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Bidybag 2009-10-17 17:09

Re: Is there an MSN type client on the Nokia n900?
Anybody tried this:

Says it supports MSN

zerojay 2009-10-17 17:40

Re: Is there an MSN type client on the Nokia n900?
Fring isn't available yet.

Yes, theoretically protocol plugins from Pidgin should all work through telepathy-haze. In practice, not so much, but we're trying.

I know I sent the guys working on telepathy-haze what I used to get facebook chat working along with some other protocols. I'm sure we'll see those come out eventually.

MSN started working for me again recently. Strange.

bemymonkey 2009-10-17 18:43

Re: Is there an MSN type client on the Nokia n900?
Can you say from experience with the previous Maemo devices (N900 will probably be my first) that the support for all the different will be added in a reliable form? Or do they usually turn out as half-functional user-written apps?

Jaffa 2009-10-18 11:41

Re: Is there an MSN type client on the Nokia n900?
Extra account plugins integrate fully into the out-of-the-box Contacts and Conversaions applications.

They work really well, and much nicer than separate applications.

bemymonkey 2009-10-18 11:43

Re: Is there an MSN type client on the Nokia n900?
Awesome. :)

joshua.maverick 2009-10-19 01:09

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)
anybody find out if this was corrected?

zerojay 2009-10-19 01:18

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)
I thought I had already reposted to this thread. Hmm. Seems everything's back to normal now... so MSN's back to working.

qhorse 2009-10-19 14:54

Re: Integrating Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN)
Can this plugin be found on the maemo select store or easily enough ?

cheers :)

Venomrush 2009-11-12 18:28

Fring spotted on Extras
From nokiAAddict:

Fring now on the N900 i saw it on the extras inside the app manager on n900

mikec 2009-11-12 19:48

Re: Fring spotted on Extras
Wow its all happening, the cream of the Symbian and Linux apps on their way.

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