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pycage 2011-05-14 17:53

Re: The latest MediaBox

Originally Posted by Vlad_on_the_road (Post 1006002)
Too bad this software is not supported anymore. It's got really nice features !

Who says it's not supported? Release 2011.05.08 is now in extras-testing.

sydb 2011-08-04 22:43

Re: The latest MediaBox
I am running MediaBox 2010.09.11 on my N810 and it won't seek within MP3 files. Is this a known bug? Seeks ogg/flac OK. Files are on NFS.

eldiablo 2011-08-06 05:21

Re: The latest MediaBox
4 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by pycage (Post 1006305)
Who says it's not supported? Release 2011.05.08 is now in extras-testing.

Good to see it's still supported, but I got a ton of 'problems' installing on n800. I guess the new n800 version isn't ready?

Screenshot12 shows conflicts, the others show a list of dependencies, and there's like 5 more screenshots of them!

Any tips on an easy way to install this to n800? If I try to install some dependencies they won't for whatever reason- conflicts, etc.

I hope it gets out of testing and I can install it to my n800 before yt changes their code again!

Thanks for doing such great work pycage!

n800 with os2008

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