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kryptoniankid17 2009-12-07 21:10

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 411632)
witter 0.1.0-7 should now be in extras testing for the n900
I'm keeping a page on my blog up to date

now with kinetic scrolling and a fremantle style menu.

looks very promosing. congrats on your 1st app. Have you reached out to any of the ui guys for any help.

kryptoniankid17 2009-12-07 21:24

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by kryptoniankid17 (Post 415276)
looks very promosing. congrats on your 1st app. Have you reached out to any of the ui guys for any help.

my bad on the first app comment.

dwould 2009-12-07 21:30

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by kryptoniankid17 (Post 415314)
my bad on the first app comment.

nothing to feel bad about...I'm no UI guy, at the moment I'm worrying more about learning enough python to be able to implement core function.
I'll take suggestions on the UI, but given I'm not certain I'd be able to implement them. It would seem a little premature to ask others to come up with designs.

joshua.maverick 2009-12-07 21:30

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by kryptoniankid17 (Post 415276)
looks very promosing. congrats on your 1st app. Have you reached out to any of the ui guys for any help.

I'm down to help out if the developer is, I think the functionality looks great. My mock up could use some tweaking too, I'll mess around some more if I get the okay from the dev.

dwould 2009-12-07 21:34

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by tso (Post 414884)
Just want to say, nice work :D

I seem to have bumped into a issue with 0.1.0-4 where it fails to save user name and password on exit. This is on a N800/N810 btw.

right, I think I fixed that in fremantle. I probably ought to spend some time figuring out the diablo version. I've added a few things which are fremantle only, without much thought. perhaps once I've got the source into SCM it will be the right time to make things neater for the two versions

Originally Posted by tso (Post 414884)
On the scrolling side, i am not much fan of kinetic scrolling, but it may work better on witter vs mauku, as witter do not have a double-tap action on entries. That is, if you get so far as to implement drag to scroll on the N810 version at all. Optionally i guess you could just do a wider scroll bar, so that its easier to use with fingers (see modest as an example).

There is a small issue with the long-tap menu, where even tho it shows a focued menu, one have to tap the menu twice before it shows any sub-menus.

I've noticed that problem with the long-tap menu, and I have no idea why it happens. if I figure it out, I'll try to fix it

Originally Posted by tso (Post 414884)
And some of the text flows under the scroll bar, rather then shift the word down to the next line.

Oh, and a feature request. It would be nice if a long-tap menu option would be to show the timeline for the specific user, as sometimes its nice to dig back and see what kind of entries a user have made lately.

I tend to use 'search' and search for a user to pick up their history at the moment. Though it's a fair request,

dwould 2009-12-07 21:38

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by joshua.maverick (Post 415162)
how about a layout similar to this? It's a quick mock up but do you think it would be beneficial to make it a little more visually pleasing?

Interesting layout. Any particular reason for buttons down the side? I suppose my feeling was that I wanted the entire width for tweets.
I'm very conscious of making the most of the screen real estate.

dwould 2009-12-07 21:40

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by tso (Post 415249)
i found myself thinking, would it be possible to trigger the long-tap menu using center dpad?

would be useful when one scroll thru the list using the dpad anyways.

I've no idea what button the cetrer dpad maps to, I would have assumed it would be something like enter. assuming it has it's own key event, I guess there is no reason why it *couldn't* be triggered that way.
though as I said on a previous post, I need to spend some time to ge thte source into SCM, and properly arranged for diablo/fremantle because at the moment I'm focusing on fremantle and it's not easy ot keep things in step.

dwould 2009-12-07 21:47

Re: witter - a python twitter client
ok, I don't know if auto-builder is asleep, or just busy. but it's taking it's time...
In theory witter 0.1.1-1 is going into extras-devel

It contains reply_to support.
if a tweet is in reply to another, it will load the other and put it in small text beneath the time stamp. Unless the replied to tweet is from a private feed. For some reason even if you are authorised to see the original tweet, the API for getting a specific single tweet blocks access.

if you tap-hold on someone you can select reply_to which a) fills their username in the text entry field, and sets a flag with the tweet it. if you submit a tweet it will get marked as a reply to that selected tweet. if you change your mind, just deleting the username should do the trick.

there is a ReTweet option too...but it's not working, all it does is copy the tweet text to the text entry, at that point I realised that included all the formatting that I'd added to the tweet. so I need to think longer on this one

error notifications are now hildon 'notes' instead of dialogs

text entry is now hildon.Entry

buttons are now hildon buttons (but I've haven't done anything to work around styling not being applied right)

I'll probably keep this version in extras-devel for a while to sort a few more big things out. But I thought I'd let people know it's coming...assuming auto builder eventually does it's thing

dwould 2009-12-07 21:50

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by thp (Post 414762)
AFAIK has a Twitter-compatible API, so just having a "API URL" setting should be enough to support as well (with the default being the URL of the Twitter API).

Since you were so helpful with your post, the 0.1.1-1 build contains the ability to 'toggle serviceType' in the main menu.
this switches the root url from twitter to

At the moment this is just so that you (or anyone with an account) can check that it does basically work with the switched urls. assuming that bit is as simple as that, then I'll think more about how to integrate this, and the multiple account request into something a bit more structured.

bdogg64 2009-12-07 22:29

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 415398)
Since you were so helpful with your post, the 0.1.1-1 build contains the ability to 'toggle serviceType' in the main menu.
this switches the root url from twitter to

At the moment this is just so that you (or anyone with an account) can check that it does basically work with the switched urls. assuming that bit is as simple as that, then I'll think more about how to integrate this, and the multiple account request into something a bit more structured.

Just saying thanks for the work your doing. Keep it up!

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