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Laughing Man 2009-06-08 19:28

Re: N900 compared to iPhone v3, Palm Pre, N97
I think that's generally Apple's style. They've don't announce product months and years before release. (usually)

Architengi 2009-06-08 21:15

Re: N900 compared to iPhone v3, Palm Pre, N97
The new iPhone 3GS announced today comparision with the old iPhone 3G:

Very interesting: Users can update the OS of the iPhone:
iPhone OS 3: available worldwide June 17th, free for all iPhone customers. $9.95 for iPod Touch customers.

It is free the update for iPhone and $9.95 for iPod.

Nokia has to LEARN about OS upgrade (OTA).
It is impossible for Nokia S60 OS to be upgraded !
For instance: S60 v3 FP1 cannot be upgraded to s60 v3 FP2. The same version of OS, just different Feature Pack and no upgrade possible! This is not normal, there are many applications running ONLY on s60 v3 FP2, so users with old Nokia hardware have no chance. This is a bit of a shame! Nokia should learn from Apple!

attila77 2009-06-08 21:41

Re: N900 compared to iPhone v3, Palm Pre, N97
This is cool but Apple has 2(.5) devices to support, Nokia 50+. So not exactly the same level of effort.

sachin007 2009-06-08 21:44

Re: N900 compared to iPhone v3, Palm Pre, N97

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 294702)
Apple releases iPhone 3GS, a faster iPhone

NYTimes. Quite impressive, even if Steve wasn't presenting.

Seriously no multitasking!. What is the use of a processor bump without multitasking?

MMMotors 2009-06-08 22:20

Re: N900 compared to iPhone v3, Palm Pre, N97
It's interesting to look at the chart at the top of the thread and consider the iPhone 3G costs $99 as of today.

And comparing devices in a slightly different bent - is anyone else concerned that releasing an n900 type of device on Tmobile will be a huge detriment? Sure, Nokia doesn't market to the US, but releasing a device on a carrier with such comparatively abysmal 3G coverage compared to ATT isn't going to help things. I went into BestBuy a few days after the G1 was released, and the reps appeared to be trained to warn people about Tmobile's coverage before selling it to them.

All of these devices look great overall, but each with a decidedly annoying wart -

N900 - Tmobile?
iPhone - physical qwerty is nice, many other reasons stated in this thread
Palm Pre - Can't do voice and data at the same time
N97 - super duper expensive, perhaps end of the line for S60

Thesandlord 2009-06-08 23:04

Re: N900 compared to iPhone v3, Palm Pre, N97
The new iPhone + jailbreak looks nice. Really nice. iPhone 3.0 finally brings standard features, all but Flash.

Right now, for me personally, Flash (and non jailbreak multitasking) is the only thing iPhone is missing.

Architengi 2009-06-08 23:29

Re: N900 compared to iPhone v3, Palm Pre, N97

Originally Posted by Thesandlord (Post 294782)
The new iPhone + jailbreak looks nice. Really nice. iPhone 3.0 finally brings standard features, all but Flash.

Right now, for me personally, Flash (and non jailbreak multitasking) is the only thing iPhone is missing.

The new iPhone 3GS (v3) has VGA video at 30 fps (same as N97 and a bit low res than 800x480 of N900), has 3 MP camera with autofocus (not 3.2 MP) and a Tom Tom turn by turn GPS software. Also, as expected the RAM is 256 and a faster processor. They say the device is 2 times faster. Maybe for N900 compared to N810 it will be even more than 2 times faster. What do you think?

ARJWright 2009-06-09 02:12

Re: N900 compared to iPhone v3, Palm Pre, N97

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 294706)
Interesting why Apple are releasing it so soon after the announcement...

You mean that its not normal to announce something and have its hardware and software ripe and ready to capitalize on the release buzz ;

/sarcaism but not so much

Thesandlord 2009-06-09 02:26

Re: N900 compared to iPhone v3, Palm Pre, N97
Arch, was that question directed at me?

Not sure what you mean by 800x480 for N900, because that is the screen size, not the video capture. iPhone has a shitty small resolution, but the OS is slick enough that it does not make much of a difference.

See, now we know it will be difficult if not impossible to play emulators on the n900, its almost pointless. That was basically the only advantage, because no matter how hard this community works, I don't think we can make games better than the iPhone ones.

I think N900 will win here in overall (using) speed, but this is because of multitasking. iPhone will probably win in ease of use and app speed.

After using the N810, I have found this to be slightly useless. Slightly. There are a lot of cool things you can do with the tablets, like WEP cracking, USB host, etc. Its a really good "hackers" toy. However, 80% of it can be done on a iPhone, and 90% on a jailbroken iPhone. Its that 10% that really draws people however.

Whatever though. I really want to see all of them first.

tso 2009-06-09 03:38

Re: N900 compared to iPhone v3, Palm Pre, N97

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 294706)
Interesting why Apple are releasing it so soon after the announcement...

Usually apple do not pressent a product unless its ready for sale either the same day or the next. However, with mobile phones there is the issue of fcc approvals, as they are made public (allowing sites like engadget to pull "fcc friday"). Therefor apple had to announce the original iphone without their customary next day availability.

Apple is one fine tuned marketing machine. Rather then risk a accidental product release on their online shop, they take down the whole page when its time to add new entries...

And their physical shops do not have tech support, instead its the "genious bar". And yes, its styled as a actual bar. And please reserve your visit beforehand...

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