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aboaboit 2010-04-07 07:12

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

Originally Posted by Taomyn (Post 597319)
I'm not worried about the configuration file, it's the database file that gets corrupted and should be removed by uninstalling.

AFAICT, the database is normally treated as a configuration file from dpkg's perspective. Use --purge to do what you need.

Taomyn 2010-04-07 07:42

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

Originally Posted by aboaboit (Post 598876)
AFAICT, the database is normally treated as a configuration file from dpkg's perspective. Use --purge to do what you need.

Perhaps that's one of the reasons they decided on .rpm for MeeGo or does that have such annoying policies as well? If so, it's going to be another reason for such OSes to find it harder to go mainstream - I can just see phone operator helpdesks trying to explain how to "purge" unneeded files.

Any word from the developer about getting the corrupted database issue fixed?

aboaboit 2010-04-09 11:02

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

Originally Posted by Taomyn (Post 598898)
Perhaps that's one of the reasons they decided on .rpm for MeeGo or does that have such annoying policies as well?

Policies exist for a reason: suppose you're uninstalling the package for a db server, try imagining how fun it'd be to see the data thrown out. No, not for a broken db, any db!

If you believe that the Application Manager (i.e., the gui, not the package manager which is dpkg) should use --purge instead of --remove, try submitting a bugreport / brainstorm (but do check the current situation first!)

The decision to go with rpm for MeeGO has nothing to do with such small details, afaict.

Now, back to the original question... any news about a fixed version?

Taomyn 2010-04-09 11:43

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

Originally Posted by aboaboit (Post 602582)
Policies exist for a reason: suppose you're uninstalling the package for a db server, try imagining how fun it'd be to see the data thrown out. No, not for a broken db, any db!

This isn't a server but a consumer device, and even on most systems, be it *nix Windows or OSX, the "uninstall" should at least push the question "Would you like to retain the data for a future install/upgrade", not automatically assume you want to leave junk behind.


Originally Posted by aboaboit (Post 602582)
If you believe that the Application Manager (i.e., the gui, not the package manager which is dpkg) should use --purge instead of --remove, try submitting a bugreport / brainstorm (but do check the current situation first!)

Ah, thinking like a true *nix-head. No, I believe that if Maemo/MeeGo stands any sort of chance of gaining a decent foothold for use in "consumer" devices then it needs to grow up and become more user friendly (as most *nix flavours still need to do). This kind of thinking doesn't help - asking people to "root" into their device and then type in obscure command-line instructions is a step backwards.


Originally Posted by aboaboit (Post 602582)
Now, back to the original question... any news about a fixed version?


attila77 2010-04-09 11:58

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

Originally Posted by Taomyn (Post 602628)
Ah, thinking like a true *nix-head. No, I believe that if Maemo/MeeGo stands any sort of chance of gaining a decent foothold for use in "consumer" devices then it needs to grow up and become more user friendly (as most *nix flavours still need to do). This kind of thinking doesn't help - asking people to "root" into their device and then type in obscure command-line instructions is a step backwards.

This has nothing to with Maemo/MeeGo. The system just plays safe by not removing anything that could be of value. If it should be deleted for whatever reason, the developer of the app is free to pop up an uninstall dialog where you can remove config files, data files, whatever. The 'obscure command-line instructions' are actually a feature, a way to do something the original developer forgot to do. Think about cleaning a Windows XP registry and you'll realize that *nix is actually BETTER at doing this than most 'user friendly' OSes.

jaysire 2010-04-09 12:00

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser
I may be talking only for myself now, but I would definitely want "next air date" to ALWAYS be in the future or "today". Next air date can not be "yesterday" according to my logic.

At a glance I would want to know when the next episode is coming out. It's unlikely that I will remember to always cross off the episodes I've watched, so I just want to fire up Series Finale and immediately see what show is airing today or soon, whether I've crossed off the past episodes or not.

Other than that, thanks for a very nice app!

Oh - one more thing. I can't delete any shows at all, it seems. Nothing happens if I try. I have V (2009) listed, but sadly, I first added the original V series and now I can't delete it.

(By deleting .osso/seriesfinale I can start from scratch of course, but after that, if I make a single mistake, I can't remove a show I don't want anymore).

jrocha 2010-04-09 14:51

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser
Hi folks,

I'd like to tell you that I have fixed the issues with the & characters and the deletion of the shows.

It will be available in the next release, which I want to do this weekend.

Thank you all for taking the time to help me tackle these issues.

Taomyn 2010-04-09 15:03

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

Originally Posted by jrocha (Post 602947)
Hi folks,

I'd like to tell you that I have fixed the issues with the & characters and the deletion of the shows.

It will be available in the next release, which I want to do this weekend.

Thank you all for taking the time to help me tackle these issues.

That's great news, many thanks. Does this "fix" current databases or will we have to start them again? I think many of us are used to the latter now ;)

jrocha 2010-04-09 16:26

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser
Hi Taomyn,

I always *try* not to broke the database. I even had included some verifications to "migrate" the database to new schemas when needed.

The problem is that when eventually there's a problem with the loading of the db and it fails to load any show, when quitting the application it will overwrite the db file, hence erasing any shows records you had.
I am gonna work on a way to avoid this.


aboaboit 2010-04-09 19:49

Re: SeriesFinale - TV episode guide browser

Originally Posted by Taomyn (Post 602628)
... not automatically assume you want to leave junk behind.

Again, keep in mind that dpkg and the application manager are two different entities and I very much like dpkg the way it is, thank you.


Originally Posted by Taomyn (Post 602628)
This kind of thinking doesn't help - asking people to "root" into their device and then type in obscure command-line instructions is a step backwards.

Please don't put words in my mouth I didn't say: I welcome any changes that make the GUI finger-friendly *and* user-friendly.

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