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R-R 2009-12-15 20:12

Re: Irreco for N900

Originally Posted by casper27 (Post 427447)
The ir sensor does work by enabling internal lirc


/etc/init.d/lirc start
This needs to be done as root.

The problem comes when trying to download already working remotes as they use the irtrans backend which is not supported yet. You can build your own remote specifying the internal lirc as source but it is a little hit and miss with the model types. I have successfully changed channels and turned off mky Sony Bravia 32500s model. I am just trying to fine tune it into working with all the buttons as I cannot find a way to incorporate buttons from different models which work.

Have you used a model other than yours because yours wasn't listed?
I have an Insignia TV and there is only one of them listed which is not mine but then again the interface is a bit awkward...

I'll have to figure out how to link buttons to a d/led remote's actions... or bruteforce my "codes".

casper27 2009-12-15 20:31

Re: Irreco for N900
QTirreco works nearly perfect. Have got a fully functional sky+ remote. Its in app manager not sure which repository. Looks better as well but not alot of pre remotes so u have to build your own which is easy enough.

R-R 2009-12-16 15:06

Re: Irreco for N900

Originally Posted by casper27 (Post 429496)
QTirreco works nearly perfect. Have got a fully functional sky+ remote. Its in app manager not sure which repository. Looks better as well but not alot of pre remotes so u have to build your own which is easy enough.

Problem isn't so much building the remote interface / link to command but to get those command for the right TV in the first place...

I'm trying to setup lirc on an older laptop with a proper IR port to figure out how to record the whole of my remote to port it to the n900 and then u/l it!

( TV is an Insignia NS-PDP50HD-09 )


Good guides to get it going (create your own remote)

harriva 2009-12-17 07:17

Re: Irreco for N900

Originally Posted by casper27 (Post 429496)
QTirreco works nearly perfect.

If that's the case I'd suggest swift transition to QT for everyone and to forget old irreco.


Originally Posted by R-R (Post 430484)
I'm trying to setup lirc on an older laptop with a proper IR port to figure out how to record the whole of my remote to port it to the n900 and then u/l it!

If you succeed consider sending that config also to lirc project. Email to with device name and model.
That's where irreco stole configs in the first place.


harriva 2009-12-17 10:31

Re: Irreco for N900
I just uploaded irreco 0.8.10 to builder and it should find it's way to repository any moment now.

This version should fix socket opening thing.

On a side note I didn't test this version at all. Let the end users be my test subjects. :rolleyes:


R-R 2009-12-19 17:37

Re: Irreco for N900
The strange thing is it seems what is record is not always the same numbers on the screen, and not the same thing that is sent back from the n900 after either (and neither the same length).

I'll have to give it a second try soon! :)

harriva 2009-12-19 18:56

Re: Irreco for N900
0.8.11 version is out and maybe "cant open socket" is finally fixed.


Originally Posted by R-R (Post 434574)
The strange thing is it seems what is record is not always the same numbers on the screen, and not the same thing that is sent back from the n900 after either (and neither the same length).

I'll have to give it a second try soon! :)

Very long codes are cut at some point somewhere. I've tried using strace to solve issue but it seemed like everything went fine with irreco and I didn't have time to learn how to hack into driver and see if everything is fine there. You can try QTirreco.
Trying to record new codes sucks big times. Took numerous tries to get certain remotes recorded.


Clayton 2009-12-24 06:41

Re: Irreco for N900
Any idea on when a remote control app will make it out of testing?

smolomiami 2009-12-25 22:52

Re: Irreco for N900
where to download the irreco thanx

romanianusa 2009-12-26 04:49

Re: Irreco for N900

Originally Posted by smolomiami (Post 441741)
where to download the irreco thanx

You have to open up extra-devel

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