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frals 2009-10-06 12:52

Re: Brainstorm: MMS Support
Since the final SDK is out now, I've been browsing through the packages included and it seems hard to get this in to the messaging ui as this seems to be closed (

I assume the other package which is interesting for us would be libtelcommon0 (only reference I've found so far to telephony) (closed as well).

On the other hand the rtcom-eventlogger does contain MMS as one of its default services...

allnameswereout 2009-10-06 17:06

Re: Brainstorm: MMS Support

Originally Posted by lma (Post 337753)
It can, but routing and DNS are going to be "interesting".

Why? You'd check A record of the defined MMSC, bring up ppp1, add a route to the resolved IPs (and keep default route as is; e.g. ppp0), and voila.

Frals, but for making a dirty hack, the SMS data is saved somewhere on the device I suppose? If you can grab the encoded SMS (containing URI) then you can decode the MMS, use wget (for HTTP; or something which supports WAP) to grab the data, and then decode the data using MMS decoder. If we have a dirty hack to get it working, maybe Nokia will do the rest or fix the proprietary aspect to allow us to get it working prettier integrated. Because for Nokia to include MMS they'd have to implement full standards & protocols like WML/WAP while we can hack something which works for this particular MMS use-case.

frals 2009-10-06 17:48

Re: Brainstorm: MMS Support

Originally Posted by allnameswereout (Post 340495)
Frals, but for making a dirty hack, the SMS data is saved somewhere on the device I suppose? If you can grab the encoded SMS (containing URI) then you can decode the MMS, use wget (for HTTP; or something which supports WAP) to grab the data, and then decode the data using MMS decoder. If we have a dirty hack to get it working, maybe Nokia will do the rest or fix the proprietary aspect to allow us to get it working prettier integrated. Because for Nokia to include MMS they'd have to implement full standards & protocols like WML/WAP while we can hack something which works for this particular MMS use-case.

Good idea! Can't wait to get my hands on a device to test something like this... :)
I'll do some digging to see where received SMS is stored (hopefully even the non-standard-text SMS's are stored there as well), or what happends to "discarded" messages.
Also worth to have in mind is this might break the MMS transaction as you are suppose to acknowledge getting the MMS etc, but that's a problem to solve later. :-)

frals 2009-10-09 22:37

Re: Brainstorm: MMS Support
Been digging around the final SDK and reading the final API docs and haven't really found anything about where SMS are saved/how to hook in to it.
I've have, however, found quite a few rtcom calls that would be nice to have some documentation on, but those libs are closed.

Could anyone with a device check where the SMS's are stored (and possible try and receive an MMS and see what happens - I'd assume you end up with a webblink for it though)?

yerga 2009-10-10 09:45

Re: Brainstorm: MMS Support

Originally Posted by frals (Post 342958)
Could anyone with a device check where the SMS's are stored (and possible try and receive an MMS and see what happens - I'd assume you end up with a webblink for it though)?

The SMS are stored in a sqlite database in /home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/el.db (and all calls, etc).

I can't send me a MMS right now but I'll try later today (if someone here want send me one before would be nice, PM me for details).

frals 2009-10-10 09:52

Re: Brainstorm: MMS Support
Cool, thanks! :)

Just realised there's a talk on telepathy and how it's used for SMS and how to use telepathy from your own application. Hopefully someone can record it / get the slides or something as I'm sure it will be some help in that presentation. :)

frals 2009-10-12 22:11

Re: Brainstorm: MMS Support
Waiting for slides/video of the telepathy on maemo presentation as that will hopefully provide us with some valuable information.

Until then, since there is ~300 more N900s in the wild - could anyone with a device check with dbus-monitor if there's a dbus-signal on incoming SMS(/MMS)?
And/or if the SMS control messages for the MMS ends up in ~/.rtcom-eventlogger/el.db?

Have been searching through the documentation and have not yet found anything on this, or have I just missed the right doc so far?

frals 2009-10-13 09:38

Re: Brainstorm: MMS Support
Just discussed this on IRC, appearently this was discussed at the summit.

To implement sending/receiving somewhat properly appearently we are going to need some kernelwork. (I'm still unclear exactly what's needed - I assume it's the different routing and stuff discussed on the wiki page.)

The workaround for sending would be a sharing plugin (and a free MMS-gateway service, I assume).
Receiving... Hopefully your carrier sends you an SMS with a weblink to get the MMS.

I still think its possible to implement MMS sending/receiving with the limitation of having to tear down the current connection and opening a new one to the MMSC. Which would somewhat limit the functionality as true push MMS as it wouldn't function when using the connection, but better than nothing ;)

EDIT: The kernel issue is with establishing a network connection to the carriers MMSC.

mohannad 2009-10-13 20:04

Re: Brainstorm: MMS Support

Originally Posted by frals (Post 345176)
I still think its possible to implement MMS sending/receiving with the limitation of having to tear down the current connection and opening a new one to the MMSC. Which would somewhat limit the functionality as true push MMS as it wouldn't function when using the connection, but better than nothing ;)

EDIT: The kernel issue is with establishing a network connection to the carriers MMSC.

Does that mean that for now there is no way of getting 'real' MMS Support on the N900?

Like someone else mentioned here, this is not only a useful function for a lot of us but also a pride thing. Im a developer and ill be more than happy to help if someone has already started working on this (ie. is in the process of writing code)

frals 2009-10-13 20:12

Re: Brainstorm: MMS Support
For *real* MMS support, a kernel patch is needed afaik.

I do however still think that it should be possible to implement some pseudo-real way of doing it, and am still working to find out more on how to actually do it. Feel free to help anyway you can :-)

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