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znihello 2010-06-01 07:34

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
I have tested OVI maps on N96 and Sygic on N900. Imho Sygic is better.
Sygic has speedcam warning. More config options. Way much faster (maybe because of CPU in n900?)
Both makes good routes.

Jkill 2010-06-01 07:42

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
I would be happy to pay for Sygic, if only they had Australian maps :|

anaskr 2010-06-01 07:50

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
indian maps too :D !! the one on my n82 i had was nokia ovi maps and they used to work like a charm

HowlingWolf 2010-06-01 07:54

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
search the web mate

HowlingWolf 2010-06-01 07:55

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?

Originally Posted by Jkill (Post 693102)
I would be happy to pay for Sygic, if only they had Australian maps :|

search google

crambo63 2010-06-01 08:10

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?

Originally Posted by Raubtier (Post 691814)
can someone who has used both sygic maps and ovi maps (with voice nav) tell me which one of the two is better and why?

I have used both, Ovi on my N95, Sygic on my N900.

I can give you my opinion but, as with all opinions, this is subjective...

Interface: Maybe not a fair comparison as this is more hardware dependent but Sygic just shades it for me. Ovi is simpler to set up prior to setting off but Sygic is easier on the fly. It is a bit quirky at times but once you're familiar, it's fairly straightforward.

GPS: Sygic is quicker to lock, especially when moving but again, probably more to do with hardware. Sygic arrow lags behind actual position by about 20m (I know there is a mod that can help) but again not a problem for me as I quite like seeing the turn ahead rather than being on top of it....

Routing: I've had some "interesting" journeys with both but have always reached my destination which is really all that matters to me. Don't really use it for known routes so woudn't know if it took me the long / wrong way....Sygic's roundabout handling can be a bit confusing 'go straight over the roundabout' is used for just about every exit....

POI: Sygic seems to be missing some rather big ones.....

Voice Guidance: Sygic could be louder through the N900 but I plug into car speakers so not an issue for me. Preferred the female voice of the Ovi over the male Sygic but not a deal breaker.

Stability: I have found Sygic more stable but again could be more hardware based as I found my N95 used to lock up on complicated routes.

I drove from Scotland through and around France and back again with my N95 and it was perfect. N900 has only been used around the UK but no problems so far.

I keep my N95 in the car as backup but have never had to use it.

Both do the job and, reading my own post, it would seem I just about prefer Sygic but you pays your money (I hope) and makes your choice.....

Jkill 2010-06-01 08:32

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?

Originally Posted by HowlingWolf (Post 693121)
search google

you must have a special Google as I can't get anything for Sygic and Australian maps, unless it is an unofficial solution, it is not on the sygic website ..

HowlingWolf 2010-06-01 08:36

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?

Originally Posted by Jkill (Post 693183)
you must have a special Google as I can't get anything for Sygic and Australian maps, unless it is an unofficial solution, it is not on the sygic website ..

send me yr email

qwazix 2010-06-01 09:15

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
I think ovi maps is much much better than sygic. Sygic has that old style pna-ish interface. Also the fact than ovi shows you which roadsign to follow on the titlebar removes all confusion in multi-intersections. Also I find that ovi maps calculates the route faster, and I like the voice commands "at the end of the road" "next possible turn" etc.
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Ryno 2010-11-15 02:14

Re: N900 free ovi navigation?
Hello HowlingWolf,
I just got a Nokia N900 last week and am in Sydney.
If you could send me where you found the Sygic for N900 australia that would be great. I did have it on my N97 is this the same map file?

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