes :)

Yea, that could be the first problem. There could be problems if you are using Tomboy plug-ins which add new tags to the file format. Also I only tested it with about 60 notes. It could be that the "link as you type" features gets slow with more then 100 notes. But everything should be fixable :)

fpp 2009-05-27 19:07

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)
I didn't know tomboy before, but I find conboy very useful on the tablets, even by itself.

I can imagine that the ability to sync with another instance would make it terrific.

I just realised that I've been using it for a while without saying thanks here. Do you have a French translator already ? If not I'll do the French strings, that will be my contribution :-)

Baloo 2009-05-27 19:15

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by conny (Post 291105)
Yea, that could be the first problem. There could be problems if you are using Tomboy plug-ins which add new tags to the file format. Also I only tested it with about 60 notes. It could be that the "link as you type" features gets slow with more then 100 notes. But everything should be fixable :)

I'm in the 1000's of notes but I don't use plugins outside of the sync plugin that allows me to sync notes with a remotely shared directory so I can use tomboy on multiple machines.

I'll let you know how conboy copes :)

conny 2009-05-27 19:17

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by fpp (Post 291110)
I didn't know tomboy before, but I find conboy very useful on the tablets, even by itself.

I can imagine that the ability to sync with another instance would make it terrific.

I just realised that I've been using it for a while without saying thanks here. Do you have a French translator already ? If I'll do the French strings, that will be my contribution :-)

First, thanks for the nice feedback. It's always good to hear what people are thinking - especially if it's positive :D

There is not yet a French translation, so this contribution would be very welcome! It looks like the next version needs an 'about' dialog to mention the translators :)

Then I'll count on you! If you need any help with the file format or something, just write me.

conny 2009-05-27 19:22

Re: Conboy - Note Taking Application (Tomboy clone)

Originally Posted by Baloo (Post 291117)
I'm in the 1000's of notes but I don't use plugins outside of the sync plugin that allows me to sync notes with a remotely shared directory so I can use tomboy on multiple machines.

Wow - holy crap :D Then I'm really interested in feedback. Unfortunately I think that typing will get awful slow. But then at least I have a reason to optimize the search algorithm...


Originally Posted by Baloo (Post 291117)
I'll let you know how conboy copes :)

Can't wait :)

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